Quack Plant-based Doctors: Diabetes is caused by ...

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2024 Feb 5, 7:10pm   622 views  30 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  


LOL. I guess that's why type I and sometimes II diabetics have to take fatsulin injections, to keep their blood-fatty acid levels normal.


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9   SoTex   2024 Feb 6, 8:45am  

Yeah, that video is BS but protein can also spike insulin.
10   GNL   2024 Feb 6, 9:17am  

RayAmerica says

Without any medication whatsoever, my condition improved dramatically to the point that I am considered pretty much cured, and, 15 years later, I'm still alive. I'm actually healthier now and feel better than I did 30 years ago. My BMI is at 21.2, and that's with an athletic build. My blood pressure is typically 65/115. All because of diet and a little exercise.

That's an inspiring story.

@RayAmerica - how old are you?
11   gabbar   2024 Feb 6, 9:29am  

RayAmerica says

Without any medication whatsoever, my condition improved dramatically to the point that I am considered pretty much cured, and, 15 years later, I'm still alive.

Wow. And kudos to you. We should have a thread where we should post the best comments of each patnet member. This could be helpful and inspirational.
12   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 6, 4:09pm  

GNL says

RayAmerica - how old are you?

I'll be 72 in March. Most people can't believe that I'm that old. By the way, my wife also went on the same diet. She is 65 and looks at least 15 years younger. Her BMI is actually slightly better than mine and her blood pressure is excellent.

A couple of years ago, we were attending a presentation put on by a Dr. that specializes in natural treatment via highly nutritional plant based food. By chance, I talked with one of the attendees who told me that he was given a death sentence due to a STAGE 4 untreatable cancerous brain tumor. He went on the Dr.'s regiment which also included high doses of Intravenous Vitamin C. He told me that his tumor completely disappeared and that his regular Drs., who now say that he is officially in remission, are completely baffled.
15   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 6, 6:10pm  

Yeah, if you look at pre-obesity America, McDs and many restuarant French Fries were cooked in Burger fat, from diners to grandma's everything was slathered with real butter or lard.

If eating plant-based oils and grains were so healthy, then South Indian mostly Hindu Vegetarians should be the healthiest in the world, they have among the highest rates of diabetes and heart disease that goes back before the post 70s obesity boom.

When Pritikin introduced his diet, and eating bread and pasta to lose weight and using "Healthy plant oil Margarine instead of Artery Clogging Butter" was the thing in the 80s and 90s pre-Atkins, that's the biggest jump in adult onset diabetes among all age groups.

I never remember Mayonaise having Soybean Oil as a top 3 ingredient growing up. Or seeing it period; now it's in everything. Pretty sure when it was invented centuries ago, soybean oil wasn't a common ingredient in France.

We know that sugars and refined plant oils make people fat; whereever they're introduced obesity, adult onset diabetes, and heart disease goes up.

The longest lived, healthiest people are the Japanese, Greek Islanders, and the Scandinavians, and it's all fish, diary, olives, and/or pickled vegetables (interestingly the one thing they have in common). Meanwhile the Indian Hindus are dropping dead of massive heart attacks at 45 despite eating a high veg, no meat diet.
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 6, 6:14pm  

RayAmerica says

Although I thought I was on a healthy diet (which was staying away from red meat

Beef is probably the healthiest meat you can ingest. There are people who are on all red meat diets and are very healthy. Of course they eat the whole cow, because just like humans, the cow passes different nutrients to different areas.
17   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 6, 6:16pm  

RayAmerica says

STAGE 4 untreatable cancerous brain tumor. He went on the Dr.'s regiment which also included high doses of Intravenous Vitamin C.

This!! Has to be intravenous for ultimate absorption, and very high dose. Many hospitals won't do it though, so not a bad idea to have it specified in a legal document should you fall ill.
18   HeadSet   2024 Feb 7, 9:06am  

AmericanKulak says

The longest lived, healthiest people are the Japanese, Greek Islanders, and the Scandinavians, and it's all fish, diary, olives, and/or pickled vegetables

You may want to check that. Japanese rarely eat olives (outside of tiny Shodoshima) and about 90% of Japanese are lactose intolerant. Even cheese is not popular in Japan.
19   Ceffer   2024 Feb 7, 11:34am  

Well, I have been on my modified paleo for over a year and a half. It's impossible to avoid all processed foods. However, no sugar, corn starch or sucrose containing stuff (cakes, cookies, candies or crackers) that can be avoided, no margarine, no ketchup or mayonnaise, no seed oils that can be avoided, no bleached white starches or breads, and especially, no breakfast cereals or Raman soups etc. Concentrations have been on fruits, vegetables, protein animal, natural butter, eggs or otherwise, nuts, berries, salads, with the 'Clif High' recommendations tilting towards high percent fat and protein and 10 percent carbs (natural if possible). No matter the food propaganda from the fake authorities, fats don't make you fat. The adulterated carbs, sugars and seed oils are designed to topple the metabolic cart. The lobbies preach "anti-health" for the food poisoning interests. I guess you could call it Satanic inversion nutritional advice.

