Please read - an excellent summary of recent DNA findings in COVID-19 injectable product vials

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2024 Oct 22, 1:38pm   30 views  1 comment

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Jessica Rose
Oct 22 · Unacceptable Jessica
Please read - an excellent summary of recent DNA findings in COVID-19 injectable product vials

BREAKING: DNA contamination in Australian mRNA Covid shots up to 145 time regulatory limit, report shows
The first independent testing of Australian vials confirms findings from the US, Canada and Germany, highlighting that oncogenic and genomic integration risks are a global concern
OCT 22



Synthetic plasmid DNA contamination has been detected in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines at levels of between seven to 145 times the allowable limit, a new report shows.

The independent testing of three modified RNA (mod-RNA) vaccine vials, including lots for children and adults, was commissioned to provide evidence in a Federal Court lawsuit over the validity of the regulatory status of the vaccines.

The case, brought by legal firm PJ O’Brien & Associates, alleges that the vaccines contain unlicenced genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the form of synthetic DNA contamination and mod-RNA-LNP complexes which could pose an untested safety risk, including the potential for DNA integration into the human genome.

In an affidavit provided to legal firm PJ O’Brien & Associates, molecular virologist Dr David Speicher said that the amount of synthetic DNA he detected in all three Australian vials “far exceeded” the allowable regulatory limit set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Given scientific evidence suggesting that synthetic DNA can enter the cell nucleus and potentially integrate into the human genome, “it is important to investigate whether integration can take place in primary cells in the vaccinated population,” Dr Speicher said.

The Australian testing confirms independent lab findings of high levels of residual DNA in mod-RNA Covid vaccines from Germany, the US and Canada, highlighting that this is a global concern.

Dr David Speicher, molecular virologist, University of Guelph, Canada. Image: Supplied.
The report

Residual synthetic DNA is a byproduct from the mod-RNA vaccine manufacturing process, and is allowed under TGA regulations in levels of up to 10 nanograms (ng) per vaccine dose, and in fragment sizes of up to 200 base pairs (bp).

The TGA denies that Covid mod-RNA vaccines are contaminated with synthetic DNA above 10ng per dose, but as high levels had been detected in vials from other regions, the legal team behind the GMO case commissioned this study to determine residual synthetic DNA levels in Australian vials.

PJ O’Brien & Associates arranged for shipment of three vials with chain of custody, one Moderna and two Pfizer, to Dr Speicher’s lab at the University of Guelph in Canada. The vials were shipped on dry ice and stored in the lab fridge on arrival. The Pfizer vials had tamper seals intact, while the Moderna vial had been half-used.

Dr Speicher used two methods to test for residual DNA levels - fluorometry and qPCR - each with its own advantages.

qPCR is the method preferred by regulators. It captures lower readings of DNA because it can fail to pick up small fragments of DNA below 200bp, and it measures less than 1% of the residual DNA plasmid, with the other 99% being extrapolated mathematically. This means the reading has greater repeatability, but it gives a less complete picture.

A Moderna patent (2014) related to “removal of DNA fragments in [the] mRNA production process” acknowledges that the qPCR method of quantitating residual DNA only detects some target DNA molecules, but “does not measure all other smaller DNA molecules that are partially digested” by the enzyme used to break them down for the filtration process.¹

Using qPCR, Dr Speicher detected synthetic DNA up to 15-fold above the TGA’s limit in both Pfizer lots, but the Moderna lot was compliant.

Analysis of the DNA loads for spike, ori and SV40 enhancer/promoter as quantitated by qPCR. The dotted red line denotes the TGA 10ng per dose guidance. Image: Dr David Speicher
To prepare for fluorometry testing, Dr Speicher boiled the vaccines to dissolve the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) encapsulating both the mod-RNA and residual synthetic DNA. This allowed for increased DNA yield in the reading.

However, there is the potential for “cross talk,” where mod-RNA can be accidentally included in the reading. To reduce cross talk, Dr Speicher treated the samples with an enzyme called RNase A to degrade the mod-RNA, ensuring that it would not be picked up in the DNA reading.

Using fluorometry, Dr Speicher detected seven to 145-fold more synthetic DNA than the TGA’s 10ng limit. All vials exceeded the limit, with Moderna having the highest DNA load of 1460ng per dose.

