by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Your clearly not upper middle class. Tax accountants are not that expensive. Big business shouldn’t pay tax imo. They should hire more and more people at higher wages who pay tax.
im very aware of who Trump is, he was never a saint messiah. hes honest about it.
Is Trump a bad businessman who always have loses?..year after year..or fudging to hide income.
FarmersWon says
Is Trump a bad businessman who always have loses?..year after year..or fudging to hide income.
Seems to me that in order to have a few years of losses, you would have to have had some years of gain previously. Otherwise, you wouldn't have any assets to go down in value and generate losses. When those assets or other assets previously went up in value, I assume he did pay taxes. Yes?
Perhaps Trump has done some shady tax things, but that article doesn't really point them out. So, you post the article with your own title of "Trump is classic example of Tax Cheats." What about that article supports your claim?
Here how this works:
Government well connected contractor win bid for doing work for $100M. Then he is selling this job to subcontractor for $50M. Then this is selling job to his subcontractors for $25M. The last one has to use low quality materials and cheap labor to make some money on project.
Here how this works:
Government well connected contractor win bid for doing work for $100M. Then he is selling this job to subcontractor for $50M. Then this is selling job to his subcontractors for $25M. The last one has to use low quality materials and cheap labor to make some money on project.
I don't want to dox myself too much. It's the refining process. Oils used in asphalt of 30-40 years ago was much different than what we have today. To keep it simple I'll make the math easier. In the 1970's you could refine oil to fuel at a 90% rate. The remaining 10% would be used for things like asphalt. Fast forward to the last decade and there's only 1% left for asphalt and it's the shit oil in the refining process.
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