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4X, I agree with 99% of your points.
Great, we are getting someplace. If the lending standards were changed without regard to increasing the number of buyers, (I agree that is possible) then I'm guessing your point would be that it was a done to change the demografic of buyers? (CRA-ish and possible) Outside of those two things, I don't think the reduced standards did much else with regard to buyers. So, we have agreed that the popualtion and demographic of sub-standard buyers increased from the reduced standards, and the reason the standards were reduced were actually buyer specific, but the exact focus of the action can be a point of discussion ... Meaning there were more buyers created from lower standards, but the standars could have been lowered for reasons "X" and/or "Y" and/or "Z". Right? If this is correct then we can cross off #1, #2, and #3 and move to #4 for clarifiaction. Since the discussion is about bubble creation I think I can move from here, but if I am still missing your point, please continue. Thanks.
So, we have agreed that the popualtion and demographic of sub-standard buyers increased from the reduced standards, and the reason the standards were reduced were actually buyer specific, but the exact focus of the action can be a point of discussion …
Crap--I must have mess up with my last post. Let me try again:
So, we have agreed that the popualtion and demographic of sub-standard buyers increased from the reduced standards, and the reason the standards were reduced were actually buyer specific, but the exact focus of the action can be a point of discussion
I agree with the first half of your statement, but have a small quibble with the latter part. I think that lending standards were reduced because the RE industry (mortgage brokers, banks, even Wall St.) didn't understand the risk of the loans and was trying to increase profits. Free market at work.
OK--please continue
Ok, I think we should smooth out this area a little bit more. You put mortagage brokers, banks, and Wall Street all in one SuperGroup, and figure that they found a way to have lending standards changed(1), and these new lower standard loans/buyers would result in higher profits (2).
I'll just ask my questions as if the above is correct, and if I messed up I'll re-shoot again ... lol
(1) How did/would the SuperGroup exact their desire for lower standards? Where do the protected roups come into this process?
(2) How did/would banks and mortgage folks feel easy lending to folks that are of a higher default risk equate to higher profits? Would that happen after they were told that Fanny and Freddy would buy bad debts? If "yes", then who was it that told the banks the bad debt would be bought? Finally, buying bad debt cant happen until a bad note is wrote ... and a bad note cant be wrote withour lose lending standards ... so we are kinda back at the point of how/why those standards were loosed.
I only ask those questions to see what you have placed together in your view, and do not intend to argue any point about your view, just curious.
Ok, lets re-cap,
OK–fair enough.
1. Yes, I would agree that lending standards were reduced in the early to mid-2000s
2. I don’t know about that. I’d have to research the possible buyers in the housing pool. Are you thinking that because of house prices rising, people were priced out under normal lending standards?
3. I’m not sure I’d agree with that. I think the fact that prices were rising led to a speculative market–people chasing after returns. When you see your friend/neighbor/cousin make good $$ flipping or owning a house, you start asking why you couldn’t do it too. The lower lending standards certainly allowed people to buy who had no reason buying though. So I mostly agree.
4. Yep–I’d agree with that.
And I can agree with your points, so here we are. We agree the standards changed (1). Those changes resulted in more buyers(2). More buyers drive prices up(3). From there the monster grew(4). So, we agree.
The devil is in the details though where CRA, Frank, Barry, ACORN, and Fanny are concerned, so if you agree, we can detail each step in order.
Deatils of #1) I think the changes in the standards came as a result of activists and social engineer types that forced lower standards upon banks for no reason other than to give non-qualified buyers (most are "of color" but not exclusive) a loan... while you feel banks(and other money movers) acted on their own out of greed, with no result wanted other than higher profits. Is that right? Please correct me as needed and contiue your point about #1.
Read this article.
I present this one because its very comprehensive and well laid out. I cold offer a ton more but thats a good place to start.
It seems pretty well documented that "activists and social engineer types", liberal elitist lefty latte drinkers no doubt, were not so much the cause of the shift as the amazingly high profits that could be generated by selling packaged securitizing mortgages and charging related fees after the CAsey-Stengal act was dropped.
