Iran attacking Israel

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2024 Apr 13, 6:35pm   7,098 views  155 comments

by RC2006   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Look like it's starting now let's see how much we get dragged into it.

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4   HeadSet   2024 Apr 13, 8:16pm  

Odd how Iran just launched a bunch of drones that will take hours to reach the target. Most will be shot down and Iran knows it. It seems Iran had to do something to save face from that embassy attack but did not want to provoke a major response.
5   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 13, 8:24pm  

RC2006 says

Look like it's starting now let's see how much we get dragged into it.

Typically, we ask Israel not to retaliate and 80% of the time they don't, like in the Gulf War. Not one US Servicemember ever died fighting for Israel in almost a century.

Meanwhile, to bring the Mahdi, the Iranian Government wants to start or appear to start WW3, because that's the only way he'll emerge from the Holy Well of Qom.

Middle East "Experts" love to whinge about "Apocalyptic Pentecostals and Evangelicals", but never mention Twelver Shi'a Islam has a militant apocalyptic bent to it.
6   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 13, 8:28pm  

"If we just give Iran $6B via Qatar through 'hardnosed diplomacy' everything will be fine. Send Kerry!" - The Biden Regime

7   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Apr 13, 8:28pm  

HeadSet says

Odd how Iran just launched a bunch of drones that will take hours to reach the target. Most will be shot down and Iran knows it. It seems Iran had to do something to save face from that embassy attack but did not want to provoke a major respons

Didn't they launch 150 missiles as well? C'mon, Alex Jones said so!
8   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 13, 8:37pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

... and the guy is a 2 ft tall midget. Scary situation indeed. 🤡
9   richwicks   2024 Apr 13, 8:56pm  

HeadSet says

Odd how Iran just launched a bunch of drones that will take hours to reach the target. Most will be shot down and Iran knows it. It seems Iran had to do something to save face from that embassy attack but did not want to provoke a major response.

Hezbollah did, not Iran. Its just a lie that Iran is tied to the hip with Hezbollah.

The purpose of the missiles was to exhaust the missiles of the Iron Dome in my bet.
10   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 13, 9:30pm  

Ayatollah gets smacked for supporting terror using Biden's Billions parked in terror financing HQ, Qatar

Ayatollah must save face. Launches some shitty drones at Israel for PressTV to gloat about.

Israel shoots them down. PressTV exaggerates damage and hints that attack was highly effective and that the Zionists are lying.

Things go back to "Middle East Quiet" for a few weeks, then something else happens somewhere.

People acting like this is the beginning of WW3.

The only thing of real importance here is THE GIFT OF THE DEMOCRAT RIFT between money donors and the purpled haired/AWFL base. And the ammunition that Biden/Kerry and the leftoid schmucks at State's "$6B Iran Bribe" failed royally, as predicted by GEOTUS.
11   richwicks   2024 Apr 13, 10:21pm  

AmericanKulak says

Ayatollah gets smacked for supporting terror using Biden's Billions parked in terror financing HQ, Qatar

That particular money, from what I hear (so take that with a grain of salt), is was with the money that Iran made prior to their revolution, and before the hostage crisis. That isn't money they didn't earn.

AmericanKulak says

Ayatollah must save face. Launches some shitty drones at Israel for PressTV to gloat about.

Again, I don't believe it's Iran, it's Hezbollah. Israel threatens and bombs Lebanon all the time. Are they financed by Iran? I can't say, but I know our media can't be trusted at all at this point. This is a consequence of them lying so frequently.

The point of the missiles is not to hit a target, it's to use up the ABMs of the Iron Dome.

We have self driving cars today, how hard is it to make a machine that drives a car loaded with explosives into Israel to detonate? I'm loathe to give them ideas even mentioning this.

AmericanKulak says

People acting like this is the beginning of WW3.