Analysis of total DNA loads as determined by fluorometry. The RNase= values equate to time since RNase A was added to the sample. Values are in ng/dose and the TGA 10ng/dose guidance would be slightly above the X-axis. Image: Dr David Speicher.
Dr Speicher detected three types of residual synthetic DNA in the vaccines: spike protein, ‘ori’ (short for the origin, where the synthetic plasmid begins to be read for copying) and the gene therapy SV40 enhancer/promoter sequence. Pfizer and Moderna contained DNA from the spike and ori, but only Pfizer contained the SV40 enhancer/promoter (not to be confused with the whole Simian Virus 40, which was not present.)

The spike protein DNA detected in the Pfizer vaccines was “the highest concentration levels seen in vials independently tested globally to date,” said Dr Speicher, prompting him to run the tests a second time to make sure it wasn’t an erroneous reading.

Dr Speicher also used vials from a previous study of mod-RNA Covid vaccines as controls to rule out any possibility of contamination or other sources of error. “The results were repeatable suggesting the result is true and valid,” he stated.

SV40 enhancer/promoter

Dr Speicher explained in his affidavit that the SV40 enhancer/promoter is “is known to promote nuclear localization,” meaning that it can drag DNA fragments into the nucleus of the cell after being delivered to the cytoplasm by LNPs.

Once in the nucleus, the probability of genomic integration “greatly increases” as compared to traditional vaccines, where any residual DNA is not packaged in LNPs nor accompanied by a nuclear localising sequence.

Dr Speicher and other scientists have also pointed out that this SV40 sequence could pose an oncogenic risk due to its effect on tumor suppressor gene p53.

Controversially, Pfizer “chose not to mention” the SV40 enhancer/promoter on the residual DNA map submitted to regulators as it should have done, emails obtained under freedom of information show.

Genomics scientist Kevin McKernan was the first to discover the SV40 enhancer/promoter in the Pfizer vaccine, in early 2023. He documented his findings in a preprint and alerted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Since McKernan made the presence of the SV40 enhancer/promoter known, regulators, including the TGA, have issued statements to the effect that the sequence is non-functional and poses no safety risk.

Nevertheless, internal emails show that at least one regulator, Health Canada, is working to get the SV40 enhancer/promoter sequence removed from Pfizer’s mod-RNA vaccine.²


Dr Speicher acknowledged several limitations to the report. Though the vials were cool when they arrived to his lab, the dry ice had evaporated and no temperature was recorded at handover.

However, Dr Speicher told me that it is unlikely that this would have any effect on the DNA levels in the vaccines.

“We know that DNA is stable at room temperature for months. The shipping time would have very little negative effect on the DNA levels,” he said.

While breaking the cold chain “could make the LNPs less stable and begin to degrade the modRNA” and would therefore invalidate the vaccines for use in humans, it “would not significantly degrade or change the DNA loads,” said Dr Speicher.

The Moderna vial was not tamper-sealed, leaving open the possibility of external contamination. This is unlikely though, said Dr Speicher, as a person tampering with the vial would have to contaminate the vaccine with the exact same series of DNA sequences detected in the other independent studies around the world, an unlikely theory that McKernan refers to as the ‘elf on the shelf’.

Once the vials arrived in Canada, “the shipping container was opened by me, documented, time a date and placed in a secure fridge that can only be accessed by myself,” said Dr Speicher.

Dr Speicher also identified some variability between the results from the two flourometry runs, which he attributed to the “difficulty in pipetting LNPs due to aggregations and settling of LNPs.”

Regardless, Dr Speicher emphasised that these results “clearly show that the vials from Australia have more than 10ng per dose.”

“It’s not a matter of whether or not the vaccines have more DNA than 10ng per dose but a question of how much more do they contain,“ he said.

Regulator dismisses findings

In response to independent studies of residual DNA contamination date finding residual synthetic DNA at levels over the allowable limit, the TGA says that the mod-RNA Covid vaccines are “not contaminated,” and denies that the studies are valid. The TGA says that the presence of residual DNA, including the SV40 enhancer/promoter in the mod-RNA Covid vaccines poses no safety risk, and it says that the delivery of synthetic DNA to cells all around the body in LNPs is immaterial.

See the TGA’s full arguments below.

