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117658   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 10:18am  

FarmersWon says

Hindoo monkey God Hanuman commited genocide on Sri Lankans.

Do you believe Hanuman existed? Do you believe in this god, that this god, really exists?

I still think Sri Lankan food is the best food in the world, I think partially because it's so difficult to get. I used to think Ethiopian food was the best food in the world, until I had it 100 times. It's still good but not "the best food in the world".

Thai.. I'm never in the mood for Thai, but I never regret it when I get it - this is actually probably the best food in the world, at least for me. I have never walked out of a Thai place and been like "I wish we went somewhere else", but I'm never in the mood for it.
117659   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 10:30am  

Do you believe Hanuman existed? Do you believe in this god, that this god, really exists?

No it is Hindoo mythology and all their stories are fake. There is a zero chance that a monkey can fly.

At the same time Monkey God is responsible for making the DNA of Hindoo genocidal.
If one person do something to Hindooo they rather than following the law want to kill everyone in that group illegally and brutally.
Hindooo is known as rape & riot cult due to bad habits learned from monkey God even if fake.
117660   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 30, 10:34am  

@FarmersWon I wasn't clear on your answer last time: what are you? I got the impression that you're an Afghani Muslim, is that correct?
117661   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 10:34am  

FarmersWon says

richwicks says

Do you believe Hanuman existed? Do you believe in this god, that this god, really exists?

No it is Hindoo mythology and all their stories are fake. There is a zero chance that a monkey can fly.

At the same time Monkey God is responsible for making the DNA of Hindoo genocidal.

I read this as a contradiction in your thinking.

I do not believe there is significant difference in people based on DNA although I accept there is some difference. Most of a "race's" differences are based on the software, not hardware.

You could be substantially like me, or me substantially like you - if we just exchanged environments and superficial physical features as infants. If we had brain transplants, entirely exchanging them, at 1 year old for example.
117662   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 10:38am  

richwicks says

FarmersWon says

Do you believe Hanuman existed? Do you believe in this god, that this god, really exists?

No it is Hindoo mythology and all their stories are fake. There is a zero chance that a monkey can fly.

At the same time Monkey God is responsible for making the DNA of Hindoo genocidal.

I read this as a contradiction in your thinking.

I do not believe there is significant difference in people based on DNA although I accept there is some difference. Most of a "race's" differences are based on the software, not hardware.

If Americans have started killing Muslims indiscriminately after 9/11.. I would called US DNA same as Hindooo genocidal filth.

As they behaved and response was not brutal on innocent Muslims, US is nothing like ugly Hindoo DNA.
117663   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 11:05am  

In their irrational hate for Muslims and sycophancy for Jews, They are making themselves laughing stock of world.

Sorry Sikhs are not Hindoo.

Saar i am poor saar pleaje make your antimuslim books cheaper saar pleaje

117666   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 11:32am  

DhammaStep says

FarmersWon I wasn't clear on your answer last time: what are you? I got the impression that you're an Afghani Muslim, is that correct?

Punjabi Sikh ethnicity
117667   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 12:24pm  

FarmersWon says

If Americans have started killing Muslims indiscriminately after 9/11.. I would called US DNA same as Hindooo genocidal filth.

The US started killing people in Afghanistan and Iraq. It had nothing to do with their religion, it had to do with pipelines and resources. The US government has no stance on religion whatsoever.

FarmersWon says

As they behaved and response was not brutal on innocent Muslims, US is nothing like ugly Hindoo DNA.

There were 800,000 Iraqi people killed in a war to end a non existent weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq. That was the official reason for the war, what as the real reasonS for that war? Installing US bases, moving bases out of of Saudi Arabia, providing energy exports to Israel, many other things I am too ignorant to know about - but there are many other things. The real reasons only become apparent with time, and it's been over 20 years.

The US doesn't kill Muslims because they are Muslim - they kill people because they stand in the way of stealing shit. If Iraq was entirely Christian, Hindu or Shikh, they would have done the same. You don't understand sociopathy at all.
117668   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 12:29pm  

I can tell from my experiences as a Sikh that ordinary Hindoo started killing Sikhs in 1984 .
Ever since ordinary Hindoo tells Sikhs that we will repeat 1984.

