Assassination of United Health CEO Brian Thompson

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2024 Dec 4, 7:31pm   8,059 views  297 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The gunman who shot United Health CEO Brian Thompson is apparently accustomed to shooting people. In the video footage, he seems preternaturally calm, collected, and deliberate. Note especially how he walks towards the man he has just shot in the back to fire a few final shots at closer range. He has a strangely unhurried and casual gait, and he never looks back to see if anyone might be closing in from behind.

He strikes me as extremely confident that no one is around to intervene and that he will have no problem escaping.


Video footage released of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson being executed by a masked gunman.

Video footage shows a man in the grey backpack pulling out a pistol with a silencer on it before opening fire.

The man was seen firing multiple shots at Thompson who stumbled to the ground.

According to The New York Post, the weapon jammed at one point, prompting the gunman to fix it so he could keep firing.

He then fled down an alley and was last seen in Central Park.

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50   Ceffer   2024 Dec 6, 11:54am  

Beginning to think the shooter might be a foreign asset who exfiltrated. That seems to be a stock in trade, and why he was so casual. He had his escape plan routed to become gone goose. Facial recognition would have nailed him already? Pros usually aren't that careless, but the shooter was almost relaxed like he was well practiced.

The writing on the casings was chaff? Something around the company is blowing up in political faces? Burned the wrong pols or congress critters? A little pre-weeding of a witness testimony pool? Partners in crime and fellow execs? Seems to be bigger than an angry client.


51   PeopleUnited   2024 Dec 6, 12:47pm  

WookieMan says

I seized Monday again. I was on the median about to hit a tree driving.

It is not safe for you to be driving. Any responsible health care professional will tell you it is not worth the risk. You don’t want someone else’s injury or death on your conscience.
52   mell   2024 Dec 6, 1:11pm  

PeopleUnited says

WookieMan says

I seized Monday again. I was on the median about to hit a tree driving.

It is not safe for you to be driving. Any responsible health care professional will tell you it is not worth the risk. You don’t want someone else’s injury or death on your conscience.

Moreso you keep saying you got money, you may want to spend some regardless of insurance on a quality medical center specializing in seizures as quite often they can map the brain and figure out the exact region responsible, and if feasible they can remove a small part and cure you forever.
53   WookieMan   2024 Dec 6, 1:58pm  

Doing a 48 hour EEG. We'll see what comes of that.

I'm driving regardless. I have insurance, auto, health and life. I'm not gonna stop living. If it kills someone my apologies in advance. Maybe learn to hit the brakes and pay attention? Novel idea. You're at a larger risk than me seizing than someone on a phone. So there's that. High. Drunk. I'm the least of anyone's worries. Have the record to prove it.
55   Patrick   2024 Dec 6, 3:22pm  

@WookieMan CBD has also been used successfully to treat epilepsy.
56   Ceffer   2024 Dec 6, 5:09pm  

Shouldn't drink alcohol if you are having seizures, but that's the usual advice that goes over like a lead balloon.
57   WookieMan   2024 Dec 7, 6:34am  

Is what it is. I know the triggers now. It's stress related. I hate driving. I'm probably the angriest driver you'd meet.

I'll look into the CBD. I don't want to feel high or buzzed is all. I don't believe it does that, but I also don't want anything in my system that could get me in trouble. I stopped regular THC weed April 2023.

I have insomnia. 3-4 hours sleep best case. So that doesn't help and melatonin knocks me on my ass the next morning for the dose I need and I'm the guy that has to get the kids going in the morning. I can't sleep in. 5:30am wake up times for basketball practice right now. Wife is at the gym. I'm starting to think it's sleep deprivation related, but I can't change her or my schedule with the kids.

I do a lot for working part time. Every basketball game I have to go to two 7th and 8th grade gams. I want to go, but it's 3-4 hours with drive time depending on away games. Then "granny" shows up and wants to go out to eat after the game. Another hour. 3 kids, 2 adults so it's a load of dishes and laundry daily, my job.

