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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   174,359 views  117,730 comments

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117611   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 20, 4:35pm  

Dirty Brahman organisation fighting for caste superiority is losing legal cases left and right.
117612   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 20, 5:26pm  

Americans , This is good advise and not get fooled by filthy Hindoo.

The "respect" Hindus show you is entirely fake, all a part of their Sanatan Drama.

They have concocted immense propaganda and vitrol against Sikhs. They decry our very existence, for merely saying that we are not Hindus, as being extreme.

That is so they can justify genocide.
117614   indc   2023 Mar 20, 6:06pm  

FarmersWon says

Another cowfucker like indc


I thought you said you were not a khalisthani. Then why is your ass burning when he is talking about khalisthanis?
117615   indc   2023 Mar 20, 6:12pm  

FarmersWon says


70% (Pew) of Indian origin American Hindus support the Nazi inspired Hindutva movement in 🇮🇳

Non-Hindus, political opponents of the govt, independent journalists & non-profits are threatened & physically attacked by the govt & their supporters at will.

What's your position ?

You keep saying it's your right to carry weapons and threaten others. But the Hindutwatchin idit keep sharing videos of hindus distributing trishul to defend themselves against the muslim bastrds attacks and you have a problem.

Sorry patnet sometimes I can't take disinformation from this guy and have to respond.
117616   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 20, 6:21pm  

indc says

FarmersWon says

Another cowfucker like indc


I thought you said you were not a khalisthani. Then why is your ass burning when he is talking about khalisthanis?

Khalistan is concocted by Racist filthy Hindoos to genocide Sikhs.
Same way "Cow mother" drama by cowfuckers to kill beef business of Muslims and leather business of lower castes... to satisfy their blood lust.

If Cow is their mother , why the Hindooo have longest lines to shamelessly immigrate to west where there mother is cut daily and serves on tables of almost all families.
..Or their mother wander around streets on road stray.

Basic fact is Hindoo is genocidal religion from its DNA.
The Bitch Sita could have climbed up flying monkey's back and escaped saving people of Lanka from genocide, But she insisted like Indira bitch to do genocide of Lankans.
@indc is typical Hindooo genocider.
117617   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 20, 6:24pm  

indc says

You keep saying it's your right to carry weapons and threaten others. But the Hindutwatchin idit keep sharing videos of hindus distributing trishul to defend themselves against the muslim bastrds attacks and you have a problem.

Sorry patnet sometimes I can't take disinformation from this guy and have to respond.

No weapons in hands of Hindoo Nazis hell bound on genocide of minorities.
Whether muslims should have weapons depend on their conduct and need, I have no say one way or other without full knowledge.
Sikhs are defenders of humanity and must be always armed to teeth .... "Hum Akali sab ke wali".
117618   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 20, 8:52pm  


Population the size of Canada, w/o internet for 3rd day.

5000+ arrested or detained

#AmritpalSingh feared executed, 1000s being tortured.

Sikhs are being hunted in broad day light by India

Why is Twitter banning Sikh activists, journalists,members of parliament
117619   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 20, 9:07pm  

Some whites are realising that Hindoo Nazi must be 1984ed before it is too late.
It is a high time as Sikh genocide 2.0 is in progress.


This investigation I did in 2021 is getting lots of new attention after recent claims of networks attempting to influence perceptions in India.

Stay alert for tactics and accounts like those seen here, especially where the info targets minority groups.
117620   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 20, 9:09pm  


Increasingly worried about continuing fraught reports coming from the #Punjab, wherein many constituents are concerned about safety of loved ones, and an unacceptable attack on Indian High Commission in London.

Urgent need to calm and resolve situation.
117621   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 11:36am  

he World Sikh Organization noted that many of the MPs who are raising concerns have faced abuse online from accounts that identify themselves as supporters of Modi.

One such account called on people to “teach (Gaheer) a lesson” while another suggested people “drag the likes of (Jagmeet Singh) to India and teach them a bit about Indian laws.”
117622   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 12:01pm  

It's a rape and molestation festival, this is why it's most loved by men or hindu males in India.
117623   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 12:03pm  

Hindoo women are slave of vulgar hindoo men.
Most Indians are living in a fool’s paradise created by Bollywood, and they think that Hindu culture gives “most rights” to women.
117624   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 12:04pm  

Vulgarity of rapist Hindooo men towards vulnerable women in the name of rape/molest festival of Holi.
Hindoo women are very oppressed.

