She's 70, has type 1 diabetes, attendant heart issues, and travels with a med technician.
Jesus. Why did Obama select someone that old? I know time flies, but shit with diabetes she's gonna lose a foot or leg. SCOTUS career done. 70-74 for Trumps time is going to be risky for her. It's November. Not sure if it's logical to try and replace her for the Dems. Not that I really care. And not that their strategy has been intelligent this whole campaign season. It was like a winter storm pile up on the highway.
This has been the worst disaster in my lifetime of an election season. McCain and Palin are close though. You have to go back to the Reagan stomping to see worse and I was a baby basically. If there's a chance to fill a Thomas and Soto vacancy that would be insane.
Microvascular disease from diabetes (renal failure, neuropathies, retinopathy), and old birds have lots of autoimmune issues, too (brain affect). It could be why she has become progressively stupider with time, or maybe she was always that way and was skating on thin DEI ice.
They are shored up with their staff who are probably Kommies making all of her decisions. They just guide her pen hand to whatever she is supposed to sign and hope she can see well enough to read her prompts.
Of course, there is the old body double routine they pulled for over a year with RBG dead crumble to keep the Kommie pollution of SCOTUS up and keep Trump from appointing somebody sane.
So, Scalia gets a pillow assassination and Soto gets enbalming and weekend at Bernie's treatment. Bright side is she'll last long enough for Trump to name her replacement?
Maybe they will croak her to appoint somebody worse as the eleventh hour of the administration draws to a close.
LOL, "SCOTUS is fundamentally broken". Just like there's only cheating when Dems lose, even though the vote total reverted back to normal trend line.