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41813   SJ   2014 Jan 23, 12:45am  

The weather sucks in Portland and Seattle. That is why living there would be hard for me.

41814   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jan 23, 12:46am  

tatupu70 says

CaptainShuddup says

That's 20% that will vote according to how their bread is buttered.

Good job Obama.

Oh well, the GOP always has Gerrymandering.

Hate to burst your bubble Cap'n, but you're wrong.


"Despite Gingrich’s racial connotations, the majority of Americans who use food stamps are white, and they increasingly live in Republican areas"

You're missing the whole point of buying votes.

You certainly don't have to pay your church choir to sing.
So it would only make sense that Obama would focus most in Red states, to get them on the Foodstamp wagon.

Understand just because the GOP in Washington scoffs at food stamps I think most Americans that need food stamps don't consider their parties Washington's politics before they would take them.
More over, as person's preference, of rather having a job than hand outs, is still valid, even if they are "FORCED" to take foodstamps because they have a family to feed. But that doesn't mean, that they don't wish that Washington was doing more to create jobs, rather than focusing on creating default Liberal voters. Who vote (as you Liberals always like to say) according to their interests. So if you have a conservative farmer in Iowa who's been on foodstamps for the last 5 years, is going to have a hard time choosing the next president, based on his Food insecurity.

Nice Job, good Job you go, I sure hope your proud of your self. And I like the extra added "Classy" zinger you crisp them with, chastising them for Ryand Paul's comments. Political Creeps!

41815   Entitlemented   2014 Jan 23, 12:47am  

Presidents make decisions that are bad.

Clinton: CRA and easy no down loans: Ponzi housing bubble - worst Recession since 1930s

Clinton: When it was found that the WTC parking lot in 1993 and then two embassies had been blown up by Bin Laden, he sent out a Special Ops team to find him then would not capture or incapacitate him. Then 911 happened, and the wars.

Clinton: NAFTA was debated by many, and the only Person with a Manufacturing business running Perot said it would create a Giant suckiing sound and people of the US would be working for near minimum wage jobs.

Some the other issues here are true, the actions of 1 President sent this country into a triplicate tailspin that we have yet to recovery from.

After working right out of college for the Federal Goverment, I could not believe the waste- Reagan was 1000% right on limited goverment. Clinton proved what "unlimited" government would get us.

41816   New Renter   2014 Jan 23, 1:56am  

jazz music says

He thought we could actually recall submarine-launched nuclear missiles (talk about a Reagan myth)

I think that is a misunderstanding of what Regan actually said. Regan was saying land based ICBMs once launched could not be recalled whereas bombers, submarines and ships CAN be recalled. Once launched the missiles cannot be recalled (although perhaps deactivated in flight) but prior to that yes the vehicles carrying the weapons can be ordered to stand down.


41817   mmmarvel   2014 Jan 23, 2:20am  

edvard2 says

I've visited Portland twice. All I can say is that personally I didn't really
care for it. Some people falsely claim its like the Bay Area. I found it to be
nothing like it. The weather for one is awful. Cold, wet, rainy weather for
months on end. I think some people forget how much weather plays a part in one's
mood and if I were to live there I'd go nuts for the weather alone.

I rarely agree with Edvard2 (okay, I've NEVER agreed) BUT as someone who lived there (Portland) for over 50 years, all I can say is 'Hope you like the rain'. I said in a different post but it's worth repeating - Portlanders have a saying, 'We have two seasons, the rainy season and August.' And there is a LOT of truth in that saying. Can you live for 90 days without seeing a hint of blue sky? Can you really? Have you ever done it? Well move to Portland and you can answer that question. How does 90 straight days of high temp never climbing above 60 and lows varying from 25 to 47 set with you? Cause that is what you'll get. Not to mention days upon days upon days of rain. No not the hard, swell rivers, cause flooding kind of rain (they get that rarely). More like the depressing, damp, light rain (more than a drizzle) that goes on and on and on. Yeah, THAT would be Portland.

41818   indigenous   2014 Jan 23, 2:32am  

Entitlemented says

Clinton: NAFTA was debated by many, and the only Person with a Manufacturing business running Perot said it would create a Giant suckiing sound and people of the US would be working for near minimum wage jobs.

Free trade is not a bad idea but why did the agreement require 900 pages.

Actually it was about mercantilism. Interesting subject

41819   FunTime   2014 Jan 23, 2:41am  

Portland is a great city. Great music scene. Really creative businesses and entrepreneurs. Maybe because it takes unique people to live there.
I lived there for almost four years and was in the NW almost ten. I told myself the whole time that the weather didn't bother me. Then I moved to San Francisco. Boy was I kidding myself. I had an overwhelming sense of euphoria for almost a year.