Ms. Sabahat: Holi harassment is unheard of in 🇵🇰! Isolated incidents of harassment can be observed in any country of the 🌍. But vulgarity is an integral party of the 🇮🇳 culture. Please don’t degrade 🇵🇰 culture by comparing it with uncivilised 🇮🇳 cultures and rituals (see video).
117625   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 12:05pm  

Shiva Purana (Hindu Holy Text):

"If a women wants holy water she shall drink the same with which her husband’s feet have been washed. All holy rivers are present in that water." https://wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/shiva-purana-english/d/doc226118.html
117629   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 12:10pm  

This india where extremist hindus are beating muslim girl only because of her religion. When USA is demanding inclusion of women in cabinet so what is USA doing about atrocities on women in india? Height of hypocricy.
117630   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 3:37pm  

This would be the biggest comedy of errors in Indian media in last few months.

The Indian Express puts out a news title claiming that Ayurveda advises consuming jalebi+rabri (type of Indian sweet) for management of migraine.

BUT, the actual content of the news deals with debunking this misinformation which was initially put up on Instagram by an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Now, the apex pseudoscience authority in India, Ayush, does a "fact check" on the pseudoscientific news piece and warns people and The Indian Express NOT to print such claims - when the news content was actually fact-checking and debunking the very pseudoscientific claim.

But the real comedy comes when Ayush themselves start patronizing Ayurveda by misinforming the public that migraine is well described in Ayurvedic texts and MANY STUDIES on benefits of Ayurveda on migraine is published in literature (there is none actually)

Ayurvedic texts do not describe migraine but mentions "headache" in general in the chapter on "Diseases of the Head" and talks about treatments that include putting cow and goat urine in the nose, burning the patient's skin, making the patient consume fats+sugars (probably where the idea of Indian sweets came in) and more importantly, instilling blood of animals in the nose and making patient smell fumes of rotten fish to drive away bacteria and worms causing headache.

This is real Ayurveda.

Do not, for ONCE believe what AYUSH is telling you. It is the biggest disinformation campaign on Indian public health.
117631   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 3:40pm  

All Hindoo filth needs is urine from their mother cow to eat,drink,bath,cure diseases and fly planes.
They are torturing and genocide Sikhs to follow same dirty way of living.

Like cancer, coronavirus can be cured with cow dung and cow urine: Assam BJP Minister

“There are scientific reasons why we use cow dung and cow urine during religious rituals. There are some hospitals in Gujarat which treat their patients with ayurvedic medicines."
117632   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 21, 3:42pm  

"I have seen myself that Cow Dung can purify water. Dung of Buffalo will make water impure but Cow Urine and Dung will kill all germs and purify it."

-Rajendra das maharaj
117634   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 25, 10:15am  

What’s happening in Punjab right now:

- mass arrests of Sikh activists
- shut down of internet and text
- crackdown on public gatherings
- mass censorship of human rights media

Let the Indian Government know that we condemn this repression.

The whole world is watching.
117635   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 25, 10:17am  

CPJ calls on @Twitter
to restore the handles of journalists Kamaldeep Singh (@kamalsinghbrar
), Gagandeep Singh (@Gagan4344
), and Sandeep Singh (@PunYaab
), which were withheld in #India following their coverage on the government's crackdown in #Punjab.
117636   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 26, 8:22pm  

Sikhs oppose celebration of Sri Lankan genocide by Hindoos and flying monkey God.
Same way they celebrate Sikh Genocide.

Hanuman was first international terrorist who terrorized innocent civilians of Shri lanka thousand of them were killed. By hanuman their houses were burnt down by hanuman. And shameless people celebrate his cruelty and honor him every year
117637   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 27, 8:53am  

Hindooo caste based hiring specialists are only ones crying.
They are constantly purging all whites/blacks etc. from IT for long.
Time to reverse, Who is better to lead revolution than Sikhs!.. Sikhs faced genocide at hands of Hindooo.

Sustained targeting of #HinduAmerican community, which has been nothing but a blessing for California, MUST STOP. Political leaders that are complicit in it, either directly through bills like SB 403 (it IS #Hinduphobic - designed by an avowed #Hinduphobic group) or by their silence, will need to account for their complicity in targeting of this micro minority. Future well-being of my kids and that of millions of Hindu American kids depends on how you speak for them
117638   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 27, 8:57am  

Another guilty Hindoo scared.

