High House Prices Hurt People

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2009 Feb 4, 4:00am   21,183 views  273 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Why do we see so much suffering and moaning in the press about falling house prices when high house prices have directly injured and enslaved millions of Americans? To quote myself:

Housing is the biggest expense in nearly everyone's life, far more expensive than food, gas, energy, even more expensive than education or medicine. To reduce the time you spend working to pay for housing is to increase the time you have for everything else.

Cheap housing is good for us all! High housing costs take away from families' ability to save for retirement, fund their children's education, travel and lead a quality life.

How can we make lower house prices our official government policy? How can we completely eliminate the mortgage interest deduction which drives up housing costs and discriminates against renters? How can we wipe out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the FHA, and other agencies whose job it is to enslave Americans to mortgage debt?



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73   Peter P   2009 Feb 6, 10:32am  

Radiance? All reasonably-sized units are still priced above $900K.

I don't think so... :) No thanks!

74   justme   2009 Feb 6, 10:53am  

I agree completely.

I actually went and looked at the model one day I happened to pass by there before Christmas. They had a snotty saleslady (you know the type) who put on the air of "you should be so lucky to live in this exclusive development". Bleh. I'm not falling for it. Look for further reductions.

75   justme   2009 Feb 6, 10:55am  

and how much are these going for? (In Emeryville, does EBGuy ave some inside info ??)


They advertise on the radio. Doesn't look all that great to me.

76   Brand165   2009 Feb 6, 1:50pm  

I vote for people exploiting people. Because f--- it, we might as well make it official. Justme and Patty, the issue is "arbitrary". You can gaze up at Buffet and that's unfair, but there's a whole fanout of J6P behind you who think you Bay Ayrean SW salaries are a grotesque anomaly.

Society should rode the coattails of its greatest, not revert to the LCD.

77   Peter P   2009 Feb 6, 1:50pm  

Bleh. I’m not falling for it. Look for further reductions.

Yep. :) I think so.

If you are interested in SF, nowadays there are quite a few choices in Pac Heights.

78   Brand165   2009 Feb 6, 1:52pm  

Also, the spell checking on my iPod makes me wants to scream. ;o

79   EBGuy   2009 Feb 6, 4:48pm  

(In Emeryville, does EBGuy ave some inside info ??)
Click on "Details and Registration" from the main page... $200k off... what a bargain... I'll bring my checkbook. Pretty funny, someone on Socketsite just called Mission Bay (Radiance development) the Emeryville of San Francisco.

80   HeadSet   2009 Feb 6, 7:59pm  


Unbelievable. Why would a "successful" 65 year old need to borrow so much to buy a home? By that age, she should should have saved enough to pay cash. Instead, she used the wannabe tools of a variable rate mort combined with a HELOC.

Notice all the comments on her blog that sympathize with her. Unfortunately, that dipshit mentality affects Washington, too. They will pass that second bailout bill under the guise of aiding the general economy (that is, allow the public to continue borrowing to support consumption at thier "entitled to" level). In reality, this bailout will just transfer wealth from our decendents to the current banking elite. The overextended among us do not care about the long range affects of the bailout, just as long as they see a chance to be rescued from thier folly.

Note Washington's current catering to the lowest common denominator with the extension of the Digital TV transfer date from Feb to Jun. We will see 4 more years of similar action, where the short-sighted and irresponsible are held out as victims, needing government to force the prudent and responsible to bail them out.

81   HeadSet   2009 Feb 6, 8:01pm  

Opps, I meant "TOB" not "TOS"

No insult intended!

82   HeadSet   2009 Feb 6, 8:04pm  

And "Oops" not "Opps."

You would think I was the one who developed Brand's spell checker.

83   DennisN   2009 Feb 6, 11:32pm  

Accumulate a big pile of dollars, or gold, or whatever, and live off of that in a small house.

That's what I did. Works for me.