WW3 has been going on for a while. Some people say it began with the overthrow of Ukraine, I believe it began with this invasion of Iraq over the non existent weapons of mass destruction program.
12   komputodo   2024 Apr 13, 10:33pm  

richwicks says

Again, I don't believe it's Iran, it's Hezbollah. Israel threatens and bombs Lebanon all the time. Are they financed by Iran? I can't say, but I know our media can't be trusted at all at this point. This is a consequence of them lying so frequently.

How about it's neither? Just another false flag to create fear in the usa and get support for more funding to israel and to bomb Iran. Oh wait, they wouldn't do that.
13   Ceffer   2024 Apr 13, 10:35pm  

Always glad to hear how the Uniside are Hegeling our dialectic. Warming up the ovens for Moloch or whatever demon human sacrifice they are into.
14   Ceffer   2024 Apr 13, 11:49pm  

A vid of some of those Iranian missiles they assured us were 'shot down'. I'm glad they were shot down, I'd hate to see what they would have done if they had hit their targets.


15   richwicks   2024 Apr 14, 12:32am  

komputodo says

richwicks says

Again, I don't believe it's Iran, it's Hezbollah. Israel threatens and bombs Lebanon all the time. Are they financed by Iran? I can't say, but I know our media can't be trusted at all at this point. This is a consequence of them lying so frequently.

How about it's neither? Just another false flag to create fear in the usa and get support for more funding to israel and to bomb Iran. Oh wait, they wouldn't do that.

I just view this as a terrible evil that is killing people. I oppose it entirely to the point I may end up in prison oneday. I'm forced to pay for this, and I completely, totally oppose it.

But I have a disconnect, I view many people at this point as not really people. I was a vegetarian for 25 years because I had too much sympathy for animals, I might in time lose my sympathy for what I'm told are human beings. This conflict can be resolved. I used to value life much more, as I age, I'm losing my ability to connect.
16   richwicks   2024 Apr 14, 12:35am  

Ceffer says

A vid of some of those Iranian missiles they assured us were 'shot down'. I'm glad they were shot down, I'd hate to see what they would have done if they had hit their targets.

They weren't intended to hit their targets, if they had any targets at all. They are designed to use of the missile defense system of the Iron Dome. When those are exhausted, they will have missiles intended to hit targets if they decide to escalate.

Reason and reconcile seems to be something the madmen of our world hate though. I view the United States, the West and Israel as insane, because I know them best. Perhaps the whole world is controlled by the insane.
17   Ceffer   2024 Apr 14, 10:20am  

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but ultrasonic rockets will never reach me (at least according to the never truthful news outlet mediums).

"It's all under control, folks, nothing to see here. Just a test probe of our dwindling firework defenses. We're in bunkers, so they didn't touch us, and we are still here to steer you into the furnaces, so take good cheer!"
18   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 14, 11:05am  

The Left and the Iranian Simps aren't going to get what they want.

In a few months, there will be a non-Hamas government in Gaza, and despite the best efforts of the Left and the "Anti-Khazarians", Israel will be in a much better position to their infinite sadness.

Maybe they'll go back to worshipping Maduro and Muh Bashar the Mighty Inherited Dictator Lion.
19   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 14, 11:45am  

Also, I'm laughing at how the bar has been lowered and the goalpost moved for "US is bleeding for ISRAHELL!"

Apparently, helping an allied country shoot down inbound missiles and drones with your own missiles and almost no risk of life or limb to US personnel is now the equivalent of a Fallujah or Hue City storming.

"My puzzle piece needs a good trimming to fit!"

When you move the goalposts, it's much easier to score with "Good calls" and "I told yas"

Notice also the wild claims that US troops would be involved in clearing Hamas out of Gaza never materialized. Remember a few months ago when they were all but certain at least 1000s of Green Berets would be sent in house-to-house fighting, and that the entire Arab world would turn on the US and WW3 was probably on the horizon?

The attitude of the Gulf States, except Terror Funding Qatar with the Money stolen from the Persian People to be handed over to Pompous Shi'a Clerics, has been quite blase. Egypt has done to great lengths to let the Israelis handle it and keep their border shut.

