"Weird rule where they have to tell you what they will do"

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2024 Mar 28, 9:21pm   1,410 views  42 comments

by steverbeaver   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

OK, so... I was plugged into chudnet and something caught my attention. It was the recurring theme of said title. One chudanon started posting segments of Utopia (ca. 2010) and I think that one was the third fly (a la The Last Witch Hunter) for me.

I think it seems worthy to discuss. Here are my current thoughts on the subject; I am curious as to what you are willing to share...
-on one hand, I think that once you are mentally capable of being a piece of shit human you can write this fiction and it is nothing more than that... or pursue it.
-on another, a concern-free life gives way to social disassociation / lack of empathy due to no practical experience. POS's that lose their humanity, being losers graft upon aforementioned creative art / work product; further being a POS, they pursue said perverse ideas because they are blind idealist / are detached from reality and inevitably revel being that way.
-on another, above figure perceives real- or imagined- truths in aforementioned fiction and pursues its enforcement

Third, how does this fit with said topic and above considerations. What are you willing to share (use caution here)? Do you find the considerations incomplete or have your determined that there are way too many coincidences for current state to be accidental (pro-tip MFers have already confessed on video).

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4   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Mar 28, 9:51pm  

Best post so far in 2024!

Fuck those Utopians!
5   stereotomy   2024 Mar 28, 9:52pm  

Courtesy of Urbandictionary:

Little balls of poop that get stuck in your ass hair. You might pull them out and hide them in amusing places, i.e. behind your mate's ear.
I got some serious chudnuts after i took that crap last night, dude!
by The Poofinder General January 18, 2006

Racist, bigot, misogynist, narcissist, anti-feminist, ignorant idiot or persons
Wow Kyle is such a chudnut for that comment on African American stereotypes!
by enlightenedkidd August 18, 2017

Libbyfuck troll incoming!
6   steverbeaver   2024 Mar 28, 9:56pm  

"Chudnet" is just a euphemism for "random free speech site" chatter. I am specifically asking about this perceived theme of where the retarded-rich, who in their detachment become complete POS and develop disdain for the masses, cook up awful plans that are enacted upon. The catch is, they have some wierd rule of having to tell you beforehand, like a dab to a downie's head prior to blowing off his head off. I am simply asking the question of whether fellows here have noticed such pattern, and if so and are willing to share thoughts, what insights do you have.
7   Ceffer   2024 Mar 28, 9:57pm  

There's the thing where the ancient adherents of Satanism believe religiously in karma. Therefore, they have to announce at least once whatever evil they plan to inflict on you, hopefully in a way you will dismiss or ignore, then the karma is on you after that.

Also, they act through the agency of corruptible others as much as they possibly can rather than doing the dirty work and wet work themselves, thus avoiding the direct bad rebound karma.

Of course, when populations understand actually who they are, where they are located, their true Satanic intentions and what they have done, resulting in their being dragged into the streets and hung and burned periodically, it has no doubt fashioned their views on karma.

Acting through agency with blame-able puppets taking the brunt of the negative karma seems also to have been part of their dynastic psychopathic learning process, along with name changing, impersonation and ready escape strategies.

We seem to be in such an era where they are being identified instead of their proxies, and they may be experiencing a prey vs. predator retaliation. At least one would hopium.
8   steverbeaver   2024 Mar 28, 10:02pm  

I think if you watch "the last witch hunter", the specific sequence of scenes I am referring to starts at ca. -1:24. They are investigating a "strange" murder.
10   steverbeaver   2024 Mar 28, 10:05pm  

Thanks Ceffer. I think you explain it fairly well.
I did not know such info, but the pattern recognition prompted me to ask. Like I said, the example of "Utopia" is but one in a series of slanting coincidences, thus my inquiry. It aligns with other messed up correlations e.g. the jab.
11   steverbeaver   2024 Mar 28, 10:08pm  

LOL yeah I stole CHUD term from mongolian underwater enthusiasts forum. However it's not limited to them. There are some really, really funny memes about it.
12   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 29, 6:59am  

Yes, they believe in it, and yes it has happened. Look into pandemic movies prior to 2020. Look at that Netflix farce we're a train derailed, and it was literally filmed in East Palestine. Look at the many, many, MANY predictive programming images about 9/11 found in movies, box art, TV shows, etc.
13   komputodo   2024 Mar 29, 7:01pm  

stereotomy says

Little balls of poop that get stuck in your ass hair.