"activists and social engineer types that forced lower standards upon banks for no reason other than to give non-qualified buyers (most are “of color†but not exclusive) a loan…" Honestly, I don't know where you get this stuff or why you continue to believe it. According to your version the poor banks - currently making Billions in profit - are the victims here. Amazing.
(1) How did/would the SuperGroup exact their desire for lower standards? Where do the protected roups come into this process?
Very easily. As Kent said, by repackaging the mortgages as securities with AAA ratings, they created an artificial demand for them. Artificial because noone understood the risk of default. It's as if Wall St. was suddenly able to give junk bonds AAA ratings. The demand would obviously be greater than if the junk bonds had their realistic BBB- or whatever rating.
(2) How did/would banks and mortgage folks feel easy lending to folks that are of a higher default risk equate to higher profits? Would that happen after they were told that Fanny and Freddy would buy bad debts?
Could be two answers to that depending on how smart the banker and mortgage folk were. Mostly they felt easy because they thought RE only went up and that it didn't matter if a small percentage defaulted, because the property would be worth more down the road anyway. Others, who were smarter, simply made the loans because they knew there was a guaranteed market for the loans and they would be easy to resell. Fanny and Freddy were certainly part of the problem. But the amount of bad debt at banks and Wall St. would seem to indicate that it was far from a Freddy and Fanny problem. F and F just got caught up in the prevailing attitude everywhere...
ok .. I see your process now ... and Kent's is close, only angrier .. lol
In the #1 above, I meant "protected groups", as in the targeted population for gov actions such as CRA. Where they just pawns of the banks?
By the way .. the demand for those crappy bundles of loans was very real, not artificial. lol. The money behind them was fake, the buyer worked at a fake job, and those HELOCS were backed by fake equity ... but that dang paper on WallStreet enjoyed actual demand. lol. I Hate Banksters.
ok .. back on track --- I do understand what you are saying about the re-branding of loans to market them on WallStreet .... but we both say that happened AFTER the new loan standards were created .... so, are you saying the SuperGroups laid a plan to allow loose lending to unqualified buyers to then take the loans and market them? Is that close? If that is close then my only questions are these:
1) Why didn't the banks do the same bundleing with the loans made under the pre-CRA system, and if they did do that already - did the good loans not make as much money for some reason?
2) If banks "wanted" to do this, why were they sued by Barry and ACORN for not granting the types of loans you are suggesting they really wanted to be writing already? This point here is an important one so please take time and do not be offended as we move through this part. I will try to not be abusive or arguementitive. Thanks.
do you think the following paragraph, from the WSJ is correct, and if not would you provide a reason? Thank you.
Peter J. Wallison - WSJ - "The answer, of course, is that it was government policy for these poor quality loans to be made. Since the early 1990s, the government has been attempting to expand home ownership in full disregard of the prudent lending principles that had previously governed the U.S. mortgage market. Now the motives of the GSEs fall into place. Fannie and Freddie were subject to "affordable housing" regulations, issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which required them to buy mortgages made to home buyers who were at or below the median income. This quota began at 30% of all purchases in the early 1990s, and was gradually ratcheted up until it called for 55% of all mortgage purchases to be "affordable" in 2007, including 25% that had to be made to low-income home buyers."
ok .. back on track — I do understand what you are saying about the re-branding of loans to market them on WallStreet …. but we both say that happened AFTER the new loan standards were created
If I said that then I apologize, I didn't mean to. Loan standards are a function of demand--if there is a lot of demand for mortgages, then the standards will drift down. I don't think it was prearranged thing--like as of this day, lending standards are now reduced. They just slowly got looser and looser because they found that there were willing buyers for even the riskiest loans. So, my opinion is that the demand from Wall St., et al, was the reason that lending standards became looser.
1) Why didn’t the banks do the same bundleing with the loans made under the pre-CRA system, and if they did do that already - did the good loans not make as much money for some reason?
I wish I could understand how the guys on Wall St. think... Who knows why these bubbles form? Something psychological? Until the mid-2000s, sanity prevailed. I'm not that up on the changes in regulation, but when the ability to securitize the loans came about, that was one key driver.
If banks “wanted†to do this, why were they sued by Barry and ACORN for not granting the types of loans you are suggesting they really wanted to be writing already?
