Why is it?

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2024 Jul 2, 12:20pm   678 views  34 comments

by komputodo   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

That so many americans are worried about israel and not their own country? The same goes for ukraine.

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14   mell   2024 Jul 2, 2:01pm  

Agreed. We should stop spending any money on either starting right now. Leeches
15   socal2   2024 Jul 2, 2:35pm  

mell says

You cannot cut every entitlement or welfare program over night without drastic consequences in your own country, if not civil war. But you can easily stop giving billions to Israel and the Ukraine and live Mas with zero repercussions. All for cutting entitlements but at least they get spent on the US economy, whereas the trillion in "foreign aid" just disappear. So komputodos question is totally valid

FFS - spending on Israel and Ukraine is a rounding error when compared to America's massive non-defense spending. Especially when we were sending Ukraine moth-balled weapons (like old cluster munitions) we had already set aside for decommissioning. It cost us less money to send old munitions to Ukraine to defend against Russian invaders than to try and decommission them here at home.

I'd much rather send a Billion dollars to the IDF or Ukraine (or even burn it!) than to send it to DC, San Francisco or LA so they can set up more needle exchange programs, more Drag-Queen story hours at public libraries, more bureaucrats and use that money to house illegal alien invaders.

I don't think some people have a clue how much money our country wastes on entitlements and how *destructive* these entitlements have been on our society/culture by breaking up the nuclear family. The Marxists want us to keep bankrupting our country on entitlements to continue the destruction of our society and make people totally dependent on government.
16   Ceffer   2024 Jul 2, 2:47pm  

You think Israel gives a rat's ass about USA? Many of their figures have bragged about destroying us through subterfuge. Of course, they are nothing but the hired guns of the Three Cities and that is mafia braggadocio.

Ukraine is pure Euro axis shit, has nothing to do with us except as a bounty for our political criminals bribed by the Euro corruptions and for the Pentagon to stage its bioterrors. NATO is Third Reich shit reborn. Everybody seems to forget that the Third Reich never surrendered, they just shifted venue to South America and Antarctica (and NASA), and in many ways, the Boys From Brazil still wield the European levers through Switzerland.

Israel will either be a burnt Satanic offering by the KMaf Nazis and the Rothschild Messiahs to Moloch and account holder harvesting (which seems to be the tendency at the moment) or it will become a peaceful coexisting technocracy as through the negotiated Arab accords (Jared Kushner)? Which will ultimately triumph is anybody's guess. I doubt that there are that many Jews who harbor a realistic notion that the Moloch sacrifice route is really in their favor, in spite of cradle to grave instilled, hammered hatreds of Palestinians. Israel drafting previously exempt Orthodox Jews and the vaxicides showed how much they value their cannon fodders.

The Gaza false flag port, canal and gas field redevelopment caper seems to have been a kind of bait trap to expose the baleful. I guess we will see (or not if you don't notice the nuclear flash in time).
17   Ceffer   2024 Jul 2, 3:55pm  

Guess Penn wanted to keep his 'pick of the litter' rights at the adrenochrome and organ harvesting factories.

18   Ceffer   2024 Jul 2, 4:06pm  

Anna von Reitz elaborates on the US as a mercenary force only since the Civil War, since no legitimate body has declared any of the wars since. Why is it that we have our loose cannon political pawns embroiling us for the corrupt military enterprises of foreigners seemingly without our national will or consent?

view pdf
19   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 3, 8:32am  

Ceffer says

All American wars including the Civil War

Fixed it. Would also accept All American wars since the Revolution.
20   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 3, 8:37am  

komputodo says

That so many americans are worried about israel and not their own country? The same goes for ukraine.

The simplest and oldest answer is people prefer to point out the speck in someone's else's eye rather than address the plank in their own eye. If you whine about America and live here, you should do something about it. If you whine about a country half way around the world, you can kind of assert you've done all you can do.

Irresponsible people shy away from ways of thinking that require them to take responsibility.
21   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 3, 8:42am  

komputodo says

ok let me rephrase,,, Why do people care about israel /palestine conflict to the point that they will get aggressive and violent...some supporting israel others supporting palestine.? And get on Patnet and argue about it...How does this conflict affect you and your family?

