Proud Californians

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2006 Apr 18, 4:29am   19,497 views  329 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

We are all proud Californians. Let's talk about things that we ought to be very proud of.

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54   Joe Schmoe   2006 Apr 18, 7:26am  

Immigrants are now starting to bypass traditional gateways and move inward.Nashville, Dallas, Ann Arbor, Raleigh, Montgomery, and a hundreds other micropolitan areas are becoming reknowned for their family friendly atmospheres and opportunities to immigrants that can rise above the poverty level much easier than in CA.

This is actually true. Way back in 1996, my first job out of law school was as a public interest immigration lawyer in NYC. Even back then, a lot of our clients were moving to places like Savannah, Georgia, and Kansas City, MO. It was really strange. People would step off the plane from Fuzhou province and make a beeline for...Savannah.

One of the clients who I still keep in touch with owns three restraurants now, in three different cities. He is sort of a trail blazer, he is the first person I met who did this. He started out in NYC, opened a restaurant there NYC and, once successful, asked a relative to run it. He then opened a bigger restaurant in Baltimore, MD. Now he's got one in Detroit that is HUGE. I mean, it's huge. It's one of those all-you-can-eat $5.95 buffet places, but the place seats like 500 people. And he fills every seat during the lunch hour! I don't know how he does it, the place is in the middle of a strip mall and there are dozens of other restraurants to choose from in the area, but he really knows the restaurant business and somehow manages to fill the place every day.

I actually represented a Mexican guy one time whose father was sponsoring him for a green card. The thing was, the kid was Mexican and the father was Chinese! I almost had a seizure when they both walked into the office, I was handling that case as a favor for someone else and had not met the clients until that day. Her daughter was sick, and she told me it was just a routine hearing; I trusted her so I agreed to cover it. Credibility is very important in the legal business and I knew that if I represented such obvious scammers my name would be mud down at the INS -- that is, after everyone stopped laughing. But the hearing was set for that day and I had no choice, so I went down there with them.

As we walked down to the Federal Plaza I overheared the clients talking in Spanish to one another, which was strange becuase I had never seen a Chinese person speak Spanish before. When we got there, the immigration officer acted just as I thought he would when faced with a Chinese "father" and a Mexican "son." He looked like he was about ready to deport us all, me included, then and there. "I don't see any family resemblance," he said. The nightmare was happening.

The son got his green card that day. It turned out that a few months before they'd had to do a DNA test, and they really were father and son! They looked nothing alike, one was stereotypically Mexican and the other was, you know, Chinese. But they really were related!

Anyway, the dad had first immigrated to Mexico City, and then to New York, and finally to Tennessee! He picked up both Spanish and English along the way, and married three different women. He showed me a picture of his daughter, and she was blond! I guess his genes were really recessive.

When the son came up from Mexico he went straight to Georgia, not CA. He worked in a Dunkin' Donuts there and owned his own home. This took place back in 1996 or 1997, I am sure it has become even more popular today.

56   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 7:27am  


I think when you brought this up a week or so ago, someone mentioned that Virginia Beach is a special case. I have to agree. Most of the South have pluses and minuses, but cost of living is much lower and nice houses in good school districts can be had for $150K. Wages are quite low though.

57   HARM   2006 Apr 18, 7:30am  

@Returning to Bay Area,

Coastal Virginia is one of the most expensive areas of the South and is itself experiencing a housing bubble on a scale similar to CA's, so this is not the best representative for the entire region.

58   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 7:31am  

RTBA, skibum:

Regardless of the intricacies involved in figuring out direct cost-of-living comparisons, there remains one truism: many goods are nationally priced. These goods are priced on the margins, which means prices are set by high-inflation/high-wealth/high-volume regions. Low inflation regions either avoid these products, substitute for these products, or simply have/use less of these products.

This is the basis of the entire Wal-mart growth strategy (exploiting inflation differentials) up until recently. A Hawaiian vacation costs the same to a SF'er as it does a Virginian in nominal dollars, it just costs a whole lot more for the Virginian in real dollars.

59   Peter P   2006 Apr 18, 7:33am  

A Hawaiian vacation costs the same to a SF’er as it does a Virginian in nominal dollars, it just costs a whole lot more for the Virginian in real dollars.

When you see that Europe is packed with Japanese tourists, you know that Yen is strong.

60   HARM   2006 Apr 18, 7:35am  

I think that pay is higher in CA. So, I believe the standard of living is higher in CA.