Say no to bill SB-403. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes abt South Asians, specifically Indian and Hindu Americans, based on their national origin, ethnicity, and ancestry, making us targets for hate crimes, discrimination, harassment and bullying.
117639   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 27, 8:58am  

Exciting news! @aishabbwahab
introduced #SB403 to end caste discrimination in California. Now California could make it illegal! @dalitdiva
If Hindus migrate to other regions on earth, Indian caste would become a world problem - Ambedkar
117640   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 27, 9:01am  

Another caste based American job thief!

Now the wokes in CA want to divide us further on so-called Caste lines with #sb403
Seems like the America I came for as a land of freedom and equal opportunity is being ruined 😕
117641   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 27, 9:05am  

Union of discriminatory Hindoo job thieves oppose giving IT jobs back to all Americans.
who would have thought that...
Caste based hiring must end and guilty Hindooo deported... white/black/brown Americans must not be discriminated in favor of internal caste based Hindooo hiring.

Californian South Asians, #WatchThisSpace for an upcoming Action Alert to let California legislators know you oppose this discriminatory and illegal bill #SB403. With your help, we are certain that the bill will be defeated.
117642   AD   2023 Mar 27, 7:53pm  

Notice now mainstream media like CNN is not reporting about the identity of the shooter

Look at this liberal and Woke plant trying to distract from the mental illness of the transgender female shooter


117644   indc   2023 Mar 29, 6:29pm  

Who said anything about Religious Sikhs. We are discussing Khalisthani. Unless you equate Khalisthani's to religious Sikhs.
117645   richwicks   2023 Mar 29, 6:50pm  

indc says

Who said anything about Religious Sikhs. We are discussing Khalisthani. Unless you equate Khalisthani's to religious Sikhs.

I looked this up as well, I didn't see anybody calling the killer a Sikh.

Honestly, FarmersWon drives me crazy at times, annoys the shit out of me at times, but, I think he's just made an error here. I don't think anybody said this was a Sikh. For all I know, the crazy killer was a Muslim. Imagine killing somebody over an argument? The killer was insane.

If the "news" story is accurate, CLEARLY the killer is insane - however, I think he should go to prison for life, at minimum, regardless.
117647   indc   2023 Mar 29, 6:57pm  

richwicks says

indc says

Who said anything about Religious Sikhs. We are discussing Khalisthani. Unless you equate Khalisthani's to religious Sikhs.

I looked this up as well, I didn't see anybody calling the killer a Sikh.

Honestly, FarmersWon drives me crazy at times, annoys the shit out of me at times, but, I think he's just made an error here. I don't think anybody said this was a Sikh. For all I know, the crazy killer was a Muslim. Imagine killing somebody over an argument? The killer was insane.

If the "news" story is accurate, CLEARLY the killer is insane - however, I think he should go to prison for life, at minimum, regardless.

I have the actual news while @FarmersWon tries to share a news which tries to be politically correct.
117648   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 29, 7:01pm  

richwicks says

indc says

Who said anything about Religious Sikhs. We are discussing Khalisthani. Unless you equate Khalisthani's to religious Sikhs.

I looked this up as well, I didn't see anybody calling the killer a Sikh.

Honestly, FarmersWon drives me crazy at times, annoys the shit out of me at times, but, I think he's just made an error here. I don't think anybody said this was a Sikh. For all I know, the crazy killer was a Muslim. Imagine killing somebody over an argument? The killer was insane.

If the "news" story is accurate, CLEARLY the killer is insane - however, I think he should go to prison for life, at minimum, regardless.

Yes he should go to prison for life.
As a Sikh I don’t support criminals.
My problem with Hindooo idiots is that they blame whole Sikh community for any chance they get.

They also hate Sikhs for lawfully and peacefully asking for sovereignty and deliberately cause violence.
117649   FarmersWon   2023 Mar 29, 7:05pm  

indc says


What’s the proof?
Even if he was you can’t blame whole Sikh community asking for sovereign country.

By the way what kind of smoking person asking for Khalistan?
If Khalistan ever come to existence, First thing they will ban smoking.
117650   indc   2023 Mar 29, 7:34pm  

FarmersWon says

indc says


What’s the proof?
Even if he was you can’t blame whole Sikh community asking for sovereign country.

By the way what kind of smoking person asking for Khalistan?
If Khalistan ever come to existence, First thing they will ban smoking.

You know when they made Pakistan they said alcohol will be banned as it is against Islam. Now you can check how much alcohol is consumed by pakistanis.

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