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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   252,449 views  117,730 comments

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116957   Patrick   2022 Aug 25, 9:08pm  

@FarmersWon I have to say I do not hear any Hindus insulting Sikhs on this site.
116958   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 25, 9:13pm  

Patrick says

@FarmersWon I have to say I do not hear any Hindus insulting Sikhs on this site.

Why would oppressor yell.. Only oppressed do...

I also don't see any globalist insulting people on this site, But 90% of people on this site do insult globalists...
& the crimes of globalists are not even 1% of hindooo cult.
116960   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 12:00am  

As Hindu Extremists Call for Killing of Muslims, India’s Leaders Keep Silent

Right-wing Hindu activists at a conference took an oath to harm Muslims if necessary to make “a Hindu-only nation,” the most blatant example of rising anti-Muslim sentiment across India.
116961   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 8:53am  

Nazi leaders like the Sankaracharyas and many kings and rulers took pride in demolishing the Buddhist images aiming at the total eradication of the Buddhist culture. Today, their descendants destroyed the Babri Masjid and they have also published a list of mosques to be destroyed in the near future. It is with this sin of pride that they are condemning the deed on the part of the Afghans.

The Hindu ruler, Pushyamitra Sunga, demolished 84,000 Buddhist stupas which had been built by Ashoka the Great (Romila Thaper, Ashoka and Decline of Mouryas, London, 1961, p 200). It was followed by the smashing of the Buddhist centres in Magadha. Thousands of Buddhist monks were mercilessly killed. King Jalaluka destroyed the Buddhist viharas within his jurisdiction on the ground that the chanting of the hymns by the Buddhist devotees disturbed his sleep. (Kalhana, Rajatharangini, 1:40). In Kashmir, King Kinnara demolished thousands of Viharas and captured the Buddhists villages to please the Brahmins. (Kalhana 1:80).
116962   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 8:54am  

Buddhist shrines were 'massively destroyed' by Brahmanical rulers: Historian DN Jha
116963   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 8:55am  

Opinion: Why it’s essential for school students to learn about religious violence in ancient India
116966   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 9:14am  

Hindooo nazis have fascination with burning minorities alive.. I think they learned from their Nazi fathers.
A young Christian girl who was bruised and burnt during the anti Christian violence. It occurred when a bomb was thrown into her house by the extremists.

116967   Patrick   2022 Aug 26, 12:57pm  

C'mon, don't just say no, but try to think of ways to improve the idea.
116968   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Aug 26, 1:57pm  

Whenever you are stuck on how to improve a product or service, the never fails strategy is.....

Combine it with porn!
116969   mell   2022 Aug 26, 2:39pm  

Why don't you have legal advice and other paid advice on this site? I would totally pay for that, $1-$10 per answer if I had a specific question that somebody could answer. You could probably extend it to many sectors. It's sometimes easier to get money for specific needs vs offering something beforehand
116970   Patrick   2022 Aug 26, 2:58pm  

Thanks @mell that is a good idea, but legal advice in particular is hazardous, because the lawyer lobby ruthlessly prosecutes anyone offering advice outside of their official channels. Threatens lawyer revenue and power, and is therefore illegal.

But I like this general idea of post a question and offer to pay for an answer. How would that work exactly? It kind of flips the script on what I have now. Instead of first posting something and asking for payment for it, you would post a question and offer to pay for an answer.

How would you ensure quality of the answers you pay for? You would probably want to know the answer before deciding whether to pay, to weed out the non-answers and scams. I suppose you could offer to tip for a good answer, but then the risk is on the side of someone composing a good answer.

Is there a way to share risk between the asker and the answerer?
116971   mell   2022 Aug 26, 3:00pm  

Patrick says

Thanks @mell that is a good idea, but legal advice in particular is hazardous, because the lawyer lobby ruthlessly prosecutes anyone offering advice outside of their official channels. Threatens lawyer revenue and power, and is therefore illegal.

But I like this general idea of post a question and offer to pay for an answer. How would that work exactly? It kind of flips the script on what I have now. Instead of first posting something and asking for payment for it, you would post a question and offer to pay for an answer.

How would you ensure quality of the answers you pay for? You would probably want to know the answer before deciding whether to pay, to weed out the non-answers and scams. I suppose you could offer to tip for a good answer, but then the risk is on the side of someone composing a good answer.

Is there a way to share risk between the asker and the answerer?

