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103758   mell   2019 Jul 8, 9:12pm  

jazz_music says
Had you read the link you would see that the problem came before the refugees.

The raping and stabbing certainly came with the rapefugees. The statistics are clear on this.
103759   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 8, 9:21pm  

what fucking empathy?

do liberals have empathy for families and children struggling because of all the outsourcing and illegals being brought over? (oh no, we are all racist fascist bigots here)
do fucking liberals have empathy for moms and dads trying to raise normal kids? (oh that's right, we are all homophobes!)
do liberals have empathy for soldiers who sacrificed for this country? (oh no, those are right wingers)
do they have empathy for police officers who chose career of helping communities? (oh no, they are black murderers, BLM BLM.. fuck the police)

liberals look into the fucking mirror, you'll see a rainbow colored pig!
103760   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 8, 9:37pm  

mell says
Thought it looked like some dude from TV commenting on financial markets or so, not your real picture.

That was me commenting on TV about financial markets, yes.
103761   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2019 Jul 8, 10:01pm  

Smart move. I didn't think it was personally you.
103762   mell   2019 Jul 8, 10:11pm  

CBOEtrader says
mell says
Thought it looked like some dude from TV commenting on financial markets or so, not your real picture.

That was me commenting on TV about financial markets, yes.

Wow nice.
103763   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 8, 10:13pm  

just_dregalicious says
Smart move. I didn't think it was personally you.

Noone knows who I am, but still. I did maybe 15 media "hits" total.

My immediate concern is a picture reverse search. Powerful people in govt and executives would simply go w the dutiful Dem party guy, instead of myself for any important decision.

Having an opinion is dangerous these days. I could imagine some regulator taking a dark joke out of context.

I enjoy dark jokes, sorry
103764   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 9, 12:11am  

When you chart the links between Leftist Propaganda Groups (SPLC), Journalists, and Antifa - and there are many - twitter bans you:


Imagine if just one person at Infowars.com had several links to the KKK. Media would be on it like white on rice.
103765   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 9, 12:14am  

jazz_music says
But none of that compares to the BS Fox conjures up IN SYNC DAILY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE GOP along with carping for civil war for 10 years, shedding tears on camera, pounding the desk, the boisterous ridicule of opposition, the laughing, the attractive women scolding the phantom opponent, all that fake emotional shit.

Again, you proffer the idea that one lone Cable News station makes up for the influence of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, the NYT, WaPo, LA Times, etc. etc.

That's an assertion that can't be backed by facts.
103766   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 9, 12:16am  

It's not Breitbart or the Proud Boys whose website and whose oath is from a Cop Killer.

That's Black Lives Matter and Asshata Shakkur.

As the dead bodies from Leftwing terrorist Micah Xavier Johnson show


All kinds of things get misrepresented, of course, by the media. From the Crown Heights Riots of 1991 to Colin Ferguson to the shooting of Giffords (AND a Republican Judge and several others), the Media misrepresents or ignores many attacks. For example, the GIffords shooter was a self-described Anarchist, and Atheist, thought 9/11 was a hoax, hated George W Bush, never mentioned any Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, or any other "Right Wing Cause". He even burned a US Flag.
103767   clambo   2019 Jul 9, 12:28am  

The stock market is going to keep its upward trajectory if and when Trump wins in 2020.

How sweet it is; I can still afford to burn California gasoline and drive around to see the sights.

Trump is popular and the final idiot the Democrats nominate will be his punching bag.
103768   WookieMan   2019 Jul 9, 4:46am  

jazz_music says
The economy and the jobs suck for people who work.

They still are underpaid temps with no retirement and little access to health.

Then they need to get a new job or learn to save money. WTF is Trump supposed to do about that? There's plenty of opportunity out there if someone wants to get up and grab it. You have to understand the 80% of people are simply not hard/good workers. That's not something any President is supposed to or can fix.

