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And what is your utter fixation with anything negativethat you can find to do with the Jews? Oh, I'm sorry, 'zionism'.
Only a retard would still say Jews and Zionists are the same after being corrected by your peers. WTF, Bigsby?
Ohh, but I wasn't the only person who thought it, was I Gary? And I don't think Jews and zionists are the same. I think you are using the word as cover for your rather blatant anti-semitism. Everywhere a Jew is doing something you don't like (and that seems to be an awful lot of places) they suddenly become zionists. Remarkable.
Ah yes, 'zionists' controlling finance, 'zionists' controlling the media...
Wow yea the stock marfket is really taking a bath, only up 0.5%
Yeah looking ok so far today (but could still turn around later depending on anticipation of tomorrow's Fed decision) - tomorrow the Fed will likely postpone more tapering due to the recent minor "turmoil". If they taper more I expect red. Also durable goods wasn't great. Still looks shaky to me. Would need a couple of green blowout days to shake out sideways/down action.
Red is the new Green. Sit back and relax as the world enters this new phase. It'll be called "shit there were consequences?"
The Livermore downtown is amazing.
You've just illustrated why I can't buy a house in the Bay Area. I'm just not amazed by the suburbs. All the same-looking houses in rows with the same yards look like a graveyard.
I don't get you. And more over, I don't get the Jews on this one.
I mean they can really kick a dead horse until it gets up and dances a jig, on a good "Anti Semitic" wrap. Which may have constituted nothing more than someone uttering the word "Jew" while being a redneck. While there's not a day that doesn't go by, that you aren't spouting of this complete and utterly useless nonsense. And they say bupkis.
Wow Bigz, you're treading on some dangerous racially inflammatory areas my friend. I am not Jewish, nor am I a Zionist, but I would advise that you'd be better served to check out Wikipedia and look into the two and compare the pages using a different tab for each.
Bgmall4 is correct in his description of the two, there differences, and the information he is providing to you has been documented elsewhere. Bgmall4 is also stating he is Jewish, so it would be logical to assume as such, he is far more personally invested in knowing the difference between the definitions of the two than you or I, since we are not Jewish and therefore, may not be as invested in knowing these things. When I read these statements spoken by Bgmall4 above, I immediately went to Wikipedia as I suggested above and reread the descriptions of both in order to be better versed in this conversation so that I could have helpful, pertinent criticisms if they applied...
I can also agree with CaptainShuddup that there are Jewish people out there who are fixated on the holocaust and the Jewish plight, similarly to some blacks who are focused on slavery that occurred over a hundred years ago and I believe that bgmall4 wasn't attempting to gain sympathy but to express his disgust with Zionist influences in the Jewish world. Am I correct bgmall4??
Redding,Ca is a good place to live. Low crime rate, very low air pollution,
small number of homeless, affordable houses.
And 300 days of sunshine.
Obviously, this has a very simple explanation:
1. Most Americans are living just above poverty and therefore don't have the 10-20% down to afford a fixed rate loan.
2. They're too ignorant to grasp the concept that their adjustable rate loan could adjust higher making their home unaffordable leading them to bankruptcy and losing their homes, despite the RE Market Crash that occurred a few years ago...
I've been to Redding and wouldn't recommend anybody to live there. It has grown alot in the last 20 years though.
Um, wasn't this part of what got us into the property crash last time? Yeah, yeah, I'll just get in with this low interest ARM and by the time it's time to refinance, I'll sell at a higher price; take my profits and run. Uh, it works great the first time or two, but eventually it's like musical chairs and you end up with no chair to sit in.
Lately I've also seen 'no-money-down' deals being advertised on home buying too. I remember THOSE from prior to the crash. You were to buy the house on an ARM. But you didn't have the money for the down payment. No problem, take a second mortgage on an even higher interest ARM. The scam was that you'd pay off, sort of, that 2nd mortgage, but even if you didn't. You could roll it into a refi for the first and then ... and then ... and then - Uh, I'm just not thinking this is going to end well.