I don't think a lot of you here have kids. The only reason I find time here is because I don't sleep. If I was drinking too much I'd just be knocked out all the time and never post. Also only have beer at night. Also 6'3" 220lbs so I'm not the typical 5'9" 150-60lbs male. I'm not the typical you had 3 beers you're an alcoholic. I feel nothing on 3.

Fact is the wife has a high demand job. She stresses me out. 3 kids stress me out. Driving stresses me out. Maybe I need to eat shit and just get a Tesla. Not joking. Not getting rid of the wife or kids. I just need less stress and more sleep. I'm due for a new car and the oldest is gonna need a car. He can take mine.
58   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Dec 7, 6:45am  

WookieMan says

I'm probably the angriest driver you'd meet

You’ve got to chill out. Don’t take rude drivers personally. Exercise will help you chill out. Experience the joy of routine cardio and resistance training. Just a long walk could do it.
59   porkchopXpress   2024 Dec 7, 7:29am  

WookieMan says

If it's not in a contract you don't have to do it. It's not glib, it's law.
Unfortunately, you're wrong.
60   WookieMan   2024 Dec 7, 8:29am  

porkchopXpress says

WookieMan says

If it's not in a contract you don't have to do it. It's not glib, it's law.
Unfortunately, you're wrong.

It seems some people got screwed by HR retards. It is law. It's contract law. I've never signed a damn thing for employment that had anything to do with a vaccine. I've worked for big corps. I used to keep my documents while employed, but I've gotten rid of them so can't prove it. I was a spoiled kid with an attorney as a father. He looked over documents for a $9/hr job.

I know my shit on this topic. It's an easy multi-million dollar lawsuit on this vaccine issue. Why in the flying fuck would your company be honest with you knowing their end of the bargain will cost millions. They lie to you to scare you. Private or Public companies cannot force you to inject anything. 100% fact. Government is a different topic. Like military.

Just because people say they were forced to that's 100% bull shit. Again, no private or public company can force you to inject something into your body. People got pressured by HR in all cases and caved and now are embarrassed.
61   stfu   2024 Dec 7, 3:57pm  

63   Ceffer   2024 Dec 7, 7:23pm  

Monopoly money? Guess he was planning to buy Park Place with the proceeds.
64   Patrick   2024 Dec 8, 12:00am  

Monopoly money is a fantastic statement.
65   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 12:20am  

Yet ANOTHER completely different looking "Suspect Photo"

66   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 8, 2:24am  

Someone pump & dumped a memecoin on the CEO's death.

67   Robert Sproul   2024 Dec 8, 8:00am  

I don't think he was a 'pro' simply because he didn't close the distance to a foot or two for his first shot or spend an extra 5 seconds for a coup de grace shot to the head. I think that the glimpses of the shooters face might be a hyper realistic mask (look on youtube) which are readily available for a thousand bucks and would fool most people when they are not looking for it, and especially when partially obscured. Of course the CIA has masks that are straight-up Mission Impossible. If true nobody knows what this dude looks like and it explains why nobody has recognized him.
Or maybe the CIA used a mask in the likeness of an eventual patsy....
68   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 11:23am  

Yes, it seems that shooter displayed non-pro actions like: not shooting from the dark at close range with a head shot, a jamming gun, too many witnesses, and a dodgy exfiltration. However, the shooter was range practiced with the proper shooting stance, he knew how to rapidly unjam his gun, and he used a silencer. He didn't flee without a kill shot, so maybe a novice or sloppy pro. One could imagine some low level foreign hireling acting this way. He acted unafraid and collected during the act and runaway. If the bicycle did not identify him through CC or phone, than it was a pre-arranged getaway.

It appears that PTB may be chaffing the scene with disinformation and false sightings of the dude, so there is still the possibility that it was a State exonerated hit. I would imagine they were silencing a potential witness in like Killary.

