Paris Olympics Thread

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2024 Jul 25, 5:30pm   3,884 views  140 comments

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22   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jul 27, 12:00pm  

Arsonists disrupted France's high-speed rail network Friday morning, causing travel chaos for 800,000 people traveling to Paris, including Olympic athletes heading to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Suspects set fire to cables at three locations around 4 a.m., paralyzing major lines connecting Paris with Lille, Bordeaux, and Strasbourg, with a fourth attack on the Paris-Marseille line foiled by night-shift workers.

French officials condemned the attacks and stated that there was no indication of a direct link to the Games. No injuries have been reported.

23   Ceffer   2024 Jul 27, 12:13pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

French officials condemned the attacks and stated that there was no indication of a direct link to the Games. No injuries have been reported.

It was the Iranians! The Iranians are up to deserving at least two nukes and they are working on their third.
24   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jul 27, 12:22pm  

It's a total.shitshow and going to be through the entire games.

I chose this thread's cover photo well.
25   Patrick   2024 Jul 27, 12:51pm  


In social media’s biggest story yesterday, mentioned nowhere in the New York Times, Washington Post, or Politico, the organizers of the XXXIII (33rd) Summer Olympics did their very best imitation of Sodom and Gomorrha, highlighting multiple multimedia spectacular set pieces involving large numbers of unattractive cross-dressers reproducing famous religious imagery and performing interpretive dance routines that looked like a group of inexperienced campers being attacked by a giant cloud of mosquitos. ...

Practically begging for a lightning bolt, and auditioning for cameo appearances in Hades, the Olympic Committee rounded up every bearded tranvestite in Paris and liberally deployed makeup in gallon-sized cartons. The opening ceremony’s ‘centerpiece’, if you can call it that, was a living replica of the Last Supper, except featuring poorly-passing, overweight men (and one child, of course) dressed in gayly decorated, over-the-top drag costumes, in a blasphemous facsimile of the Creator of the Universe and his twelve disciples.

The ‘Drag Last Supper’ was only one of several trans-abled segments in an overlong, painfully dull series of performances. Attendees weathered things like fun, modern takes on the French Revolution, a singing, beheaded Marie Antoinette in drag, sordid Gallic themes like the ever-popular ménages à trois. At one point, an apocalyptic metallic horse galloped across the Seine on rails at the exciting pace of an escargot race.

Bearded mimes dressed as gals twerked and cavorted to bizarre electronic music, moving just like electrified frogs in a high-school science experiment, and generally made asses of themselves.
26   komputodo   2024 Jul 27, 12:53pm  

Ceffer says

I guess they want attendees to gouge their own eyes out. "Make it stop! I'd rather see Madonna nude twerking!"

with lizzo
27   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 27, 12:59pm  

The Athens Olympics, which was done hastily during a fiscal crunch, was tasteful and cool, with "Living Statues"
29   AD   2024 Jul 27, 9:51pm  


Notice there is never a public insult directed at Islam ?

I wonder what would happen if there was during the Paris Olympics opening ceremony.

I guess the establishment is crossing its fingers its Muslim masses behave (with a lot of police over presence in Paris) and there are no riots or terrorist attacks.

32   Ceffer   2024 Jul 27, 10:41pm  

The opening ceremony was InSeine.
38   Ceffer   2024 Jul 28, 10:13am  

"The Ceremony sets a great example for direction that America needs to give head". There, fixed it.
39   Patrick   2024 Jul 28, 10:34am  


This morning, I saw clips from the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The imagery was, let's say, mind-boggling. It presented, among other things, a grotesque parody of Da Vinci's Last Supper. In the place of Christ sat a stout woman with half-exposed breasts; the apostles were replaced by a motley crew of transgenders and other figures from the cabinet of sexual curiosities. Among this group, there was also a young girl – a sign of childlike innocence and purity.

The parody of The Last Supper was certainly not the only striking element in the ceremony. Among other things, the fourth horseman of the apocalypse appeared – Death on a pale horse. Here, there was no parody or mockery – this Angel of Death was taken quite seriously. The ceremony was full of heavy symbolism, the connection of which to the Olympic Games – a sporting event – was hard to find. It was difficult to suppress the question: what message is this heavy symbolism pregnant of? ...

What we saw was nothing less than a ritualized mockery of the sacred and the ethical, something that, from an ethical-religious perspective, is a ritual of evil. ...

To return to the core of the matter: the Enlightenment belief placed rationality at the center and considered the whole range of Good and Evil as completely irrelevant and even non-existent. It faded into the background; people no longer paid attention to it. And in the background, something typical happened. Evil took the helm. Doing Good requires a certain level of alertness and effort from humans; one must devote some attention and energy to it; one must always overcome some resistance to do Good. If that alertness and investment of strength and energy to do Good are not there, then the ship of life silently turns and sails towards dark waters. ...

