Santa Barbara Realtors 'Refuse' To Share Data

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2006 Jan 30, 10:52am   17,934 views  146 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Santa Barbara News-Press

4th paragraph:

"Over the past several years, the News-Press has obtained sales and median price data for the South Coast from the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors. The group recently told the News-Press that it now refuses to make this data available to the newsroom. Other associations of Realtors across the county willingly continue to share sales and price information with the paper."

"Please ignore the man behind the curtain"
"These are not the numbers you're looking for"
"Nothing to see here, folks, move along..."


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48   San Francisco RENTER   2006 Jan 31, 5:36am  

"Remember, most talented individuals who work at the top banks and money management firms finish by 25." --HITMAN

I love it. Pathetic old man wants me to fail. Keep it coming, more fuel for the fire. Oh, I must be such FAILURE because I decided to start the CFA program now that I'm 26. Keep it coming old man.

49   San Francisco RENTER   2006 Jan 31, 5:38am  

“Remember, most talented individuals who work at the top banks and money management firms finish by 25.” –HITMAN

Keep it coming you motherfucker. I studied for 2 hours last night and I will study for 3 tonight after getting this motivation from you. Keep it coming.

50   HARM   2006 Jan 31, 5:47am  


Please remember that by allowing personal barbs to offend you and reacting, you are only encouraging more of the same.

Calm... focus on peaceful relaxing thoughts...

51   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 5:57am  

“Their data, methods and economic theory is sound if their contextual assumptions are correct.”

Let's assume that real estate prices always go up, I hereby conclude that real estate prices always go up.

52   San Francisco RENTER   2006 Jan 31, 5:59am  

"Calm… focus on peaceful relaxing thoughts… " --HARM

Deeeeep breath. "Cool blue ocean. Cool blue ocean..."

I shall now leave the blog and relax. Someone PLEASE delete the troll before I get back.

53   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 6:28am  

Hitman sounds an awful lot like our other sushi loving troll.


54   surfer-x   2006 Jan 31, 6:47am  


55   HARM   2006 Jan 31, 7:22am  

From Wikipedia:


"In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who posts rude or offensive messages on the Internet, such as on online discussion forums, to disrupt discussion or to upset its participants. "Troll" can also mean the message itself or be a verb meaning to post such messages. "Trolling" is also commonly used to describe the activity."

56   Randy H   2006 Jan 31, 7:40am  

Oh, I must be such FAILURE because I decided to start the CFA program now that I’m 26. Keep it coming old man.

Assuming you even want to be an IBanker, SF Renter, don't be discouraged by HITMAN: he's full of shit. The average age of IBankers completing Associate level is closer to 29-30. Most top folks in this field take 2 years out to complete their Ivy MBA right around 26. More importantly, if you do the right internship and get the right creds, you can engage at any point up to your mid-late 30s (but I'm not sure why you'd want to). Many from my cohort were non-traditional students who went into IB well into their 30s. Just be sure it's something you want. IB types can be hard to swallow.

Getting into PE is quite a bit harder, but that's more of a cyclical thing. Getting your CFA is a good bet no matter what. The CFA and CPA were rated by the FT last year as being the two most important creds in finance, greater than all but the very top MBAs. With the CFA you can move into a wide variety of operational finance roles in corporations. And these jobs pay quite well and are in heavy demand.

57   Randy H   2006 Jan 31, 7:43am  

Regarding the Columbia/Wharton RE Econ Study:

I tend to agree with the reactions you guys have had. I would point out that removing speculators and condos is not necessarily damning. They are contending that the speculative & condo markets are different markets (as is the vacation home market). This is what I meant about contextual assumptions. It is quite possible that these segments do not move in perfect correlation, being that primary residential RE is much more sticky.

That said, I still agree that the credit overhang is the problem pushing the whole model towards threshold disruption. I just wanted to point out that there is a scenario which is logically consistent that yields a "soft landing".

58   HARM   2006 Jan 31, 7:47am  

Is posting anything that disagrees with housing crash fanatisicm deemed “offensive” or disruptive or upsetting to participants on this site?

Barnum, given the way you've phrased the question, I think it's safe to assume you already know the correct answer: no.

Yes, SFR went "off" on HITMAN, which is why he received a calm advisory. I'm well aware that HITMAN didn't use any profanity and managed to engage in a relatively polite give-and-take discussion (notice that his remarks weren't censored?).