41820   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Jan 23, 2:52am  

DJIA drops of 200-300 a day will be the new norm. Good for gold in the long run. Hope everyone is accumulating or kiss your savings goodbye.

41821   HEY YOU   2014 Jan 23, 3:06am  

Wonder how many Red State Rep/Con/Tea Dregs of society are on any Big Govt. Social program?

41822   edvard2   2014 Jan 23, 3:15am  

thomaswong.1986 says

And yet Reagan still far more than Clinton and Obama could ever do...

Its always entertaining to see some people seemingly forget that Reagan in the end was a fairly ineffective President. Interesting now that conservatives place him on a pedestal and proclaim good deeds he never even did.

41823   anonymous   2014 Jan 23, 3:28am  

Well said, jazz music

41824   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 23, 3:35am  

mmmarvel says

Can you live for 90 days without seeing a hint of blue sky? Can you really? Have you ever done it?

Of course you don't get rain in CA.
So much so that soon you won't be able to wash your car or water the lawn.

41825   Carolyn C   2014 Jan 23, 3:51am  

Thank you hrhjuliet for the information. But the guys have reminded me of the weather and now I am doubtful. I can only handle about a month of rain before it effects my mood. Maybe global warming will turn Portland into the Bay Area.

I also noticed the prices of homes in the desired neighborhoods ( good schools) were relatively expensive. While homes in Milwaukie were very affordable. I like Milwaukie prices with Brooklyn schools.

41826   EBGuy   2014 Jan 23, 4:01am  

jazz man, do you have the same The Onion Presents a Dumb, Thoughtless Gift: 2014 Daily Calendar as I do? The headline for Tuesday Jan 21 is Embarrassed Republicans Admit They've Been Thinking Of Eisenhower Whole Time They've Been Praising Reagan
..."When I heard about Eisenhower's presidential accomplishments—holding down the national debt, keeping inflation in check, and fighting for balanced budgets—it hit me that we'd clearly gotten their names mixed up at some point," Priebus told reporters. "I couldn't believe we'd been associating terms like 'visionary,' 'principled,' and 'bold' with President Reagan. That wasn't him at all—that was Ike."

41827   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jan 23, 4:25am  

HEY YOU says

Wonder how many Red State Rep/Con/Tea Dregs of society are on any Big Govt. Social program?

That number has been growing every day for the last 5 years.
That was the "Change" they desperately voted against TWICE.

41828   Facebooksux   2014 Jan 23, 8:26am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

DJIA drops of 200-300 a day will be the new norm. Good for gold in the long run. Hope everyone is accumulating or kiss your savings goodbye.

Don't be a nitwit.

You need to leverage yourself into a couple of East Bay shitshacks so you can rent them out, 3 families in each. Then you can move to South America in no time.

41829   epitaph   2014 Jan 23, 9:23am  

I've mulled over much of the information covering the attacks on WTC, and while I think some of the truther propaganda is reaching, it's quire obvious there was some sort of coverup operation. What was being covered up and who did it for what reason will never be known.

41830   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 10:52am  

That video implies that no evidence of bodies was found at the crash site of flight 93 and also questions the nature of the impact site. That right there negates any of the content of yet another of your fact free choices of conspiracy video.

41831   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 11:08am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

That video implies that no evidence of bodies was found at the crash site of flight 93 and also questions the nature of the impact site. That right there negates any of the content of yet another of your fact free choices of conspiracy video.

And why is that?

It's a rather important issue to be completely wrong on, wouldn't you say?

41832   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 11:14am  

bgamall4 says

epitaph says

it's quire obvious there was some sort of coverup operation. What was being covered up and who did it for what reason will never be known.

It is known. As the Italian president said, it was the CIA and Israel security forces. The neocons had help from the Israelis. Why? In order to establish the Yinon plan of Oded Yinon, or the Clean Break plan of the neocons for regime change and destruction of the Arab nations.

'It is known,' followed by more of your zionist conspiracy nonsense. You sure supply the laughs on this forum.

Unfortunately, you're treading a pretty lonely path on here now Gary. Others obviously don't see the comedy value of your posts. Oh well, such is life.

41833   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 11:15am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

That video implies that no evidence of bodies was found at the crash site of flight 93 and also questions the nature of the impact site. That right there negates any of the content of yet another of your fact free choices of conspiracy video.

And why is that?

Why is what?

There were no bodies found at flight 93. How is that negating content?

Plenty of body parts though...