The writings on the shell casings were kind of over the top misdirection shit (too theatrical) that it was more personal than it was, like a disgruntled customer. The monopoly money also was an over the top theatrical signatory.
69   stereotomy   2024 Dec 8, 12:16pm  

This is NYC, where legal gun ownership (let alone with a foot long silencer) is practically a capital offense for non-criminals. No way this wasn't supported by oligarchs or 3-letter agencies.
70   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 8, 12:23pm  

stereotomy says

This is NYC, where legal gun ownership (let alone with a foot long silencer) is practically a capital offense for non-criminals. No way this wasn't supported by oligarchs or 3-letter agencies.

Seriously? As if there was a strict border around NYC and illegal gun trade was not a thing. LOL.
71   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 12:30pm  

When the fogging machine of disinformation ramps up, it means a coverup is underway. Maybe a patsy is needed, maybe not. Circumstances will dictate.

75   stereotomy   2024 Dec 8, 3:15pm  


stereotomy says

This is NYC, where legal gun ownership (let alone with a foot long silencer) is practically a capital offense for non-criminals. No way this wasn't supported by oligarchs or 3-letter agencies.

Seriously? As if there was a strict border around NYC and illegal gun trade was not a thing. LOL.

Any criminal can get anything for $$$. In NYC, the only guns allowed to legal gun owners must be sold or transferred within the confines of the five boroughs of NYC ONLY. It doesn't matter how many guns you legally own in other states - if you didn't buy it in NYC, it's not legal. The PRNY is as fanatical about "gun control" as DC. I.e., only criminals can own handguns. The PRNY is imposing a $1.50 on each box (25 shells) of shotgun shells sold, as well as requiring a NICS check for every ammunition purchase.

Hell, even if you reload, powder is $55 PER POUND now. Even if you have the licenses, you can't afford the ammunition.
76   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 8, 3:32pm  

stereotomy says

Hell, even if you reload, powder is $55 PER POUND now. Even if you have the licenses, you can't afford the ammunition.

Buy it from out of state.
77   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 8, 3:35pm  

Am I the only one here who thinks the NYC is just trying to look like they know who the hitman is or at least looks like vs they still have no clue and are just pushing AI generated images to the public?
78   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 8, 4:09pm  

If you are plotting an assasination gun laws is the last thing stopping you. Strict gun laws in one patch of USA don't matter if you don't care about being 100% legal with it. Which you obviously don't if... see above.
79   Patrick   2024 Dec 8, 4:15pm  


For decades, I have used the soap box and ballot box to attempt redress of my grievances. Because of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act I cannot access the jury box to appeal for the my son’s vaccine injury. Our story is a very common one, but it has never occurred to us to use the ammo box as an option. It honestly breaks my heart that someone finally may have. Because, if the murder of Brian Thompson is the violent result of just another heartbreaking medical injustice, then someone in the public has given up on the first three boxes ever working. ...

It is also difficult for me to see the rising folk hero status of this shooter, whom X is now tagging with the moniker “The Claims Adjuster.” Once this person becomes praised for what they have done, the risk of more impatient and angry individuals, many with justifiable rage, taking up arms against corporate criminals increases. Americans have been nursed on such stories in their network crime drama entertainment for decades, So taking violent action it is not a far stretch for some who have come to the end of their rope. No sane person working in good faith within a healthy system should come to the end of their rope. But ours is not a healthy system.

This is not the America we want. What we want is for the soap box, the ballot box, and the jury box to work. America is based on the ideas that wrongs are not to be settled with violence and street justice. But the fact that all three branches of government have failed in their duties to hold corporations and individuals accountable for their crimes and failures may now have broken that trust in of the rule of law that makes our civil society civil.

Americans aren't angry at the shooter. The longer he goes without being caught the greater his status becomes as a folk hero. It is easy to predict that if he is not caught this year, that he is well on his way to becoming the D.B. Cooper of the 21st century.

The tragedy of that is that what this man did was not just murder, and it was not just an assassination, it was an act of terrorism against the insurance industry. The day the story went public, Blue Cross Blue Shield was forced to retract its policy of limiting the amount of time that they would pay for anesthesia for a patient going through surgery. The terror attack immediately hit an intended target. And we have learned over the last 30 years that terrorism does work. Many respond to the induced fear by capitulating to the terrorist, both foreign and domestic.

