🇺🇸 President Trump 川普总统

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2024 Dec 8, 8:31pm   34 views  0 comments

by HANrongli   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

🇺🇸 President Trump川普总统
(Reporter's Comment: The local wars in the world over the past four years and the deliberate war against innocent humans by the new coronavirus🦠 and the new coronavirus vaccine💉 that threaten humanity are due to the fraud and theft of votes by the evil forces "old friends of the Chinese Communist Party" in 2021 The regime and the Wuhan Virus🦠Wuhan Pfizer R&D🧂 Center Building are full of evil backgrounds originating from the Chinese Communist Party. The power of the communist dictatorship is like a volcano, erupting at any time, and its destructive power is beyond the imagination of kind people‼ So! To fight against terrorism, we must first oppose dictatorship. Dictatorship is the culprit of terrorism🔄/ France🇫🇷Freelance health reporter: Han Rongli
记者述评:世界过去四年的局部战争及威胁人类的新冠病毒🦠、新冠疫苗💉对无辜人类的蓄意的战争,是是源于2021黑恶势力“中共的老朋友”舞弊选票盗取政权及武汉病毒🦠武汉辉瑞研发🧂中心大厦,累累罪恶背景始源于中共,共产主义独裁专制的强大,如同一座火山,随时喷发、其破坏力令善良的人们无法预想‼️所以!反恐首先要反对独裁专制,独裁专制是恐怖主义的罪魁祸首🔄/ 法国🇫🇷自由健康记者:韩荣利)

It is an honor to announce that I will be traveling to Paris, France, on Saturday to attend the re-opening of the Magnificent and Historic Notre Dame Cathedral, which has been fully restored after a devastating fire five years ago. President Emmanuel Macron has done a wonderful job ensuring that Notre Dame has been restored to its full level of glory, and even more so. It will be a very special day for all! 我很荣幸地宣布,我将于周六前往法国巴黎,参加宏伟而历史悠久的巴黎圣母院的重新开放仪式,该大教堂在五年前的一场毁灭性火灾后已得到全面修复。 总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)做得非常出色,确保巴黎圣母院恢复了其全部荣耀,甚至更是如此。 对所有人来说这将是非常特别的一天!

Assad is gone. He has fled his country. His protector, Russia, Russia, Russia, led by Vladimir Putin, was not interested in protecting him any longer. There was no reason for Russia to be there in the first place. They lost all interest in Syria because of Ukraine, where close to 600,000 Russian soldiers lay wounded or dead, in a war that should never have started, and could go on forever. Russia and Iran are in a weakened state right now, one because of Ukraine and a bad economy, the other because of Israel and its fighting success. Likewise, Zelenskyy and Ukraine would like to make a deal and stop the madness. They have ridiculously lost 400,000 soldiers, and many more civilians. There should be an immediate ceasefire and negotiations should begin. Too many lives are being so needlessly wasted, too many families destroyed, and if it keeps going, it can turn into something much bigger, and far worse. I know Vladimir well. This is his time to act. China can help. The World is waiting! 阿萨德走了。 他已经逃离了他的国家。 他的保护者,俄罗斯,俄罗斯,俄罗斯,以弗拉基米尔·普京为首,不再有兴趣保护他。 首先,俄罗斯没有理由出现在那里。 由于乌克兰,他们对叙利亚失去了所有兴趣,那里有近 60 万俄罗斯士兵受伤或死亡,这场战争本不应该开始,而且可能永远持续下去。 俄罗斯和伊朗目前处于衰弱状态,一是因为乌克兰和糟糕的经济,二是因为以色列及其战斗胜利。 同样,泽连斯基和乌克兰也希望达成协议并阻止这种疯狂行为。 他们荒谬地失去了 40 万士兵和更多的平民。 应该立即停火并开始谈判。 太多的生命被不必要地浪费,太多的家庭被摧毁,如果这种情况继续下去,它可能会变成更大、更糟糕的事情。 我很了解弗拉基米尔。 这是他行动的时候了。 中国可以提供帮助。 世界正在等待!

