Lucknow, Hindus gather to disrupt Christians praying on Christmas. The whole civilization is now defined by their inferiority complex reflecting in their bullying of the powerless.
The ones from the Indians are all written in impeccable English.
The ones written from “America First” types have spelling and grammatical mistakes that would embarrass a second grader.
People barely literate in their native language are worried that people who can actually read and write are making their country into a third world nation.
There is something in the Indian blood--a profound feeling of inferiority?--that overrides their supposedly high IQ that made them climb to this "top" and turns them into spiteful little creatures. Jews, even now when they are so powerful, still work in the shadow, they are subtle, "fellow white people," etc. Chinese are just completely silent, buying land, stealing some secret and sending it back to CCP from time to time, they know this is a long game for them. But Indians? One small taste of power in the West and they are gloating like they've been enthroned as conquering kings. Five years ago, they were just those amusing "bobs and vegana" people. Now they are singlehandedly making racism among Whites acceptable. The pendulum will swing back so hard.
Lucknow, Hindus gather to disrupt Christians praying on Christmas.
The whole civilization is now defined by their inferiority complex reflecting in their bullying of the powerless.
Nothing on Twitter feels better than the meltdown of Western inbreds over the Indian invasion 😂
MAGAs showing them reality: