Call the correction in the offing, ja!

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2006 Apr 13, 3:23pm   20,397 views  227 comments

by tsusiat   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

As the steroids pump up the muscles, the cheap credit pumps up the bubble.

Take away the cheap credit, the bubble must shrivel like the muscles of a girly boy cut off by his steroid pusher while living too far from the Mexican border.

How far can designer body modification analogies be stretched to explain past economic modifications of all girly boy market interventionists?

As credit is cut off, will girly boy financial geniuses lose their financial powers and be reduced to pumped up wannabes with sand kicked in their faces?

At the end of the “correction”, will the housing market/girly boys be:

10% cheaper/smaller? 20% cheaper/smaller? 30% cheaper/smaller? 40% cheaper/smaller? 50% cheaper/smaller? God help us, even cheaper or smaller than that?

NO, I tell you, this spring prices will be at an all time high and they will PUMP YOU UP UP UP!

True or not? Offended or not?



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5   OO   2006 Apr 13, 4:21pm  


there is a flaw in your argument, where is the money pumped? Because where the pumped money enter the system will largely affect how it will affect prices of different asset prices.

For example, if you drop 100 dollar bill down from a helicopter to everyone on the street, you will see run-up in price for food and normal consumer items. If you pump the money through giving money to major IBanks for free, you see a different beast.

The reason why our inflation is contained is because it was dropped at a more concentrated point through the financial channels, the only way for those few parties who got showered with the free money is to lend it out at an artificially low rate, and hence the realty run-up. Also, that is why you see the stock market, commodity market, bond market all sustained at high levels, because that is where free money is channeled.

However, the run-up in commodity will eventually come back and haunt us in the consumer products, oil is such an important part of our economy not only in transporation but also in plastic containers for different beverages and food...It takes time for the commodity price to work its way through the aisles. When an average family gets squeezed on essential items like gas, heating oil, food, how can he spend much on buying a home, no matter how loose the lending policy is?

So housing price will fall, because housing in the end cannot be disconnected from people's income and pay. Anything that has something to do with our lives has a ceiling set by people's affordability.

6   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Apr 13, 4:24pm  

There will be an after Christmas sale on houses this year. Everyting 50% off.

7   OO   2006 Apr 13, 4:25pm  

To BA,

if you don't disagree that Americans are made of special materials, and therefore entirely different people in psychology and emotional reaction from the Japanese, then housing can easily come down 50%. In fact, in the 1990 crash of SoCal, housing of select areas did come down 50% and more! I have a colleague who bought in LA in 1989, he didn't see his home returning to the original nominal value until 1999! At the lowest point, his home was worth 40% of what he paid. I won't even venture to compare the state of affairs in 1991 to 2006.

You will get your vengeance, just need to be patient. Once the market starts going down, market psychology will again overshoot. I have no problems seeing the nominal value of housing in the bay area return to 2001 price.

8   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Apr 13, 4:27pm  


The fed can only play its game for so long.

9   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Apr 13, 4:34pm  

Hate to rent,

The link was on this site. I believe a recent news story.

Not sure exactly where. Check it out.

10   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Apr 13, 4:40pm  

A news story on The Daily Reckoning site, I believe.

11   StuckInBA   2006 Apr 13, 4:43pm  


For the prices to reach 2001, they have to drop by 50%. Even if that happens, it will take a long time - like 4/5 years. Actually, till 2008, I do not see a significant downturn. That's when the ARM resets will happen en masse. I also believe housing prices are sticky on their way down.

Prices in Phoenix are not down much, in spite of inventory explosion. BA is way behind the curve.

The 50% drop you expect - is that real prices or nominal prices ?

12   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Apr 13, 4:54pm  

Two more interesting facts.

The majority of Americans (More than 50%) earn less money today than they did 5 years ago, when factoring in inflation.

And, the national savings rate is now negative.

13   OO   2006 Apr 13, 5:06pm  

I expect 50% price in nominal terms for outlying areas of Bay Area, Tracy and beyond. I concur that it won't happen before 2008, that is why I won't even consider trading up until after 2009, when the ARM reset crest is past.