But in regards the "land tax". Wouldn't this be a problem for actual (as opposed to corporate) farmers? What about people who put land into a conservation trust?

Society should rode the coattails of its greatest

A rode is a sailor's term for an anchor line, attaching the boat to the bottom. Maybe this was a Freudian slip on your part. ;)

84   justme   2009 Feb 7, 1:13am  


so you are saying that people generally never think that they are getting more than they deserve. and that they often think anyone who gets more than them does NOT deserve it?

85   KurtS   2009 Feb 7, 1:50am  

As read in that blog post:

"Suddenly, four deals I was in, all of them capable of making me financially secure, either fell out of escrow or went on "hold."… Not an uneducated victim of a greedy mortgage broker. And not a speculator."

Those "four deals" were um…real estate, weren't they? With the RE bust well underway, this "entrepreneur for forty years", or more accurately realtor, did not know the direction of the market? If you ask me, she's the worst kind of whiny victim, because she bought into her own faulty sales pitch, and now that it has cost her, she wants her own bailout. A not too surprising conclusion, if her circle of "entrepreneurs" think she deserves sympathy. There's nothing like a "clique of the brilliant" to breed the worst kind of idiots.

86   justme   2009 Feb 7, 1:51am  


Right on.

87   justme   2009 Feb 7, 2:12am  

Anyone who will publicly characterize themselves as "successful" should be viewed with the utmost suspicion. They are either narcissistic, deluded, brain dead or all three. Plus they are probably nasty on top of that.

88   Refuse to buy overpriced   2009 Feb 7, 2:14am  

We tried petitioning our leaders, and they ignored us.

We tried voting them out, but the Wall Street financed pro-bailout politicians were re-elected.

Now is the time to take direct action to put down-ward pressure on housing prices.


If we all moved in with our parents, or got additional roommetes to move in with us, we could put downward pressure on rent. This would bankrupt many speculators, and the houses they currently own would be put on the market, driving down house prices.

If you hope to buy a house someday, renting is a big mistake. Not only are you spending the money you could be saving for a downpayment, you are also keeping your worst enemy, the speculator, in business.

89   Refuse to buy overpriced   2009 Feb 7, 2:16am  

Don't Buy!

Don't Rent!

Save every single cent!

90   KurtS   2009 Feb 7, 2:42am  

I posed a question on her blog on those "four deals", to which she clarified they were her "investments", whatever that means. So not a realtor, "not a speculator", but all the same trying to close on four properties--and has the audacity to complain about her reset mortgage? I can only guess her "four deals...capable of making her financially secure" were either rental properties, or foreclosures she planned to flip. Both assume a quick market turnaround. Quite a few assumptions there...especially for now.

91   KurtS   2009 Feb 7, 2:52am  

"If I didn’t create jobs, you wouldn’t have one. Period."

Original Bankster, right--what an IDIOT statement, from a lady who cannot cover her own mort. I'd love to see Surfer-X skewer this one bwahhaha!

92   KurtS   2009 Feb 7, 3:33am  

Original Bankster,
Perhaps she can spend a week at EST, get back to that "higher plane" and outwit all us puny mortals and that pesky market reality? You know, living in Marin I encountered these 'tudes 24/7, particularly my ex and her family. Time for a massive reality check you navel-gazing crybabies.

93   Peter P   2009 Feb 7, 3:57am  

Anyone who will publicly characterize themselves as “successful” should be viewed with the utmost suspicion.

Absolutely. "Sucess" is the perfect alignment of will and reality. Anyone who thinks he is "successful" enough is not wanting enough.

94   HelloKitty   2009 Feb 7, 4:15am  

The best idea regarding taxes someone posted as a snarky comment but its brilliant.

Since the government/fed is creating so much new money from thin air....why don't they simply ELIMINATE THE INCOME TAX and print all the money they need? Leave us the eff alone with all the deductions/incentives.

Its true the 'inflation tax' would be higher but it would mostly hit people with tons of USD and I suppose they might buy real estate to hedge?