Remarkably, the idealization of Reason also cost Truth its head. The duty to speak honestly was thrown overboard within the rationalist worldview. The reasoning was quickly made. Speaking the Truth is always risky; those who speak the Truth weaken themselves; they have fewer chances in the struggle to survive; only a fool speaks the Truth.

Humans have always been deceptive and lying beings who often confuse Appearance with Reality, but the rise of the Enlightenment tradition was accompanied by the reign of a new kind of lie, a lie that is theoretically founded (based on scientific theories about mass psychology), ideologically justified, and industrially produced: propaganda. The contemporary (globalist) order stands and imposes itself through propaganda – the art of manipulating the human being; the practice of depriving the human being of spiritual freedom.

Under the pseudo-rational surface of our Enlightenment culture, therefore, a destructive, deceitful, and dehumanizing force steadily grew. It grew in the unseen, but like any spiritual Greatness, it wants to manifest itself and be publicly recognized. Our culture has reached a point where that force increasingly shows its face openly. Witness the grotesque theater of the most recent Eurovision Song Contest and the dark symbolism of the Olympic opening ceremony.
40   Ceffer   2024 Jul 28, 10:35am  

The clone of Trigglypuff. The alien labs have been busy.

43   Ceffer   2024 Jul 28, 10:51am  

I was wondering about those open ass wrestling togs.

46   WookieMan   2024 Jul 28, 12:56pm  

Miss a little miss a lot. I'm not gonna watch any of it. Just got back from a long weekend in WI with no TV and little to minimal interaction with the phone.

I'm convinced though that Wisconsin will be Trump. MANY Trump signs and not one Harris or even an old Biden sign still up. Dems "might" be coming around to the embarrassment that the party is. What I briefly have seen here on Patnet is reprehensible.

I'm not religious, but I do get the outrage. Trans people are mentally ill. I give no fucks about the Olympics, but we're talking 0.0000001% of global population??? This is a fucking embarrassment for the Western world. Not sure it can be undone. Maybe a lame duck Trump could when he wins, but then they lose the midterms in '26.

Hyperbolic, but I feel like this is the one chance to stop the bull shit. Do your thing, but don't push it on children or on a global stage. Have your alleyway trans and gay parties and leave the rest of us alone. You're not normal.
47   komputodo   2024 Jul 28, 1:57pm  

WookieMan says

I'm not gonna watch any of it.

Damn, you are going to willingly miss out on the floor routines in Artistic Gymnastics and the women's synchronized swimming?
54   HeadSet   2024 Jul 29, 8:42am  

Apparently, the Paris Olympics opening event was a ratings darling:

55   Patrick   2024 Jul 29, 11:17am  


The opening ceremony for the Olympic Games in Paris on Friday has sparked global public outrage over a show filled with apparent parodies of Christian religious symbols.

Netizens argued that several parts of the ceremony mocked universally recognizable works of art associated with Christianity. One such performance featured transgender performers appearing to re-enact ‘The Last Supper’, the renowned painting of Christ and his apostles by Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. Users on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram alike lambasted the performance as “disgusting” and “outright blasphemy.”

Many public figures were among those criticizing the display, including Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk, who said that it was “extremely disrespectful to Christians.”

The repeated presence of transgender individuals and drag queens at the ceremony appalled many users. For instance, three drag queens were among the torchbearers who carried the Olympic flame as it made its way to Paris. Some netizens accused the organizers of catering to wokeism and argued that the Olympics should not be turned into a pride parade or a drag show.
56   Patrick   2024 Jul 29, 11:27am  


Slovakia’s deputy prime minister, Tomas Taraba, has announced that he will not represent his country at the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

Taraba was among the many who slammed Friday’s opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Games as highly disrespectful to Christians.

“I was supposed to represent Slovakia at the closing ceremony, but for the normal world, this Olympics will forever remain a symbol of degenerate decadence, which abused the beauty of sport and turned it into progressive political theater,” the Slovakian official wrote on his personal Facebook page. “Therefore, I decided not to participate in the closing ceremony.”

Taraba also pointed out that the “disgraceful” opening ceremony is now being removed from the internet by the International Olympic Committee.

“The insults to Christianity and the decadence presented have reached such a level that they have offended the whole normal world, which understands the difference between culture and garbage,” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).
57   Patrick   2024 Jul 29, 11:33am  


Did we just witness the suicide of Wokery? I think you saw what’s called, in the argot of progressive thinking, the “queering” of the Olympics. That was some spectacle. First, Death on a Pale Horse came galloping down the Seine River so that no one would miss the point of the symbolism to follow: the beheaded Marie Antoinette portrayed singing in the window of a flaming palais (revolution anyone?). . . . Then, a tableau vivant of DaVinci’s The Last Supper “queered” to-the-max with a tattooed land-whale in the Jesus seat offering a Satan hand-signal among the swaying drag queens, plus one child ostentatiously in the mix (say, whu?). . . followed by a blue Dionysus crooning about nudity (“Nu”) on a giant fruit platter, with his ball-sack clearly on display among the cherries and nectarines. . . . It rained. . .tant pis. . . . The power went out and Paris ceased to be the City of Light. Finis. . . .

