Where is Biden hiding?

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2024 Aug 1, 8:52pm   720 views  38 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

Haven't seen "him" since that AI-generated speech confirming his withdrawal from the election, which has still not been legally filed afaik.

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1   Ceffer   2024 Aug 1, 10:20pm  

All resources on KamelToe as long as she lasts? She's a placeholder distraction while the Deep State's shoe laces are tied together and their pants are down.
2   Ingrid   2024 Aug 2, 4:07am  

apart from that one clip, are we sure he is still alive? was that clip real, has anybody checked? I am still wondering about that message, that he got some kind of little strokes there in Nevada, and was carried off (quicker than a wounded Trump BTW). I would like to see his old stumbling mumbling self with a newspaper of today in his hand, not fotoshopped.
3   WookieMan   2024 Aug 2, 5:39am  

I don't think he's been running the show for the last 2 years. I don't think we'll see much of him anymore. He wants to keep that pardoning power up until the election so they don't invoke the 25 (correct amendment?) and remove him from office. His pardons might be pretty controversial for the Democratic party. That's my guess. He's obviously going to pardon family members of current and potentially future federal crimes uncovered. Who knows who else.

Kamala in December until inauguration is my guess. She gets the claim of first female "black" POTUS. So she checks the boxes for future work with networks. "Former President Kamala Harris is with us." If it goes down like that she'll be gold to the news networks. I honestly don't think she wants to be in politics anymore. She's no spry chicken anymore and is showing her age. She'll just do 3-5 min paid hits on the Sunday shows every week slamming Trump.

Biden will just go and beat himself up behind the shed and die or doing pushups.
4   Onvacation   2024 Aug 2, 5:41am  

WookieMan says

I don't think he's been running the show for the last 2 years.

He never ran the show. From his earliest days in Congress he was available to the highest bidder.
5   Tenpoundbass   2024 Aug 2, 5:53am  

The President can't pardon crimes that has not been charged. All Biben can do is pardon Hunter for gun and tax charges. Thankfully all of the serious treason and grift charges has not been brought against Hunter. Also it's great the Democrats has set so much precedence in removing statue of limitations for the sole purpose of political persecution. So doing so to get Hunter and the whole Biden crime family wll be a cakewalk.
6   WookieMan   2024 Aug 2, 6:10am  

Tenpoundbass says

The President can't pardon crimes that has not been charged

There's still time for them to be charged before January is my point. Biden might just have the DOJ charge the people he would want to pardon after the election. He knows what is going on. Get them charged and daddy still has the pardon power. They have to wait until after the election though otherwise it's an admission of guilt and the Dems would be fucked in November.
7   HeadSet   2024 Aug 2, 7:16pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The President can't pardon crimes that has not been charged.

Are you sure?
The power, which has historical roots in early English law,2 has been recognized by the Supreme Court as quite broad. In the 1886 case Ex parte Garland, the Court referred to the President’s authority to pardon as “unlimited” except in cases of impeachment, extending to “every offence known to the law” and able to be exercised “either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.”

This may be why Biden does not seem concerned that removing Presidential immunity could backfire on him. Biden plans to give himself a comprehensive pardon as he leaves office.
8   beershrine   2024 Aug 2, 8:20pm  

I saw him hugging someone on tv yesterday I thought he had covid? Nope that was a lie. We all know Biden or even Kamalot is not in charge.
9   Ceffer   2024 Aug 3, 2:42am  

LOL! More Sicilian Flu. The Biden Actor ramping up the senility climbs into the Russian plane that brought the prisoners for a prisoner swap. WTF?

10   Patrick   2024 Aug 8, 8:59pm  

Anything from Biden in the last few days?

I suspect he's actually dead, and that the tall guy in a video was an impostor, and that his speech declining the nomination was AI.
11   RWSGFY   2024 Aug 8, 10:56pm  

Patrick says

Anything from Biden in the last few days?