Of course everyone has a different useless idea on taxes. really a waste of time to discuss....

95   PermaRenter   2009 Feb 7, 5:14am  

I got some critical insights from this thread which will be lifelong learning:

1. Wall street pigmen depends on continued high valuation of assets like home. Low valuation means low bonus for wall street pigmen.

2. Wall street pigmen needs a continuous supply of "buy and hold" suckers so that they can drain wealth from warm bodies generating wealth from their physical and intellectual labor.

3. baby boomers will continue intergenerational wealth transfer via tax policies and bailouts. Barrack Obama and Alan Greenspan are baby boomers.

96   PermaRenter   2009 Feb 7, 5:17am  

by Lee Adler

There are 2 points I’d like to make about today’s economic data. The Bureau of Labor BS released the official unemployment rate this morning. It was 7.6%, which is bad enough. The first point I want to make is that what they don’t emphasize is that the real unemployment rate is 15.4%. This rate includes discouraged workers and those working part time because they cannot find full time work.

Click to enlarge
This is a statistic that the Bureau of Labor BS has kept since 1994. Only recently, since the economy has begun to tank and bloggers and non-mainstream publishers like yours truly have been featuring this data point, has the mainstream media picked up on this number. It’s usually down around the 4th paragraph of page 2 of the article. This is by far the worst reading in this indicator since they began tabulating it in 1994. The next worst reading was 12.8% at the inception of the data in January 1994. January is always the weakest month of the year, but this month’s increase of 1.9% was by far the worst on record.

97   OO   2009 Feb 7, 8:54am  

Approaching 65, got in an IO loan and HELOC'd out, obviously she doesn't have a brain for entrepreneurship.

A alleged startup VC fund partner doesn't even have enough money to buy her home free and clear? That sounds very fishy to me. It seems like she is providing marketing consultancy service, man, that will scare away enough clients. And she is a PhD.

PHD=Permanent Head Damage, I am glad I escaped that program early enough to avoid a permanent damage.

98   PermaRenter   2009 Feb 7, 9:25am  


has a picture of Francine Hardaway

Francine Hardaway

Working with startup technology companies, entrepreneurs, and social causes. Angel investor, business coach, mom, yoga practitioner, blogger, golden retriever fan, social media junkie. Connected woman.

99   PermaRenter   2009 Feb 7, 9:39am  


Francine Hardaway, Ph.D.
Social Media Editor
Francine is an experienced technology marketing strategist, a former Entrepreneurial Fellow at the Berger Center of the Eller School of Business, University of Arizona and a former Advisory Board of the Medical Informatics Program at Arizona School of Health Sciences. She is currently a partner in Stealthmode Partners, and previously built the largest marketing/public relations firm in Phoenix. Before starting Stealthmode Partners, Francine was VP of Marketing for Innovative Environmental Products.

Francine’s interest in the environment goes back to the ’70s when she built a geodesic dome home with solar heating, cooked in a solar oven and grew an organic garden. She is in charge of all social media outreach for Earth911.com, and also uses her experience writing and blogging to provide content for Earth911.com.

100   KurtS   2009 Feb 7, 10:19am  

I guess I should be impressed by her credentials, as my own can't possibly compare. Then again, I have an OK sense of judgment, and didn't act like an Utter Tool and buy into this mess. What's her excuse?

@TOB lmao...she should go back to flipping husbands.

101   Peter P   2009 Feb 7, 10:38am  

PHD=Permanent Head Damage, I am glad I escaped that program early enough to avoid a permanent damage.

OO, congrats!

102   Peter P   2009 Feb 7, 10:57am  

Shes also got all the ideological accessories: environmentalism, 3rd world adoption (like Madonna!), and my favorite: YOGA Expert! God this woman is the spokesperson for BITCH.