Also, total coincidence that once Biden handed over the $6B he took from the Persians and gave to the Theocrats of Iran, all of a sudden there's Red Sea Piracy, October 7th of course, and other bullshit happening. "Ignore this interesting coincidence. The Ayatollahs are really good like Muh Bashar the Holy Lion, and just wants to be left alone by funding Houthis in Yemen! Also don't ask why Hezbollah has such a Grip on Lebanon that used to be half Christian until many of them escaped abroad due to Islamicist violence. That hurts the worldview I've constructed. "
20   Ceffer   2024 Apr 14, 11:57am  

And, as usual usual, when there is a promulgated 'number', it isn't a genuine number, it's an occult codec or a reference.

21   Ceffer   2024 Apr 14, 11:58am  

Guess it isn't over until it's over.

22   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 14, 12:04pm  

Big Ol' Socialist Titties crying when Aid for the Iron Dome was passed in Congress, 2021.

The Squad voting on condemning the Hamas Attacks that left 1400 dead:

"Waaah, stop noticing the hardcore Commies in Congress hate Israel and love Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc. I don't see how it's relevant, mostly because it makes people ask why the Socialists are with me on this issue. Stop bringing it up!"
23   komputodo   2024 Apr 14, 12:49pm  

the media lies to us, the media lies to us...wait, this time I think they are telling the truth...tomorrow, the media lied to us again.....rinse and repeat.
24   WookieMan   2024 Apr 14, 1:27pm  

richwicks says

I just view this as a terrible evil that is killing people. I oppose it entirely to the point I may end up in prison oneday. I'm forced to pay for this, and I completely, totally oppose it.

Move then.... Stop the childish bitching.
25   stereotomy   2024 Apr 14, 1:49pm  

"Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread"
26   Booger   2024 Apr 14, 5:43pm  

Hitler is informed Iran has attacked Israel

27   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 14, 6:56pm  

WookieMan says

richwicks says

I just view this as a terrible evil that is killing people. I oppose it entirely to the point I may end up in prison oneday. I'm forced to pay for this, and I completely, totally oppose it.

Move then.... Stop the childish bitching.

LOL, 1400 dead from terrorists on hang gliders after Hamas - who broke a ceasefire with Israel with no notice or warning to do it - sent them into Israel. And the boo hoo is for entering the city and clearing it of the Hamas Government that ordered the terrorism. Not for the 1400 dead civilians gunned down at raves or in a sleepy village on a Sunday Morning.

Ah, inverted morality.

"Stalin had to kill the Kulaks, they weren't paying landless laborers a living wage! You should be focused on the cruelty of the Kulaks!"
"Suddenly, for no reason at all - not because he violated treaties and agreements left and right from prematurely reoccupying the Rhine, to rearming in violation of a Surrender agreement, annexing Austria illegally, or occupying ALL Czechoslovakia instead of JUST the agreed Sudentenland (Peace-in-Our-Time) or invading Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Luxemborg, and Belgium, or agreeing to divide Eastern Europe with Stalin and trading tech secrets for oil and metal -- people ganged up on my innocent, wonderful Hero of my Preferred Version of Socialism."
28   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 14, 9:15pm  

Ceffer says

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but ultrasonic rockets will never reach me

A what now?
29   WookieMan   2024 Apr 14, 9:23pm  

AmericanKulak says

LOL, 1400 dead from terrorists on hang gliders after Hamas - who broke a ceasefire with Israel with no notice or warning to do it - sent them into Israel. And the boo hoo is for entering the city and clearing it of the Hamas Government that ordered the terrorism. Not for the 1400 dead civilians gunned down at raves or in a sleepy village on a Sunday Morning.

I think Israel has every right to do what they're doing. I'm simply not taking a side. You kill someone in my family I will for sure kill everyone you've ever known. Not a joke.

