Bubble Bubble Everywhere

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2006 May 4, 2:38pm   38,154 views  364 comments

by astrid   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Gimme some of that bubble, boy!

Gold is now at $675/oz and silver at $13.88/oz. Do you think their prices will go up, down, or sideways (into government intervention)? Do you think there IS a bubble in gold? Do you think there WILL be a bubble in gold?

Also, please share your thoughts about any other bubble you see on the horizon.

This is a troll and postmodernism free zone. Trolls and postmodernists will be posting at their own peril. Haikus will be most welcomed.

PS - all comments posted here should not be considered investment advice. Always do your own research before making investment decisions.


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307   LILLL   2006 May 7, 4:18am  


308   astrid   2006 May 7, 4:28am  

Ha Ha,

You still owe an apology to a certain member of this blog.

309   LILLL   2006 May 7, 4:49am  


310   LILLL   2006 May 7, 4:50am  

test test

311   LILLL   2006 May 7, 4:54am  

So you made more Hahas to add to your Hahas?

312   LILLL   2006 May 7, 5:56am  

On June 20 there will be a green building tradeshow at the Moscone Center in SF.
I wonder if it really be informative on nuances of green builing or just a builders sales pitch.

Here is the list of speakers...
Thomas Hoyt, Founder/Mission Advisor, McStain Neighborhoods, Louisville, CO
Jeff Jacobs, Project Manager, Centex Homes, San Ramon, CA
Mark LaLiberte, President, Building Knowledge Inc., Minneapolis, MN
Vernon McKown, President of Sales, Ideal Homes, Norman, OK
John Suppes, Principal, Clarum Homes, Palo Alto, CA
Brooke Warrick, President, American LIVES, Carmel Valley, CA

313   surfer-x   2006 May 7, 9:13am  


314   surfer-x   2006 May 7, 9:14am  

My friend sells old books and I came across this title in her collection "collected short stories from the Balkans" am I the only one that thinks a book complied of small stories from the balkans is funny? Is the book balkanized?

315   LILLL   2006 May 7, 9:22am  

Did you see SNL last night? They had a whole song about testes... with Tom Hanks...who was actually quite funny!

316   surfer-x   2006 May 7, 9:34am  

@Linda, yeah it was pretty funny. wanna see something really funny?


317   LILLL   2006 May 7, 9:56am  

Your url didn't work.

318   surfer-x   2006 May 7, 9:57am  

@linda you have to cut and paste it into a window, try this one


319   LILLL   2006 May 7, 10:32am  


I think you'll like this one.
Have you seen beer boy before???
I know it's made the rounds before.

321   LILLL   2006 May 7, 11:33am  

So I've had a tough coulpa days....

I keep mispronouncing "cunning stunt'! :lol:
Who the heck named that one anyway!

Must've been a woman....

322   Michael Holliday   2006 May 7, 2:04pm  

Conor Says:

"The hardest part about explaining gold to others is it’s hard to do without sounding like a crackpot lunatic.

Conor, umm I've seen some pretty wacky sh-t said on this site.

I don't think it gets any zanier than the price of stucco covered chicken coops for $800K+ in the Bay Area.

If anything, if it isn't sensational, chances are people will let out a collective yawn. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pretty
fried on the insanity of it all...spent, deadpan, a former shell of myself, etc.

I kind of perk up and stir when dudes come on here saying they make $150K plus salaries with their BS degree from Corndog University.

323   astrid   2006 May 7, 2:12pm  

"I kind of perk up and stir when dudes come on here saying they make $150K plus salaries with their BS degree from Corndog University."

That's the only reason I visit this blog. I want to learn the secret!

324   Michael Holliday   2006 May 7, 2:30pm  

GentleCheetah Says:

Besides, there’s nothing one can do. Every so often, wars come about to wipe the slate clean.