The saver for America is, people don't have that kind of savings to sustain the negative cashflow. In Japan, personal bankruptcy is considered a shame to himself and his family, they would rather commit suicide than turning the keys back to the bank, plus if one gets into the troubles in a family, everybody pitches in the help. I don't see this kind of culture here, so if there is a blowup, it happens faster. How many Joe sixpacks have enough savings to last 6 months? 12 months? What do you think the average household savings of the Bay Area is? I believe that even for the 250K families, it will be significantly less than 200K after they get into a home, and we know the annual running cost of mortgage + property tax + insurance, mortgage insurance these days for a million-dollar-home Bay Area household.

Prior to the bubble burst in Japan, the average household savings rate was close to 20%, as compared to negative savings rate for the US. For Hong Kong, the average savings *per person* (including kids and infants) was around $75K in 1997. Yeah I know housing is sticky on the way down, but the homedebtor must have enough financial cushion to make it sticky. Therefore, I don't see the average American moron homedebtors have that kind of financial resources to hold on to their homes when the market turns.

14   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Apr 13, 5:13pm  

I told my family and friends a few years ago;

The next depression will make the great depression look like a picnic.

15   StuckInBA   2006 Apr 13, 5:34pm  

Some of you may like this.


I like the inventory figure for Pleasanton, for example. (Topic of discussion in prev thread) In case you have problems opening the link, the stats are for week ending 3/30.

Listings 139 compared to 56 last year. More than 100% increase.
Pending sales 11 compared to 30 last year. Almost 66% drop.

So I calculate. Ratio of inventory to pending sales has gone from
56/30 = 1.87
139/11 = 12.64

WOW ! This is pending sales, a very good leading indicator. I mean WOW.

This is just one week, and may be a particularly bad week. But heck, the numbers are awesome.

16   Different Sean   2006 Apr 13, 6:12pm  

George says:
And now, I bring you a letter written to a Florida Broker (ripped from Mike Shedlock’s site)

Is this a true story, or a 'composite' fictionalised picture? Can you source it for me, George? I could certainly use that...

17   smb_gaiden   2006 Apr 13, 6:26pm  

To BA Or Not To BA Says:

Drops and rates...

In mu locality, San Diego, I expect 40% drop. Yes, I know that pretty much wipes out 100% appreciation minus inflation over the same timeframe.

18   HARM   2006 Apr 13, 6:45pm  


Hope you don't mind me taking the liberty of supplying artwork for your thread --just couldn't resist with all your steroids/girly man imagery. :-)

19   Different Sean   2006 Apr 13, 7:14pm  

George Says:
Here ya go DS

thanks, have sent him a note...

20   OO   2006 Apr 13, 7:26pm  

I think I found a property that will break the cuckooness index of the Los Gatos neighborhood.

Here is one property that is for sale at 2.75M, it was bought in 1998 for $270K, no space added, just some kitchen and bathroom remodeling. Must be one hell of a remodel with 10x jump in "value", but judging from the photos, one can only say such a remodel must be very subtle.

Welcome to the dotcom of real estate. Whoever is gonna buy that place for more than 1.375M should have his brain checked out.

21   HARM   2006 Apr 13, 7:31pm  

Oh, come on... not even one measly comment about the graphic?

22   OO   2006 Apr 13, 7:31pm  

OK, $270K sounds too cheap for that neighborhood in 98, must be some kind of truly rundown home that is bought for the value of the land. The land is around 12K, the house itself is only 2300 sf, and the record said it was built in 1934.

The comparable for that home even in today's market won't sell above 1.5M. I don't know why anyone would have such an inflated view of his own home.

23   HARM   2006 Apr 13, 7:33pm  

Took me 2 hours to Photoshop --was it worth it??

24   HARM   2006 Apr 13, 7:35pm  

Thanks, George (I think) :-)

25   astrid   2006 Apr 13, 10:52pm  


If you based your numbers off of Zillow, I have a question about California's tax assessement system. That house is assessed for $861,799.

Every other house in that price range actually looked nice and had good views of the mountains. I couldn't even see a picture of the house you mentioned.

26   astrid   2006 Apr 13, 11:51pm  

I guess I forgot to include the actual question, which is:

Is the difference btwn assessed value and purchase value the result of renovation? Is it an unrecorded transaction? Or does California due this for houses as a matter of course?