My last round of tests a few months ago showed reduced sugar (H1Ac), my lipids already normal or good went down except HDL (so called good lipid) went up. All other tests couldn't be better so far. I have lost weight naturally without otherwise dieting, still losing but slowly now. I have grown hair back in some areas that had gone soy, my beard is like nails. I feel healthier, my healing is great, although I have never been high energy. I suppose they will have to 5G me harder now. I have some more tests shortly, so I'll see how it goes.

Just think like a Gates or Globalist Psychopath about how and where you would undermine and poison foods and alter the supply chains. Wheat, of course, is first and foremost, and the meal most vulnerable and while stumbling around in the morning, breakfast cereals. Give the kiddies their massive dose of sugar, grain poisons and hormone inhibitors before they even step out the door, because they come in cartoon boxes telling you they are full of vitamins and they are 'convenient'. Make sure their 80 vaccine shots and boosters are full of shit that complete the bug spray.
20   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 7, 11:47am  

HeadSet says

You may want to check that. Japanese rarely eat olives (outside of tiny Shodoshima) and about 90% of Japanese are lactose intolerant. Even cheese is not popular in Japan.

Sure, I was trying to write about all 3 of them, the Greeks and Swedes are high diary intake, a mistake on my part. The Japanese DO eat plenty of fish and salted and pickled vegetables and the heavily salted pickled items is one thing they all have in common. None of the three is a "Low Sodium" diet.

None of them eat copious amounts of carbs - flatbreads (pita, tunnbrod), small amount of noodles or rice (Japan).

Just like the real healthy "Mediterranean Diet" is Bologna, Salami, Anchovies, very little pasta or bread. The Northern Italians who eat fish, meat. and cream sauces are skinnier and live long, the Sicilians that stuff their face with pasta are fatter and die young.

When the famous "Med Diet" study was done, it was just after WW2 when everybody was broke (and couldn't afford to eat what they preferred). A few years later, the Northern Italians went back to their usual diet of antipasto and cream sauces.
21   WookieMan   2024 Feb 7, 12:36pm  

I find fasting works well. I just eat at night and it's whatever I want and as much as I want. Almost always chicken, beef or pork. Veggies incorporated in most cases. Try to do an hour of something physical, like a brisk walk. Or a short run or a hike at the local quarry that actually has some elevation change for IL. Otherwise I gotta drive an hour or more for better hikes here which sucks.

I think the bigger key is not taking medication. It's been about two decades since I swallowed a pill. Dramamine was the last one for a cruise. This last cruise I actually bought the relief band. Slightly uncomfortable. But ZERO nausea or sea legs. Otherwise no pain killers. No headaches. Not fat. I also never have to shit during the day which is awesome. Knock that out in the morning and I'm good for the day. No road stops.

Just handled a 2.5 mile in hike with 1,600' elevation change and then back out 2.5 miles down basically on ice. Was drinking heavy in Montana the last week at altitude. 20lbs cooler on my back with mountain lake beers for me and a buddy. Hard work for a flat lander, but if you saw my week, you'd be shocked I did it. Any yes I know I'm probably a baby here at 40.

Overthinking diet also causes more stress. Stress is bad. Whether it's processed foods, vegetable, seed oils, etc. stress is the worst thing for your body. Remember we're not even alive without fasting. You woke up and hunted or gathered/grew fruits and veggies before we had modern tech or your family died 400+ years ago. Ate food at night/evening. You were rich if you were fat because you didn't have to do that. Post WWII is when US people started getting fat. We have the fattest poor people on the planet. They're supposed to be skinny...
22   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 8, 7:49am  

Big diet changes are scary, as bad as moving. Going into the grocery store and feeling lost, like I don't know what to buy anymore. Have done it a few times, and after the initial stress/panic, things calm down, and I make the adjustment. If you have the money, can pay a coach to do it for you. Worth the stress, but try to pick manageable changes, such as no added sugar(excluding honey), or no seed oils. Not both at once though..
23   Blue   2024 Feb 8, 10:01am  

AmericanKulak says

Meanwhile the Indian Hindus are dropping dead of massive heart attacks at 45 despite eating a high veg, no meat diet.