We're not RE-hating fanatics here, and despite the odd rant or outburst here and there (aren't we all entitled to vent now and then?), we welcome a diversity of viewpoints. There are plenty of "reasonable bulls" who post here regularly: Zephyr, Jack, Face Reality, Mr. Right, etc.

59   Randy H   2006 Jan 31, 7:50am  


Exactly. I’m glad you are in agreement with me that the argument about ‘rising rates’ is going to doom the housing market is totally unfounded, simply because rates aren’t rising.

Are you, in all your claimed financial engineering prowess, asserting that only long rates affect the burden of ownership (either economically or financially)? So nominal current rates are irrelevant? What are you using as r0? Hmmmm...

Hint: broad, generalized statements are neither particularly informative nor entertaining.

Answer: Rising current rates and rising forward rates both affect RE prices as determined by net ownership cost burden, both independently and dependently.

60   inquiring mind   2006 Jan 31, 8:29am  

"After that, we opened up the Sunday paper and saw PAGES AND PAGES of open houses - it was crazy."

And this is still supposed to be the "slow" time of year LOL!! Hold your breath when you open the paper come April and May!

61   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 8:31am  

With the CFA you can move into a wide variety of operational finance roles in corporations. And these jobs pay quite well and are in heavy demand.

One needs a fews years of experience in finance to be granted the CFA charter though. Since I am in Tech, should I set myself up as a independent broker? Does that count? I may need that to take some series X exams anyway.

62   inquiring mind   2006 Jan 31, 8:31am  

One more thing Linda:

Neighboring San Ramon, as of this last Sunday, now has 4 large complexes being converted to condos on top of all the new construction - the point being that the open houses and MLS are very much undercounting the inventory that exists right now.

63   Unalloyed   2006 Jan 31, 8:32am  

@ Linda: congrats and admire your concern for your canine loved ones.

Now for some RE humor....

It was so cold out today that I saw a Realtorâ„¢ with his hands in his own pockets.

64   HARM   2006 Jan 31, 8:36am  


Given your circumstances, I think you've made a wise decision and have a healthy attitude. Best of luck to you.

Bottom line is, people should not feel pressured to gamble on their primary residences one way or the other. I hope someday RE speculators & condo flippers will be regarded by the public in the same light as pond scum and corrupt lobbyists.

65   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 8:47am  

Presumably the happless asset inflators will seek to keep their kids in the same school district

Why not rent a 3BR apartment in Cupertino. Do they HAVE to own?

HARM, Randy, SF Renter what do you guys think? or do you not fully support the crash thesis of Mr. Renter himself Patrick K.?

To me, the rent vs. buy equation and the cap-rate to treasury yield ratio are sufficient justification for the bubble case. Note that I consider affordability as merely a tipping point.

66   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 8:51am  

No. We are staying put in our little house. We are going to sit back, pay our mortgage every month, and watch the fireworks. Whatever happens, happens. Que sera, sera. It’s not enough to try and chase money your whole life. We didn’t buy the house to make a killing. We bought it to live in it.

I would do the same.

67   inquiring mind   2006 Jan 31, 9:08am  

"I’m not even sure the 10-yr yield will break 4.75% this year since we know the end of the interest rate cycle is this year."

Well, there's some argument that the 10 year will soar once the fed stops raising rates.

"Either way, people on 1-3 year ARMs are simply refinancing into 5-10yr or 30yr fixed b/c the rates are LOWER now, given the kink in the yield curve. The US consumer lives."

No not really - they couldn't qualify for a 30 year fixed 2 years ago when they bought so what makes you think they can refinance into one now?

68   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 9:09am  

What happens to rents in your crash scenario?

I think rent should more or less track inflation.

IMO, rent increase will account for 10% - 30% of the price/rent mean reversion while price decline will account for 70% - 90%.

69   inquiring mind   2006 Jan 31, 9:10am  


You obviously weren't around in 1982 - very high unemployment, very high interest rates, big recession - you can't generalize that high interest rates automatically equals a strong economy. 1982 was the pits.

70   HARM   2006 Jan 31, 9:12am  


If I'm interpreting what you're implying correctly, then you might expect rents to trend upward as the housing market cools/deflates, due to increased demand for rentals, as marginal buyers shift away from purchasing with NAAVLPs. This makes some sense, and we may well see some upward aggregate movement in rents above inflation in years to come.