You know, I despise New Age Smugism. ;)

103   KurtS   2009 Feb 7, 11:12am  

Right--it's a complete mindf*ck, but I see other people "get it" too. A lot of their Yuppie spawn are the same way--good luck pointing out their self-delusion. I hope reality hits hard with these types and their "credentials". If one could compare their real contributions over the past few decades, I'm sure it's fraught with self-serving assumptions and poor strategy. Any wonder why our economy circles the drain? I'm sure they played their part. Anyway, I've just heard too much crap from them.

"I happen to practice non-attachment to material things"
Oh good--may you get your wish.

104   B.A.C.A.H.   2009 Feb 7, 12:51pm  


supposedly Mark Twain said something like "don't let school interfere with your education", but I didn't find that quote attributed to him on Google. Did find this one, though:

"Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned"

105   Peter P   2009 Feb 7, 1:58pm  

Housing is the biggest expense in nearly everyone’s life

I thought that would be tax! :(

106   justme   2009 Feb 7, 2:41pm  

Another gem from Francine Hardaway:

Howard Lindzon can’t get a bank charter, and neither can I. We were both part of separate groups of investors trying to start new community banks last year. But the government has frozen the startup bank process in Arizona, one of the worst state economies in the nation. Both Howard and I work with entrepreneurs, not real estate people, and we’re not dumb. We know that now’s the best time to start a bank. But we can’t.

(emphasis added)

107   PermaRenter   2009 Feb 7, 2:41pm  

401K SCAM ALERT : Target Date Fund

Target-date retirement funds were supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then 2008 happened. And all of the 264 target-date funds sold by the 39 mutual fund firms that market them performed poorly and contrary to expectations.

Indeed, the most conservative target-date retirement funds - those designed to produce income - fell on average 17% in 2008 and the riskiest target date retirement funds - designed for those retiring in 2055 - fell on average a whopping 39.8%, according to a recent report from Ibbotson Associates, a Morningstar company.

Not a single target-date fund had a positive return, according to Tom Idzorek, Ibbotson's director of research and author of the report.

108   PermaRenter   2009 Feb 7, 2:58pm  

Not much has been heard from Phil Gramm since he called us a "nation of whiners" about seven months ago. That is, before the National Bureau of Economic Research determined that our collective "mental recession" had some physical properties as well.

The "see no evil" days of prominent Republicans like Gramm seem to be over now that the Dems are in power. They can go back to talking about small government, reducing federal spending, and fighting pork. If only they actually believed it!

I've even heard that Fox is starting to do some actual reporting again. Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich have drastically changed their views regarding the scope of the crisis. As far as admitting that the American economy is somehow less than absolute perfection, a green light was apparently issued sometime around January 20th. If they play their cards right, the GOP could easily take the White House again in 2012, at which time they can feel comfortable about complete abandonment of their stated principles once again, switching their attention to 24/7 damage control.

Ain't the two party system grand?

109   justme   2009 Feb 8, 12:10am  

Perma, I agree. The inherent structural deficiencies of the 2-party system is a large part of the reason that US politics has always been a mess.

110   justme   2009 Feb 8, 2:58am  

This woman is complaining that she cannot get a charter approved to start a BANK! I shudder at the prospect.

111   PermaRenter   2009 Feb 8, 3:21am  

The market rallied principally because the government is about to transfer one trillion dollars from the taxpayers to corporate America. Additionally, it rallied because it is becoming obvious that no bankers will lose bonuses, let alone go to jail.

You want a real rally? Just have the government hand over fifty trillion dollars to each company on the S&P 500. Wow! That would rally make the index go up.

112   PermaRenter   2009 Feb 8, 3:58am  

Kristin Munday from Kentwood Place (1203 Water Lily Way / San Jose, CA 95129), (408) 973-1326 called me today and offered free closing (about $10,500) if I commit to book Phase One. I am concerned that after purchasing this 850K townhouse, we will be ZONED OUT of Monta Vista High School (which will be a disaster).

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