I've answered this once already, but I'll do it again. Deep state doesn't just roll something out without game planning(Event 201), and running a few trials(Scamdemic). Trust me, the massacre going on against civilians in Palestine is practice. Even more the attempt to get everyone on board with it(the war for your mind). If they can target a people group for extermination just because of where they live, why not my family next?
I also have a strong moral stance that I think requires I say something condemning such events, at minimum. To be silent on genocide is according to the Bible, to be complicit. I don't want that on my conscious.
22   socal2   2024 Jul 3, 9:34am  

NuttBoxer says

To be silent on genocide is according to the Bible, to be complicit. I don't want that on my conscious.

What does your bible say about falsely accusing people of genocide and supporting Islamists to ethnically cleanse all Christians and Jews from the Middle East?
23   komputodo   2024 Jul 3, 10:33am  

socal2 says

NuttBoxer says

To be silent on genocide is according to the Bible, to be complicit. I don't want that on my conscious.

What does your bible say about falsely accusing people of genocide and supporting Islamists to ethnically cleanse all Christians and Jews from the Middle East?

How does your conscious feel about the millions of people killed and/or had their lives destroyed by the usa?

24   socal2   2024 Jul 3, 10:42am  

komputodo says

How does your conscious feel about the millions of people killed and/or had their lives destroyed by the usa?

Trotting out the old America hating Commie-prop now?

Despite what the blue-hairs and race mongers say, Pax Americana has been absolutely great for the human race.

It took some work and sacrifice by America to deal with the Marxists and Islamists who have been busy fucking up the planet.

25   RayAmerica   2024 Jul 3, 11:16am  

komputodo says

Ok...I'll try another tack...Why do people care about israel to the point that they will get aggressive and violent?

IMO, there are two main reasons for this. First, due entirely to an erroneous, and relatively new (1850s) doctrinal system that has been predominant among Evangelical circles since the beginning of the 20th. Century, Israel has enjoyed preeminence, particularly in the USA. For the average 'bible believing' Evangelical, who has bought into this system hook, line and sinker, it is heresy to so much as even question anything in connection to Israel. In their minds, secular/political Israel, no matter what they do, has the unconditional 'blessings' of God, so therefore, to question Israel, in their minds, is synonymous with questioning God. I could go on and on (entire books have been written on the subject) but I'll stop here.

Second, Israel has a very extensive and equally powerful lobby that targets any politician that so much as even questions Israeli policies. Of course, they also enjoy almost universal endorsement from our mainstream media.

IMO, Israel is no longer just an ally of the United States. For the most part, the two have been meshed into one, which is incredibly dangerous for the USA, and, flies in direct opposition to what our very wise Founding Fathers warned against.
26   Onvacation   2024 Jul 3, 1:38pm  

socal2 says

It cost us less money to send old munitions to Ukraine to defend against Russian invaders than to try and decommission them here at home.

Should we send them a couple old nukes?
27   socal2   2024 Jul 3, 2:01pm  

Onvacation says

socal2 says

It cost us less money to send old munitions to Ukraine to defend against Russian invaders than to try and decommission them here at home.

Should we send them a couple old nukes?

No - but keep in mind that Ukraine is only allowed to use US supplied cluster munitions on their own soil (including Crimea) to try and push out Russia's illegal invaders.

Those of us who claim to really hate the MIC and military spending. Just wait and see how much more influence they will have and how much more we will end up spending if Russia and Hamas prevail.
28   mell   2024 Jul 3, 4:32pm  

socal2 says

Onvacation says

socal2 says

It cost us less money to send old munitions to Ukraine to defend against Russian invaders than to try and decommission them here at home.

Should we send them a couple old nukes?

No - but keep in mind that Ukraine is only allowed to use US supplied cluster munitions on their own soil (including Crimea) to try and push out Russia's illegal invaders.

Those of us who claim to really hate the MIC and military spending. Just wait and see how much more influence they will have and how much more we will end up spending if Russia and Hamas prevail.