I prefer the POOP CRUMBS, as coined by Nicole Ritchie in an episode of "the simple life". Also her name for a Rooster Comb...His jiggly thing.
14   richwicks   2024 Mar 29, 8:00pm  

NuttBoxer says

Yes, they believe in it, and yes it has happened. Look into pandemic movies prior to 2020. Look at that Netflix farce we're a train derailed, and it was literally filmed in East Palestine. Look at the many, many, MANY predictive programming images about 9/11 found in movies, box art, TV shows, etc.

Then tell us what is up next.

There are a lot of bullshit things in films.

I think the jackasses get their ideas from films, they don't make the films. This pandemic for example was supposedly going to be a catastrophe - was it? The media has been pushing pandemics since 2000. Remember "The Avian Flu"? AIDs was going to kill us all at one point, Fauci even said it might be passed by just simple physical contact.

Fauci is an asshole.
15   steverbeaver   2024 Mar 29, 8:46pm  

@richwicks yeah that's definitely plausible, especially when considering that many of these "people" have a parasitic existence (they don't create anything but instead live off of others' work product).
16   komputodo   2024 Mar 29, 10:54pm  

richwicks says

Remember "The Avian Flu"? AIDs was going to kill us all at one point,

Mad cow disease
17   Tenpoundbass   2024 Mar 30, 8:10am  

steverbeaver says

"Chudnet" is just a euphemism for "random free speech site" chatter. I am specifically asking about this perceived theme of where the retarded-rich, who in their detachment become complete POS and develop disdain for the masses, cook up awful plans that are enacted upon. The catch is, they have some wierd rule of having to tell you beforehand, like a dab to a downie's head prior to blowing off his head off. I am simply asking the question of whether fellows here have noticed such pattern, and if so and are willing to share thoughts, what insights do you have.

So are all of the Cool Kids conformists these days?
18   Tenpoundbass   2024 Mar 30, 8:22am  

stereotomy says

Courtesy of Urbandictionary:

Little balls of poop that get stuck in your ass hair. You might pull them out and hide them in amusing places, i.e. behind your mate's ear.
I got some serious chudnuts after i took that crap last night, dude!
by The Poofinder General January 18, 2006

Racist, bigot, misogynist, narcissist, anti-feminist, ignorant idiot or persons
Wow Kyle is such a chudnut for that comment on African American stereotypes!
by enlightenedkidd August 18, 2017

Urban Dictionary has definitions for words that sound like they were written by some pimple faced kid, that kind of knows what they mean, but gives you his feelz like definition of them.

apparently chudnuts are "Dingle Berries" and if you need further clarification. Then you probably shouldn't be writing for the defacto Slang Dictionary, for the Ministry of Information.

and LOL I love Stevebeaver's definition of Chudnut, how it practically was saying the samething as stereotomy... You know Nazi!

"Chudnet" is just a euphemism for "random free speech site" chatter

Free Speech = Nazi. Sounds like a Commie hijacking of the words "Fucknut", "Dillhole", "Dipshit", and "Jive Ass Mother Fucker" which as you know all mean the same thing. It's just another way of saying "Commies"
19   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Mar 30, 9:41am  

komputodo says

stereotomy says

Little balls of poop that get stuck in your ass hair.

I prefer the POOP CRUMBS, as coined by Nicole Ritchie in an episode of "the simple life". Also her name for a Rooster Comb...His jiggly thing.

