Collection of QUOTES from Patrick Dot Net Members aka PatNetters. Please consider including author name. Here's one I like.
By AmericanKulak First they came for the illegals, and I did not care because my kid got a job at the car wash after school and then made more with painter and roofer jobs in the summer when he was in college. Then they came for the Student Visas, and I did not care because my son's state college tuition stopped rising faster than CPI. Then they came for the H1Bs, and I did not care because my son got a great paying job right out of college in IT at a firm downtown that he had previously had a PAID internship for. They recruited him before he even graduated. Then they came for the Fakefugees and Turd World overstays, and I did not care because crime went down, along with housing prices and the property taxes.
Judaism sees itself as a family, the literal genetic descendants of Abraham. Christianity is a religion, not a family, and not a form of government. Islam is a form of totalitarian government which seeks to take over the entire earth. - Patrick
Sounds a lot like the Qanon bullshit from the past 8 years or so. Until all the perpetrators and recipient people are held criminally responsible for all this fraud the so called geniuses are “exposing”, it remains just another charade. Show me the evidence in court, if it can’t be presented in court it’s just another fantasy to distract us from the fact that even under Trump the new world order is progressing, in fact it is progressing at warp speed.
And here’s another:
“$100 billion is being sent every year to people with no social security number” OK so who is getting the money? Is this real fraud or just another charade? More qanon bullshit to distract everyone while they implement their great reset digital gulag.
The fake election ticket is a blessed entry gauntlet to the Washington Olympus of racketeering money launderers and influence peddlers.
Right now, the Globalists are encouraging the Washington predators to bleed the vampiric prey into penury, confusion and conflict. The Federal has become pure predator on the Republic, with the death of the Republic the goal at the behest of the old European powers and banksters.
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By AmericanKulak
First they came for the illegals, and I did not care because my kid got a job at the car wash after school and then made more with painter and roofer jobs in the summer when he was in college.
Then they came for the Student Visas, and I did not care because my son's state college tuition stopped rising faster than CPI.
Then they came for the H1Bs, and I did not care because my son got a great paying job right out of college in IT at a firm downtown that he had previously had a PAID internship for. They recruited him before he even graduated.
Then they came for the Fakefugees and Turd World overstays, and I did not care because crime went down, along with housing prices and the property taxes.
- American Kulak
I don't agree that this is a quotable quote.
PeopleUnited says
DOGEWontAmountToShit says
AD says
Right now, the Globalists are encouraging the Washington predators to bleed the vampiric prey into penury, confusion and conflict. The Federal has become pure predator on the Republic, with the death of the Republic the goal at the behest of the old European powers and banksters.