Redding,Ca is a good place to live. Low crime rate, very low air pollution,
small number of homeless, affordable houses.
And 300 days of sunshine.
Cheap dope, especially around harvest time.
You got to read between the lines to keep ahead of the curve. If banks are giving out ARM loans, that means they already know rates will be going up.
When gold reaches $10,000, the guy who held $1500, and didn't sell, will be much better off than the one who held out for $1000 which never happened and missed all the upside.
Speaking of predictions--how's your prediction of home prices (nominal) heading to 1975 levels doing?
Thanks for the writing for Bigsby. No, my natural father was Jewish and I am not by religion. By race I suppose I am both Jewish and 57 varieties of Gentile. :)
Maybe you should e-mail the Rothschilds and demand a pension.
You got to read between the lines to keep ahead of the curve. If banks are giving out ARM loans, that means they already know rates will be going up.
It also means that buyers can't afford a 1% increase or so in rates... or, barely qualifying for the loans at current income levels so they are trying anything to reduce their payment.....
If banks expect those buyers to default (so they can foreclose on them). After all banks know risks.
I agree with bigby. Criticism of jews cannot be tolerated, so just scream racism
You got to read between the lines to keep ahead of the curve. If banks are giving out ARM loans, that means they already know rates will be going up.
I can read this between the lines...........if banks don't move money they don't make money.
if banks don't move money they don't make money.
Don't you mean, if banks can't move and create 1's and 0's on a ledger sheet, they can't make money???
Yeah, same thing.
Apart from the "Zionist" slur you are on to something there, about Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Those REALTORs you see being arrested everyday...
They are all my good little pawns and minions.
I tell them what scam to pull and they do it while I profit the most from it but if they get arrested...
hahaha tough luck disposable idiot... You've served your purpose and now are no longer needed... Let authorities discard of you.
It's a good life I've lived. Telling others to do my dirty chores, profiting from it and not to be found in sight when SHTF.
I worship Satan too. I can't wait to see him when I die... If I do die.
I heard Lady Lynn Rothschild got Eisenhower elected, even though she was still just a sperm dangling in her daddy's nutsack. Now that's what I call clout.
From the below link.
"Wall Street expects the Fed to continue to to further reduce its stimulus for the U.S. economy when it wraps up its two-day meeting, despite a hiccup in job growth in December and recent market turbulence in developing markets."
A hiccup is a small annoying bodily mishap that is gone in 5-10 minutes. Having able bodied people unemployed, living on the streets is nothing like a hiccup. It is a systematic failure in the policies of the Fed. Idiots
By the end of the day, Brezhnev will be resurrected via cryosurgery and markets will be nationalized....
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."
Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!
And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Tuesday, January 28, 2014 __ Level is 102.1
WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:
And up to date (by me) is here:
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
This is an extremely important chart and everyone should take a real
good look at it, but the constant posting may be defeating that
purpose. What we should do is all post it to social media sites with a
short explanation of its ramifications. Get it out there in the public.
Thank you hrhjuliet! I just now updated it thru yesterday's close. My efforts to inform people certainly do need help, thanks. And in case you did not see it:
I just bought the S4 Samsung, I want to delete every damn social network app off of the fucking thing. The best thing about the phone, is it comes with the stock android browser, so I don't have to use Chrome. I don't think I'll ever be using the Google app, and it's a damn shame. On my last Gingerbread phone, it was a great resource. But the Google disclaimer and legal agreement on the S4, made me realize just how far down the NSA rabbit hole Google is taking us.
You have to agree to use it because they share everything.
I plan on rooting and getting a stripped rom, free of Facebook, Google + (google this and google that, and google the other thing, and the app that looks like a Video player but it really is just a redundant search app for Youtube, and about 6 other fucking hidden Google spyware apps.
I want them off MY Fucking phone!
They were both full on propaganda. I watched some Obama, I watched some Rothschild. It was annoying.
Now I did like some of the ideas Obama mentioned, but they were just feel good ideas. And feel good ideas are an equivalent to empty promises without actions to back them up.