My breakdown is it didn't have to be this way. Religion is toxic. So I'm not going to side with A or B. Let them fight it out. One side will win and it's likely the Israelis and it will cost them on the political level. But if that's what stops this bull shit, so be it.
30   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 14, 9:36pm  

WookieMan says

AmericanKulak says

LOL, 1400 dead from terrorists on hang gliders after Hamas - who broke a ceasefire with Israel with no notice or warning to do it - sent them into Israel. And the boo hoo is for entering the city and clearing it of the Hamas Government that ordered the terrorism. Not for the 1400 dead civilians gunned down at raves or in a sleepy village on a Sunday Morning.

I think Israel has every right to do what they're doing. I'm simply not taking a side. You kill someone in my family I will for sure kill everyone you've ever known. Not a joke.

My breakdown is it didn't have to be this way. Religion is toxic. So I'm not going to side with A or B. Let them fight it out. One side will win and it's likely the Israelis and it will cost them on the political level. But if that's what stops this bull shit, so be it.

I got you.

There's a very easy solution to the Israel problem, and that's when one side loses every war and the other side is willing to let them have a piece of land anyway, take the deal and stop being "I'm the chickenhawk and you're the chicken" about it going into the 4th generation now.

The Gulf Arabs are there, so is Egypt. Lebanon if it could get away from Syrian and Hezbollah interference in their elections would be as well.

The problem is some people keep apologizing and thus enabling war instead of telling the loser terrorists to STFU, stop terrorizing civilians, and accept a decent peace. Honestly cutting off all aid to Palestine for a year would do it. But it's going to happen now anyway once Hamas is gone - nobody will risk taking the power there until Hamas is eliminated. I suspect it will be the PA with Gulf Arab assistance taking over.

I think even without Trump there's a chance at permanent peace now. With Trump it's all but guaranteed.
31   Patrick   2024 Apr 15, 10:12am  


Confirming our theory about the carefully-planned nature of the Iranian attacks against Israel, the Jerusalem Post ran a revealing story yesterday headlined, “Iran informed Turkey in advance of its operation against Israel - Turkish source.” The article’s initial paragraph confirmed that Iran not only warned everybody about the attack ahead of time, but it was also to some extent negotiating its response with the Biden Administration:

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Turkey that any action had to be "within certain limits."
In other words, U.S. officials informed Iran its attack on Israel was okay as long as it met certain conditions. The article went on to describe President Blinken, I mean Secretary Blinken’s role in the talks, stamping the Secretary of State’s ugly, ever-present face onto the Iranian attack.

They kept the talks secret. But it might have been comforting for us to know that all the involved countries were discussing agreed limits for the attacks. Regular Israelis — everyday folks just wanting to go about their day and mind their own business — were terrorized all last week by nonstop air raid warnings and now have permanent PTSD now over the weeklong imminent strike status. The rest of us spent the week worrying whether World War III was right around the corner holding a two-by-four and waiting for its chance, and fretting about whether the Rapture could possibly still happen before the fun started.

Our governments have too many secrets. I’ll pen a post about that problem sometime.
32   Patrick   2024 Apr 15, 10:15am  


Victor Davis Hanson
“Don’t!”— Or Ten Ways to Guarantee a Theater-wide War

On the eve of the October 7 massacres, National Security Advisor bragged in an essay that his Mideast portfolio was “quieter than it has been for decades”. Now we are on the verge of a multifront Middle East war. How did Joe Biden inherit a decades-long regional calm and turn it into a precursor to a gargantuan war?

1. Talk loudly and carry a twig. Issue hollow Obama-like “redlines” or serial Biden threats to aggressive enemies like the vapid “Don’t!” Witness a U.S. President who works a 3-day week, struggles to read a teleprompter, and shouts more at conservative Americans than at America’s enemies.

2. Destroy hard-won deterrence. Abruptly pull out of Afghanistan. Abandon $50 billion in weapons to terrorists. Abandon a new $1 billion embassy. Abandon a $300 refitted air base. Abandon thousands of NATO allies, thousands of U.S. contractors, and thousands of Afghan allies. Lose 13 Marines in a horrific scramble to get out, while killing collateral Afghan civilians in a supposedly “righteous strike”. Call the entire American humiliation an impressive withdrawal.