Lol you can't be serious. Russia and Hamas have zero in common. Europe would be totally fine doing business with Russia instead of going to war with it, just because the leftoids and rinos have gone completely batshit crazy over losing their seats
29   RayAmerica   2024 Jul 3, 6:27pm  

socal2 says

" ... to try and push out Russia's illegal invaders."

Silly question, but do you think it was 'illegal' for the CIA, U. S. State Department, along with the Neo-Cons like John McCain and Victoria Nuland, to help overthrow the duly elected government of Ukraine back in 2013/2014?
30   komputodo   2024 Jul 3, 8:39pm  

socal2 says

Just wait and see how much more influence they will have and how much more we will end up spending if Russia and Hamas prevail.

what would happen if we just stopped giving them money? Would it be the end of our "democracy"?
31   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 3, 8:43pm  

komputodo says

Ok...I'll try another tack...Why do people care about israel to the point that they will get aggressive and violent?

Why are people so obsessed with Israel? We didn't get $35T in debt from $300B in aid to Israel spread out over 60 years. They still bring up a friendly fire incident since before the Tet Offensive happened which two indemnities were paid for, and happened prior to US military aid to Israel, and get mad if you point out their obsession with it is a little unreasonable.

The not-even-1% of the current debt foreign aid (95% of which comes back to Lockheed, General Dynamics, etc. anyway) the first thing many of them assign our troubles to - not Foucault being the most quoted academic today, not Hoefare, not No bail, not 30 years of mass immigration, not leaving the Gold Standard under Nixon, or the decline of the worker's share of national income since 1973, or shit like the F-35 and the nonfunctioning Trimaran thingy the USN build and now won't use.
32   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 3, 8:44pm  

RayAmerica says

For the average 'bible believing' Evangelical, who has bought into this system hook, line and sinker, it is heresy to so much as even question anything in connection to Israel.

Romans 11 explains the message of Jesus to the Final Apostle Paul on the subject in detail, devotes an entire chapter of his letter to this, and it trumps any one-off verse mention of generic "Jews" which some cling to because of centuries of poorly trained clerics in Central/Eastern Europe who were themselves illiterate and learned the liturgy by repetition. God's promises are eternal, and were made to the physical seed of Abraham, his literal descendents, not any "Spritual" ones. Gentiles get the better deal and are the focus of God until the End of Times.

The first shall be last has many meanings.

It's funny because those who quote on-offs in Revelation or John never, ever bring up Romans 11 which confronts the issue directly and in plain language.

That being said, judging by the fruits, more Jews are converting today than after time after the Apostles, so it's working far better than the unbiblical superstition that dominated before widespread Literacy.

The US was founded by Calvinists, Winthrop and Edwards and other Puritan Fathers were Zionists.
33   komputodo   2024 Jul 3, 9:02pm  

RayAmerica says

socal2 says

" ... to try and push out Russia's illegal invaders."

Silly question, but do you think it was 'illegal' for the CIA, U. S. State Department, along with the Neo-Cons like John McCain and Victoria Nuland, to help overthrow the duly elected government of Ukraine back in 2013/2014?

it is silly because socal knows that we did them a favor by bringing them "democracy". but they "turned off "democracy" to cancel elections in March because Zele knew he'd get voted out. But it's all good. Democracy should only prevail when the leaders want it to.
34   clambo   2024 Jul 4, 6:14am  

Israel was created by Western Allies after WWII, and the USA has an interest in its survival.
Several times Israel's neighbors attacked it and the USA and other countries provided ammunition and other support.
The result was the Arab Oil Embargo if you can remember the 70s; the Arabs took revenge on the West.
Re: Russia and Ukraine.
For decades, the West prepared for an invasion by Russia (then called the Soviet Union) at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars.
The former Soviet Satellite countries were glad when they were able to become independent; nobody likes being ruled by Moscow, especially if you aren't Russian.
These countries inevitably want to have trade and contact with the West and Europe; Russia has nothing of interest to them.
Poland and Eastern Germany were the first to go, then many other countries, some small, some larger.
Russia has managed to install a puppet government in some of them, e.g. Belarus.
Putin misses the good old Russian Soviet Empire days and finally invaded; we now see that he vastly miscalculated.
People simply don't want to be ruled by Russians; it's not a mystery.

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