41834   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 11:43am  

Ah yes, because there isn't a Youtube video made by a 16 year-old, it can't be true. Why not contact the coroner who identified all of the people aboard the plane? Oh let me guess, he and his team are part of the conspiracy as well.

And what exactly do you think happens to human beings that hit the ground at well over 500mph and are then consumed by a massive fireball? Presumably you think they should be almost intact, along, presumably, with the rest of the plane, because er..., because umm...

41835   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 11:55am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Oh let me guess, he's part of the conspiracy as well.

Of course. And Bigsby, people saw flight 93 land elsewhere.

Surprise, surprise. You also didn't answer my question about what happens in such a crash. And people see planes land all the time. They have no idea whatsoever which flight it was. They are making a claim post event and inserting the 'facts' that are convenient to their argument.
But there are a number of local eye witnesses who saw flight 93 going down and a couple of them photographed the subsequent smoke cloud caused by the crash. Presumably, they are also in on the conspiracy as well. Seeing how it's difficult for two people to keep a secret, it's remarkable how many thousands upon thousands are keeping quiet about all the conspiracies you believe to have taken place.

41836   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 12:06pm  

Your response is that I've got 'nuthin' and then all you do is copy and paste a paragraph on whether the crash happened at 10.03 or 10.06. Er, you don't even think the crash happened FFS.

Have you not taken your pills today Gary?

41837   indigenous   2014 Jan 23, 1:44pm  

jazz music says


Yes clearly that is the only thing influencing those graphs. LBJ for instance couldn't possibly have influenced debt down the road a couple of decades. Clinton was held in check by a conservative congress and Reagan had a progressive one and of course the perfect storm with Obama. If I had to put anyone on a pedestal though it would have been Nixon taking us off the gold standard but then again his hand was forced by LBJ and Vietnam wars spending.

Your graph doesn't show a correlation or causation.

41838   Ceffer   2014 Jan 23, 3:14pm  

Smooth Jazz. Proof positive that Slash is a Yanni Zionist!

A musical interlude between conspiracies!

41839   Ceffer   2014 Jan 23, 3:49pm  

Carolyn C says

Maybe global warming will turn Portland into the Bay Area.

It seems to have turned the Bay Area into SoCal. When I lived in SoCal, maybe two weeks of rain, then nada. Now it seems SoCal gets more tropical stuff than it used to.

41840   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 3:53pm  

bgamall4 says

Don't troll Bigsby. Bring something to the table if you don't want to be deleted.

You delete anything that points out the idiocy of your posts, which is why all your conspiracy threads are almost entirely made up of your own posts.

And there was nothing trolling about the post you deleted. You simply don't want to acknowledge actual eye witnesses to the crash. Instead you make out that another one of your ridiculous Youtube videos, put together by a know nothing kid, is somehow conclusive proof that flight 93 never crashed. It isn't. It begins with clear and obvious lies and yet you lap it up. The crash site has impacted plane parts. There is nothing strange about the impact site given the speed and angle of impact. And yes, there weren't any 'bodies'. What there was were small fragments of body parts scattered around which enabled investigators to identify all of the people on board. Only on your planet does that translate as no bodies were found.

You are the one trolling this site, peddling obvious lies that you attempt to pass off as the truth to the more gullible on here. You don't want to examine evidence, which is why your 'evidence' is never anything more than laughable Youtube videos.

And why don't you want to take me up on my Sandy Hook offer? Don't you want to speak to the actual people you claim to be actors and liars? You make baseless assertions but are too much of a coward to actually face the people you accuse.

41841   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 10:34pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

You delete anything that points out the idiocy of your posts, which is why all your conspiracy threads are almost entirely made up of your own posts.

And there was nothing trolling about the post you deleted. You simply don't want to acknowledge actual eye witnesses to the crash.

Actually there were eyewitnesses that didn't see anything but a little trash.

If I saw Robbie Parker I would call him out for being as phony as a three dollar bill. I doubt if he is still in Sandy Hook. He just moved there for an acting gig.

If? Why not go there and demonstrate to all of us what you'd do? You've obviously got an inordinate amount of free time on your hands. I predict that you'd scuttle away with your tail between your legs given the merest whiff of anyone who was actually caught up in that horrific event.

And there were eye witnesses that saw the plane come down. Let me guess, they are all actors/paid government conspirators/blah-blah-blah.

41842   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Jan 23, 10:48pm  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

DJIA drops of 200-300 a day will be the new norm. Good for gold in the long run. Hope everyone is accumulating or kiss your savings goodbye.