If you look at it, China and India, with their combined 2.5 B population, are bound to clash with the developed world. Although many prefer to look away from reality and think economic competition is NOT a zero-sum game, in reality it always is. There is only so much market for so many goods; there is so much resource for x number of people at y level of living standards.

The HISTORY knows only one way to resolve such a conflict: That is WAR. In addition, let me borrow an observation by Richard Maybury, China has excess male population that she must find a way to “employ” and/or get rid of.


Cheetah, look up the book REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN. John Kenneth Galbraith, the recently deceased Economist, is the author. But I'll tell you,
things in that book that look wacky, like what you are saying, don't look so far-fetched or kooked-out.

325   astrid   2006 May 7, 3:43pm  

SP, GC, and other Elitists TM,

New York Review of Books has a long review on economic class in America.


(comment edited to reflect GC's correction)

326   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 7, 4:14pm  

Here is another example showing that the reviewer, like many other NYT writers, cannot think.

The Chosen closes with a brief coda entitled "The Dark Side of Meritocracy." Today, The Three admit students largely on their academic records, with their SAT scores among the highest in the nation. But Karabel cites the work of Michael Young, who a half-century ago in The Rise of the Meritocracy worried that a stratum based on merit was already "on the way to becoming hereditary." Karabel has the same concern, adding that The Three and a few other colleges are creating "a 'new class' of privileged credential holders possessing the means to reproduce itself." I'm not so sure this is happening. Harvard still admits about 40 percent of alumni offspring who apply, compared with 11 percent from the general applicant pool. Statistics like these have been used to argue that inherited privilege is still strong. However, even at Harvard, half of the applicants with legacies are turned down. The University of Pennsylvania rejects 59 percent, while Swarthmore rejects 64 percent, and Princeton 65 percent.

The reviewer presented a few sources that actually contradicts his claim!!

1. The rise of meritocracy was already suspected half a century ago by Michael Young (quoted in this passage).

2. Given (1), it should come at no surprise that the 40% of the alumni offspring who apply to Harvard and get accepted PROBABLY were born to that meritocracy class who went to Harvard 20-30 years ago.

I subscribed to NYT a few years ago. I don't believe I ever read more than 5 issues. My local newspaper, Seattle Times, had better writing than NYT.

327   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 7, 4:29pm  

I see. I made a wrong association.

The review is pretty lame. I don't know what the author wants to say.

328   astrid   2006 May 7, 4:30pm  


BTW, I really don't get what you're getting worked up over. How did you read that article? With the presumption of NYT biase built in? I think the main point of the article is that amongst this country's elite, new blood is slowly replacing the old blood.

It was a rather rambling review though. I found the Berlesconi article much more interesting and to the point.

329   Different Sean   2006 May 7, 10:43pm  

what’s a postmodernist?

Here is an easy way to tell:

Postmodernists don’t think that postmodernism really exists, being but a societal convention and a biased one at that. And thus they cannot be a postmodernist, by means of postmodernist reasoning, all nicely deconstructed.

I've heard that postmodernism itself is a discourse. Do you think that could be true?

330   Michael Holliday   2006 May 7, 11:07pm  

Shmend Rick Says:

"fact is, the university system is not what it used to be. The Ivy Leagues do not really teach anything that the state schools do not."

Yes! Amen! Thank you!

Michael Holliday, State school guy: BS International Business: San Jose State University; MBA Northern Arizona University (uses Harvard Case Study Method).

331   DinOR   2006 May 8, 12:39am  

There are (as always) some really great articles linked for the day!

"Unmaking the Myths" by Fortune Sr. writer Shawn Tully while exposing some of the issues that gave rise to the bubble has the same glaring omission that is beginning to feel like "the elephant in the room". The author almost myopically focuses on interest rates and their impact on monthly mortgage payments. That's fine. What he and his FIVE additional researchers have missed yet again is the impact of the CAPITAL GAINS EXEMPTION!