There should be zero risk if there is a disclaimer saying answers are for informational/entertainment purposes only amd not actual legal advice.
116972   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Aug 26, 3:11pm  

Could your awnsers pay you a small fee to be verified? For example I send you my resume with my background and you validate that background permits me to awnser a specifix type of quesrion.
(For example I can awnser any process / chemical / environmental engineering questions that may come up.)

Users in turn pay a small fee to ask questions of your database of experts
116973   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Aug 26, 3:23pm  

hmm is there a way to make this provide value better than LinkedIn?
116974   Patrick   2022 Aug 26, 3:27pm  

mell says

There should be zero risk if there is a disclaimer saying answers are for informational/entertainment purposes only amd not actual legal advice.

I mean that there is a risk to you if you pay for an answer before seeing it. The answer might be crap.

And in the other direction, if you demand to see the answer before paying, the person who answered has the risk of not getting paid for a good answer.
116975   mell   2022 Aug 26, 3:30pm  

Patrick says

mell says

There should be zero risk if there is a disclaimer saying answers are for informational/entertainment purposes only amd not actual legal advice.

I mean that there is a risk to you if you pay for an answer before seeing it. The answer might be crap.

And in the other direction, if you demand to see the answer before paying, the person who answered has the risk of not getting paid for a good answer.

That's fine, I would take that risk paying before. What I meant is there is no risk of "experts" suing you as long as there is a disclaimer. Also you could make it 50 % before and the other 50% if the client is satisfied with the answer.
116976   Patrick   2022 Aug 26, 3:31pm  

GreaterNYCDude says

you validate that background permits me to awnser a specifix type of quesrion

Is "you" patrick.net or the person asking the question?

If it's patrick.net, I don't really know how to validate someone's resume without doing a lot of work. One of my college jobs was in the HR room at Bechtel in Ann Arbor, where they had a staff of several people who would literally validate every line on every incoming resume for nuclear power plant jobs. We had one older guy with a degree from Germany and tried to validate it, but his records had been destroyed in WWII.
116977   Patrick   2022 Aug 26, 3:34pm  

mell says

What I meant is there is no risk of "experts" suing you as long as there is a disclaimer.

I'm not entirely sure of that. Need to ask a lawyer! Lol.

But the general idea of registered experts answering questions seems validated by the existence of https://go.experts-exchange.com/

Thing is, they demand a monthly subscription fee, which is bad. I think paying per answer is better.
116978   mell   2022 Aug 26, 3:56pm  

Patrick says

mell says

What I meant is there is no risk of "experts" suing you as long as there is a disclaimer.

I'm not entirely sure of that. Need to ask a lawyer! Lol.

But the general idea of registered experts answering questions seems validated by the existence of https://go.experts-exchange.com/

Thing is, they demand a monthly subscription fee, which is bad. I think paying per answer is better.

Totally and the ones out there are mostly scams that lure you with a $5 answer into a monthly membership and then constantly bill your card for stuff you didn't sign up for. For that reason I have to do at least a 15-30 minute session withy family law attorney everything I have a specific question. And the hourly rate is $375. Isn't zipper hunter tits some sort of lawyer? There must be a lawyer on patnet lol
116979   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 4:43pm  

West is seeding it with many small steps like recognizing Sikhs as separate ethnic group, declare their killing by Hindooo as genocide and approving Sikh sovernigty at local level before big push.
116980   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 4:45pm  

Sikh sovereignty groups seems to have massive funding from West and any Hindooo trying to create problems for their plan is hugely shafted are reminded they will lose the money they stolen from Bharat will be handed over to Sikhs. Bean counting Hindoos are aware and changing sides as usual before the big push to be on right side of power.

116981   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 4:58pm  

MODI is also asked by UN to create Hindooo-Muslim fights so that Khalistan can be shown as alternative and island of peace and sanity.
Arabs are massively funding Modi to make Hindooo villains in eyes of everyone. Western scholars are also instructed to show "Hindoo religious crap" to rest of world to engender hatred and showcase Sikhs has only worthy power players in continent.

Pakistan is asked to play big role too and its funding seems like contingent on Sikh independence.
116982   Booger   2022 Aug 26, 4:59pm  

Patrick says

One of my college jobs was in the HR room at Bechtel in Ann Arbor, where they had a staff of several people who would literally validate every line on every incoming resume for nuclear power plant job

You may have already seen my resume!
116983   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 5:05pm  

Building bomb shelters for UKRAINE.CIA hits all right cords for Sikhs while Hindoo is shafted at every turn and tagged racists/fascists/nazis supporting Russian invaders.
116984   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Aug 26, 5:54pm  

Is "you" patrick.net or the person asking the question?