3. Sit passively while a Chinese spy balloon traverses the continental U.S. Shoot it down only after days of escalating public outrage. Be afraid to call the Chinese out for the Wuhan-lab-generated, gain-of-function Covid-19 virus. Let Chinese diplomats dress down our silent and stunned secretary of state and national security advisor on American soil in Anchorage.

4. Assure Vladimir Putin that the U.S. reaction to a preemptive invasion of Ukraine would hinge on whether it was a major or “minor” invasion. Delay $100 million in military aid to Ukraine as Putin massed on Ukraine’s borders in hopes such forbearance would be reciprocated. Implore Putin to be more selective in his cyber targeting of U.S. infrastructure and institutions.

5. Coddle terrorist Iran. Seem eager to resume the Iran Deal. Lift sanctions. Allow $100 billion in oil profits to flow into Iranian coffers. Restore aid to the terrorist Palestinian authority and Hamas. Ignore Hezbollah’s terrorism. Remove the terrorist designation of the Houthis. Mostly ignore over 120 Iranian attacks on American installations. Transfer suspended funds to Iran at the rate of $1.2 billion for each American hostage it took.

6. Pressure Israel not to destroy Hamas—and not to reply to missile and drone attacks on the Israeli homeland. Threaten to cut off military aid to the only democratic government and longest U.S. ally in the Middle East should it finish off Hamas. Signal the Middle East that there is growing distance between Israel and America. Try to subvert if not overthrow the elected government of Israel. Transfer U.S. weapons stocks from Israel to Ukraine. Ignore thousands of missiles launched by Hamas and Hezbollah, and 100,000 Israelis internally displaced from their homes.

7. Run up the U.S deficit by $1 trillion every 100 days through reckless spending for entitlements, massive green subsidies, and DEI initiatives—while neglecting American shortages of munition stocks, arms, ships, and planes.

8. Recalibrate the U.S. military by substituting DEI criteria for past meritocracy. Accuse white males of being suspect white supremacists, then investigate them, then find no such evidence—and then suffer a shortage of a record 41,000 recruits. Lose the confidence of the American people in the military, so that less than half the population polls high confidence in the armed forces. Render the Uniform Code of Military Justice a mere construct.

9. Destroy the U.S. border for rank political purposes. Cancel all prior border enforcement. Abandon construction of the border wall. Allow in 10-million illegal aliens, among them thousands from hostile nations and some with terrorist ties. Provide generous subsidies, exemptions, and entitlements to immigrant lawbreakers, not always accorded to the U.S. poor.

10. Lose control of the world’s maritime commercial corridors. Allow the Chinese to harass allies in the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea. Allow the Houthis to shut down the Red Sea. Allow Iran to hijack ships in the Straits of the Hormuz. Witness the Black Sea become off-limits to maritime traffic.

11:31 AM · Apr 14, 2024
33   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Apr 15, 10:54am  

RC2006 says

Iran attacking Israel

I tried searching for all the Israel Attacking Iran threads I would have expected to find from the other week. Strangely, there were none. At least not with THAT title...
34   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 15, 11:17am  

Patrick says

Confirming our theory about the carefully-planned nature of the Iranian attacks against Israel, the Jerusalem Post ran a revealing story yesterday headlined, “Iran informed Turkey in advance of its operation against Israel - Turkish source.” The article’s initial paragraph confirmed that Iran not only warned everybody about the attack ahead of time, but it was also to some extent negotiating its response with the Biden Administration:

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Turkey that any action had to be "within certain limits."

Confirms my theory that this was a "Save Face for the Public and the Islamic World by making a big show of drones and missiles knowing the chances of something being hit were low"

It's not going to lead to WW3.
35   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 15, 11:19am  

NuttBoxer says

I tried searching for all the Israel Attacking Iran

Israel didn't attack Iran. It bombed a building in Damascus where an IRGC General of Spec Ops was operating. Funny as to why there is an IRGC General working out of Syria if the Iranians aren't coordinating things closer to Israel.