That's an easy one. I never said they wanted to write loans in the inner city to minorities. They liked writing loans in the suburbs and well off neighborhoods. Which is why the vast majority of foreclosures are in those areas, and not in the inner cities. That is a key point. Think about that one!
I'm not intimately familar with the lawsuit in question, but isn't it possible that BofA was actually in the wrong? That maybe they discriminated against the plantiff in question?
Which is why the vast majority of foreclosures are in those areas, and not in the inner cities. That is a key point. Think about that one!
On this I disagree. Most foreclosures that have already hit were sub-prime loans and in lower-income areas (at least in California). The next wave will move to better areas due to those that used their homes as ATM's and those that sold high and bought REALLY high using some exotic poop .. amd lastly those that just zaooed all the equity and now want to stop playing the game. I am sure there is about 9,000 hits if you google Merced County and forclosures ... we lead the way and we be a poor area.
Yes, BofA may have not given loans due to race .... trouble with that is, how would a loan officer know the race of an applicant? .... I don't think loan docs have race boxes. And if the do, they shouldn't. Having a race box to check on any aplication is racisit in my opinion.
Back to the #1 item. The point you mention about timing is important. Some suggest that re-grouping of mortgages to make WallStreet love them was a 2000 era deal. And the Changes to the CRA that I think made the loose lending posible is 1995 or so. Maybe we need to find those two dates? That may help.
anyways ... I gaurentee that you will enjoy reading both pages of this link .. and the comments that follow ... It is very informative. I posted this link before, but you may have only read the first page and missed the comments after the article. Enjoy
Yes, BofA may have not given loans due to race …. trouble with that is, how would a loan officer know the race of an applicant?
Actually, there is a separate form that you fill out for race.
On this I disagree. Most foreclosures that have already hit were sub-prime loans and in lower-income areas (at least in California). The next wave will move to better areas due to those that used their homes as ATM’s and those that sold high and bought REALLY high using some exotic poop
Agreed, but I think you are confusing sub-prime with inner city. Sub-prime loans can be made anywhere--suburbs, rural areas, high end neighborhoods, etc. Whereas CRA loans required that they be made in the inner cities.
I am sure there is about 9,000 hits if you google Merced County and forclosures
Interesting. Is Merced county a designated CRA area? My guess would be no, but I haven't looked it up.
On this I disagree. Most foreclosures that have already hit were sub-prime loans and in lower-income areas (at least in California). The next wave will move to better areas due to those that used their homes as ATM’s and those that sold high and bought REALLY high using some exotic poop
I am praying for this to happen, we shouldnt have to pay these people to stay in homes because of their own poor business decisions. Not our fault that they chose to take out ARMs in attempt to hussle the system. I am against doing away totally with these programs as we need to extend some good faith out to the poor, however, we shouldnt put them in neighborhoods that they cannot afford either. CRA qualifications need to be drastically raised, no way someone working at McDonalds should have the aspiration to own a home yet. Their dream should be to get into a college to start building a career.
Good points.
There is a seperate form that gets filled out for race on home loans? How is it policed to ensure honest applicants? And what is the information used for? Honest questions, not baiting you in any way.
And when you say CRA only applies to certian markets, who draws those lines? Is there a link to a map you can share with me?
And my final question .. are race and property locatation (CRA qualifications) tied together in the loan process by a CRA mandate or did the banks want to do this as part of the profit hunting? What if the applicant qualifies but the property don't, or vise versa? Thanks.
RE: Merced County. I'm, not sure. The population is well over 25% non-American hispanics, and well over 50% hispanics as a whole, and has a 20% unemployed legal worker rate (not including illegals here not working), had a top ten in the nation rate for teen mothers (hispanic), and for STD's for people 15 to 25 (something like 1 in 3). Please don't ask me to rsearch and share all of these links ... I did it a long while ago and I am just going from memory. If any point rubs anyone the wrong way, please ignore what I wrote and move along. lol
I agree. That is why I feel Section 8 welfare renters should not be allowed to rent in SFH areas. #1, it results in tax payers paying the home note for weathly landlords. #2, it puts folks in an area that they would not be on their own effort. #3, Section 8 renters drive down property values in the area due to personal choices and life style that are common in the welfare community. #4, if artifically raises the rental market -- juat like any other areas with direct flow from gov dollars.