The response here was different and no genocide.
There were millions of people who protested against Iraq war. Bush is war criminal.
117669   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 12:36pm  

FarmersWon says

There were millions of people who protested against Iraq war. Bush is war criminal.

Every US president is a war criminal. Remember when William Clinton blew up the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant? He did this on August, 20, 1998.


You know what else happened on August, 20, 1998? Monica Lewinsky presented her cum stained dress to prove she was giving blow jobs to William Clinton.


The destruction of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant was just a distraction from Bill Clinton being a fucking male slut. It's estimated that around 50,000 Sudanese died as a result of destroying this pharmaceutical plant.

He claimed he bombed the Al-Shifa plant because "it was making chemical weapons precursors" - there's absolutely no evidence of this. It was a complete lie. He bombed a plant making drugs designed to help people entirely for selfish reasons - to distract from blow-jobs.

These are the psychopaths we have in power and I know that's difficult to accept, but this is the truth.

Don't look at my government through rose colored glasses. See it as it is.
117670   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 1:33pm  

If a day ever comes, Which I hope never comes with God’s grace where “genocide” happens like in Hindooo shithole .. I will treat US same way as I treat Hindoo now.

Until then I think US is very decent country with some problems.
117671   Bd6r   2023 Mar 30, 6:09pm  

tell FBI that they defaced BLM mural and participated in Jan 6
117672   Ceffer   2023 Apr 5, 10:48pm  

Woo seems to think Trump wants the legal lockdown gag order, presumably so that nobody can blame him directly for referrals coming from Congress to military tribunals for the shit they are finally investigating.

DOJ is dead in the water and captured beyond captured, so Woo knows how the Woo goes there?
117673   WookieMan   2023 Apr 6, 4:07am  

Maybe jail him, but a gag order doesn't stop him from campaigning. He just can't specifically talk about this case. Which is easy enough without mentioning it but hinting at what he's talking about. This whole thing is a nothing burger.

Fact is even if it's not Trump who do the Democrats have? Biden? If he dies who else? The R's have other viable candidates that don't make you throw up in your mouth. They push some fag because of "inclusion" or whatever BS they come up with. They'll then get 300M votes (somehow my kids can vote) and keep running this dumpster fire into the ground.
117674   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 6, 6:42am  

Trump will probably be convicted, but overturned on appeal

The question is, how fast can the trial and appeal take? Long enough to keep him from the race?
117675   rocketjoe79   2023 Apr 7, 11:04am  

Trump is still being shadowbanned, de-emphasized, or de-platformed on everything but Twitter.

Elon has done a great deal for freedom, but even his resources are finite.

Chicom Tiktok is still not shut down.

The struggle continues.
117676   Patrick   2023 Apr 7, 11:08am  

WookieMan says

Fact is even if it's not Trump who do the Democrats have?

Kennedy. But he tells too much truth about the toxxine and opposes foreign wars. The real powers find him unacceptable.
117677   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 10, 7:27am  

Everybody has a limp dick, aint nobody fucking anyone.

Everyone worried China is going to over take America with their money, or this country is going take away America's role in world sectors.
The truth of the matter is, if another country was even capable of sitting at the head of the table and claiming the Big piece of chicken for themselves. It would have happened a long time ago.

"Paying the Cost to be the Boss"

Is a huge fucking bill, America has only barely done it, over the last 30 years or so, by printing money and putting us so far in debt.
China can barely afford to care for their Billion people, they can't take the role of what America has been around the world.
If anything I can see a new World Order where all of the other world power players, are all on equal ground, and either they can foot their own way, or they go down a notch in global status.
117678   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 10, 7:36am  

I mean just look at what is going in Ukraine.
The biggest threat to the world order and a major power broker themselves. Can barely muster a row, a kerfuffle or fisticuffs in their invasion of their next door neighbor. And the NATO alliance can barely hold Russia's feeble attempt off.

World powers in 2023.

117679   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 10, 7:55am  

France isn't a Five Eyes country, less incentive for their involvement, plus they have enough problems at home. And bankers tend to back winners, don't forget Macron is a banker first.
117680   zzyzzx   2023 Apr 10, 8:10am  

Were you seriously expecting Europe to care much if China invades Taiwan? I mean they probably wouldn't like paying higher prices for semiconductors and stuff, but otherwise does it really effect Europe all that much? Last time I checked, Taiwan isn't a NATO member either.