Here are my new Trump Perfumes & Colognes! I call them Fight, Fight, Fight, because they represent us WINNING. Great Christmas gifts for the family. Go to gettrumpfragrances.com. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! 这是我的新特朗普香水和古龙水! 我称他们为“战斗,战斗,战斗”,因为他们代表我们胜利。 送给家人的精美圣诞礼物。  访问 gettrumpfragrances.com。 圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

I am pleased to announce that Alina Habba will join my White House Team as Counselor to the President. Alina has been a tireless advocate for Justice, a fierce Defender of the Rule of Law, and an invaluable Advisor to my Campaign and Transition Team. She has been unwavering in her loyalty, and unmatched in her resolve - standing with me through numerous “trials,” battles, and countless days in Court. Few understand the Weaponization of the “Injustice” System better than Alina, who has fought relentlessly against the full force of Lawfare with courage and an unshakable commitment to Justice. As a first generation American of Middle Eastern Heritage, she has become a role model for women in Law and Politics, most recently being named Chaldean Woman of the Year.
Congratulations to Alina, her husband Gregg, and her three beautiful children, Chloe, Luke, and Parker. 我很高兴地宣布阿丽娜·哈巴将作为总统顾问加入我的白宫团队。 阿丽娜一直是正义的不懈倡导者、法治的坚定捍卫者,也是我的竞选和过渡团队的宝贵顾问。 她的忠诚坚定不移,决心无与伦比——在无数次“审判”、战斗和法庭上的无数日子里,她与我站在一起。 很少有人比阿丽娜更了解“不公正”制度的武器化,她以勇气和对正义不可动摇的承诺,与法律的全部力量进行了不懈的斗争。 作为第一代中东裔美国人,她已成为法律和政治领域女性的榜样,最近被评为年度迦勒底女性。

Opposition fighters in Syria, in an unprecedented move, have totally taken over numerous cities, in a highly coordinated offensive, and are now on the outskirts of Damascus, obviously preparing to make a very big move toward taking out Assad. Russia, because they are so tied up in Ukraine, and with the loss there of over 600,000 soldiers, seems incapable of stopping this literal march through Syria, a country they have protected for years. This is where former President Obama refused to honor his commitment of protecting the RED LINE IN THE SAND, and all hell broke out, with Russia stepping in. But now they are, like possibly Assad himself, being forced out, and it may actually be the best thing that can happen to them. There was never much of a benefit in Syria for Russia, other than to make Obama look really stupid. In any event, Syria is a mess, but is not our friend, & THE UNITED STATES SHOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. THIS IS NOT OUR FIGHT. LET IT PLAY OUT. DO NOT GET INVOLVED! 叙利亚反对派武装人员史无前例地以高度协调的攻势完全占领了众多城市,现在已经到达大马士革郊区,显然准备采取非常大的行动来推翻阿萨德。 由于俄罗斯与乌克兰的关系如此密切,并且在乌克兰损失了超过 60 万士兵,因此俄罗斯似乎无法阻止这场穿越叙利亚的实实在在的进军,而叙利亚是他们多年来保护的国家。 这就是前总统奥巴马拒绝履行保护沙中红线的承诺的地方,俄罗斯介入后,一切都爆发了。但现在他们,可能就像阿萨德本人一样,被迫下台,而且实际上可能是 可能发生在他们身上的最好的事情。 除了让奥巴马看起来非常愚蠢之外,叙利亚从来没有给俄罗斯带来太多好处。 无论如何,叙利亚一团糟,但不是我们的朋友,美国不应该与它有任何关系。 这不是我们的战斗。 让它发挥出来。 不要参与其中!

Pete Hegseth is doing very well. His support is strong and deep, much more so than the Fake News would have you believe. He was a great student - Princeton/Harvard educated - with a Military state of mind. He will be a fantastic, high energy, Secretary of Defense Defense, one who leads with charisma and skill. Pete is a WINNER, and there is nothing that can be done to change that!!! 皮特·赫格斯表现得很好。 他的支持是强大而深入的,比假新闻让你相信的要多得多。 他是一位优秀的学生 - 受过普林斯顿/哈佛大学教育 - 具有军事心态。 他将成为一位出色、充满活力的国防部长,一位以魅力和技巧领导的国防部长。 皮特是胜利者,没有什么可以改变这一点!