However, for rents to rise high enough --assuming home prices don't fall-- to make purchasing a reasonable idea in Bubble-heavy markets (so Rent vs. Buy calculations at least break even) would require a 200-300% nominal rent increase in those markets. Where is this going to come from --sharply rising incomes? Unlike homeowners, renters have to come up with real money every month, not NAAVLP "monopoly money". This is one of the reasons why rents are historically a much more reliable indicator of fundamental housing demand than sale prices.

Added to this is the large amount of unoccupied investor-owned housing stock in said Bubble-heavy markets. When investors cannot sell (or refuse to sell) in a down market, guess what they are likely to do? Rent it out. This should increase the local supply of rental stock available and at least partly offset new demand. Also keep your eye on recent apartment-to-condo conversions. In a down market, there will be little reason NOT to convert them right back to apartments.

My money's on sale prices coming down a lot more than rents going up (assuming Heli-Ben doesn't hyperinflate, that is ;-) ).

71   Allah   2006 Jan 31, 9:36am  

Looks like the Google dot-bomb finally exploded!

72   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 9:39am  

Looks like the Google dot-bomb finally exploded!

Let's see what happens tomorrow morning.

Short-sellers: beware of a rally that may take it back to 430.


73   Randy H   2006 Jan 31, 9:43am  

vacancy rates and rents in the bay area…HARM, Randy, SF Renter what do you guys think?

I'm not willing to hazard a prediction on rents, although I generally agree that they *should* tend upwards as the bubble deflates for the reasons stated. What I do predict is that the rent-to-mortgage ratio will narrow. This doesn't imply direction, just that mortgage/ownership comes down faster than rents. (It's all in the first order derivatives).


It's hard to describe what I do for a living, besides serial-entrepreneur and independent entrepreneurial analyst. When I'm not starting a company of my own I'm helping some VC and/or entrepreneur do hyper-analysis on their market. This is how I got pulled into the whole "competing against the NAR/CAR" thing.

Everyone gets an MBA to change their career on some level. To give an honest answer, I was a very successful entrepreneur/CTO/software architect who got fed up with getting screwed by VCs and IBs, so I got myself into one of the top schools to crack their code. I happily discovered an extensive network of incredible folks along the way.

74   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 10:48am  

Note, for a 20% drop from *peak* Patrick “I want to swap your house for my apartment” Keliea needs sub $600K in SF and $500K in Bay Area. I guess if it is going to be a crash, the Patrickists would believe that these values are perhaps on the high end - more like sub $500K in SF and sub $400K in Bay Area?

The "crash" will take years, but IMO much decline will occur within 2 years.

I believe Bay Area SFH prices will be down 15% - 40% while condo prices will be down 25% - 65%.

We do not care much about the median because it depends too much on what is being transacted.

75   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 10:52am  

I guess if it is going to be a crash, the Patrickists would believe that these values are perhaps on the high end - more like sub $500K in SF and sub $400K in Bay Area?

Why are these number unbelievable? They were even lower a few years back when there were more jobs in the area?

76   San Francisco RENTER   2006 Jan 31, 11:24am  

"I’m glad you admitted your mistake that you were off. I know a lot of people who confuse 10 basis points to mean .01, instead of .1 of 1%." --HITMAN

What are you saying? A basis point is NOT 1/10 of 1%, it IS 1/100 of 1%. That would be 0.01. Because 0.01 X 100 = 1.0. That's why a basis point is 1/100 of 1%. Documentation:


That's why I said this before:

"The yield on the 10-year bond was 4.39% last week, and closed at 4.52% yesterday:
That’s 13 basis points in a week. If I am wrong as to the exact day of the move, oh well."

And I'm not admitting a mistake, because that is a correct statement. So what are you saying again?

77   San Francisco RENTER   2006 Jan 31, 11:30am  

"One needs a fews years of experience in finance to be granted the CFA charter though. Since I am in Tech, should I set myself up as a independent broker? Does that count? I may need that to take some series X exams anyway." --Peter P

Peter, what I currently do is work for a software company that creates and supports financial management software. A Lot of back-office management type stuff, portfolio reporting, allocation modeling, billing, etc. Finance and tech are industry sectors that are co-dependant these days. I would recommend that you leverage your tech knowledge along with your CFA studies and first make the move over to a tech company that specialized in financial software, perhaps a 401K plan administrator or some such, they all have web portals nowadays. This will begin to fulfill the finance experience you need for your Charter. If your designing or supporting financial applications, that counts.