I do not mind helping poor people have a safe warm home ... in a publicly owned housing complex with strict behavior rules, with a high mark for personal responsibility.
I agree. That is why I feel Section 8 welfare renters should not be allowed to rent in SFH areas. #1, it results in tax payers paying the home note for weathly landlords. #2, it puts folks in an area that they would not be on their own effort. #3, Section 8 renters drive down property values in the area due to personal choices and life style that are common in the welfare community. #4, if artifically raises the rental market — juat like any other areas with direct flow from gov dollars. I do not mind helping poor people have a safe warm home … in a publicly owned housing complex with strict behavior rules, with a high mark for personal responsibility.
I agree, and then more. I knew someone who was on section 8 from 1987 through 2004. That to me just shows they were not trying to better themselves and had no pride. The poor need education more than they do home ownership. If SFH means wealthy neighborhoods then I agree with that statement too, we should not infiltrate neighborhoods with high pride in ownership with people that do no have the income to understand the concepts. This may come off as elitist, so for clarification I had to work my way out of poverty cycle through education and building my career. I left poverty behind 15 years ago when I worked 3 jobs to get through a full load at school and never needed section 8. I had a different job after each class, so there was no need for welfare or section 8...just hard work. Now, i did get a Sallie Mae loan that i am paying back...LOL.
There is a seperate form that gets filled out for race on home loans? How is it policed to ensure honest applicants? And what is the information used for? Honest questions, not baiting you in any way.
I'm not sure. I just remember filling it out on my last loan application.
And when you say CRA only applies to certian markets, who draws those lines? Is there a link to a map you can share with me?
I can do some research, but I imagine the Feds do. I have tried to find a link with a map in the past without success, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just that my detective skills aren't up to the task.
I'm not sure I understand this question. CRA doesn't mandate anything with regards to lending standards. That is left completely up to the bank. CRA just looks at % of loans made to CRA designated areas. The banks, of course, have the final say whether or not to make any individual loan.
SFH = Single Family Homes ... just regular old houses. Section 8 should be public owned housing so no personal wealth through apprieciation can be made on the tax-payer dime. Just my humble opinion.
On the Cal scale I am well below poverty with a wife and three kids all on my income. But, in my little world, I'm cool. No handouts wanted or accepted. Do work for food. No higher education, just a blue collar bitter clinger.
Yep, I have a friend who bought a multifamily home in 2005 for 700K only to rent out to section 8. He financed the place in his sisters name and it is now in default...and only worth 200K. He was taking the rents and vacationing for the past 6 mos. Now, he is attempting do a short sale and to create a silent partnership with the new buyer in order to turn a profit on the Section 8 rents he is receiving. He also drives a Toyota and works at a Non-Profit faith based initiative church...I say that to paint a picture of the non-profit mindset he has when it comes to the American Worker.
We lost 500,000 and he continues to earn a profit...I am started to see why so many conservatives scream at the fiscal irresponsibility of the bailouts.
...and why so many are against socialist programs like FHA, FANNIE, FREDDIE. I say we reform them with stricter requirements as many have benefitted from them.
Banks and mortgage lenders made bad loans because there was very little incentive for them not to and very big incentives for them to do so. They 'passed the buck' to FANNIE and FREDDIE and the secondary market and collected their money up front. They didn't really care if the loans got paid back because they no longer owned them.
Banks and mortgage lenders made bad loans because there was very little incentive for them not to and very big incentives for them to do so. They ‘passed the buck’ to FANNIE and FREDDIE and the secondary market and collected their money up front. They didn’t really care if the loans got paid back because they no longer owned them
I agree with that to a point, but if that were the case then why did we have to bailout Wells Fargo, BofA, Citi, etc. along with Countrywide, National City, etc. It's not as if the bankers and mortgage brokers were any smarter.... They owned and continue to own a LOT of them.
...maybe they thought they would benefit by keeping a certain % on hand. Maybe the ones kept were considered safe. I am starting to realize that in no way should any bank owned loans be insured by our tax dollars but on the opposing end...that would freeze up credit markets that are financing growth of our GDP right?