27   edvard   2006 Apr 14, 12:12am  

I think it is entirely impossible to judge how far housing prices will fall in the Bay Area. All I can say is that for people like me, married with a combined income of 90k, even the lowest median priced house would need to come down a minumum of 35-40% in order for us just to be able to squeeze into something.I gather hope from this personal observation in that the local average income is around 55-60k for the state, and still just 79k in SF proper. SO there are tons of people making less than us who are probably all doing the same thing.. waiting.Unfortunatly, it seems that there are also way, way more people who make an absolute killing in the area. Doctors, lawyers, executives, etc, all making hundreds of thousands, if not millions per year. I will have to compete against such people with more purchasing power. If I have to bid against Joe Millionaire, I will always lose.
The last report I read showed a minumum of 40% of the homes in the last 3 years having been bought by investors. If that is true, then the severe shock factor that will occur with the immense inventory being puked up will cause a potential panic followed by possible immediate price depreciations as homes are unloaded at an accelerated rate.It will also cause the local supply and demand equation to be heavily thrown off balance because the demand will fall as the supply goes up meaning the "precious" aspect of it will be severely diminished.
The other factor I am watching is how will the economy fare. I am a firm believer that California is losing a lot more business and market share in just about all sectors, and unless legislation like Proposition 13 is repealed and replaced with more reasonable changes that encourage more positive growth, this trend will continue. Ultimatly, it could very well be a sagging state economy that brings housing down since the vitality of the infrastructure will be crippled from a shrinking think tank of young blood and new startups, which will continue to move to other states.
Basically, I think the biggest threat to how low houses will go are people like myself- those who have been sitting on the fence for years now, saving their pennies and dimes, hoping, waiting, wishing the market would fall- even if it means a depression of some sort, just so that we can have our chance. It is sad that we have to hope for otherwise detrimental events in order to better our futures-basically meaning watch the downfall of others so that we can have our piece of the pie. The fact is that EVERYBODY should have their chance, and if you work hard, do good deeds and are responsible, you too should be able to make it here. If this ever blows over, I hope that there will be many questions asked in Sacremento as to what can be done to assure Californians that the next generation after us will NEVER have to go through something like this again.
Lastly, if the boom means that a new price standard has been set, and 500k is now the norm to pay for a small house, then this is unacceptable. I'll pack my bags and get the hell out of here, cut my losses, and get on with my life somewhere else.I hope other talented artists and intellectuals do the same. If artists, writers, intellectuals, and the other kinds of people that rightly made the Bay Area what it is are forced to leave, then so be it. If that be the case, who wants to live here anyway. Tragic really, and perhaps nobody will miss us.

28   Randy H   2006 Apr 14, 12:18am  

I have a bit of a different perspective on why RE prices are sticky-down. After reading some perspective from FAB a few threads ago I had an epiphany.

F#cked Buyers are likely to get caught up in "escalation of commitment". That is, if you're 1 payment away from foreclosure, you will sell on a "needs-based pricing". You really have nothing to lose, so you're willing to take every bigger gambles in hopes of getting out of the hole you're in. This is well-studied behavior, and hard to argue with since like 90% of people tend to act this way when tested in experiments. These guys are the sticky sellers, not the fast, at any price sellers.

On the other hand there are long-time residents, many of which own all or their home, or most of their home, or used to own it all but took out say 20% as cash in the recent bubble. The key here is they've been long-time owners. They bought for 50%, 80%, 150% discount of today's prices. They may miss the top, but they are likely to consider their "winnings" very differently from the FB. It's very easy to live with, "gee, I should have sold 2 years ago when I could have gotten $1.4M instead of $1.1M, but then I bought this place for $385K in the 80s". Remember, people don't think in percentages, they think in nominal numbers, so the old-fashioned buyer is the guy who really isn't so sticky going down.

29   DinOR   2006 Apr 14, 12:39am  

Randy H,

So true! I have a client in LA that bought in the late 80's. He owes about 60K on an 900K property. By his estimation, it's not all that special. Now that his mother back in the midwest is getting on he is thinking he may have to sell and move back to help any way he can. Now, if he sells for 900K great! If he sells for anything above 600K that's great too! At the very least he'll walk away with over 500K tax free! His motivations are more about family (and obligations) than they are about money. Would he have preferred to have listened to me and have sold back in "05"? Well sure, but either way he and his wife are going to be just fine and at this point it's more about getting AN offer, not multiple offers.