Again, I've seen at least 5-7 guys getting paid prevailing wage (plus overtime and holiday pay sometimes) of roughly $40/hr and up to $90/hr and they pissed it away by doing a poor job or missing work and lost their job in just the last 24 months. We're talking guys setting cones down rolling down a road, easy shit. Might be hot some days, but it's simple stuff. They piss away $60-80k/yr jobs (where they also get laid off in the winter and collect unemployment) for what, to be hung over or hang out with their buddies? Or pure laziness.

You need to get out into the real world sometime. What you're reading/viewing is so far from the truth it's scary. Or open a business, provide the jobs I mention above and your tune will change pretty quickly. Getting paid a half million by putting your ass on the line owning a business and herding moronic cats is not some easy task. It's clear you've never hired or managed someone.
103769   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 9, 7:03am  

d6rB says
Every other candidate told them that this is their fault and they need to "learn to code", which is preposterous. Trump tapped into their anger and got elected. I do not think Trump will make their life better, but he at least pretended to care.

Note the difference in tone when the shoe was on the other foot.

When it was blue collar, it was dumbass, go learn to code. When it was college educated, often expensive lib arts college grad, losing their BuzzFeed jobs, it was how dare you say learn to code?! Shoe empathy!! And Twitter even got accounts baked just for telling laid off journos to learn to code.
103770   komputodo   2019 Jul 9, 8:51am  

Reads like a story about whining american pussies that think they are owed something.
103771   mell   2019 Jul 9, 9:00am  

HonkpilledMaster says
d6rB says
Every other candidate told them that this is their fault and they need to "learn to code", which is preposterous. Trump tapped into their anger and got elected. I do not think Trump will make their life better, but he at least pretended to care.

Note the difference in tone when the shoe was on the other foot.

When it was blue collar, it was dumbass, go learn to code. When it was college educated, often expensive lib arts college grad, losing their BuzzFeed jobs, it was how dare you say learn to code?! Shoe empathy!! And Twitter even got accounts baked just for telling laid off journos to learn to code.

When Obummer closed the coal plants it was fuck you! Redneck Losers! Learn something else (how to code), leftoids are the biggest hypocrites.
103772   Bd6r   2019 Jul 9, 9:05am  

And why buying services of a hooker is considered something bad?
103773   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 9, 9:59am  

komputodo says
Reads like a story about whining american pussies that think they are owed something.

"It's Ma'am"
103774   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 11:15am  

Yesterday I saw a headline that said "expect bible prices to go up from the Tariffs."

Wait, we're talking China who is actively suppressing religious freedom and oppressing Christians before they suppressed Muslims.

Why would we be printing Bibles in China?
103775   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 11:20am  

d6rB says
Aryan Brotherhood is 15K, still 5x KKK...

And 90% of them are in Federal Penitentiaries, and identify as such so the thousands of ethnic cliques and gangs against white people in prisons.

I call bullshit on the scale of the KKK, they are a few people with an Ape Suit in the closet they take out when CNN needs optics.

If they were anywhere near the large group of non Democrat people Jazz is claiming. Their rallies would have been doxxed there would be footage of their hootenannies all over the web. And Gerald Nadler would have them before Congress trying to contort them to being Trump's grassroots political operatives.

Everyone knows that including Jazz. Or should I say Hey You 2.0?
103776   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 9, 11:30am  

jazz_music says
Some of you sound the same

Lol, white supremacists speak English. Omg, YOU ALSO SPEAK ENGLISH!

Jazz is obviously a WS
103777   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 9, 11:32am  

jazz_music says
I'm listening to their radio show right now.

The left: making white supremacy relevant again. I'm sure they thank you for your patrionage.
103778   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 11:34am  

The Storm front was exposed as a Liberal LARP trying to drag Gab down from the get go. They are savaged and laughed at by every Conservative out there.
Every high profile person that once associated with them left. Because it started out with the "Storm" being the law that "Trump" was going to bring to the Swamp.

When it was realized it was nothing more than a Liberal Arts installation to suck in Patriots then smear them all as KKK and Nazis they lost all credibility from everyone but the Liberals that still thinks they are relevant.