Australian drug regulator goes on record: Pfizer mRNA shots 'not contaminated'
JUL 24
Australian drug regulator goes on record: Pfizer mRNA shots 'not contaminated'
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) denies that the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine is contaminated, as at least four independent labs around the world claim to have detected plasmid DNA contamination in vials of the mRNA Pfizer and Moderna shots, most well over regulatory limits.

Read full story
In response to Dr Speicher’s affidavit detailing his testing of three Australian mod-RNA vaccine vials, the TGA determined the findings are “not reliable.”

A TGA spokesperson referred me to the international guideline adopted by regulators to determine whether testing methods are reliable and accurate, stating,

“The TGA cannot tell from Dr Speicher’s affidavit whether he has validated his method according to this guideline, nor whether he has used a suitably characterised reference standard. There is no information in the affidavit that Dr Speicher has validated the method using RNAse according to the validation guidelines.

“Regulatory testing is conducted within tightly controlled frameworks that ensure traceability and certainty about the integrity and provenance of test samples.

“It appears that Dr Speicher only used three vials of unknown provenance, one of which he notes had been opened by the time it reached him. All three vials had expired when the testing was conducted. The “chain of evidence” provided in the affidavit only covered 4 hours of time and there is no temperature log with the samples.

“Given the lack of controls that could ensure the accuracy of the test methods used and given considerable uncertainty around sample integrity and provenance, the results presented in Dr Speicher’s affidavit are not reliable.”

Several of the concerns raised by TGA are limitations already addressed above, namely the use of alternative methods for measuring DNA loads, lack of temperature record on arrival of the vials, and the open Moderna vial.

The TGA is correct that Dr Speicher’s affidavit does not contain the chain of custody, however PJ O’Brien & Associates advised that chain of custody is documented and included in the prosecution brief.

Dr Speicher acknowledges the TGA’s adopted guideline but said that “there is no compendial standard for testing DNA inside LNPs.” This is because the approved method of testing measures DNA levels in the ‘mixture’ before packaging it in LNPs, but not in the final drug product as administered, once the DNA has been enveloped in the LNPs.

“The work was done in a research laboratory following good laboratory practice and show important preliminary findings on the vials that need to be confirmed by an independent lab under forensic conditions,” Dr Speicher said.

Oncogenic and genomic integration risks

While the TGA assures that the mod-RNA Covid vaccines are compliant with with regulatory guidelines on DNA limits, Dr Speicher’s affidavit highlights that the guidelines “do not account for multiple dosing of the same vaccine or platform, the risk of regulatory sequences [such as the SV40 enhancer/promoter], integration of small DNA fragments (7bp to 200 bp), or nuclear entry/integration.”

“While the number of these fragments entering a cell is unknown, it is known from Dean et al. (1999) that only 3-10 copies of these spike DNA fragments containing the SV40 enhancer are needed to be inserted into a single cell for the risk of insertional mutagenesis to exist,” he said.

This risk posed by millions to billions of small DNA fragments per dose was highlighted last year by cancer genomics scientist Dr Phillip Buckhaults, from the University of South Carolina, who verified McKernan’s DNA contamination findings in his own lab.

In sworn testimony in a South Carolina Senate hearing, Dr Buckhaults explained that by chopping residual DNA fragments into “itty bitty bits“ as part of the filtering process during mod-RNA vaccine production, the vaccine manufacturers “actually increased the hazard of genome modification in the process.”

Insertional mutagenesis (i.e.: insertion of small fragments in the genome) can in turn lead to cancer formation, Dr Speicher explained further via email.

“[That’s] why the p53 gene is so important. The SV40 promoter knocks out p53 and can cause the cell to turn cancerous. We also know from Kevin’s sequencing studies that the whole spike gene can insert into precancerous regions of chromosome 9 and 12,” he said.

DNA contamination in Covid vaccines DOES get into human cells, new evidence shows
MAR 21
DNA contamination in Covid vaccines DOES get into human cells, new evidence shows
Regulators and fact checkers claim that plasmid DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid vaccines can’t change your genomic DNA, but new evidence suggests that it actually can.

Read full story
The oncogenic risk is highlighted in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) industry guidance, which states, “There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”

Several Moderna patents (here and here) similarly reference the risks of oncogenesis and DNA integration associated with residual DNA.