30   skibum   2006 Apr 14, 12:41am  

Randy H,
There are some mitigating factors to your hypothesis. For long-time owners, additional considerations are, if they sell and purchase a new residence in the BA, unless they downsize significantly assessment-wise, or move out of the bubble zone, they are looking at the penalty of significant property tax increases. This is a disincentive to selling. I also wonder how many long-term owners plan to estate their homes to their children, with the exact thought that their children would otherwise not be able to afford a home in the BA. Certainly, this sentiment might change if prices drop significantly. Of course, this is all speculation.

31   edvard   2006 Apr 14, 12:49am  

Not sure how much I'd count on folks leaving their houses to the kids. Social security and retirement options will be a thing of the past or in very bad shape come a few years when all the boomers retire. They will need other methods to assure their viality in retirement. I imagine many will sell their home for a smaller home or condo in order to get more financial security. It could get nasty too if there is more than one kid too, since one or the other will have to concede half of the value.

32   DinOR   2006 Apr 14, 12:53am  


Great observations about Alameda. While I was never stationed there I visited a number of times in the service. Back in the 80's it was a little rough but always a fun place. If you want to see total yuppification you really should visit Portland. They seem to have it down to a science!

33   astrid   2006 Apr 14, 1:02am  

Randy, DinOR, George, and Co. have debunked the buying from desperate specuvestor tactic. I want to add a couple wrinkles to the observation.

Firstly, much more likely than not, the specuvestors will lose their bet and the house will go into foreclosure. It seems to me that there will soon be a large number of foreclosed houses, much larger than any market’s ability to absorb them. It seems to me that the best time to buy will be in foreclosure, when there are a large number of houses and a tiny number of cash buyers. (vulture fund solicitations to rich Asians?)

Secondly, watch out for the long time homeowner who withdrew home equity during the bubble. These people may be even more overextended than new home buyers.

Thirdly, prop 13 considerations. The lure of prop 13 might be enough to convince people to stay put.

34   edvard   2006 Apr 14, 1:06am  

Yup, it still has a tiny amount of that look and feel. I moved here after 4 years in Berkeley. I like it because it reminds me of the hundreds of little towns sprinkled all over the appalachians back home. Very little of the boue collar element is still here, but many of the businesses are. People are also VERY animate about not tearing down anything. There is a tiny newspaper shack built on the corner of park and santa clara next to the waffle diner. It is from the 40's. One day, the local Elk's club decided to tear off the ugly 80's plastic siding from the shack to reveal and restore to origianl clapboard siding. Locals driving by thought they were tearing it down and complained. When a company bought and decided to restore the Alameda theater, built in 1926, it caused such an uproar that there are signs for both sides: " Say NO to the cineplex!"- and "Bring back the movies!". There is a big worry about gentrification, ironically even amoung the yuppies that are takin over the town. So anything new tha comes down the line and BAM! instant anger. it's ironic because this kind of behaviour is what causes prices to go out of control in the first place. There is a delicate balance between preservation and continuing a tradition of a maintable community for future generations.

35   Michael Holliday   2006 Apr 14, 1:18am  

nomadtoons2 Says:

"Lastly, if the boom means that a new price standard has been set, and 500k is now the norm to pay for a small house, then this is unacceptable. I’ll pack my bags and get the hell out of here, cut my losses, and get on with my life somewhere else."

San Jose, although historically priced a little higher than other areas in the West, was never this insanely unaffordable. In fact, it was actually affordable to the average dual income family.

Either the Bay Area will become the new, largest Beverly Hills for the world's rich, or sanity will once again be restored.

I think sanity will be restored. Although what's sane in the BA is considered outright insane in other areas of the country.

The worm will turn.

Businesses are leaving; young couples priced out are leaving; peasant illegal aliens are flooding in and...well...we are all watching and waiting for history to play itself out on the California stage of illusion.

It will be an interesting ride, no matter what happens...

One thing is for sure: what happens during the next five years will set the tone for what happens in the next 20 years, good or bad.

36   astrid   2006 Apr 14, 1:20am  

Oops, looks like Skibum got there ahead of me on Prop 13.

Nomad's observation is great. Unless the real wages in this country starts shooting up all over (quite unlikely, especially with so much debt to deal with), California should be looking at a 70-80% correction in real dollars in most locations. The houses here are just too expensive for the amount most people make here.