@Returning to Bay Area,

Not so. 2003 Census figures: http://www.census.gov/hhes/income/histinc/h08a.html

California median income: $48,912
Virginia median income: $52,776
U.S. median income: $43,349

61   Peter P   2006 Apr 18, 7:38am  

Interesting point. I suppose the corollary to the Walmart example, would be the recent national expansion of Whole Foods, targeting higher income areas (as well as self-described socially conscious consumers).

What are socially conscious consumers?

I thought people buy at Whole Foods because of quality.

62   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 7:38am  


"Parts of Virginia horse country are very expensive."

I know, my parents used to live on the northern fringe of it (Leesburg). It's really an extension of the DC/NoVa suburbs.

63   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 7:41am  


Virginia is an usual case. Northern Virginia is very rich and has some of the highest avg. incomes in the country, it's so big populationwise that it skews the state. But NoVa isn't really in the south. It's really more mid-atlantic than anything.

64   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 7:43am  


65   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 7:46am  


Come on, have you seen Great Falls? (right next to the Potomac river) There are plenty of horsey properties in Northern half of Virginia. They've just become incredibly expensive in the last five years.

66   HARM   2006 Apr 18, 7:48am  


When I used "toleranace" in quotation marks, I wasn't insinuating you yourself were being intolerant of things you don't like about the South. I was referring to your comment about the South's relative 'lack of tolerance', as in racial prejudice, segregation and the things that non-Southerners generally associate with the South.

We talked about this here in an earlier thread (don't recall which one) and basically all agreed that, while these concerns are valid (especially when taken in the historical context of slavery/civil rights movement), this argument tends to be overblown by non-Southerners. Most metropolitan areas of the South today don't look like "Deliverance", nor are you required to be a Klan member in order to get a job anymore. There is also a certain lefty smugness that is very offensive to many non-Californians, which can also be considered a form of "intolerance". That's what I was trying to get at.

67   FormerAptBroker   2006 Apr 18, 7:48am  

HARM Says:

"I’m not even so sure we’re all that “tolerant” frankly. There’s plenty of smug, arrogant lefty NIMBYism & PCness around here."

In California "tolerant" means tolerant of left wingers and weirdos (you must tolerate a school teacher who writes FUCK BUSH on his forehead with a Sharpie or a guy dancing around in plastic underwear making duck noises. A "tolerant" Californian will NOT tolerate any parents who mention that teaching kids in Spanish is a bad idea or tolerate anyone who likes NASCAR and goes to church...

68   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 7:50am  


With all due respect, your mom doesn't make for a community. I live in NoVa and there's a pretty vibrant community of immigrants (domestic and from abroad) here. I encounter many more foreign accents here than I do southern ones.

69   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 7:59am  


Okay. And sorry, since I got a little overheated.

70   Garth Farkley   2006 Apr 18, 8:01am  

What do I love about California? Tom Cruise.

Mmmmm, placenta.

71   Garth Farkley   2006 Apr 18, 8:03am  

I wonder if there are prions in placenta.

72   Peter P   2006 Apr 18, 8:03am  

Mmmmm, placenta.

I rather have pancetta.

73   Garth Farkley   2006 Apr 18, 8:09am  

SF Woman,

I'm amazed. I guess I've got to get out more.

74   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 8:10am  


The Japanese pioneered the use of placenta in face creams and health supplements. The fashionable Chinese have followed up on this trend.

75   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 8:12am  


I don't get why anyone in the BA needs to shop at Whole Foods, there are so many organic/humane focused farms here that it's really easy to buy that stuff from farmer's market or CSA directly at 1/2 the price.

76   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 8:17am  


Nope, if it was "quality" stuff, it'll be human.

I heard stories about people eating them too, but I will not elaborate.

77   Peter P   2006 Apr 18, 8:23am  

I heard stories about people eating them too, but I will not elaborate.

That is technically cannibalism.

78   Joe Schmoe   2006 Apr 18, 8:24am  

I think Jewish people bury the foreskin after a circumcision.

Once on the Discovery Heatlh Channel this couple cut the umbillical cord with a sword after the mom gave birth. It was supposedly a Scottish custom. I think the dude just made it up, personally (even if there is historical precedent I doubt his father and grandpa did it), but it was still sort of cool.

79   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 8:26am  

Peter P.

"That is technically cannibalism."