I'm sure the innocent General of the Revolutionary Guards Spec Ops Teams was just gathering information and totally not trying to help coordinate terror and missile attacks by Hezbollah on Israel.
36   Ceffer   2024 Apr 15, 11:31am  

It was a ball-less response, except it showed quite dramatically that the massed defenses of both Israel and the US murder monkey could be penetrated. The Iron Shield hymen was broken. The probing and penetration of the shields was at least part of the message.

So, in that sense, it was not entirely pointless. The rapid baloney response of 99 percent deterrence was unfiltered gematria propaganda. I would bet there are some nervous guys in the Israeli bunkers, except they have their escape hatches secured to to submarines or maglev tunnel trains already.
37   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 15, 11:50am  

Ceffer says

It was a ball-less response, except it showed quite dramatically that the massed defenses of both Israel and the US murder monkey could be penetrated. The Iron Shield hymen was broken. The probing and penetration of the shields was at least part of the message.

So, in that sense, it was not entirely pointless. The rapid baloney response of 99 percent deterrence was unfiltered gematria propaganda. I would bet there are some nervous guys in the Israeli bunkers, except they have their escape hatches secured to to submarines or maglev tunnel trains already.

The only videos I've seen of damage are misfires and accidents during their launch. One child was injured by some falling pieces of broken missile after it was intercepted.

Big lines at the Holy Sepulchre yesterday. Pilgrims undeterred by Radical Shi'a aggression.
38   WookieMan   2024 Apr 15, 11:54am  

AmericanKulak says

I think even without Trump there's a chance at permanent peace now. With Trump it's all but guaranteed.

While I think Trump would be a short term benefit, this 100% will flare up again with Israel and Palestine in the future after he's out of office. And he will be in office. Biden messed up and decided to run another time. I generally don't like Dems, but there were better options with functioning brains.

We need to be looking at 2028 at this point. The illegal immigrants is of concern voting wise, but there's a reason red states have been sending them to blue states. It won't change the vote and the Dems know that. Texas is the only concern since it's on the actual border and not everyone is caught. I think for once Republican are outfoxing Dems. I don't think they have the young crowd anymore that is willing to riot and cause mayhem.
39   RC2006   2024 Apr 15, 2:34pm  

As much as I like Trump, he is just be a speed bump. We can no longer set long term goals that are needed. Biden has wrecked the future and all of the illegals and foreign nationals will keep pushing us left. All of our enemies can just wait 4 years.
40   richwicks   2024 Apr 15, 2:40pm  

AmericanKulak says

LOL, 1400 dead from terrorists on hang gliders after Hamas - who broke a ceasefire with Israel with no notice or warning to do it - sent them into Israel. And the boo hoo is for entering the city and clearing it of the Hamas Government that ordered the terrorism. Not for the 1400 dead civilians gunned down at raves or in a sleepy village on a Sunday Morning.

Israel has been killing and subjugating the Palestinians for 75 years, and nobody cares until a small group fight back.

You only start the story from the middle.

Hamas is funded by Israel as well, you don't care about that. The leaders are in Qatar. That doesn't bother you. The whole thing is just another big false flag.
41   Ceffer   2024 Apr 15, 5:05pm  

Rocket skeets go from expensivo to DEW operational cheapsies? Space weapons and ground DEWs have gotta be tested sooner or later during the provocations. However, cheap defense is NOT in the interests of MIC funding. I wonder if some of those distinctive 'outer space' missile interception blasts were DEW. Blue rockets! Gimme blue rockets!

42   HeadSet   2024 Apr 15, 5:30pm  

Ceffer says

cheap defense is NOT in the interests of MIC funding.

Yep, no massive amounts of Davids using slings to take out the drones.
43   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 15, 5:51pm  

Look who helped shoot down Iranian inbounds!

Saudi Arabia acknowledged that it had helped the newly forged regional military coalition — Israel, the United States, Jordan, the United Kingdom, and France — repel an Iranian attack against the Jewish state early Sunday morning, according to a story on KAN News.


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