CONGRATULATIONS BITCOINERS!!! $100,000!!! YOU’RE WELCOME!!! Together, we will Make America Great Again! 恭喜比特币爱好者!!! 10万美元!!! 不客气!!! 我们将共同让美国再次伟大!

The Wall Street Journal is becoming more and more obnoxious and unreadable. Today’s main headline is: “Trump’s DEA Pick Pulls Out In Latest Setback.” With all that’s happening in the World, this is their Number One story of the day. Besides, he didn’t pull out, I pulled him out, because I did not like what he said to my pastors and other supporters. But, more importantly, what’s my “latest” setback??? I just won the Presidency of the United States! They haven’t written a good story about me in YEARS. Somebody over there ought to look at what they’re doing. The only one worse than them is stupid, China-centric Forbes Magazine! 《华尔街日报》正变得越来越令人讨厌和难以阅读。 今天的主要标题是:“特朗普的 DEA 选择在最近的挫折中退出。” 考虑到世界上正在发生的一切,这是他们今天的头号故事。 此外,他没有退出,是我把他退出了,因为我不喜欢他对我的牧师和其他支持者说的话。 但是,更重要的是,我的“最新”挫折是什么??? 我刚刚赢得了美国总统职位! 他们已经很多年没有写过关于我的好故事了。 那边的人应该看看他们在做什么。 唯一比他们更糟糕的是愚蠢的、以中国为中心的《福布斯》杂志!

I am pleased to announce that Peter Navarro, a man who was treated horribly by the Deep State, or whatever else you would like to call it, will serve as my Senior Counselor for Trade and Manufacturing. During my First Term, few were more effective or tenacious than Peter in enforcing my two sacred rules, Buy American, Hire American. He helped me renegotiate unfair Trade Deals like NAFTA and the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS), and moved every one of my Tariff and Trade actions FAST.

The Senior Counselor position leverages Peter’s broad range of White House experience, while harnessing his extensive Policy analytic and Media skills. His mission will be to help successfully advance and communicate the Trump Manufacturing, Tariff, and Trade Agendas.
Peter is not just a superb, Harvard-trained Economist, he is a noted author of more than a dozen bestselling books on strategic business management and unfair Trade. He did a superb job for the American People in my First Term. Peter will do even better as Senior Counselor to protect American Workers, and truly Make American Manufacturing Great Again. 我很高兴地宣布,彼得·纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)将担任我的贸易和制造业高级顾问,彼得·纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)曾受到“深州”(或任何你喜欢的称呼)的可怕对待。 在我的第一个任期内,很少有人比彼得更有效或更顽强地执行我的两条神圣规则:购买美国货,雇用美国人。 他帮助我重新谈判北美自由贸易协定和韩美协定等不公平贸易协议。 自由贸易协定(KORUS),并快速推进我的每一项关税和贸易行动。

高级顾问职位利用了彼得广泛的白宫经验,同时利用了他广泛的政策分析和媒体技能。 他的使命是帮助成功推进和传达特朗普的制造、关税和贸易议程。
彼得不仅是一位受过哈佛训练的出色经济学家,还是十几本关于战略商业管理和不公平贸易的畅销书的著名作者。 他在我的第一个任期内为美国人民做了出色的工作。 作为高级顾问,彼得将做得更好,保护美国工人,真正让美国制造业再次伟大。

I am totally against the once great and powerful U.S. Steel being bought by a foreign company, in this case Nippon Steel of Japan. Through a series of Tax Incentives and Tariffs, we will make U.S. Steel Strong and Great Again, and it will happen FAST! As President, I will block this deal from happening. Buyer Beware!!! 我完全反对曾经伟大而强大的美国钢铁公司被外国公司收购,这就是日本的新日铁公司。 通过一系列税收激励和关税,我们将使美国钢铁再次强大和伟大,而且这会发生得很快! 作为总统,我将阻止这项交易的发生。 买家请注意!!!

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