This past several years saw our own government turn terrorist against its own citizens during the “pandemic” by inducing fear of death into a population gaslighted into acting against its own interests: locking down, closing their children's schools, walking away from the support of their own churches, restricting their own breathing, and injecting themselves with a poorly understood and largely untested cocktail of ingredients not proven to even prevent infection or transmission by a death virus, as the government characterized it. Fear works.

If the shooting of Brian Thompson is retribution for a legitimate complaint that was never made right by this company, then this act of pulling the trigger in retribution will get its intended effect by making corporate abusers take stock in their choices. ...

In this present moment we are close to resetting our government. I have been decrying for many years the fact that my Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial “[i]n suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars,” has not been “preserved” but rather has been obliterated. Because of the unconstituional 1986 Act, I cannot sue the pharmaceutical company that made the vaccine that gave my son lifelong brain damage. I have pointed out repeatedly that the entity that I and all parents have to appeal to for compensation is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and that the the U.S. Department of Justice, in representing HHS and opposing families, ultimately protects the interests of the criminal and negligent pharmaceutical companies. The purpose of the DOJ is to protect victims from criminals, but it has been inverted to advance the criminals rather than the interests of their victims.
83   stereotomy   2024 Dec 8, 4:26pm  

Patrick says

Yeah - where do you get almost $10K to go hunting execs on a "lark."
85   WookieMan   2024 Dec 8, 5:48pm  

This may have done us a favor and banned masks in public (eventually). They don't do anything anyway. Everyone I know that wore a mask still got covid. So did I no warning a mask. Head is on a swivel anytime I see someone looking 50 or under wearing a mask. Why? Your indoor air quality is likely 90% more trash than being outside without a mask.
86   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 6:51pm  

The Healthcare Executive Assassin-steal his look.
87   Patrick   2024 Dec 8, 8:13pm  


Medicare and Medicaid fraud assumed monstrous proportions with the passage of the CARES Act of March 25, 2020. ...

Uncle Sam paid hospitals a fee for performing a Covid test, then another fee for admitting a Covid positive patient, and then the full daily Medicare (with a 20% add-on) hospitalization rate, regardless of the patient’s insurance status.

The MD and Minnesota State Senator, Dr. Scott Jensen, drew attention to this in an April 8 interview with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham:

Right now, Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission in hospital, you’ll get paid $13,000 dollars. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000 dollars, three times as much.

Dr. Jensen was addressing the concern that hospitals were thereby incentivized to code patients as COVID-19 admissions even if they were suffering from other illnesses or injuries. Of additional concern was the CDC’s guidance:

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID-19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”

This created the possibility that the death of any patient—including extremely frail people with multiple co-morbidities—who also happened to present flu-like or pneumonia symptoms, could be attributed to COVID-19, even without a positive test. ...

On November 2, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced it would pay an additional 20% add-on payment to hospitals that used new FDA-approved drugs for treating COVID-19. The first therapies that were eligible for this bonus were remdesivir and convalescent plasma (extracted from donated blood). The cost of these drugs was covered by the Medicare add-on payment. In other words, Medicare (a U.S. government funded institution) paid hospitals a 20% gratuity on the patient’s entire hospital bill (already “enhanced” 20%) for using these new drugs. ...

Maybe Thompson was going to document some details about the payments for mass murder that hospitals were getting from the government to increase fear and therefore increase death jab uptake.
88   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 10:03pm  

Funny story, long ago I had a state healh insurance license and an Aetna-USHealthcare (that's how long ago) agent license. A few years ago, apparently the company I worked and got my license through got brought by another company that sold it to another company, that did some unethical things.

I got a letter in the mail like two years ago saying MY moral terpitude prevents me from renewing my USHC Agent license. Not that I've had any insurance license in forever. Keep in mind I've never had anything more than a parking or speeding ticket (and not in 2 decades), my credit score is well over 700, never been in any personal civil suit, never had any complaint filed against me to any regulator, etc.

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