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The COVID MRNA Vaccine does not work and it causes tremendous harm and death. It needs to be banned immediately.
We have no real idea of any vaccines work at all because there have not been any exhaustive studies to determine their effectiveness.
The Department of Health and Human Services is loaded with lousy bureaucrats and bad scientists that are caught in an old paradigm. They need to go. We need to replace them with new blood that can work from the new paradigm to make the country healthier.
The COVID event was the great government scandal in history. The people that perpetrated the crime on the world need to go to jail.
Kennedy did not give his core supporters much to cheer about today.
I know, politics. I have been an advocate for smart politics with Kennedy.
For some reason I am not happy today.
Nicole Shanahan is on a mission for RFk,Jr’s confirmation and has provided this list of contacts.
Senator Mitch McConnell (R) Call: 202-224-2541
Senator Lindsey Graham (R) Call: 202-224-5972
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R) Call: 202-224-6665
Senator Susan Collins (R) Call: 202-224-2523
Senator Bill Cassidy (R) Call: 202-224-5824
Senator Thom Tillis (R) Call: 202-224-6342
Senator James Lankford (R) Call: 202-224-5754
Senator Cory Booker (D) Call: 202-224-3224
Senator John Fetterman (D) Call: 202-224-4254
Senator Bernie Sanders (D) Call: 202-224-5141
Senator Cortez-Masto (D) Call: 202-224-3542
Senator Raphael Warnock (D) Call: 202-224-3643
Senator Jon Ossoff (D) Call: 202-224-3521
In my opinion, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. delivered a stellar performance in today’s confirmation hearings. The following fact checks demonstrate why:
RFK Jr. is Right: "Conspiracy Theories" That Turned Out to Be True
COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Prevent Infection—TRUE. In fact, they PROMOTE infection: (Eythorsson et al, Chemaitelly et al, Shrestha et al, Feldstein et al)
The Negative Efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA Injections Has Been Demonstrated
Excess Fluoride Exposure Associated with Lower IQ in Children
Antidepressants (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors - SSRIs) and Violent Crime
Do SSRIs Increase Homicidal Behavior & Violent Crime? Two Major Studies Say YES
Lagerberg et al (2020): - People on SSRIs were 26% more likely to commit violent crime (HR 1.26). - Highest risk in ages 15-34 (HR 1.19-1.35). - Risk stayed high even 12 weeks after stopping the meds (HR 1.37).
Chronic Disease Epidemic
Lesson Number One - No Questions Allowed
Did it really get so bad with the Democrats that they thought asking a question about a disease was itself a crime? Yes, that is how bad it got. Just asking a question is itself a crime. You are to accept their version of the facts or you will be labeled - what was the list they put him on? The Disinformation Dozen? ...
Lesson Number Two - Big Pharma isn’t “Bad” Anymore
Lesson Number Three: The Democrats Haven’t Learned a Thing
They still exist inside their insulated, isolated doomsday bunker. Megyn Kelly recently gave a great interview with Frontline. She explains it so well. They should spend a few minutes listening to voices outside of their bubble. They should try, at the very least, to understand where Americans are coming from...
Lesson Number Four: There is not an Independent Thinker Among them
Sheldon Whitehouse, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders - none of them had any courage to stand up to the party and maybe work with, rather than against, RFK, Jr. Only the Republicans seemed willing to take a hard look at everything that has brought us to this point.
Lesson Number Five: There is No Saving the Left
Between the out-of-touch questions in the Senate and how everyone reacted to the funding freeze — mass hysteria ensued — I’m fairly sure there isn’t any saving the Left. I hope they can get a grip because this level of insanity is not good for anyone, especially not young people. That’s why it looks like a Doomsday Cult to me. They’ve walled themselves off from ordinary life and believe everything is an existential threat to their survival.
He was rattled here & there but was stellar and informed IMO; as we said, NO substantive questions on the deadly Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the deadly Malone et al. mRNA vaccine, mRNA safety would be asked
Where Did Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Get The Idea That Vaccines Were Unsafe?