I would expect Vietnam, Japan, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and possibly a few other countries in that part of the world to care.
117681   richwicks   2023 Apr 10, 2:05pm  

When is the last time the US government told people that truth, especially about a war?

I used to think "well, they can't keep doing this, they'll lose all credibility", but they continue to do it. At this point, when I hear people repeating US government claims, I just consider them stupid. How many times does the US government have to lie, before people are like "duh, maybe they are lying?"

If Ukraine SOMEHOW prevails, I'll be shocked and I'll admit my error, but it's pretty obvious the US government is full of shit, and you don't need some whistleblower to tell you that. I don't know why the government lies about everything, but they do.
117682   RedStar   2023 Apr 10, 8:01pm  

Waiting for comment from Eric Holder...not holding my breath
117683   socal2   2023 Apr 11, 2:06pm  

I've skimmed through the documents, other than confirming that the US spies on all of our allies and is helping arm, train and advise Ukraine in defending themselves from Russia's invasion - what else have we learned?

The battle maps are still the same. Russia's vaunted "Winter Offensive" accomplished little other than perhaps taking Bakhmut.

The leaked docs also show that Russia has about 3X deaths and casualties compared to Ukraine which makes sense as attackers typically have 3X the casualties against entrenched defense positions.
117684   Onvacation   2023 Apr 11, 2:15pm  

socal2 says

The leaked docs also show that Russia has about 3X deaths and casualties compared to Ukraine which makes sense as attackers typically have 3X the casualties against entrenched defense positions.

I didn't read the docs. How many Russians and Ukrainians did they say died? 10,000 to 30,000? 100,000 Ukrainians to 300,000 Russians?

How many have died in this war?
117685   socal2   2023 Apr 11, 2:42pm  

Onvacation says

socal2 says

The leaked docs also show that Russia has about 3X deaths and casualties compared to Ukraine which makes sense as attackers typically have 3X the casualties against entrenched defense positions.

I didn't read the docs. How many Russians and Ukrainians did they say died? 10,000 to 30,000? 100,000 Ukrainians to 300,000 Russians?

The leaked documents estimated 43,000 Russian deaths and 17,500 Ukrainian deaths.
117686   Ceffer   2023 Apr 11, 4:54pm  

There was some possibly apocryphal announcement that SS is giving out 3K to 4900 dollars in addition the regular checks this month per beneficiary. Let us know if you get that extra money or not. There was no reason given, so it might be fake news.
117687   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 11, 8:04pm  

Appreciate this piece. I think BigSerge undercounts the possibility this is an internal document that was designed to circulate inside the USG to create an "OMG! We need to spend MOAR money! Low supplies!" mindset for admins and politicians.

Also, "BigSerge" makes a bad comparison between the brigades the UA could field, and an ARMORED Brigade or the Stryker Brigade, which is MECHANIZED. A fairer comparison might be a "Infantry Brigade", but our current Infantry BCT has no organic armored vehicles, not even IFVs or Strykers, just Light Vehicles (Hummers and Medium Trucks). I'll have to dig out a Medium Infantry Regiment or Brigade TOE from WW2-Vietnam Era to get a better idea. Going by shit memory, ~30 tanks for a Medium Inf Brigade is pretty good by WW2 standards.

Best TOE I could find, but at this point after Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army is smoking stuff to think their Infantry Brigade Combat Team (motorized) would survive any but the least intensive conflict. Something not much more intense than the Troubles. In Afghanistan and Iraq, the IBCTs were given heavier vehicles as substitutes for their normal TOE. Since IBCTs are the majority of units in the Current US Army, I don't think any potential Civil War OPFORs have much to worry about given Hummers have minimal survivability against any but the smallest calibers.

So ~30 Tanks and ~90 IFVs/APCs would make them superior to the US Infantry or Airborne BCT, and about what you'd expect from a Mechanized Unit of comparable size of a 3rd Tier Country. The Russian Army has been substantially re-organized several times in the past couple of decades, I have no clue what a comparable Infantry or Motorized Russian unit would have.

2023 and the US Airborne still doesn't have a modestly survivable air dropped IFV. At least they don't bullshit about this one's survivability, which is obvious as it's a literal open vehicle.