Here is 2 in a row. Next week will be out of this world. I think we have just started what everyone around here has predicted for a long time. God help us all. Depression on its way. Ugh

41843   marco   2014 Jan 23, 11:40pm  

"Every fraud causes harm or loss and we will work with our law enforcement partners to stop any and all criminal activity.”

Boy, this isn't Eric Holder talking, is it? Obama's supine attorney attorney general, a literal doormat for the "contributor" corporations that own the White House and Congress. Bush prosecuted over 3,000 cases of financial malfeasance, and put over 1,000 in jail for it. Scorecard for Obama and doormat Holder?

0 arrests, O convictions. Yes We Can't (and I used to be a Democrat, gag).

41844   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jan 24, 12:08am  

I think that the coverup with 9/11 is that there was plenty of data to suggest an attack, but either 2+2 wasn't put together OR it was ignored.

This is important because the Patriot Act and other nonsense will be shown to be superfluous, and that the real problem was crunching the information, not collecting it.

41845   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 12:22am  

One thing we can all agree on here is that there are problems with the official story surrounding the whole 9/11 event. There are other events in our countries history that are also equally problematic and should be investigated further as well.

Many make interesting cases and provide interesting information which can make you think about the whole 9/11 incident in greater depth.

41846   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:35am  

mfs.admin says

One thing we can all agree on here is that there are problems with the official story surrounding the whole 9/11 event

That would entirely depend on what particular problems you are referring to.

mfs.admin says

Many make interesting cases and provide interesting information which can make you think about the whole 9/11 incident in greater depth.

That sounds like a lead in to some conspiracy nonsense. Perhaps you'd like to explain what 'interesting information' you are referring to.

41847   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:40am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

If? Why not go there and demonstrate to all of us what you'd do? You've obviously got an inordinate amount of free time on your hands. I predict that you'd scuttle away with your tail between your legs given the merest whiff of anyone who was actually caught up in that horrific event.

So your time isn't free Bigsby? Are you paid to troll?

You're retired. You spend a huge amount of time blogging on numerous sites about supposed conspiracies. You spout enormously offensive crap about individuals who have been through barely imaginable traumas and yet you are too much of a chicken shit to actually go and confront these people face-to-face, people you so freely accuse on the internet. That's you Gary. That's what you are. A very sad old man, who doesn't have enough balls to follow through on his baseless assertions.

41848   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:46am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

You spend a huge amount of time blogging on numerous sites about supposed conspiracies.

How do you know that? Are you shadowing me?

Shadowing you? You post all the time about having your own blog. You post moronic thread after moronic thread on here. You also frequently boast about the idiotic articles you've posted on other sites. Hardly requires me to 'shadow' you to know exactly how you are spending your waning years.

41849   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 12:48am  

Hey Bigsby....

I read your comment and as far as my post is concerned, I was careful to not go into any detail for the reason that there is a lot of data surrounding the 9/11 event. If we were to discuss is all here, I'd be writing a novel here in the forum and others here would not appreciate that. Instead, I simply mentioned that the event is not a clear, cut and dry situation. With that said, I'm not into conspiracies and all I can say about it is that further investigation is needed. With the current data we have available to us, it's clear that this event is complex and to jump to a quick conclusion as to what occurred would be irresponsible so I chose to instead say that the event and what occurred is not clear to me personally at this time, simply put. Sorry for the confusion......

41850   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:49am  

bgamall4 says

There was data, and the obvious and provable reason 2+2 was not added up was because the government wanted the attack and was in on it. That makes infinitely more sense than the government was incompetent and didn't know better.

The proofs abound that the government knew everything.

You aren't very good at keeping your thoughts together, are you? Exactly what are you now claiming? Try and remember that you believe the government planned the whole thing and planted bombs in the buildings. You seem a bit confused about that in this post.

41851   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:55am  

mfs.admin says

I simply mentioned that the event is not a clear, cut and dry situation.

And I'm simply asking what's not clear, cut and dry? I think the events of that day are extremely clear. That it wasn't prevented is an obvious failure on the part of the intelligence agencies. It happens. And the world was a quite different place over a decade ago, so that kind of failure isn't exactly that surprising. Terrorist attacks still occur around the world today despite the massive ramping up of the intelligence services since then. It simply isn't that easy to stop small groups of determined individuals.

41852   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:57am  

bgamall4 says

I am not discounting that they are the same person.

Er, you were claiming they were definitely the same person in the other thread.

bgamall4 says

But, there are ways of filling in the dent in Rebekah's chin, and change the botox in the lips, and even put caps on teeth. Rebekah's teeth are not perfect, and Kaitlins are too perfect. Until they stand side by side, there are still doubts.

Good grief. They aren't the same person. Just bloody admit it.

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