…maybe they thought they would benefit by keeping a certain % on hand.
Yes, I'm certain they did--because they didn't understand the risk of those loans. And they thought RE only went up...
Maybe this thread would have been shorter if the heading was "CRA helped cause the housing crash" .. and left open the chance for some blame sharing? lol
Maybe this thread would have been shorter if the heading was “CRA helped cause the housing crash†.. and left open the chance for some blame sharing? lol
Yeah, Bap33, as a renter, my view is that many factors contributed to the crash. The CRA was just one, and not the only one, of many factors, which include:
homeowner (seller) greed
homeowner (neighborhood "comps") greed
realtor greed
mortgage loan officer (commission) greed
lending institution greed
investment firm greed
hedge fund greed
As a renter, the deck was stacked against me by all the players listed above.
Even though we are considered "high-income" renters, we were taken advantage of just like my renter brethren in the mobile home parks.
Each and every time we earned a raise, the rents went up more. The whole thing was designed to keep us from saving anything so that the "bleed factor" that the realtors set was maintained at maximum strength so that the landlords would be able to keep us as "perma-renters" (remember that term?).
Several times we seriously considered renting a MH just to save for a downpayment. (We didn't because we needed a garage, at least a 1-car).
We also considered living in a tent at a State Park just to get away from the real estate greed.
Unfortunately, "real estate only goes up" was on our dime.
So, I cannot in any conscience lay blame on the subprimers (CRA). That wasn't the only factor in creating this mess.
Sounds like the housing bubble was keeping pace with you as you were coming into your stride professionally. Same story here!
We were living in an apartment complex in those years. The rent was high, but on the reasonable end because it was an old mid-40's building with zero amenities. I took advantage of it, always scrounging and saving - not so much for a house at first (2003), but for other interests - while most of the other tenants in the building went out drinking, shopping, buying new cars, special breed dogs or designer sushi. Everytime the rent went up twenty or thirty bucks, a wave of tenants would move out, and I'd invariably hear "yeah, he or she bought a house up the street because of the increase..." and I would wonder to myself - how's that? These were clearly folks of modest means -- and I do not say that pejoratively. I'd already done the math and resigned myself to being priced-out of an insane market a couple years before, but all of a sudden, here's the X-Ray tech and the hostess at the Olive Garden, buying 1000 sq ft tract house for over a 300K and then putting in a bunch of oak and stainless and granite. Dumpsters in driveways were the norm. I put it down to everyone having rich parents, and kept on saving.
We all know how that went. It's hard to feel much compassion for those buyers today, even though the media paints them as hapless victims of a rope-a-dope scheme. Everyone, including the banks, got swept up in groupthink and didn't want to feel left out of the buzz. What's weird is that I'm seeing almost the same buzz and groupthink going on again, including with friends of mine and even in some of the posts here. I should probably copy and save those posts for posterity. The short term memory of the American public is really something to behold. Just look at the fact that a quarter million dollar home is now considered low end. Wow. That is a recent phenomena, gang. A dozen years earlier, that would have afforded you a nice spread.
Meanwhile, I still haven't bought anything because the noise floor is still much too high. In fact, I suspect we are headed for housing crash redux in the next two to three years. I will happily eat my words if and when everything works out fine. However, my appetite wasn't spoiled from having to eat my words from the bubble years and something tells me I'll starve before the chips fall with these new schemes (FHA/low interest rates/tax rebates, etc.)
the media never tells about the "poor hapless buyers" that bought and flipped to the tune of $150K cash in hand after 3 years. My good friend now owns his tire shop outright, and his rental homes outright, and he took all the equity out of his soon-to-walk-away McMansion to buy his landing house outright. There were winners, but only tax payers get to be loosers in Barryville.
My good friend now owns his tire shop outright, and his rental homes outright, and he took all the equity out of his soon-to-walk-away McMansion to buy his landing house outright.
Just wait; these are the same mothers who'll be the first to grouse about higher taxes in the future!