I really liked what Obama had to say about natural gas. It is a great fuel that could immediately reduce pollution. I can be used in minigrids made up of fuel cells. In addition we're going to need a lot of it to generate Hydrogen for the KIA and Toyota FCVs.
I really liked what Obama had to say about natural gas
True, but because of Obama, we are squandering natural gas on electricity generation which could be made from coal instead. We need to be using our natural gas in vehicles, not in our power plants.
True, but because of Obama, we are squandering natural gas on electricity generation which could be made from coal instead.
Squandering? Hardly. If you've read more recent news the US has the largest supply of natural gas in the world. Literally 200-300 years worth of the stuff. At this point we barely have enough room to store what's being pumped out of the ground. Secondly, coal puts a LOT of heavy metals and pollutants into the air. Its a pretty dirty fuel. So in many ways this is why you're seeing more nat gas plants being built because not only is natural gas plentiful,but its cleaner too.
Squandering? Hardly. If you've read more recent news the US has the largest supply of natural gas in the world. Literally 200-300 years worth of the stuff.
If we start using natural gas in cars, that 200-300 years supply drops dramatically.
Secondly, coal puts a LOT of heavy metals and pollutants into the air. Its a
pretty dirty fuel. So in many ways this is why you're seeing more nat gas plants
being built because not only is natural gas plentiful,but its cleaner too.
And, China pays big bucks for that coal, so much that coal trains pass literally right by coal-powered power plants(that are soon to run on natural gas) so that the coal can be exportrd to China.
All this talk about Zionism prompted me to quote Wikipedia, just so we all here can enjoy the discussion further...
The common denominator among all Zionists is the claim to Eretz Israel as the national homeland of the Jews and as the legitimate focus for the Jewish national self-determination. It is based on historical ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. Zionism does not have a uniform ideology, but has evolved in a dialogue among a plethora of ideologies: General Zionism, Religious Zionism, Labor Zionism, Revisionist Zionism, Green Zionism, etc.
After almost two millennia of existence of the Jewish diaspora without a national state, the Zionist movement was founded in the late 19th century by secular Jews, largely as a response by Ashkenazi Jews to rising antisemitism in Europe, exemplified by the Dreyfus affair in France and the anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire. The political movement was formally established by the Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl in 1897 following the publication of his book Der Judenstaat. At that time, the movement sought to encourage Jewish migration to the Ottoman Palestine.
Although initially one of several Jewish political movements offering alternative responses to assimilation and antisemitism, Zionism grew rapidly and became the dominant force in Jewish politics with the destruction of Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe where these alternative movements were rooted.
The movement was eventually successful in establishing Israel on May 14, 1948 (5 Iyyar 5708 in the Hebrew calendar), as the homeland for the Jewish people. The proportion of the world's Jews living in Israel has also steadily grown since the movement came into existence and over 40% of the world's Jews now live in Israel, more than in any other country. These two outcomes represent the historical success of Zionism, unmatched by any other Jewish political movement in the past 2,000 years. In some academic studies, Zionism has been analyzed both within the larger context of diaspora politics and as an example of modern national liberation movements.
Zionism also sought assimilation into the modern world. As a result of the Diaspora, many of the Jewish people remained outsiders within their adopted countries and became detached from modern ideas. So-called "assimilationist" Jews desired complete integration into European society. They were willing to downplay their Jewish identity or even to abandon their traditional views and opinions in an attempt at modernization and assimilation into the modern world. A less radical form of assimilation was called cultural synthesis.[citation needed] Those in favor of cultural synthesis desired continuity and only moderate evolution, and were concerned that Jews should not lose their identity. "Cultural synthesists" emphasized both a need to maintain traditional Jewish values and faith, and a need to conform to a modernist society.
If we start using natural gas in cars, that 200-300 years supply drops dramatically.
How do you come to that conclusion? Given that most power plants utilize extremely precisely made turbines versus the literally millions upon millions of cars in various states of maintenance all across the country?
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