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FarmersWon saysYou have to meet some people who live on $1 a day . It will be easy to grasp after that.
This is not an answer. Is it better that they make nothing?
Don't answer me in riddles, think.
The problem with affordable housing is that people who own houses already usually don’t want affordable housing… so there will be no affordable housing, at least not on any scale that makes a difference to the masses.
To go further, NOBODY who owns a home will want to own that home next to affordable housing because the risk to their investment is too high.
exactly. NIMBY. I got my home(s) screw you guys who rent. I hated it prior to owning homes. Now I am the same. In a sense its survival of the fittest.
how “affordable” was that housing you describe?
And sure, there’s women that are taller than men. We can show some examples.
The problem with affordable housing is that people who own houses already usually don’t want affordable housing… so there will be no affordable housing, at least not on any scale that makes a difference to the masses.
To go further, NOBODY who owns a home will want to own that home next to affordable housing because the risk to their investment is too high.
BayArea says
The problem with affordable housing is that people who own houses already usually don’t want affordable housing… so there will be no affordable housing, at least not on any scale that makes a difference to the masses.
To go further, NOBODY who owns a home will want to own that home next to affordable housing because the risk to their investment is too high.
Affordable housing is also a grift for democrat politicians. How many billions of dollars has SF levied upon residents for affordable housing programs?
How many units have actually been built?
Most of the money went into fulfilling debt obligations. Even the homeless care non-profits in SF are grifts. Seriously, look at their budget expenses, 85-90% “salaries”.
Thanks. I'm hoping it will if rates keep rising. We gotta break the back of this bitch.
@porkchopexpress I hear house prices are rapidly falling in Memphis TN. I know you've been scoping Nashville but perhaps it'll rub off soon if it hasn't already?
So, the spin is that the "Pandemic" caused Bay Area move-outs, and not the high taxes, crime, and bum population caused by the local politicians?
Too many people. As the population grows and people are living on top of one another, expect it to get worse. No matter what the solutions.
It's not rocket science. Cheap money is inflating the currency which drives up asset prices. Pulling that away will slow/stop the inflation and drive down asset prices.
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