Once "AI" is revealed to be the fraud that it truly is, NVDA and its CUDA tech will tank.
@Patrick - Zero clue about AI, but with the amounts of comments here, you think you could automate a book for users with a lot of comments? I'm sure AI is trash, but I've done zero research or playing with any of it. Might be a way to monetize the site a bit. Charge users $5 for their AI generate book for the year 2020 or whatever year. Basically kind of a diary of your thoughts, politics, real estate, ideas at that time. We could also buy other users AI books.
Weird idea, but I know the site costs money for you, but just a random thought. Should be in the idea thread, but I'm too lazy. I'd love to see AF's book... lol. You could give top sellers a bonus as an incentive to get more people to write on the site.
I had not considered that. So instead of just printing out a user's comments into a book, actually have AI digest the comments into some coherent philosophy? I like it. I don't know enough AI stuff yet to do it, but I'll put it down as an idea.
What makes NVDA so special?