I suspect he's actually dead, and that the tall guy in a video was an impostor, and that his speech declining the nomination was AI.

I, too, suspect he's dead. The fact that Ukies are doing cross-border assault is a dead giveaway: when Potato was alive this was a big no-no (because of FSB money he took via Baturina and Burisma plus footage from engagements with minors in CPSU bathhouses back in the 80s and was beholden to his Kremlin master). Now that he's dead the blackmail is not working anymore.
12   AD   2024 Aug 8, 11:15pm  

Patrick says

Anything from Biden in the last few days?

I suspect he's actually dead, and that the tall guy in a video was an impostor, and that his speech declining the nomination was AI.

If true then CIA had to meticulously pick a thespian professional who seems like an identical clone to Biden. That actor puts on a real good show, and gives the right amount of surreal behavior.

I agree with RWSGFY as I recall Biden stating NATO would supply weapons to defend Ukraine territory, and even stated the missiles given to Ukraine had ranges which could not reach Russia.
16   Nomograph   2024 Aug 14, 7:58am  

Patrick says

I suspect he's actually dead, and that the tall guy in a video was an impostor, and that his speech declining the nomination was AI.

Sleepy Joe is alive and well, still doddering around giving speeches. Why must everything be a conspiracy?

18   WookieMan   2024 Aug 14, 1:46pm  

Nomograph says

Sleepy Joe is alive and well, still doddering around giving speeches. Why must everything be a conspiracy?

He can't talk. As a somewhat political junkie, I've never seen a no show POTUS like this. Even a lame duck like Obama his 2nd term. He was still out there. It's embarrassing and frankly dangerous. If the populous doesn't think we have a commander in chief, what does the rest of the world think?
22   Ceffer   2024 Sep 12, 2:46pm  

LOL! While the SES and shadow rulers were sleeping or foisting the KamalaToe djinn, did the Joe Avatar go white hat again?

"Bring in the new Joe Avatar! Get that one out of my sight!"
24   Patrick   2024 Sep 13, 8:52am  


SHANKSVILLE, PA — The day-to-day grind of the presidential campaign trail was turned upside down today, as in a brief moment of lucidity, President Joe Biden endorsed former President Donald Trump.

The stunning incident was the first momentary instance of Biden showing any sense of clarity, coherence, and good judgment, as he paused to put on a "TRUMP 2024" baseball cap during a campaign stop at a local fire station.

"Listen, folks. Here's the deal. You know who to vote for," Biden said to the assembled crowd. "It's been a long time since I felt this… since I felt… since… since this… and I like it. I've never felt this strongly about something as I'm feeling right now. You see this hat? This is the hat. It's the hat that will… all of the… every time, they said. So, let me be clear. Vote for Donald Trump. He'll do what's best for every American… all three hundred million… billion million… six hundred and fifty… thousands billion. Langpordinafitsarber…"

Biden was then quickly whisked away by Secret Service agents and members of Kamala Harris's campaign staff. A spokesperson issued a brief statement to the media after the event. "Pay no attention to what you saw here moments ago," said campaign staffer Carrie Stupert. "Any claims that Joe Biden put on a ‘TRUMP 2024' hat and said anything is misinformation. Russia! That's it — it had to be Russia."

At publishing time, the Justice Department issued a warning to anyone sharing photos or video of Biden wearing the baseball cap that doing so would be punishable by several decades in federal prison.
26   stereotomy   2024 Sep 16, 5:08pm  

For those who remember, it's almost like the early 1980's in the USSR. Andropov, head of the KGB, became Chairman of the Communist Party. He was paranoid as fuck, and in severe mental decline. WWIII was averted not by his leadership, but by lower ranking Soviet officers who correctly interpreted erroneous radar signals as false, thereby averting WWIII at least 2 times between 1980 and 1982. Andropov croaked, to be replaced by Chernenko, who died within a year. Then Gorbachev came to power after the gerontocratic leadership was exhausted.