Also, there's way too much BA SFH POS mascarading as upper middle class housing. (I think they should be torn down to make high quality, higher density multi-family housing.) If the majority of the POS housing stock stays, it'll an albatross on LA and BA's long term growth. Why would a young family want to live in tiny 1,000 sq. ft houses no matter what the price?

Also, the amount of price compression in most California markets is crazy. BA SFH under 500K are unliveable, BA SFH under 1M are largely tiny and barely better than apartments. However, once you get past $1.5, you start to get some places that most people anywhere would recognize as nice or very nice.

37   astrid   2006 Apr 14, 1:25am  

Once the LV and AZ markets crash hard and fast, I think a lot of the California retirees will make a run for it. Their kids or grandkids already can't afford California. Also, the bubble burst will be economic hardship, and any inflation will quickly eat into the real dollars available to someone on a fixed income.

38   astrid   2006 Apr 14, 1:32am  

Robert Cote,

To add to your observations, the practical inevitability of higher energy prices will empty northern cities even faster, the heating cost in much of the country is already equal to people's mortgages. Given that most of Detroit's housing stock is probably quite old and not very energy efficient, they may quickly reach the point of being unaffordable on heating costs alone.

39   astrid   2006 Apr 14, 1:34am  


Thanks for adding imagery to older posts. Very nice.

40   edvard   2006 Apr 14, 1:42am  

My parents will be visiting me and my wife for the first time here in CA. They have never been to California. Truthfully, I'm a little curious what they will think about it.The price of a 800k SFO house is still around 50k there, 16 times cheaper. Her parents came in March and were absolutly amazed at how expensive it was out here. My folks and her parents see things that most californians have been shell-shocked into believing is digestable, which is that unaffordability is a natural given, and 400k is a real "bargain".To them, they'll probably see it from their perspective. It must look absolutly ridiculous.
As far as Prop 13, this thing was only enacted as a temporary fix for what was then heavy property tax in relation to home values. In other states like TX, the tax helps make sure that values can only reach a certain point and then the price of ownership becomes too high. As a result, the markets are more tame there with the exception of inner Austin, which is still in the 300k range. In California, Prop 13 solved one problem, which was to alleviate the tax burden of the then current homeowners, only to place the burden on anyone not owning a home. Basic science comes into play here. You can't abruptly stop one thing and not expect an equal or greater reaction on another level. Ever since the passage of Prop 13, there has been reliable and frequent housing booms and busts, which places a lot of instability in the entire state. This Proposition needs to be repealed and replaced with something that meets both parties in the middle, where homeowners will have to be somewhat responsible for the tax on their adjusted home value, yet not make it impossible for them to pay in a runaway boom either. This way home prices will be tied more to real income and not speculation and risk by means of unconventional loans. Placing a flexible taxation system on homeowners will cause them to put pressure on government officials to build more supply. The name of the game is create an environment where both parties- homeowners and homebuyers will want to equally cover their asses. It is all one way right now, and this is the sole reason for the imbalance.

41   skibum   2006 Apr 14, 1:49am  


There was an interesting piece I read somewhere (Sunday NYT?) about Detroit - the question was, why is that city, with such a disastrous economy, not completely empty population-wise? The answer these authors came up with was the ultra-cheap housing stock there. Ramshackle victorians can be had for little money, and that was an implicit incentive for people to stay put there. This goes for other Northeastern declining cities as well. I can't say I've been to Detroit, but at least according to Eminem, it's a hellhole...

42   astrid   2006 Apr 14, 1:52am  


But wait til higher energy costs pushes that balance towards the tipping point.

Of course, a good chunk of the Detroit probably receive government assistance on housing...

43   skibum   2006 Apr 14, 2:00am  


Yes, rising energy prices are a real bummer for cost of living in the Northeast. I wonder, relative to the Northeast's heating costs, what the cooling costs in places like the southwest are as well.

44   skibum   2006 Apr 14, 2:10am  


Your assertion about Prop 13 as a buffer against market risks for homeowners may well be true, but the beef many have with it is that its benefits extend only to long-term owners. Recent purchasers who have paid much higher for their homes pay a much higher burden of property taxes proportionally. Is that fair? The outcome is essentially the tax burden for older Californian homeowners is being subsidized by the younger owners. I would suggest a revamping that distributes the burden more fairly while maintaining protections against arbitrary tax increases.

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