Are you intolerant of cannibals?

80   Joe Schmoe   2006 Apr 18, 8:30am  


I think you are right. I have seen pictures of an Orthodox burial detail whose job it is to retrieve body parts after a suicide bombing. It is both beautiful and heartbreaking to see, they go over every inch of the area to ensure that the decedents are buried properly. The worst part was that the picutres I saw were taken a couple of years ago, after a suicide bomber attacked that school bus. Talk about bad.

81   Joe Schmoe   2006 Apr 18, 8:31am  

I guess there's worse things in life than the housing bubble after all. Count our blessings.

82   Peter P   2006 Apr 18, 8:40am  

The worst part was that the picutres I saw were taken a couple of years ago, after a suicide bomber attacked that school bus. Talk about bad.

Those monsters are complete devoid of morality. Only true evil will attack defenseless children.

83   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 8:52am  

back to the thread topic -

google.com and Intel. My life would be very unhappy without them.

84   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 8:57am  


85   Joe Schmoe   2006 Apr 18, 9:02am  

The portable nav system on my old PDA could not handle the transition from one state to another. About a year and a half ago I flew to rural Ohio from CA and wanted to use my navigation system there.

This was in BFE, Ohio, but surprisingly, the nav system had all of the streets in its databases and unerringly guided us to all of our destinations. Unfortunatley, about halfway through the day it crashed, leaving us without convenient directions. It has never crashed before or since, I guess it just could not handle the mental stress of travel in a different state.

86   Peter P   2006 Apr 18, 9:03am  

I just dont know when it will capitulate, sometimes I dont know if being rational and thrifty is worth it at all.

Just compare rent with mortgage costs. If you still prefer to buy, it is fine so long as you can afford conservatively.

Being thrifty does not necessarily pay. Enjoy life. But enjoy it rationally.

87   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 9:06am  

What would Amerika be, without California?

A lot smaller, both population and GDP-wise. The US would have its GDP cut by so much that it would lose an enormous amount of global economic bargaining power to the EU/EMU and China. Imagine the US having far less clout in the WTO, IMF, WB, etc., instead having to take seriously the demands of other developed country participants.

88   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 9:08am  

Joe Schmoe,

No, I grew up just outside of BFE Ohio. It's a strange energy that emits from the Earth there that causes useful, interesting things to either shut down, wilt or die.

89   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 9:10am  


Try this (a spreadsheet I and others here created for analysis). If you are happy with present-value implications of buying now, then you probably should so long as you can afford it.

90   requiem   2006 Apr 18, 9:15am  

I love the coast (here's a cheer for the Coastal Commission keeping it from turning into something resembling Florida!).

The last two times I moved I managed to purge several boxes of stuff. The next time I move I expect to "lose" another box or two; I'd lose more, but there's not too much left to toss, outside of books.

brahma: depends on your patience. I don't care too much, since I've just happened to end up with a decently balanced portfolio (i.e. decent companies, about 5% gold, cash on hand for a down market, etc.) I don't feel any great urge to buy, but then I'm immune to many passing fads. If prices go down (either in real or nominal dollars) then I may buy. Personally, all the numbers I see suggest that current levels are unsustainable, and so I don't buy. (Like being the 20th guy in a game of Russian Roulette, the correct assumption is not "hell, someone must have forgotten to load the thing".)

91   LILLL   2006 Apr 18, 9:19am  

This placenta thing has really turned my stomach.

92   Peter P   2006 Apr 18, 9:24am  

Me too! I love the beach and the sound of the ocean.

I used to live next to a freeway. Somehow, it did sound like ocean at night. :)

93   OO   2006 Apr 18, 9:25am  


the party has just started, and you want to withdraw?

Fed will stop rate hike after 1 or 2, where is the support for USD?? Our budget deficit? Our looming recession?

Oil new high, gold new high, commodities record high, USD losing ground against all major currencies in the last week, and more to go.

If you dare to take a little risk, you can buy a home expressed in a much weakened USD in a year or two, although the nominal value is not that much off. If someone has been staying largely out of USD in commodities or foreign stock market from the end of last year till now, his portfolio expressed in USD should have gained at least 10% to as much as 50% by now, which means, if he exchanges back to USD, even the same home retains its nominal USD value, he is already buying a home at a reduced price!

And we are not even reaching the beginning of the ARM reset fun which is due to start this summer. I am quite excited to see the show of the century.

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