Dr Speicher’s affidavit references new research conducted by McKernan and molecular biologist Dr Ulrike Kämmerer showing that “integration of the DNA fragments in the Pfizer COVID-19 modRNA vaccine into the human genome is possible.”

“It is important to investigate whether integration can take place in primary cells in the vaccinated population,” he said.

Dr Speicher told me that the next step from here will be to “dive deeper into determining if and where insertional mutagenesis is occurring” in vaccinated people, “including by comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated blood and sperm samples.”

“Sperm will be especially huge because if it is shown that the spike DNA is in in sperm cells and that cell makes an offspring than every cell in the offspring’s body could be a spike factory.”

Cancer genomics scientist Dr Buckhaults has begun his own study to test for genomic integration in mod-RNA vaccines, which he said he hopes will “prove my concerns are unwarranted by accumulating a lot of negative data.”

McKernan intends to formally publish his Pfizer vaccine integration study with Dr Kämmerer and has more experiments in progress to figure out if the integration is occurring in hereditary or non-hereditary chromosomes.

Battle in the court

Dr Speicher’s affidavit will be presented as evidence in the case, Julian Fidge v. Pfizer, Moderna. The plaintiff, Victorian GP and pharmacist Dr Julian Fidge, is seeking an injunction from the Federal Court to stop Pfizer and Moderna from distributing their mod-RNA Covid vaccines.

Dr Fidge alleges that the vaccines contain GMOs, for which Pfizer and Moderna did not obtain the appropriate licence from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) before distributing the vaccines, a serious criminal offence under the Gene Technology Act (2000).

The OGTR and the TGA deny that the mod-RNA-LNPs and synthetic DNA fragments are GMOs under Australian law, but scientific and legal experts who provided evidence for the lawsuit disagree.

The matter was due to be settled in the Federal Court, but is in a holding pattern while the Federal Court formally investigates a judge who dismissed the case on the matter of standing.

The investigation was initiated in response to a complaint raised by Dr Fidge’s lawyers, which alleges that Justice Helen Rofe concealed her prior professional relationship with one of the defendents, Pfizer, as well as family ties to the biomedical industry, before dismissing the GMO case.

Learn more about the GMO case here.

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Moderna was contacted for comment on whether this shortcoming has been addressed in its protocol for measuring residual synthetic DNA in its Covid vaccines for submission to regulators, but did not respond before publication deadline.

