All About Renting!

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2006 Apr 27, 3:53am   21,255 views  196 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Jealous bitter renters!

Folks, over the last few months we've had the "Jealous Bitter Renters" Thread (written from the P.O.V. of a rabid housing bull) and often had discussions about renting mostly in terms of how it relates to the RE market and bubble. We've had debates about renting as an alternative to buying at inflated prices, using it to as a metric to determine "fair market" housing value, Price:Rent ratios, why renters are so stupid, jealous and bitter compared to perma-bulls, etc., but so far --nothing about the finer points of the experience of renting itself.

So, this is your opportunity to share your renting insights and experiences with your fellow Patrick.net bloggers! About half of us here are homeowners, but you probably have rented at some point, and in any case should have an opinion. Tell us:

  • What qualities do YOU look for in a rental? Do you prefer high-rise apartment/condo living, townhomes, or detached SFRs? Urban/suburban/exurban/artist ghetto?
  • What things would you be willing to pay a premium for? Proximity to work/public transportation, being close to downtown, lots of open green space, square footage/storage/garage, modern amenities, Pergraniteel, pet friendliness, other?
  • HOW do you primarily shop around for rentals? Craigslist/internet listings, rental property management companies, newspapers/recycler, personal networking, other? Do you prefer renting from a private owner/landlord or from property management company? Why? Do you have any negotiating/bargaining tips to share with us?
  • Do you have any especially interesting, nice or ghastly stories to share from your renting past?
  • Discuss, enjoy...


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    186   DinOR   2006 Apr 28, 12:02am  


    One day soon I'll have one of my daughters show me how to do exactly that! I wanted something like that for posterity as well. As I assembled it in a fast and loose fashion I began to realize that were getting the "lip service" from DL in rapid fire succession and much more quickly than we did from stock analysts as the equity markets imploded! Generousity from the Fed will not help Mr. Lerah with his "inventory" problem. I thought that this was a pretty telling moment.

    187   FormerAptBroker   2006 Apr 28, 12:42am  

    skibum Says:

    "The other funny thing about Harvard students is precisely the notion of “dropping the H-bomb.” IE, there’s a certain subset of students there who base a large part of their self-image/self-worth on being associated with Harvard, so they derive some kind of perverse glee from mentioning having gone to school there in casual conversation."

    I know a lot of single 30 something HBS woman and when they talk about the "H-bomb" they usually talking about getting dumped by a guy after he asked where they went to school and they had to "drop the H-bomb"...

    I don't understand why so many woman (and some men) need to blame something when a guy (or girl) does not want to date them. It is very hard for a lot of people to accept that the other person just didn't want to date you…

    I never have the guts to say it but I want to tell the tell these single HBS girls that blame the Hbomb for being single to look around and see that the few good looking HBS girls are in relationships and even most of the average looking girls don't have a problem getting a date (the problem is looks and weight, not where you went to grad school)...

    188   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 1:01am  

    I'm so sorry I started this MIT/Harvard/Stanford Jr. bashing.

    Anyone up for a new thread? valuation of commodities? what's gold worth? etc. anyone? anyone?

    189   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 1:06am  


    "(the problem is looks and weight, not where you went to grad school)…"

    Waaaaaaait, does anybody look into personality and sanity? Maybe I'm just deluded, but my momma always taught me that looks come and go, but other qualities will stay.

    190   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 1:50am  

    I console myself with nothing more than the thought that my next home will be purchased for a fraction of today’s prices.

    hmm, 9/10 is a fraction :(

    Anyone up for a new thread? valuation of commodities? what’s gold worth? etc. anyone? anyone?

    how about real estate ethics? bit like the 'ginger' thread, heh. or maybe i was just looking for an excuse to paste in this email belatedly (bye bye, ginger, we hardly knew you :P ):

    Dear Subscriber

    Insider trading is rampant in real estate. Many agents get away with conduct that would see stock brokers jailed.

    I believe agents should be banned from buying properties from their clients. For this reason, I have always admired the ethos of the Raine & Horne network whose agents are forbidden from trading through their own agencies. Not so with most of the other big name chains.

    Here are two recent cases worthy of attention. And perhaps your vocal (or written) assistance.


    This is one of the worst (and saddest) cases I have ever encountered. An agent bought the home of a mentally ill man. He is now pleading to be allowed to keep his home. But, because he dared to complain, he has been told to get out by next Friday, May 5. Despite the agent’s pathetic excuses, this is a shameful case of exploitation by a member of the world’s largest real estate chain (Century 21).


    A property owner made a gross profit of $20,000 in 17 years. The agent who bought his property made a gross profit of $32,000 in about 17 days. Let this case be a grim warning to all sellers to always get an independent valuer – or, at the very least, get three or four agents to give an opinion.

    For a long time, we have been warning investors to steer well clear of this spruiker. Tonight, on Channel Nine at 6.30 pm, there may be a short story about a man who has long been fleecing investors. If you don’t get a chance to see it, you can read one of our earlier warnings below…


    191   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 1:56am  

    hey, they've got US flags up in the window back in the 1920s or whenever it was, even tho they're living in abject poverty - from a demotic historiographic point of view, has that been common for a long time?

    192   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 2:05am  

    I once was charged $150 for “unauthorized window covering removal”. It was a $2 blind I bought for the bathroom window.

    kinda makes you proud to be living in the land of the free... i'm getting all teary... :cry:

    193   FormerAptBroker   2006 Apr 28, 3:11am  

    astrid Says:

    "Waaaaaaait, does anybody look into personality and sanity? Maybe I’m just deluded, but my momma always taught me that looks come and go, but other qualities will stay."

    We are all looking for someone that is sane with a great personality...

    Every guy hopes to find a thin good looking wife who is also sane and has a great personality...

    It is only the guys that have given up hope on finding someone that is good looking "and" has a great personality that ask out the chubby average looking gals...

    194   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 5:52am  


    :) Well, as long as they look for sanity and personality first.

    I think highly educated women, especially before they hit 35 or 40, tend to be overly demanding in their choice of mates. Because they did everything else very well in their lives, they think they'll have the same freedom in their choice of spouses. The reality is that by their mid 30s, a good chunk of the potential spouses are already married and the rest have their pick of clever attractive women ages 20 to 35.

    Oh well, the world's cats needs homes...

    195   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 5:26pm  

    I do not want to take people to court. Karma will get them just as quickly. Really.

    astrid Says:
    Peter P,

    With karma, you may have to wait several lifetimes, and payback will come in totally unrecognized forms…trust me, small claims court is much more satisfying.

    a half-brick through their car window at night is also satisfying, and instant karma. especially since the cost of repair is less than their insurance deductible.

    then, a month later, after they've had it repaired, you can do it again :)

    *** Disclaimer: not behavioural advice. This is an exceptional result, your results may vary. No resemblance to actual living persons is intended or implied. ***

    196   astrid   2006 Apr 29, 3:56am  


    I'm not a believer in creative destruction, at least on a personal level.

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