20   PeopleUnited   2024 Mar 30, 3:22pm  

This is for the most part superstition. Now there are some obvious predictive programming events such as event 201 sponsored by Bill Gates in the fall of 2019 just before the virus was released in Wuhan.
21   Patrick   2024 Mar 30, 3:32pm  

Ceffer says

Also, they act through the agency of corruptible others as much as they possibly can rather than doing the dirty work and wet work themselves, thus avoiding the direct bad rebound karma.

I'm worried about this. I want the very top people to be hanged for imposing the scamdemic lockdowns and toxxine mandates, not to hang just their proxies while letting the ultimate criminals go free.

For example, Fauci must be hanged for his crimes against humanity, but there are others above him orchestrating the crimes, and it is yet more important to hang them. I suppose Bill Gates is one of those, but given that he was one of Epstein's dupes, it must go higher.
22   Ceffer   2024 Mar 30, 3:36pm  

PeopleUnited says

This is for the most part superstition. Now there are some obvious predictive programming events such as event 201 sponsored by Bill Gates in the fall of 2019 just before the virus was released in Wuhan.

I watched many of the 201 proceedings and personally did not believe them because they were so egregious. There was one segment where a creep complete with German accent was leering while he described police state tactics (obviously the goal having nothing to do with health) dragging people around under force of arms who were non-compliant.

So much for disbelieving the devil when he tells you to your face what he plans to do.
23   steverbeaver   2024 Apr 1, 1:13am  

@TPB, it seems that you are unaware of the chudwars. I think you will find it funny, will post it I promise (sorry I am internet code-illiterate and am tired most times).
24   steverbeaver   2024 Apr 1, 1:19am  

Patrick says

Ceffer says

Also, they act through the agency of corruptible others as much as they possibly can rather than doing the dirty work and wet work themselves, thus avoiding the direct bad rebound karma.

I'm worried about this. I want the very top people to be hanged for imposing the scamdemic lockdowns and toxxine mandates, not to hang just their proxies while letting the ultimate criminals go free.

For example, Fauci must be hanged for his crimes against humanity, but there are others above him orchestrating the crimes, and it is yet more important to hang them. I suppose Bill Gates is one of those, but given that he was one of Epstein's dupes, it must go higher.

This is correct. All the rest is bullshit. I would expect such "smart" people to forecast there being multi-millons of kinetic "me's" just waiting in the wings for shit to decay far enough for them to slip in. As for me, I had the choice to either remain silent or paint, so I chose.
25   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Apr 1, 7:10am  

richwicks says

Then tell us what is up next.

I've been telling you, for a while. Feel free to read any of my posts/comments around economics, government, and bio-digital convergence. Since 2008, very little has happened that has surprised me.
26   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Apr 1, 7:12am  

PeopleUnited says

Now there are some obvious predictive programming events such as event 201

This was game-planning, not predictive programming. They like to practice, rehearse, and practice some more. That's not the same as stuff like Leave the World Behind.
27   Tenpoundbass   2024 Apr 1, 8:30am  

steverbeaver says

TPB, it seems that you are unaware of the chudwars. I think you will find it funny, will post it I promise (sorry I am internet code-illiterate and am tired most times).

I look forward to it.
28   rocketjoe79   2024 Apr 1, 8:40am  

AI is trolling PatNet. Had to happen sooner or later.
29   richwicks   2024 Apr 1, 9:01am  

NuttBoxer says

richwicks says

Then tell us what is up next.

I've been telling you, for a while. Feel free to read any of my posts/comments around economics, government, and bio-digital convergence. Since 2008, very little has happened that has surprised me.

No. People who say there's a needle in a haystack, and it's my responsibility to find the needle aren't worth believing.
30   PeopleUnited   2024 Apr 11, 6:55am  

NuttBoxer says

PeopleUnited says

Now there are some obvious predictive programming events such as event 201

This was game-planning, not predictive programming. They like to practice, rehearse, and practice some more. That's not the same as stuff like Leave the World Behind.