A draft Clarifax response emailed from Senior HC Biologist/Evaluator Michael Wall to HC Manager of Vaccine Quality Tong Wu states, “Health Canada will continue to work with international regulator partners to achieve harmonisation regarding removal of these sequence elements from the plasmid for future strain changes.”杰西卡玫瑰10·不可接受的杰西卡,请阅读 - 近期DNA发现的优秀摘要在Covid-19可注射产品小瓶中爆发:澳大利亚mRNA Covid镜头的DNA污染镜头截至145次,报告显示了第一个独立的 对三种改性RNA(Mod-RNA)疫苗小瓶的独立检测,包括儿童和成人批次,在联邦法院诉讼中提供了对疫苗的调控状况的有效性的证据。 法律公司PJ O'Brien&Associates带来的案件,疫苗以合成DNA污染和Mod-RNA-LNP复合物的形式含有非约性转基因生物(GMOS),这可能会造成一个UNT 在向法律公司PJ O'Brien&Associates提供的宣誓书中,分子病毒学家David Speicher博士表示,他在所有三个澳大利亚小瓶中检测到的合成DNA的量“远超过”允许的监管限制 鉴于科学证据表明,合成DNA可以进入细胞核并可能整合到人类基因组中,“对于疫苗群体中的原代细胞中是否可以在原发性细胞中进行整合是重要的,”博士说。 澳大利亚检测证实了德国,美国和加拿大的Mod-RNA Covid疫苗中高水平残留DNA的独立实验室发现,突出了这是一个全球关注。 加拿大圭尔夫大学的David Speicher博士,分子病毒学家。 图片:提供。 报告残留的合成DNA是来自Mod-RNA疫苗制造过程的副产物,并且在每种疫苗剂量高达10纳克(NG)的TGA规则下允许,并且在最多200碱基对的片段尺寸(BP TGA否认Covid Mod-RNA疫苗被每剂量高于10ng高于10ng的合成DNA,但随着来自其他地区的小瓶中检测到高水平,GMO案件背后的法律团队委托委托本研究以确定残留的合成DNA水平 PJ o'brien&Associates安排在加拿大圭尔夫大学的Speicher的实验室中,为三个小瓶装运了三个小瓶,其中一名现代人和两个辉瑞公司。 小瓶装在干冰上,并在抵达时储存在实验室冰箱里。 辉瑞瓶的篡改密封完好无损,而现代人的小瓶已经使用了一半。 PheoInher博士使用了两种方法来测试残留DNA水平 - 荧光测定和QPCR - 各自具有自身的优点。 QPCR是调节剂首选的方法。 它捕获DNA的较低读数,因为它不能拾取低于200BP以下DNA的小片段,并且它测量小于残留DNA质粒的1%,其他99%的数学推断。 这意味着读数具有更大的可重复性,但它提供了更少的完整图片。 与“mRNA生产过程中的DNA片段中的DNA片段中的现代专利(2014)承认,定量残留DNA的QPCR方法仅检测一些靶DNA分子,但”不测量部分的所有其他较小的DNA分子 QPCR定量分析穗,OI和SV40增强剂/启动子的DNA载荷。 虚线红线表示每个剂量引导的TGA 10ng。 图片:David Speoinher博士为荧光测定测试做好准备,博士博士煮沸疫苗以溶解包封MOD-RNA和残余合成DNA的脂质纳米颗粒(LNP)。 这允许在阅读中增加DNA产量。 然而,有可能的“跨谈”,其中Mod-RNA可以意外地包括在阅读中。 为了减少交叉谈话,Dr Speoiner用一种称为RNasea的酶处理样品,以降解Mod-RNA,确保在DNA读数中不被拾取。 使用荧光测定法,DR PEICHER检测到七至145倍的合成DNA,而不是TGA的10ng限制。 所有小瓶都超过了极限,现代化的DNA负荷为每剂量为1460ng。 荧光测定法分析总DNA负载。 RNase =值等同于由于将RNase A添加到样品中的时间。 值在Ng /剂量中,并且TGA 10ng /剂量引导将略高于X轴。 图片:David Dr Speicher。 博士博士在疫苗中检测到三种类型的残余合成DNA:穗蛋白,'ORI'(原点短,其中合成质粒开始读取复制)和基因治疗SV40增强剂/启动子序列。 辉瑞和现代人含有尖峰和奥利的DNA,但只有辉水剂含有SV40增强剂/启动子(不要与未存在的全猿病毒40混淆。)在辉瑞VIVC中检测到的尖峰蛋白DNA Speicher博士还将Vials从先前的Mod-RNA Covid疫苗研究中使用,以排除污染或其他误差来源的任何可能性。 “结果是可重复的,表明结果是真实的,有效的,”他说。 SV40增强剂/启动子博士博士在他的亚誓言中解释了SV40增强剂/启动子是“已知促进核定位”,这意味着它可以在递送到细胞质后将DNA片段拖入细胞的细胞核中 一旦在核中,与传统疫苗相比,基因组整合的概率“大大增加”,其中任何残留的DNA未包装在LNP中,也不伴随着核定位序列。 Speoinher和其他科学家博士还指出,由于其对肿瘤抑制基因P53的影响,这种SV40序列可能会造成致癌风险。 有争议的是,辉瑞“选择不提”SV40增强剂/启动子在剩余DNA地图上提交给监管机构,因为它应该已经完成,在信息展的自由下获得的电子邮件。 Genomics Scientics Kevin McKernan是第一个在2023年初发现辉瑞疫苗的SV40增强剂/启动子。他在预印刷品中记录了他的调查结果,并提醒食品和药物管理局(FDA)。 由于McKernan达到了已知的SV40增强剂/启动子,因此包括TGA的调节因子已发出陈述,序列是非功能性的,并且没有任何安全风险。 尽管如此,内部电子邮件表明,至少一个监管机构,加拿大卫生,正在努力从辉瑞的Mod-RNA疫苗中取出的SV40增强剂/启动子序列.2限制DR Speicher对报告确认了几个限制。 虽然当瓶子达到他的实验室时,瓶子很酷,但干冰已经蒸发,在切换时没有记录温度。 然而,Speicher博士告诉我,这不太可能对疫苗中的DNA水平产生任何影响。 “我们知道DNA在室温下稳定数月。 送货时间对DNA水平影响很小,“他说。 在打破冷链时,“可以使LNP稳定并开始降解ModRNA”,因此将使人类使用的疫苗无效,它“不会显着降低或改变DNA负载,”博士说。 现代小瓶没有篡改密封,留下外部污染的可能性。 Speofer说,这是不太可能的,作为篡改小瓶的人必须用在世界各地的其他独立研究中检测到的疫苗,这是一个在世界上的其他独立研究中检测到的完全一系列DNA序列,这是McKernan指的是 一旦小瓶抵达加拿大,“货物容器被我打开,记录,时间约会,并将其放在一个只能被自己访问的安全冰箱中,”博士说。 博士Speicher还确定了两种荧光法运行的结果之间的一些可变性,其归因于由于由于聚集和LNPS沉降而引入LNP的难题。“ 无论如何,Pheicher博士强调,这些结果“清楚地表明,澳大利亚的小瓶每剂量超过10ng。” “疫苗是否具有比每次剂量更多的DNA更具DNA的问题,而是一个问题,它们包含多少是多少,”他说。 调节因子讨论对残留DNA污染日期的独立研究发现残留合成DNA在允许的极限上的水平,TGA表示,Mod-RNA Covid疫苗是“未污染”,并否认研究有效。 TGA表示,在Mod-RNA Covid疫苗中存在残留DNA,包括SV40增强剂/启动子造成任何安全风险,并且它表示,在LNP中,在LNP中的全部围绕体内的细胞递送合成DNA对细胞无关紧要。 请参阅下面的TGA的完整参数。 澳大利亚药物监管机构正在进行记录:辉瑞先生的射击'没有受到污染的'Rebekah Barnett·7月24日澳大利亚药物监管机构正在记录:辉瑞先生MRNA射击“未被污染”治疗货物管理局(TGA)否认 阅读完整的故事,以回应Speicher博士的宣誓书详细说明他对三个澳大利亚Mod-RNA疫苗小瓶的测试,TGA确定了结果是“不可靠” TGA发言人将我提到监管机构通过的国际指南,以确定检测方法是否可靠,准确,陈述,“TGA无法从Speicher博士的宣誓书中告诉他是否根据本指南验证了他的方法,也不是他 Dr Speicher在宣誓书中没有信息,根据验证指南使用RNASE验证了该方法。 “监管检测在紧密控制的框架内进行,以确保可追溯性和确定测试样品的完整性和出处。 “似乎博士博士只使用了三个瓶子的未知来源,其中一个人在到达他时已经打开了。 所有三个小瓶在进行测试时已经过期。 在宣誓书中提供的“证据链”仅涵盖了4个小时的时间,并且没有温度的样品。 “鉴于缺乏控制的控制,可以确保使用的测试方法的准确性和在样本完整性和出处提供相当大的不确定性,博士宣誓书博士宣誓书中提出的结果不可靠。” TGA提出的一些问题是上面已经解决的限制,即使用替代方法来测量DNA负载,缺乏在瓶子到达时的温度记录,以及开放的现代小瓶。 TGA是正确的,Speicher的宣誓书博士不包含拘留链,但PJ O'Brien&Associates建议拘留链被记录并纳入起诉简介。 Speicher博士承认TGA采用的指导指导,但表示“在LNP中没有测试DNA的高级标准。” 这是因为在将DNA包装在LNPS中,批准在将其包装成的“混合物”中的DNA水平造成“混合物”中的DNA水平,但在LNP中包裹,而不是施用的最终药品。 