Yeah, he had at least two ancestors that were Baptist Preachers.
Woke is mutating into Wokeright. I'm telling yous guys, the Global Class is gonna switch from left to right like they always do. Remember the 2000s and the GWOT?
LBJ participated in the assassination because it was clear JFK would win election handily, and that RFK who was garnishing attention and praise from the Media, would be too hard to beat in 1968 primary. His only chance at the Presidency was to get rid of Camelot.
LBJ, like the original Joe Biden, HAD to become President or he would have suffered prosecution and gone to jail. Again, it is surprising how many aspire to the office to do an end run around the consequences of their crimes. Of course, that kind of leverage makes them the perfect puppets.
I remember the real Biden claiming he was the most honest and principled man in Congress because he was the poorest and never made hay. Also, Obama claiming he finally was able to pay off his student loans when he entered the White House. The scum become tedious in their lies and contempt for the audiences.
One strange thing about LBJ, in spite of being a bizarre psychopathic POS, was that he was obsessed with the integrity of his positive historical image. Well, he has lost on that count for sure. However, as we see, our recent crops of political robber barons have no concern whatsoever about preserving any kind of image as long as the shams are sufficient to keep them in power.
What do you think of the Oliver & Roger Stone theory that Nixon was a great man trying to hold back Globaloney, but was terminated for ending the Vietnam Corporate Grift? There was another thing or two he did that enraged the OSS Boston Brahmin Globalist types
wait for it...