LOL thunderlips11 - Thank*You for that stroll down Memory Lane. :)
Yeah, Austin - I hear ya....I think many tenants simply gave up and gave in to the whole real estate game for varied reasons. Some to get away from lousy landlords and ever-increasing rents and others because the banks were paying them to buy. And others because they got the warm fuzzies as new members of Club Homeowner.
I remember being shunned by the neighbors because I was a renter (God forbid!) even though I was younger, better educated and a highly trained professional - made NO difference to these people. Their WHOLE IDENTITY was in being a known as homeowner: having people wave as they washed their cars in the driveway and honk out in the supermarket parking lot, local fame....the whole deal :/
Now its all different of course....
Banks and mortgage lenders made bad loans because there was very little incentive for them not to and very big incentives for them to do so. They ‘passed the buck’ to FANNIE and FREDDIE and the secondary market and collected their money up front. They didn’t really care if the loans got paid back because they no longer owned them
I agree with that to a point, but if that were the case then why did we have to bailout Wells Fargo, BofA, Citi, etc. along with Countrywide, National City, etc. It’s not as if the bankers and mortgage brokers were any smarter…. They owned and continue to own a LOT of them.
They got caught up in their own game. They aren't any smarter than the rest of us. But when lending was lending - they earned their money from collecting interest on money they lent out rather then selling the loans - their incentives didn't conflict. It was "make good loans or go broke. With securitzation it became 'make all the loans you can find an excuse for and pocket the cash - or some other lender will. And I don't want to explain to the board of directors why the competition is blowing us out of the water.'
Well .. lets try this another way to avoid traveling the same path redundantly. I will try to list the facts of the bubble the we all might agree on. Then add what you see I missed that is shared fact and point out any fact I list that you disagree with .. just to give us a point of referencs. Lets just try this way, please.
1) The lending standards were reduced from 20% down, to NINJA loans all around between 1995ish and 2005ish. Would you agree? If not, please pin-point the time frame for the reduction in lending standards and why.
2) Before the lending standards were reduced there were fewer possible buyers in the housing pool. Would you agree? If you disagree please share why the buyer pool increased.
3) The increase in pretend “entry level†buyers thanks to the new lower standards created higher demand and accelerated building/flipping/speculation. Would you agree? If you disagree, please explain where the increase in demand came from.
4) A push upwards in all markets due to the upwards push from the bottom was the next step in the bubble. Would you agree? If you feel the bubble was not expanded bottom-first, please give some detail.
Those are just 4 steps of the bubble reduced to very common terms in an effort to find where we do agree. I am not trying to load up on you or put words in your mouth. Would you please share your position on these 4 areas and add any detail that you feel would express your view better. Thank you.
If anyone is interested, I've laid out the major changes in lending guidelines and loan products since 1998 at http://valusage.com/housing-crisis-causes that led to values increasing so much in relation to incomes. (It's a new site - still working out the bugs). I purposefully stayed away from getting into why those changes were made - that leads to too many drawn out debates like this one!
but only tax payers get to be loosers in Barryville
You do realize that TARP was enacted before Obama, right?
great grouping of info. You avoided the blame game very well and just left info. Can't argue with info. Good job.
Sure, I knew that. I'm pretty sure you know what I was getting at with my post, and for the record, Bush was a spend-a-holic. TARP, schmarp, it's all poop. lol
You know, one area we skipped in placing blame was the need of a buyer demografic that would not be able to place a proper value on homes and dollars ... while buying the stucco-wrapped crap that was pumped into the "entry level" market of 2002-2006. Did you ever catch the loacal paper's putting out their cheerleader crap about how the minorities were doing so well by tracking "sir names of owners'? What a crock. Do they track sir (or is it sur?) names of forclosed loan-liars now? THat would be good info. Do you feel a buyer demografic that lacked some home value/dollar value ability was part of the needed mix? Or do you think they were all greed driven? Or what? Thanks.
The data is clear. Government initiatives in 1994 which included revisions to the CRA and HUD's directing Fannie/Freddie to allocate massive sums of money to subprime loans distorted Homeownership in the US. In a matter of months Homeownership exceeded the historical record high and continued to rise rapidly. Rising homeownership caused prices to begin to rise unsustainably in 1997.