Not all of Western Civ was amused by these. . . antics. Many complained that the show portrayed Christianity in a less than favorable light. Ya think? The next day, the Paris-24 organizing committee offered the world an apology of sorts. Spokesperson Anne Descamps explained that the idea was “to celebrate community tolerance.” Or, shall we say, to test it? Apparently, it flunked the test. Director of the extravaganza, Thomas Jolly, said (translation), “Our intention was never to be impertinent.” Of course, he lies, and of course it is the foundational premise of those in the Satanic fold to lie about everything. (Just as America’s Democratic Party lies about everything.) Within hours, sponsors revolted and pulled their support for the games altogether. Lord knows what the BRICs nations make of all this. Probably something like pity. ...

Now, one might ask, was July 27, 2024, the start of the revolt against progressive Woke-ism? It’s hard to imagine what kind of public spectacle the Left could come up with to beat the Olympic opener. Maybe human sacrifice, say Hillary Clinton eating a parboiled toddler in front of three thousand shrieking cat-ladies at the Democratic National Convention. Has it come to that?

It’s hard to escape the feeling now that our own reign-of-terror, the Woke-Marxist psychopathocracy, has played out its string. A month of garish events and revelations has left the USA a hot mess: the momentous Supreme Court decisions, the debate horror show, the attempted assassination of Mr. Trump and the many loose ends still hanging from it, the (probably) coerced election withdrawal of “Joe Biden” and the shocking discovery (to many) that he’s only partly still there, and the elite selection process that “nominated” Kamala Harris — these strange doings have rocked the American Zeitgeist. The artificially-induced rapture that attended the apotheosis of Veep is sputtering out as the internet explodes with memes putting her clueless vacuity on laughable display.

We’re informed (in great detail here by Naomi Wolf) that the Veep’s handlers haven’t even bothered with the required Federal Election Commission filings to be a candidate (nor has “Joe Biden” submitted his official withdrawal paperwork). So, you can surmise that the whole thing is another Democratic Party prank, leading to more shenanigans as the August 19 Convention cometh.

Do you think the repulsive Olympic opener was unconnected to what has been going on in our country? And do you doubt that the tide is now going out on all that?

58   Patrick   2024 Jul 29, 11:51am  


The most remarkable thing, above all, is that the fact-checkers and woke enthusiasts indeed did not see that it was about the Last Supper. They even mocked those who did see it, claiming they were lost in illusions and delusions. The more someone is gripped by totalitarian thinking, the more he accuses those who think differently of madness. In itself, it remains one of the most remarkable effects of the phenomenon of mass formation: the enormous narrowing of perspective accompanied by a radical blindness to anything that does not align with one's own fanatical beliefs (and the aggressive attack of it). ...

What it is about, however, is that globalist institutions use symbolism, as seen at the opening ceremony of the Olympics and the Eurovision Song Contest, to situate their essence in mockery and perversion. That is precisely the function of a ceremony of a major social event: it represents what the essence of a society is, it represents the principles that support the social system. And that is certainly a good reason to protest and refuse to participate in the globalist ideology. More so: those who fail to protest, neglect an ethical duty. ...

And we can add the reaction of the producers of the opening ceremony. They confirmed in an official statement, contradicting the artistic director’s claims, that the particular part of the ceremony indeed parodied The Last Supper. ...

For now, the mainstream remains silent. That’s notable: their inability to admit mistakes. That is, in itself, human, but it is quite pronounced among representatives of the dominant narrative (an inability typical of totalitarian systems). The corona crisis stands out in this regard. Every crucial aspect of the dominant narrative has now proven to be wrong: the origin of the virus, the mortality of the virus, the effectiveness of the measures, the effectiveness of the vaccines, the (supposedly non-existent) side effects of the vaccines, and so on, name it and the dominant narrative got it radically wrong.

No one can really doubt that anymore. But how many fact-checkers and mainstream journalists have you heard admitting that they have radically suppressed the Truth in the name of Truth? How many have you heard apologize for degrading people to second-class citizens based on pseudoscience and fake news? We can only conclude: those who crown themselves as Ambassadors of Truth and profile themselves lavishly as fighters against fake news and disinformation suppress the truth with a stream of fake news and disinformation.
60   Patrick   2024 Jul 29, 4:01pm  

Wow, even Iran is condemning the Olympics' blasphemy against Christians:

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