78   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 11:37am  

1. Natural supply restrictions - I know that theoretically the space market has no bounds

Think Japan. Any supply restriction would have been discounted by the market long time ago. It does not explain price actions.

2. Willingness of people to (continue to) pay a disporportionately high percentage of their income toward deeded property (not renting) - call ‘the pride of homeownership’

Willingness? People base their decision only on price action. When the market stops shooting up (like now), this willingness will be gone. The sheeple effect can easily reverse. When the market is heading down, we will be talking about people's unwillingness to hold a depreciating asset despite mortgages being cheaper than rent.

3. The income is not going away here and it does trickle down. Talk to commercial realtors - it is net office absorption - these are jobs. We are long passed bottom in SF.

We are past bottom. But housing prices never adjusted back to the fundamentals after the bust because Greenspam delayed the inevitable.

Do you even understand concepts like bubbles, trends, and reflexivity?

79   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 11:39am  

…and it is no doubt fanciful to think about being able to buy real estate in northern California at such levels

No it is NOT fanciful. LESS people will qualify for mortgages and EVEN LESS will want to buy that those prices.

Imagine what the economy will be like.

Honestly, I much rather have income and rent catch up to those prices.

80   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 11:40am  

The problem (for those praying for a 30%-40% correction) is that you are in the heart of America’s economic engine.

Everybody says that.

If you say that Texas in the engine, I would probably agree. Silly Valley in the People's Republic of California !? No way.

81   San Francisco RENTER   2006 Jan 31, 11:43am  

"2. Willingness of people to (continue to) pay a disporportionately high percentage of their income toward deeded property (not renting) - call ‘the pride of homeownership’ a psychological error or model for its value..."

This one I would bet against continuing indefinitely. I fully agree that there is currently a deep-seated psychological bias toward owning in this country. But psychology has been proven to shift dramatically in the past; very evident in past historical bubbles. It is quite true that psychology and the desire to own has been fueling the increase in RE values, but this psychology will have a tipping point. It is not possible or probable that people will continue to pay a higher and higher percentage of their disposable income on housing. On the contrary, more and more of them are realizing even now how much money they can save and invest by NOT buying at current prices, as evidenced by national median home price declines and inventory increases over the past three months. A large downpayment on a future home may indeed be their pre-eminent savings goal, but now that prices are dropping it is doubtfull that the majority will be so quick to jump right in to the market. It is simply not possible for a the value of housing to continue to increase indefinitely (even if people continue to psychologically desire it), especially when real wages have been in decline.

82   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 11:47am  

Peter, what I currently do is work for a software company that creates and supports financial management software. A Lot of back-office management type stuff, portfolio reporting, allocation modeling, billing, etc. Finance and tech are industry sectors that are co-dependant these days. I would recommend that you leverage your tech knowledge along with your CFA studies and first make the move over to a tech company that specialized in financial software, perhaps a 401K plan administrator or some such, they all have web portals nowadays. This will begin to fulfill the finance experience you need for your Charter. If your designing or supporting financial applications, that counts.

Thanks SFRenter! :)

When did you register for the charter program? I just registered last month.

I thought you can use financial software development as experience only if you had registered before 2005 or so. I will check. Thanks!

(I used to work on some financial reporting tools, not sure if it counts)

83   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 11:48am  

Not that I hate the Bay Area, it is just that I am sick of people describing it as _the_ land of honey and bread.

84   Randy H   2006 Jan 31, 11:50am  

Not that I hate the Bay Area, it is just that I am sick of people describing it as _the_ land of honey and bread.

Compared to where I started out this ride, the BA is the promised land.

85   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 11:57am  

Compared to where I started out this ride, the BA is the promised land.

I agree that it is a nice place with good weather (cannot stand humidity) and good opportunities. But heart of America’s economic engine? That is too much.

Also, why is California collecting state income tax AND sales tax?

86   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 11:58am  

Also, Bay Area has good food. I agree.

87   Peter P   2006 Jan 31, 12:01pm  

Also, one can enjoy everything the Bay Area can offering being a renter.

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