What is shown in TV and movies is desensitizing people to the Antichrist dystopian future the globalists are building. And event 201 was desensitizing the same way, just with a different audience, in this case empowering and equipping them with essentially hatred for and dehumanizing their fellow humans.
31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Apr 11, 7:05am  

richwicks says

No. People who say there's a needle in a haystack, and it's my responsibility to find the needle aren't worth believing.

I don't give a fuck what you believe. And patnet is less than 1% of the entire internet. And looking through my posts is less than 1% of that. You literally give people shit on here all day long when they refuse to do any research, and now you are doing the same.

Your belief doesn't change reality, and that's all I care about. You can stick the hypocrisy up your ass.
32   PeopleUnited   2024 Apr 11, 12:02pm  

Yep that’s about right.
33   steverbeaver   2024 Apr 26, 7:59pm  

Hello friendos. After much consideration, (thank you, braintrust, for your contributions), I have concluded that: ART AS EXPLORATION OF IDEAS IS NEUTRAL MAGIC. Now, it is fucked up that some people use art to explore sick ideas but, it is still just ideas. As free-speech supporters ALL IDEAS PURSUED TO THEIR END ARE ACCEPTABLE; ACTING ON THEM IS ANOTHER MATTER. I think this is a fair assessment but you guys may persuade the conclusion to change if you can provide compelling reason. Now, on to the CHUD story for TPB (lol).
34   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 26, 8:11pm  

@steverbeaver this is dead on. Predictive Programming might be this rule in practice, or serve dual purpose.

Great post, TY.
35   richwicks   2024 Apr 26, 8:15pm  

NuttBoxer says

I don't give a fuck what you believe

What I care about is that people DON'T believe you.

You have poor credibility. You are dangerous and recklessly dishonest.
36   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Apr 26, 8:40pm  

richwicks says

NuttBoxer says

I don't give a fuck what you believe

What I care about is that people DON'T believe you.

You have poor credibility. You are dangerous and recklessly dishonest.

37   steverbeaver   2024 Apr 26, 10:06pm  

Gentleteam, please, no need to infight, sorry to see disagreement. You all have contributed many good ideas, at least from my simpleton's perspective. I value that we converge on the most robust ideas (!).
38   rocketjoe79   2024 Apr 26, 10:12pm  

I look forward to the day we see dueling AIs on Patrick.net. Let the games begin.
39   richwicks   2024 Apr 26, 11:03pm  

rocketjoe79 says

I look forward to the day we see dueling AIs on Patrick.net. Let the games begin.

I would like to live in a world where being factually correct is well regarded. Most problems in this world can be traced back to simple deceptions.

If our media did not lie and if our politicians were held to the standard of being correct, it would be a tremendously better world.

Does anybody disagree with this? I am tired of living in a world of lies. Aren't you?

If Americans knew there was a coup in Ukraine, if they were properly informed that began a civil war there might be billions saved and hundreds of thousands alive.

So endeavor to be accurate and informed. The reason I ask for sources is we created hyperlinks 3 decades ago. It's never been easier. I do what I ask others to do as well.
40   steverbeaver   2024 Apr 26, 11:21pm  

rocketjoe79 says

I look forward to the day we see dueling AIs on Patrick.net. Let the games begin.

WTF? Nigger?
41   steverbeaver   2024 Apr 27, 12:55am  

ahem (so as to not be derailed)
"Hello friendos. After much consideration, (thank you, braintrust, for your contributions), I have concluded that: ART AS EXPLORATION OF IDEAS IS NEUTRAL MAGIC. Now, it is fucked up that some people use art to explore sick ideas but, it is still just ideas. As free-speech supporters ALL IDEAS PURSUED TO THEIR END ARE ACCEPTABLE; ACTING ON THEM IS ANOTHER MATTER. I think this is a fair assessment but you guys may persuade the conclusion to change if you can provide compelling reason. Now, on to the CHUD story for TPB (lol)."
42   steverbeaver   2024 Apr 27, 12:56am  

ya know, as a late gen X-r myself I take great pleasure in reaching the zoomers+

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