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Michael Holliday Says: April 6th, 2006 at 8:05 pm
Thanks for the advice on buying low, selling high.
Just remember to spreadsheet all your costs realistically, also. Don't forget the costs of transfer, which can be high, say, 10-12% of purchase price, which will cut into any profit you hope to make straight up. Sometimes you can do private sales entering and exiting, etc, thus cutting out realtor commissions altogether, and advertise it yourself for less. Don't forget the cost of servicing the mortgage while you're in possession, particularly interest, obviously, property taxes, etc. Choose the finance product that suits you for the job, such as an interest-only ARM loan - why touch the principal or pay any more interest than the bare minimum if you're going to on-sell? Allow for disasters, cost overruns, and the time the finished property will be on the market, which could be weeks or months. Get a full, quality inspection done before purchasing so there won't be any nasty structural surprises. Think about the capital gains tax and other implications of being the nominal owner-occupier vs doing it as a business - altho if you do it several times a year and it is a significant source of income, the IRS will class it as a profit-making business and treat the sales proceeds as income, not as capital gain. I've heard it's not necessarily wise to create a company to purchase and do the work under, it can be an expensive waste of time - don't listen to spruikers carrying on about 'asset protection' or tax benefits under complex company-trust schemes, they're just selling you a pup, when you look at onerous annual reporting requirements, etc.
There are 'rehabbing get-rich-quick' courses and books out there also. Some of them probably offer realistic advice... Don't pay $5,000 to some spruiker tho... have a look at books at http://www.johntreed.com, he lives and works in CA area - he seems legit with sensible, affordable advice, and can tell you intimately about CA conditions. (trust me, i get no kickbacks, when you see how john reed operates.) he also gives advice, such as: if you're not comfortable dealing with and risking large sums of money, don't do it. if you are not very handy, don't do it. choose a niche that suits you best, e.g. if you are very into finance and legals in property, try to do something there rather than rehabbing.
Having said all that, you can potentially still make money out of it, some people do better by doing small-scale new development as infill instead of renovating, at a higher density, council zoning permitting. Also, you can find yourself in a bidding competition with ambitious builders, small-scale developers, and people who have just completed one of the abovementioned get-rich-quick courses...
Back in 2003 it was a different market and yes it sounds like in your situation the buyers agent was working for the buyer. However, a lot more'bargain hunters' seem to have crawled out of the woodwork....and if you are looking to close a bargain deal in a declining market, you need the perfect combination of elements as both DinOr and George pointed out. You need a buyer that CAN actually sell for a lowball price, the house has been sitting on the market with no action, a desperate realtor that NEEDS the sale,significant cash in hand, and some good strategies to close the deal. Often houses that are FSBO are overpriced so negotiating with an owner would be rare. Foreclosure buying is a science with many pitfalls and that market can be full of hawkers and bargain hunters also. I truly believe the best scenario for closing that deal is to get the sellers realtor in your pocket. This does have to be disclosed to the seller, but that realtor can offer the seller a kick back of part of their commision. If you are going to try FSBO then having an atty draw up your contract is invaluable. Mine made a loophole so I could get out of the deal if I got cold feet..the seller didn't catch it when he signed.
In closing, what I'm trying to say is that in the long run, the atty ,in my experience, can be less expensive in the long run AND you KNOW he's on your side, unlike some random,lying, untrustworthy, realtor. :P
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Second homes 40% of market
Updated 4/5/2006 3:10 AM
By Noelle Knox, USA TODAY
This is up from 2004's already record-breaking 36% figure. This is a NATIONAL statistic, mind you, so we can safely assume that it is even higher along the Bubble coasts --probably much higher. On top of that juicy little tidbit, we get the following information from Ben Jones as to how exactly those Sub-prime issuers of IO/neg-am mortgages still manage to book all those "record profits" we keep hearing about:
Majority Of S&L Profits Neg-AM, ‘Non-Cash’
Let me see if I get this straight: The big neg-am (aka "option-ARM") lenders are deriving close to TWO-THIRDS of their reported "profits" by booking "deferred interest" on negatively amortizing loans WITHOUT ACTUALLY RECEIVING A PENNY. They're just assuming they'll be receiving all that "deferred interest" (the extra interest that gets tacked on to the loan principal when homedebtors make the minimum payment), whenever Mr. & Mrs. Specuvestor decide to sell. And of course they'll definitely be able to sell for much more than they paid, so why wait til then? Why not just go ahead and book all that guaranteed "profit" right now?
Wow. And I thought the Feds were good at "creative accounting". 8O
(begin sarcasm) Pardon me, but where was all that evidence about housing prices & lender profits actually reflecting demand? I seem to have misplaced it. Maybe Juku/MP/JohnJacob/etc. has the data. Oh, sorry... I forgot --they don't actually USE data. (/end sarcasm)
Discuss, enjoy...