by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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According to this book i am reading, essentials of real estate economics by mckenzie and betts: M1 refers to coins, paper and demand deposits (checking accounts). M2 is M1 plus things that can be converted quickly to money-CD's,money market accounts. M3 is M1 + M2 plus large CD's over 100,000.
Whenever I think of money i always think first of an amazing paragraph written by the novelist Henry Miller, somewhere in Tropic of Cancer i think he writes; To walk in money through the night crowd, protected by money, lulled by money, dulled by money, the crowd itself a money, the breath money, no least single object anywhere that is not money, money, money everywhere and still not enough, and then no money, or a little money or less money or more money, but money, always money, and if you have money or you don't have money it is the money that counts and money makes money, but what makes money make money?
here's a great chart/link that may or may not work from this forum, but shows a plot of the M1 money supply over time:
It looks like the M1 supply (currency) was relatively constant between 1995 to 2001 at 1.1Trillion. Essentially since Bush took office in January 2001 there has been a nonstop increase in the money supply to around $1.4Trillion. That's printing about 25% more money than 4 years ago. This of course devalues the dollar and makes it even easier for the government to pay it's insanely large DEBT, now nearly $8Trillion ($8,000,000,000,000) (not the overhyped yearly deficits we always hear about). By comparison our entire yearly GDP is only about $11trillion.
It's interesting how if you extend the M1 series far back, you will see that money supply WAS increasing barely above a constant linear rate until increasing in the middle of Reagan's term. Money-printing hit it's zenith near the end of the Bush I administration. It rose quckly for Clinton's first year before flattening in the second and essentially stopping (even shrinking) the rest of Clinton's terms. Knowing Greenspan has led the fed for about 20 years, which just perfectly coincide with printing money for his Republican buddies has to make you wonder who this former Ayn Rand acolyte is really serving.
Anyway, printing all that money is essentially a cowardly stealth tax that this government has used to pass the debt on to the public (inflation) without having to officially raise taxes. The Bush clan was probably able to minimize the expected inflation from the expanded money supply probably because of collusiong with Greenspan to keep the interest rates TOO low for TOO LONG creating insanely high demand for that currency. It's all funny money in the end and the real workers of America will end up footing the bill for the parasites on top.
Sad but true.
One more thing,
Is the "edrosenthal" above, THE Ed Rosenthal of Marijuana leglization fame? I bought one of your books in curiousity 2 years ago in a book club and it really opened my eyes.
Also enjoyed your courageous legal stance/defense against the feds a few years ago!
There is intrinsic value in other things besides labor. Resources such as food, land, and commodities also command markets. There are also less intrinsic, yet not less valuable items such as intellectual property and specialized items (art, collectibles, experiences)
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