The Soviets didn't have adrenochrome, so we've got another decade of globohomo until the gerontopedocrats finally die off.
27   Patrick   2024 Sep 25, 9:31pm  


Trump Trolls Bidens for Jill Running the Cabinet Meeting

The image of first lady Jill Biden sitting at the head of President Joe Biden's first Cabinet meeting in nearly one full year was seized on by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at his Wilmington, North Carolina rally Saturday.

"I don't know is he still the president? I'm trying to figure it out," Trump told his rally, which aired live and in its entirety on Newsmax and the free Newsmax2 streaming platform.

"You know, I hate to waste the time by saying it."

President Joe Biden, after stepping down as the duly elected Democrat presidential nominee, left his first lady to sit at the head of the table and run his Cabinet meeting.

"I don't know: Is he the president, because yesterday his wife took over the Cabinet meeting, right?" Trump continued. "He said, 'I'm going to ask my wife to take it.'
30   Patrick   2024 Sep 27, 6:27am  


You have to wonder: has there ever been a country that marched off to war with no head-of-state at the top of its war machine? It’s exactly that bad in our country, with a broken animatronic Halloween scarecrow popping in-and-out of the White House to yell incoherently at election campaign events for a putative successor too scared of the predicament she’s in to think straight. Really, no one is in charge — and if any of the leading actors on the scene really were, the situation could easily get worse.

Hence, the brainless wish roiling through the NSC, State Department, and the various shadow councils of the intel emeriti to lob long-range missiles into Russia, apparently heedless of any consequences. America, you are a headless horseman riding blindly into chaos.

In fact, the entire Democratic Party and its Deep State intel blob partners have melted down into a desperate mob of political criminals frantic to evade accounting for their acts. So then, setting the world on fire is all they have left, a fitting act of revenge for a faction thwarted in its mad drive to merely wreck the United States for the sake of “social justice” and “equity.”

The Democrats of 2024 made exactly the same mistake that their predecessors, the Jacobins, made in France back in 1794: they just couldn’t tell when they’d gone too far with their insults against the public interest and common decency. Their insults derived from the age-old human impulse to demolish society due to life being unfair, later codified in Marxian doctrine, and then made into a play-book by Saul Alinisky (with annotations by Antonio Gramsci, Richard Cloward, and Frances Fox Piven).

As the French Revolution ground on and on, by 1793 the Jacobins gained control of the Committee of Public Safety which actually carried out policy, while endless quarrels occupied the National Convention — the then-current legislative body. The Jacobins’ policy was insane, just as the policy of open borders, lawfare, war, censorship, pharma-terrorism, climate hustles, and drag queens in the schools is insane under our modern Jacobins, the Democrats. (Notice the Democrats’ constant invoking of “safety” and “safe spaces” as a similar rhetorical device for justifying their deeds and cowing the public.)

The Committee of Public Safety sought to remake French society by turning its cultural norms upside-down and by killing as many of its political opponents as possible. Thus, the Reign of Terror when, for a whole year, heads rolled and rolled off the guillotine in the Place de Concorde, usually without benefit of a trial. The ghoulish extravaganza of gore and death grossed-out those in the country who had not lost their minds.

One night in July 1794, as the Jacobin boss, Robespierre, took to the rostrum in the Convention for the umpteenth time to denounce his enemies and announce new death sentences, members in the chamber commenced throwing food at him. That was the turning point, and it turned so hard and fast that France was amazed. Within forty-eight hours, Robespierre and many of his cohorts got beheaded under the “national razor,” and that was the end of Jacobinism and all its insane measures to wreck what was left of society after five years of revolution.

Our Democratic Party Jacobins have been harder to defeat because government these days is vastly larger and more complex, and the equivalent of the Committee of Public Safety is now a huge network of cadres toiling in scores of federal agencies and associated NGOs financed by those agencies (or by their billionaire henchmen such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Reid Hoffman). Insane as they are, many public officials understand their culpability for the treasons and insults of recent years. They live in fear of prosecution and, short of that, of losing their cushy sinecures in the colossal bureaucracy that is bankrupting us.

