Elon Musk is not really an anti Elite Establishment Champion, he just plays one on Xwitter

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2025 Jan 5, 1:42pm   150 views  8 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Elon has let his new found popularity go to his head, or perhaps he got his popularity by posing as an interloper that gives a fuck.

Behaviors that run counter to what he portrays himself.

* The H1B Visa battle. Not that he is a bad guy for having a personal opinion about H1B Visas, even those reasons are pure selfish ones. Politics is all about getting what you want. Where he went off the rails, is banning people who challenged his opinion.

* He then tried to salvage his reputation as a MAGA whisperer, by injecting himself into European elections. He has the general idea of the direction he needs to point his rhetoric, but where he gets lost is when he tries to give input to how they should achieve it. Right or wrong Nigel Farage has not seen fit to bring Tommy Robinson into the fold. Could be many reasons for that. They are fighting the same fight with different methodology. Tommy goes out and rallies wrong speak that "For now" the Commies in charge can label you as a criminal, destroy you, put you in jail, disenfranchise your political movement and totally break you with debanking, then throw you in jail.. Farage is working to end the Communist terror, by changing the voting public will to leave the EU and the Woksters. Tommy is perfectly willing to go out and shout the same wrongspeak that got him put in jail in the first place. Tommy at this point is a terd in the punch bowl, to bring him in the fold would be the quickest way to be labeled as racist and have the law weaponized against you. Tommy never stepped into the "Brexit" fight. Instead he accused Muslims and Brown people of forming "Grooming Gangs". That's his one trick pony. No political change just inflammatory rhetoric. No matter how true it might be. Politics demand you have more tact to get what you want. For the same reasons Trump didn't jump on GAB even though it was a great fit for him. He would have been savaged and destroyed. The media knew GAB was a truthful site. They and the spooks loaded it up with folks that post the most vile disgusting Antiemetic and Racist bullshit, so bad, that if they were NOT Spooks. I'm sure congress would have brought them in and those posters would have been doxed and exposed. And Tobra would have had to shut down Gab. But the plan was to have Trump go there, then dump all of the psyops shit they did on GAB on Trump. Who the fuck is Elon now to tell Farage to step down and let Tommy Robinson take over?

* After the trouncing Elon took from his H1B visa misstep. He's now changed the algorithms. So most people who don't fucking matter won't even see his posts. Unless they go to his timeline feed and seek it out. Elon also changed the way people can reply to Verified members. Only other verified members can reply. And if you engage in wrong speak, you'll lose your Verified badge.

Is Elon trying to disengage from the DOGE and hopefully kill it before it even comes to fruition? Sure seems that way. He though he was going to be able to go in, and get rid of the regulatory bodies that makes his life hell as a Billionaire tycoon. But I don't think he really gives a rats ass about easing the Government overreach and burden on us serfs.

Oh if DOGE does not make it. The Democrats are going to take up ending H1B visa programs, so they can become the populist candidates in the 2026 midterms. They will block the H1B visas which is being abused to bring in cheap labor from every sector. They will replace it with some plan that bring in illegal aliens to work any job NOT a white collar sector job.

So we won't have Hindus, Chinese, Ukrainians or Skihs working in tech. But Mexicans will be everywhere doing everything else.

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1   Tenpoundbass   2025 Jan 5, 1:57pm  

H1B visas are toast, this movement will not die now. If the Republicans don't seize it, the Democrats will and steal the Republican's 2026 thunder.

"Steve Bannon Doubles Down, Calls for Elimination of H-1B Visas, Deportations of “ALL H-1B Visa Holders Immediately” and Reparations for Americans who Had Their Jobs Stolen by Foreigners"

I can't see Elon doing and about face, in the face of the tsunami of pollical will that be put up against defending H1B visas. He will destroy Tesla, X and Space X if he tries to hold the line.
2   AmericanKulak   2025 Jan 5, 1:58pm  

Elon is sensitive because I believe he came in on an H1B way back when it first started.
3   Tenpoundbass   2025 Jan 5, 2:03pm  

Oh Yeah! Well Americans are so sensitive about this because they used to have a job where just one family member made enough income to raise a family and own a house with a two car garage. There are people who needs salt. They are very low on salt. But after they have recovered, they will die if you keep feeding them salt.

We can't keep eating the salt.
4   TechBrosWon   2025 Jan 5, 2:59pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Oh Yeah! Well Americans are so sensitive about this because they used to have a job where just one family member made enough income to raise a family and own a house with a two car garage. There are people who needs salt. They are very low on salt. But after they have recovered, they will die if you keep feeding them salt.

We can't keep eating the salt.

HinJews have many tricks up their sleeve, They will flank and not go frontal anymore.
Probability wise I still give them 80% chance of victory over MAGA.
MAGA is destroyed by inflation, porn and lack of Christianity in their lives by foreign powers.

You guys needs to develop Sikh like mentality that just don’t back down no matter what .. Keep pushing.
(Islam also use same methods .. in past Christianity used crusades to push against it)
5   Ceffer   2025 Jan 5, 4:14pm  

I think Elon is clown distraction in the rodeo at this point. He keeps Mar a Lago and X pie fights going while the Trump girds his loins for the real adventure. It's not long, we'll see something soon.
6   Tenpoundbass   2025 Jan 5, 5:54pm  

I think he's Elon Castanza. He's the George Castanza of the Internet. He's not as genuine and authentic as he appears.
He loves attention and being popular. I think that's a trait he quickly gained after buying X. The more he was in charge the bolder he got.
Now he basks in the trolling glow. He says a lot of stuff to goad is detractors, not really being serious, but to rile his fans up. Like buying Twitter. He didn't have any plans to buy Twitter. He just posted it, to rile everyone up and piss off the Liberals. But it backfired on him and his fans said "That's a great idea!" The media reported it as he made a legit offer, which he didn't it was just a shit posting Tweet. Then the Feds stepped in because it was construed as market manipulation. And he was cornered into buying it. "Let's kick it up a notch!"

The same thing with D.O.G.E. I think he was cleverly trying to put his meme coin back in the American lexicon, and talked about again. The funny thing is, this whole time, the D.O.G.E. coin in relation to his idea, has never once come up. Everyone said it was a great idea, Elon thought it would never fly and every politician besides Trump and RFK Jr. would reject it. Then Vivek stepped in to join him. Then it gained support from many GOP and some Dems in Congress. The next thing he knew, he's telling people to go fuck their face, over one of the most crucial areas that a D.O.G.E. outfit would have to address. If you're talking about government waste. For every one H1B visa that comes to America, our tax dollars has to fund the displaced American employees and their families. He was trolling and everyone said do it.
"Let's kick it up a notch!"

He's an idiot. Sure he can bring a fools product to market, but doesn't make it a wise idea.

Battery Operated cars with the current technology, is a dumb idea and should have been reconsidered a long time ago.
Space X is fine there are things in space we need to do and should do. But human interplanetary travel is not one of them. Let alone colonization. I can't be smarter than he, to realize what an unmitigated disaster that would be.
Solar we're finding out is cool and slick but it's not for the long haul. That type of equipment is not meant to be outside in extreme seasonal conditions, and the elements, to last for seasons upon season without damage and needing replacement. I remember when folks were talking about the lifetime of Solar. They were talking about how long it would last in conditions like an airconditioned climate controlled environment. Nobody will ever 10 to 20 years out of those systems like was originally being said. No where close. Lucky to get 3 full years out of them before major breakdowns and repairs. '

Again I think he got in all of these industries, placating dreamer Liberals that thought it would all be cool and greenie. He weighed in and got positive feedback and then felt locked in to make it happen. That's his genius he can make impossible possible, and shouldn't doable.

"Let's kick it up a notch"

Meanwhile all he wants is a single company that is everything to everybody. "X". No not Twitter, he just calls Twitter "X" now, because it's his dream to see it in marquis. He wanted X to be a credit card company, a phone company, your personal assistant, your shopper, your everything. He said so himself. His dreams is closer to a PayPal expansion than a Twitter expansion. He ended up with Twitter because of his mouth.
7   Eric Holder   2025 Jan 7, 1:53pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Meanwhile all he wants is a single company that is everything to everybody. "X". No not Twitter, he just calls Twitter "X" now, because it's his dream to see it in marquis. He wanted X to be a credit card company, a phone company, your personal assistant, your shopper, your everything. He said so himself. His dreams is closer to a PayPal expansion than a Twitter expansion. He ended up with Twitter because of his mouth.

Why would any sane person want to participate in such a monstrocity? One account to hack and your everything is controlled by somebody else. Keeping all eggs in one basket is never a smart thing.
8   TechBrosWon   2025 Jan 7, 1:57pm  

Eric Holder says

Tenpoundbass says

Meanwhile all he wants is a single company that is everything to everybody. "X". No not Twitter, he just calls Twitter "X" now, because it's his dream to see it in marquis. He wanted X to be a credit card company, a phone company, your personal assistant, your shopper, your everything. He said so himself. His dreams is closer to a PayPal expansion than a Twitter expansion. He ended up with Twitter because of his mouth.

Why would any sane person want to participate in such a monstrocity? One account to hack and your everything is controlled by somebody else. Keeping all eggs in one basket is never a smart thing.

Samsung and other chaebols in South Korea work in same way.
They just weaken the anti trust laws to OK monopoly.

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