From The AMA, The AAP, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, And The Rest Of The 99th Congress
Last week Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) sent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, a scathing letter accusing him of, among other things, “dangerous views on vaccine safety” and “false hysteria that vaccines cause autism.” The letter included 175 questions that she said he should be prepared to answer at his Senate confirmation hearings. But in her letter, she exposes her own ignorance of federal vaccine policy and the laws passed by her own legislative branch.
In 1986 the House of Representatives passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) by a voice vote. Senator Warren should know that her current Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was, at the time, a member of the House and should presumably know that the bill that was passed to give vaccine makers liability protection from civil claims when a child was killed or seriously injured by a vaccine, and placed all vaccines administered to children in the legal category of “unavoidably unsafe” medical products, which means a product that cannot be made safe for its intended use.
One Question at today’s confirmation hearings could blow-up up the “safe” vaccine narrative
But we all KNOW this question won't be asked.
If just ONE senator asked ONE question of Mr. Kennedy, hundreds of millions of global citizens might begin to reconsider the authorized narrative that the Covid “vaccines” (and never-ending booster shots) are extremely “safe” and, indeed, “saved millions of lives.”
The question:
“Mr. Kennedy, are you familiar with the so-called ‘embalmers’ clots?”
Important Note: This senator could then use the big screen in the room to show a picture or two of said embalmers’ clots.
Will Fauci's COVID-19 e-Mails Be Disclosed per RFK Jr.'s Call for Radical HHS Transparency?
"Democrats and republicans ought to be able to get information that was generated by taxpayer expense, that is owned by the American taxpayer. They shouldn’t get redacted documents." - RFK Jr.
January 29, 2025: Throughout today’s Senate confirmation hearings for Secretary of Health & Human Services (HHS), RFK Jr. called for radical transparency from the department of HHS, this includes the NIH, CDC, FDA, and the NIAID (the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease). Dr. Anthony Fauci was the former Director of the NIAID for 39 years, from 1984 to 2022.
Senator Johnson Expresses Frustration in Receiving 50-Pages of Fauci’s e-Mails as Blank Pages or Mostly Redacted
Senator Ron Johnson stated that he has written over 70 oversight letters to the Biden administration requesting copies of HHS communications around COVID-19 (including Fauci’s emails) and the COVID-19 injections. PLUS, Senator Johnson subpoenaed HHS for the myocarditis data of American adults and children who received the COVID-19 injections. In response, Senator and received heavily redacted or blank documents in response.
Senator Johnson Calls for Transparency from HHS Departments
Senator Johnson: “Will you honor these requests from Congress and will make HHS transparent?”
Robert F. Kennedy: “Yes. My approach to HHS, as I’ve said before Senator, is radical transparency. Democrats and republicans ought to be able to get information that was generated by taxpayer expense, that is owned by the American taxpayer. They shouldn’t get redacted documents. Public agencies should be transparent.”
Senator Warren 'Loses It' When RFK Jr. Promises to Uphold the Law as HHS Secretary
The exchange ends with RFK Jr. affirming he would adhere to all ethical and legal guidelines while HHS Secretary, but that’s not what Senator Warren wanted to hear.
During today’s Senate confirmation testimony for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health & Human Services (HHS), Senator Elizabeth Warren became ‘unhinged’ in trying to convince viewers that RFK Jr. should NOT exercise his legal obligations to protect American adults and children from vaccines that cause greater disease and injury than provide protection.
Oh…and she asked RFK Jr. three times to promise to not continue his vocation of suing unethical BioPharma companies that violate state and federal laws after he leaves office (if confirmed as HHS Secretary).
In 1986 the House of Representatives passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act by a voice vote.
Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was, at the time, a member of the House and should presumably know that the bill that was passed to give vaccine makers liability protection.
- and placed child vaccines in the legal category of “unavoidably unsafe” medical products,
- which means a product that cannot be made safe for its intended use.
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