博士说:“在良好的实验室实践后,在良好的实验室实践中,在良好的实验室实践中,对需要通过法医条件下的独立实验室确认的小瓶进行了重要的初步调查结果,”博士说。 致癌和基因组集成风险,同时TGA确保Mod-RNA Covid疫苗符合DNA限制的监管指南,Speicher的宣誓书博士突出了指导方针“不占 “虽然进入小区的这些片段的数量未知,但从Dean等人中已知。 (1999)只需将含有SV40增强剂的诸如含有SV40增强子的穗DNA片段的3-10份被插入一个细胞中,以存在插入诱变的风险,“他说。 去年通过南卡罗来纳大学的癌症基因组科学家北卡罗来纳大学(South Carolina)在他自己的实验室中验证了McKernan的DNA污染调查结果,突出了数百万以每剂量的小DNA片段突出的这种风险。 在南卡罗来纳州参议院听证会中的宣传证词中,Dr Buckhaults解释说,通过将残留的DNA片段切入“Itty Bitty位”,作为在Mod-RNA疫苗生产过程中过滤过程的一部分,疫苗制造商“实际上增加了 插入诱变(即:在基因组中插入小片段)又导致癌症形成,博士博士通过电子邮件进一步解释。 “[那是]为什么p53基因如此重要。 SV40启动子敲出P53,可导致细胞转动癌变。 我们还从凯文的测序研究中知道,整个尖峰基因可以插入9和12的染色体癌前区域,“他说。 Covid疫苗中的DNA污染确实进入了人类细胞,新的证据显示了Rebekah Barnett·Mar 21在Covid疫苗中的DNA污染确实进入了人类细胞,新的证据显示了监管机构,事实验证者声称在MR中的质粒DNA污染 阅读完整故事,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)行业指导中突出了致癌风险,这些风险(FDA)行业指导态度“有几种潜在机制可以是雌性DNA的潜在机制,包括编码癌基因的整合和表达或表达 几项现代专利(此处和此处)类似地参考与残留DNA相关的肿瘤生成和DNA集成的风险。 Speicher博士的宣誓书参考McKernan和分子生物学家博士UlrikeKämmerer博士的新研究表明“将DNA片段在PFizer Covid-19 modRNA疫苗中的整合到人类基因组中是可能的。” “重要的是要调查一体化是否可以在接种疫苗的人口中的主要细胞中进行,”他说。 Speicher博士告诉我,这里的下一步将是“深入了解疫苗的人中”在疫苗的人中发生了脱模,包括通过比较疫苗和未接种的血液和精子样品。“ “精子会特别巨大,因为如果显示穗DNA在精子细胞中,并且该细胞比后代的身体中的每个细胞都可以成为一个尖峰厂的后代。” 癌症基因组学科学家Buckhaults博士开始他自己的研究来测试Mod-RNA疫苗的基因组集成,他说他希望“证明我的担忧是通过积累大量的负数据来造成的责任。” McKernan打算与Kämmerer博士正式发布他的辉瑞疫苗集成研究,并在遗传或非遗传性染色体中发生融合,以弄清楚的实验。 法院战斗博士博士的宣誓书将作为案例所证明的证据,朱利安FICK v。辉瑞,现代。 原告,维多利亚省GP和药品专家朱利安穹窿博士,正在寻求联邦法院的禁令,以阻止辉瑞和现代人分发其Mod-RNA Covid疫苗。 DR Fidge声称疫苗包含GMOS,其中辉瑞和现代人在分发疫苗之前没有获得基因技术调节器(OGTR)办公室的适当许可,该疫苗在基因技术法案(2000)下是一个严重的刑事犯罪。 OGTR和TGA拒绝,Mod-RNA-LNP和合成DNA片段是澳大利亚法律下的转基因生物,但是为诉讼提供了不同意的证据的科学和法律专家。 这件事是由于在联邦法院定居,但在联邦法院正式调查一名驳回案件的法官时,持有模式。 该调查是回应博士律师律师提出的投诉,据称Helen Rofe义务与未经防治者,辉瑞和家庭联系在解雇GM之前隐瞒了她先前的专业关系 在此处了解有关GMO案的更多信息。 缺陷率下降是读者支持的出版物。 考虑成为一名有偿订户。 升级到支付以支持我的工作,分享,订阅和/或通过我的KOFI帐户对DDU进行一次性贡献。 谢谢! 关注我在X上关注我在Instagram上,请联系Underma,了解是否已在其Covid疫苗中测量残留合成DNA的方案,以便向监管机构提交,但在出版截止日期之前没有回应。 2克拉因子响应的草案,从高级HC生物学家/评估师Michael Wall到疫苗质量桐武国家的HC经理,“加拿大卫生将继续与国际监管合作伙伴合作,实现从质粒中除去这些序列元素的协调

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