The data is clear. Government initiatives in 1994 which included revisions to the CRA and HUD’s directing Fannie/Freddie to allocate massive sums of money to subprime loans distorted Homeownership in the US. In a matter of months Homeownership exceeded the historical record high and continued to rise rapidly. Rising homeownership caused prices to begin to rise unsustainably in 1997.
Yes, the data is probably right. Home ownership definitely increased. The logic is flawed though. I'll give you an example to try to illustrate it for you and whitney.
I went to the local Qick-E-Mart to buy a soda because it was hot and I was thirsty. While I was there I decided to try a diet mountain dew. Never had one before. While I was walking up to the counter to buy it, a guy bought a scratch off ticket and won $100K. Hooray!
So, now when I tell the story he won because I was there buying a diet mountain dew. The data is clear. Noone had won the lottery in that store until I picked out the Dt. Mountain Dew. And as soon as I picked it out somone won! Eureka! It quenched my thirst too--it's a miracle drink.
Put simply, just because B follows A doesn't mean A caused B.
Hope that helps.
We all know how that went. It’s hard to feel much compassion for those buyers today, even though the media paints them as hapless victims of a rope-a-dope scheme. Everyone, including the banks, got swept up in groupthink and didn’t want to feel left out of the buzz. What’s weird is that I’m seeing almost the same buzz and groupthink going on again, including with friends of mine and even in some of the posts here.
Which is exactly why Obama needs to let the markets reset themselves. We cannot continue financing GDP with equity and with 3 million more jobs due to be offshored our middle class will not be able to afford these home prices that are being inflated by the agents and their "Multiple Offer" schemes. Obama needs to act quickly as he said he would, so far he is allowing the banks, congress and the poor buyers of yesterday dictate his course....I am not with that kind of hopeless change.
Where is the hope? The HOPE that the markets will reset? The HOPE that huge tax incentives will be provided to keep jobs local?
I remember being shunned by the neighbors because I was a renter (God forbid!) even though I was younger, better educated and a highly trained professional - made NO difference to these people. Their WHOLE IDENTITY was in being a known as homeowner: having people wave as they washed their cars in the driveway and honk out in the supermarket parking lot, local fame….the whole deal :/
I get the same in Sierra Madre, but when I look back I have smirk on my face because I know I am looking at the idiot that bought at the peak for 899K whereby I will get something for 450K.....should I decide to go that high.
Today, a house is like a BMW...but tomorrow it will be like an old beat up BMW, no one will want it.
Those dang WW2 Veterans and their Socialist Home Ownership Programs!
That's about the same time they started fluoridation of the water supply! I smell a commie plot.
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YES, the "only" institutions which were regulated by CRA were large commercial banks, BUT that CREATED the DEMAND that small mortgage companies happily filled. CRA loans were bundled as securities and sold all around the world...but the starting point of the entire food chain was the government forcing commercial banks to make unwise loans.
What happens to prices when suddenly MILLIONS of people can now buy the same product? Thats right - bidding wars -and prices skyrocketed, didn't they? With skyhigh prices many conventional borrowers chose Alt-A and Option Arm loans for the following reasons: (1) to get into the house, and (2) cope with skyhigh payments. Other's with equity borrowed in order to buy commercial properties. The cancer spread and it all started with CRA, kinda like when you toss a pebble into a pond - the ripple effect. By some estimates all this housing activity accounted for more than 40% of ALL jobs in the U.S. since 2001. Its ALL inter-related.Â
CRA had nothing to do with housing bubbles in other countries, however all have similar CAUSES to our own collapse. Central government planing, high inflation, and central banks are the involved...and they too are 100% government related - gee what a coincidence. America also has central government planing (gov't intervention), high inflation and The Fed, which create's money out of thin air then loan's it to the gov't, at interest, putting us all in debt, $1.4 BILLION... PER DAY on INTREST payments alone.
Still not convinced that the Community Reinvestment Act is the cause of our housing and economic crash? Ask yourself this: If ALL loans made in the last 35 years required (1) 20% down, (2) a fixed interest rate, (3) prudent lending requirements and (4) no CRA...would we in America have our current economic meltdown?  Abe.