There are many in our country today who are also not insane, just as in France circa 1794. This is actually the chief appeal of Mr. Trump, though he often expresses it clumsily, coming, as he does, from the rough and exacting world of property development, which is full of rough people in rough building trades using rough language. Secondarily, Mr. Trump represents leadership — the sheer idea that an actual person should be an executive-in-charge of a national polity — and it appears that a majority of the people in this land are finally sick of a faceless blob ruling madly from the shadows. Thirdly, Mr. Trump has become a national father figure, a titanic offense to a party run by women with daddy issues and to their Marxist allies dogmatically bent on destroying the family (along with every other institution). As it happens, countries need fathers, both actual and symbolic. What a surprise!

In the mad effort to evade judgment for their acts, the Democrats and their blob cadres are either trying to kill Mr. Trump directly, or are looking the other way while other nefarious parties attempt the wicked business. So far, no cigar. Who knows what they’ll try next: a surface-to-air missile at his airplane. . .a directed-energy weapon. . . a poisoned cheeseburger. . .?

The candidate himself seems a little tinged these days with the same aura of dauntless resignation that was seen in Martin Luther King and the first Bobby Kennedy in 1968 — who both went about their business trying to rescue our country from war and wickedness despite the threats against them. Many upright, intelligent, bold figures stand with and behind Mr. Trump this time, people capable and willing to pick up the flag in the event it becomes necessary. Do not fear.

Meanwhile, you have to also wonder: what on earth possessed the Democrats to maneuver Kamala Harris into this race? Everyone in the party and the blob must know she doesn’t have an agile mind — beyond some ability for reciting parboiled slogans — nor much acquaintance with the workings of the world besides her dwindled wiles in political amour, and that she may actually have a drinking problem. She is left, finally with no one to cheerlead for her but the harpies on The View and the degenerates on CNN and The New York Times who all know the score but are too invested in years of their own mendacity to even attempt to come clean.

Chatter arises that the awaited “October surprise” will involve “Joe Biden” resigning from office to make way for Kamala to become the First Woman President just before election day, affording her, supposedly, a magisterial prestige in the final leg of the race. Don’t bet on that. When he resigns, “JB” loses his power of the pardon. If he exercises it on the eve of resignation and lets son Hunter, brothers James, Frank, and other family members (including himself) off the hook for their global money-grubbing exploits, it will only besmirch Ms. Harris by association. He has to hang in office until after Nov 6, no matter how the election turns, and then he can pardon what’s left of his brains out.

Before we even get to that point, all you have to worry about are unaccountable government factotums doing something over in Russia that will make Mr. Putin want to turn the USA into an ashtray.
33   Patrick   2024 Oct 5, 7:54pm  


The betrayal of President Joe Biden by several top Democrats has opened a deep rift that doesn’t show any signs of healing.

Moves by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to force Biden to end his reelection campaign don’t appear to be sitting well with the first lady.

President Biden and his wife “Doctor Jill” have largely withdrawn from the national spotlight following his humiliating decision to end his re-election bid.

As the presidential matchup between President Donald Trump and Democrat nominee Kamala Harris enters the final stretch, Jill Biden “has largely withdrawn from campaign events, and Harris’ team hasn’t pushed for her to do them,” Axios reported.
34   HeadSet   2024 Oct 5, 8:43pm  

Patrick says

ill Biden “has largely withdrawn from campaign events, and Harris’ team hasn’t pushed for her to do them,” Axios reported.

Why would Kamala want help from the Biden's? Joe is her biggest liability.
35   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 5, 8:55pm  

I wonder if the October Surprise is they replace Kamala with Joe, ha!
36   clambo   2024 Oct 6, 9:29am  

"Biden-Sasquatch 2024"
Both are rarely seen.

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