I am not going to counter but after observing the diabetes and cardiovascular diseases which is common among "South Asians" who comprise diverse set of cultures and diet with and without meat. There is one thing common that fat get saved in liver and abdominal areas compared to any other race/ethnicity that creates all sorts of issues. I don't know the factors involved why, interbreed at one point and may still being done in some communities. In one estimate overall ~10%. To make situation bad to worse that food affordability got better and gov is putting everyone on welfare who claim "poor" (a 1B+) mostly with processed carbs!!

Given the above risks, for my self, I watched few videos from Dr. Pradip Jamnadas on fast and feast diet.
Ex: The INSANE BENEFITS Of Fasting & Foods You Need To STOP EATING! | Dr. Pradip Jamnadas https://youtu.be/Yg6UhhV_K1s
He also recommends avoid seed oils and sugar totally but eat butter instead!
I take variety of nuts of 30g and small quantity of steal cut oat and barley for breakfast and fruits, in total one cup max.
Occasionally drink one cup of tea/coffee with monk fruit sugar (0 cal).
For lunch, generally dozen+ varieties of small quantities of beans and legumes (50%) and veg(50%) plus occasionally fish/chicken.
Generally either skip or small quantity dinners. Now my BMI bounces around 19.x-20.x. Hope it could cut down some risks.
25   mell   2024 Feb 10, 7:06pm  

Blue says

He also recommends avoid seed oils and sugar totally but eat butter instead!
I take variety of nuts of 30g and small quantity of steal cut oat and barley for breakfast and fruits, in total one cup max.
Occasionally drink one cup of tea/coffee with monk fruit sugar (0 cal).
For lunch, generally dozen+ varieties of small quantities of beans and legumes (50%) and veg(50%) plus occasionally fish/chicken.
Generally either skip or small quantity dinners. Now my BMI bounces around 19.x-20.x. Hope it could cut down some risks.

If you do all this plus fasting you will be eating healthier than 80% if not 90% of Amercians, kudos. IMO mainly because of the intermittent fasting and the legumes plus veggies, the daily nuts and skipping most sugar. However I think red meat is actually better cause it's usually more nutritious, I would prefer it over chicken, esp. if you don't eat much meat. Also you may want to check the recent erythriol studies (found in monk fruit and stevia) and the increased clotting risk. People want to replace sugar so badly, but I'd say in moderation it's better than any of it's replacements, except for avoiding sweeteners completely of course.
26   Blue   2024 Feb 10, 10:49pm  

mell says

Also you may want to check the recent erythriol studies (found in monk fruit and stevia) and the increased clotting risk.

Thanks, just looked up and found the clotting risk that I missed it before! I will stop it, I got it few months ago after someone I know suggested that its safe!
27   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 10, 11:18pm  

Blue says

but after observing the diabetes and cardiovascular diseases which is common among "South Asians" who comprise diverse set of cultures and diet with and without meat.

The highest rates are specific: South India, which is overwhelmingly Hindu and vegetarian.

The biggest leg up in obesity was replacing meat fat/lard/butter in cooking with sick seed oils.

A lot of 'cheap meat' these days has soymeal mixed in. Go look at frozen meatballs or the cheaper hot dogs. Many cheaper supermarket and fast food chains use plant oil based "Cheese" on Pizza and soymeal burgers.

There's a video on how corn oils and soy oils are made. It's not like olives, they're not just pressed or boiled. They're subject to a massive lengthy process involving hexane and other non-natural chemicals. Corn "sugar" is impossible without modern chemistry.

Go to the salad dressing section of a supermarket and try to find a dressing that doesn't have seed oils as a top listed ingredient. The Italian Dressing should be called "Canuck Dressing" because it seldom has any olive oil in it at all and it's all Cannola/Rapeseed (Canada-oil = Cannola=Rapeseed based). I make my own dressing from plain old mustard and vinegar, or avocado oil and vinegar.
28   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 10, 11:32pm  

Tisdale to vote on replacing "Land of Rape and Honey" sign.


Rape didn't focus group well with women potential customers, which is why it's main use is called Canada Oil, or Canola Oil.
29   stereotomy   2024 Feb 11, 7:33am  

Maybe if they switched to Beef and Poultry production they could call themselves the "Land of Cock and Bull."

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