Did you click on any of those links and try to figure out if they were more than just slick web code?
103779   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 11:35am  

jazz_music says
I'm listening to their radio show right now.

No Now Calm down don't go and radicalize yourself listening to that vile racist rubbish.

How come Liberals get to listen to that shit but you make up Conservatives listening to it, when we don't?
103780   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jul 9, 11:52am  

jazz_music says
Yep, entrenched, soliciting members, and WILDLY encouraged by Trump.

What's with the KKK obsession?
They went from 3000 to 3200? Encouraged by Trump? Scary!

Or you imply that "All Trump supporters are like KKK members.".
Or maybe trying to enforce immigration laws is inherently white supremacy? No other reasons for enforcing these laws could possibly exist.
103781   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jul 9, 11:58am  

This is false dichotomy (with Democrats or with KKK) based on totally irrelevant anecdotal evidence.
This time from a guy on the left.
But most of the political content of this site is similar "false dichotomy based on totally irrelevant anecdotal evidence" from the right.
- All the strident stuff about transgenders.
- All the strident stuff about free shit
etc, etc...

Note the propaganda patterns: repeatition, impose your narrative as explanation every fact, tribal thinking (in group/out group), etc...
103782   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jul 9, 12:01pm  

jazz_music says
I am posting after being told that they don't really exist anymore.

Does that offend you?

Not worth the pixels, certainly not worth 2 posts.
Many things exists and are irrelevant.
103783   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 12:04pm  

WookieMan says
jazz_music says
Neighborhoods are getting canvassed with KKK fliers such as pictured in plastic baggies along with candy.

I'm calling bullshit, people are losing their season tickets to ball parks for flashing an OK sign.

IF any of this were true, it would have 15 networks descending on those neighborhoods, and the might of the DOXX community would flesh them out, they would be before Nadler explaining themselves. Try harder Jazz you're only fooling Low IQ people and thankfully they wont vote. Because they think the Cops are at the polling stations to arrest them on sight. People that stupid have no right to vote.
103784   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jul 9, 12:09pm  

jazz_music says
What's your point?

My point is: What is the point of this post? Is there one?
103789   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jul 9, 12:12pm  

jazz_music says
Who made the assertion?

That would be the only possible relevant thing this post would imply.
103790   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 12:12pm  

Even Teens are in trouble for putting on KKK uniforms while not being a verfied Democrat donor.

Fuck with the Monkey Suit you will be Doxxed if you're not a real Democrat KKK member.

103791   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 12:15pm  

I call bullshit wearing a hood in NC today is considered a hate crime. Where's the Cops?
103792   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 12:19pm  

7 people and no cops were called. Like a said just a cheap monkey suit in a closet until needed.

Look people can't even flash an OK sign, without it being construed as a Hate Crime. You're not going to convince me that in 2019, a full fledged KKK group are going to walk around in uniform if they aren't part of a Liberal LARP operation. The world would have known everyone of their names by that evening, and the DCF would have taken their kids, and they would all been locked up in Jail. Everyone has free speech in America but White People at this point that is an undisputed fact. Where in the fuck was Antifa if that was remotely real? Nice try Jazz you racist agitating race hustler I bet your Liberal teachers would be proud of you.
103793   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 12:20pm  

Bay Area KKK shits getting Deep Now!
103794   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 12:21pm  

It's time to just ignore you, you're just a race hustler nothing more than a cheap Liberal spreading lies because all you do is Lose.

Lies is all the Democrats have got.
103795   RC2006   2019 Jul 9, 12:27pm  

Bay area KKK wtf are you smoking, better chance finding unicorn than a few kkk there. Jazz unplug and take a vacation.
103796   RC2006   2019 Jul 9, 12:31pm  

Maybe it's a fringe GAYKKK tired of coal burning twinks.
103797   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 9, 12:32pm  

The only thing that's rising is Fake News from the left and major, just fucking major TDS on the left.

Oh and let's not forget gay propaganda from the left, fucking overload, in a few years there will be no straight people left on Democratic side, just "It's Ma'am" guys.

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