Another takeaway: Consider that with hundreds of billions in our military budget, we should have SOVIET LEVELS OF STOCKPILES, so much shit we don't know what to do with it all. So much ammo and missiles we're begging Korea, Germany, etc. to take some off our hands due to storage limitations. Instead we can barely replace a Ukraine's depletion while it's on defense.
117688   komputodo   2023 Apr 11, 8:58pm  

richwicks says

At this point, when I hear people repeating US government claims, I just consider them stupid.

my point was 9/11....the planes that hit the towers just "vaporized" but they found 3 like new saudi passports amonst the rubble......since that explanation wouldn't fly at the pentagon crash, they scatted some old parts around that didn't even belong to that type of plane,Plus it came in low but still didnt hit any trees or power lines. And the last one. It just bored into the ground and buried itself. And millions still believe it.socal2 says

The leaked docs also show that Russia has about 3X deaths and casualties compared to Ukraine which makes sense as attackers typically have 3X the casualties against entrenched defense positions.

You talk like they are still fighting a conventional war like WW1 where the defenders have foxholes and the attackers just charge in with guns blazing.
117689   Ceffer   2023 Apr 11, 10:20pm  

I still remember Vietnam, where they claimed the Vietnamese kill numbers were twenty five times higher than American. Anybody who believes Russia has suffered anything but a fraction of the Ukrainian casualties, well, my tin foil hat is off to you.
117690   Bd6r   2023 Apr 11, 10:22pm  

We have to wait another half year to a year to see which side collapses. I give it 70 pct Russia collapsing and 30 pct Ukraine.

I recall PATNET Ukraine specialist predictions that Ukraine will collapse in a week and stop existing as a country in a month, and neighboring EEuropean countries will be absorbed by Russia. If your predictions were on par with Covid vaccine pusher predictions you may want to reorient your ideology and start looking at facts. But then again people will not change their way of thinking because of facts and reality.
117691   Bd6r   2023 Apr 11, 10:23pm  

And BTW I do not agree with US funding this war. It is a European issue and they should fund it.
117692   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 12, 10:32am  

cisTits says

I remember Patrick blaming it on Nordstream, even.

Not his best moment.
117693   HeadSet   2023 Apr 12, 10:48am  

clambo says

they are removing $329/month for Medicare, based on my 2021 tax return.

Is that just for Part B?

>>clambo says

I didn't receive but it still counts as a payment to me.

Actually, you did receive it, it was just used to pay Medicare premiums like a paycheck allotment. If you were over 65 and chose not to receive SS yet, you would be sending a check to pay for Medicare.
117695   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Apr 12, 12:01pm  

HeadSet says

clambo says

they are removing $329/month for Medicare, based on my 2021 tax return.

Is that just for Part B?

>>clambo says

I didn't receive but it still counts as a payment to me.

Actually, you did receive it, it was just used to pay Medicare premiums like a paycheck allotment. If you were over 65 and chose not to receive SS yet, you would be sending a check to pay for Medicare.

HeadSet says

Actually, you did receive it, it was just used to pay Medicare premiums like a paycheck allotment. If you were over 65 and chose not to receive SS yet, you would be sending a check to pay for Medicare.

And it helps to have minimal income. They don't yet look at accumulated wealth and assets. That, and a white privelege assessment, probably are in the works.
117696   clambo   2023 Apr 12, 3:55pm  

HeadSet is correct; Social Security were nice enough to save me the trouble of paying Medicare and paid them for me.

Edit: I guess my beef is this: I have been paying Medicare tax for my entire working life. I always assumed that the most useful benefit of being over 65 was Medicare which I thought I had already paid for. Little did I know that it was not paid for.
117697   Patrick   2023 Apr 12, 5:43pm  

What also is unknown is that Zelensky has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments. One estimate by analysts from the Central Intelligence Agency put the embezzled funds at $400 million last year, at least; another expert compared the level of corruption in Kiev as approaching that of the Afghan war, “although there will be no professional audit reports emerging from the Ukraine.”

“Zelensky’s been buying discount diesel from the Russians,” one knowledgeable American intelligence official told me. “And who’s paying for the gas and oil? We are. Putin and his oligarchs are making millions” on it.

So both the Ukrainians and the Russians are getting rich off of Pedo Joe's spray of American tax dollars over the whole area.

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