If it's patrick.net, I don't really know how to validate someone's resume without doing a lot of work.

The "you" was patrick.net. I'm thinking a model where the expert pays a nominal amount to have their info listed initally. Then anyone with a question pays a fee (per question) to ask (and get) an awnser. A bit of the questioners fee to you and a portion to the expert who awnsers the best?

If verifying info is too hard then it could always be on a "buyer beware" basis.

I'd have to think this through more. But it's an intriguing concept.
116985   Onvacation   2022 Aug 26, 6:30pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Combine it with porn!

Who pays for porn?
116986   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 26, 6:40pm  

NATO has asked all the loot to be transferred to their preferred destinations before they crush cow piss drinker Hindoo cult commoners.
NATO already told Sikhs that they will get sovereignty and full control over Bharat.
Hindoo cult elites meanwhile will share best wines with global elites while Hindoo will feast on cow dung.

Dubai: Is Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani mystery buyer of $80 million beachside villa?

Stoke Park: The Stunning 300-Acre Property That Mukesh Ambani Wants To Turn Into A Sporting Resort
116987   AmericanKulak   2022 Aug 26, 7:37pm  

@Patrick, I would offer a resume scanning service, with the added benefit of YOU being a computer guy, and searching for they keywords and other shit the Employers TRULY want for a candidate based on a role.

Something you'd be a lot better at than some 30 something Gender Studies HR Twat. "Oh, I didn't see some ultraspecific keyword, so I didn't pick this resume" when the person listed a synonym or similar skillset YOU or YOUR system would have picked out.

You could also offer a discount for non-H1B requests, that is, companies that hire American citizens get the service cheaper/no cost.

This would be particularly helpful for 20-200 person companies whose primary business isn't IT, but one of their critical systems require specific IT knowledge.
116988   stereotomy   2022 Aug 26, 8:15pm  

I recommend https://www.onetonline.org/

Every HR flunky uses the keywords from this site. Our own fucking taxes pay for this shit. Craft all your resumes using onet's keywords.

I mean, cerealously, where do you think the HR fuckups get their info? It fucking blew my mind when I discovered that there's a public site out there that does ALL an HR flunky's work for them. They truly are the most useless pieces of shit in the corporate world.
116989   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 27, 11:40am  

You cannot buy a #Sikh and a #Sikh cannot compromise for materialistic things.
116990   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 27, 2:24pm  

Drug abuse: Why 80% kids in Delhi’s Seemapuri turn addicts, some as young as 7
delhi news
Updated on Jul 08, 2017 06:49 PM IST
International Day Against Drug Abuse: Peer pressure, family history, involvement in jobs like rag picking and segregation, easy accessibility found to be most common factors leading to addiction in this east Delhi locality; study ordered by Juvenile Justice Board.
116991   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 27, 2:39pm  

The Hindooo cult bastards don't stop calling Sikhs drug addicts when the percentage is similar 10% for Sikhs.
50% of Sikhs are baptized and not even consume alcohol..forget drugs.
Sikhs have 0% tobacco use, whereas Hindooo spitting red tobacco on walls everywhere.

‘Over 10 crore drug users in India’
116993   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 27, 9:43pm  

This Muslim guy hit the nail on head. The hypocrisy is nauseating.

Mostly slaughter houses in India are owned by Indian Hindus and close friends of Modi, the staff is Muslims and exports mainly go to #MiddleEast

I can well believe it, they worship money before any cow. It's a twisted world, one Muslims should not be a part of, as they often end up being killed for slaughtering their "holy" cows.
116994   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 27, 9:49pm  

New twist by Hindoo.. This is getting funnier by day.
I thought Indians worship only Indian cows. A Hindu said this to some Americans here coz he was eating steaks with them!
116995   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 27, 9:53pm  

Funny hypothetical question.
What will he do if he is served the same cow as beef steak? Of course he will enjoy, and he is not going to stop anyone from eating the cow he his worshipping in the pic.
116996   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 28, 9:23am  

Hindooo cult crimes pushed drugs to Sikhs and lose their morals.... Warriors became drug lords .... Now Ex-Sikhs are drugging whole Hindooo land in coordination with filthy drug lords from "shit Islamic republics" of Pakistan & Afghanistan.

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