Folks I hate beating this thing to death. Believe me I do, but unless and until we get this right we are going to have to get used to living inside some stage of a bubble. Many here have supposed that even when we see a step correction in many of these overpriced markets it won't be long before we see the same brand of "appreciation". With up to half a million dollars of tax free money at stake we will continue the Ponzi scheme ad infinitum. And why not? Will higher int. rates and builders handing out free incentives along with drastic price reductions slow the game down a bit? Yes, undoubtedly but look around at your local listings and you will see many that are ALREADY attempting to cash in on "the echo bubble" or "dead cat's bounce" or "sucker's rally" or whatever it is that you want to call it! Just look at the growth of repo/foreclosure gurus coming out of the woodwork.

Cap. gains exemption IS the most powerful tool that the "plunge protection team" has in their arsenal. It's even more powerful than int. rates. Incredibly more so. Think of it this way. I can continue to contribute to my 401K at work (SEP/IRA if self employed) and get tax deferred growth and maybe I'll live long enough to get to spend that money "some day". This requires self discipline and saving. Two things most Americans don't do well. Actually that's three things because contributing to a 401K implies steady employment.

OR! I can buy the cheapest home I can find (and still barely afford) in the best neighborhood and bring it up to the standard and pocket myself some nice coin tax free to spend NOW! Not 35, 25, 15 years from now. NOW! And now means now! Now is something Americans DO understand. There is no way that a 401K, IRA or any form of retirement savings or savings period that can compete with "now". If "now" becomes "when" as in 5, 10 or 15 years before they can "cash in" we can finally eradicate the "flip factor" and get on with the business of building a meaningful and productive economy.

332   DinOR   2006 May 8, 12:58am  

In short, if say for instance had we this "cap gains exemption" in place for daytraders in the post dot com implosion do you think 6 years later the NASDAQ would still be at only 1/2 of it's former peak?

If we continue to pretend that there is NOT an elephant in the room our RE corrections will continue to be short lived and narrow windows! It will be difficult if not impossible to create the right environment where incomes and rents are again in some way connected to home prices for the next generation.

This is why we are seeing all these "mini-corrections". A home selling on "Snob Hill" in the BA might have fetched $2.5 mil at the August 05 peak and has been reduced to $2 mil and has actually sold? Why? Why is this happening? Where is the HUGE CRASH that Patrick and DinOR promised us we would see? Well........ the above home was sold to a couple and like any couple they like/need money and if it's TAX FREE money so much the better! The lure of easy, tax free money trumps fear EVERY TIME! People, this is like finding $500,000 on the sidewalk. Not a 500K bonus. Not a 500K stock option. Not a 500K "raise". All of those would be taxable events. This "thing" is like having the ability to lead a double life, one as a responsible employee and tax payer and another as a drug dealer. Who could resist that kind of excitement?

333   DinOR   2006 May 8, 1:03am  


You're right it's TWO WHOLE YEARS! Which btw as husband of 23 years I can tell you that Mrs. DinOR and I have had arguments that lasted that long! It used to be a ONE TIME GOOD DEAL! Currently it's all the time! I swear half of our inventory locally boasts that it was "custom built in 2004"! It's 2006 so yeah, that sounds like it's time to sell honey!

334   Garth Farkley   2006 May 8, 1:14am  

Regarding the IRS 250/500 cap gains exclusion:

DinOR said,

unless and until we get this right we are going to have to get used to living inside some stage of a bubble. Many here have supposed that even when we see a step correction in many of these overpriced markets it won’t be long before we see the same brand of “appreciation”.

I may convert to DinORism. As an acolyte, I suspect that every 10% to 20% percent correction just invites a fresh influx of buyers seeking a tax-free investment. That doesn't mean the market can't work it's way down over many years but it's going to be sticky. Very sticky.

The frothiest bubbles we've seen are local and specific to particular MSA's. These may not be "soap" bubbles though. Think of the bubbles rising up out of a tar pit instead.

335   DinOR   2006 May 8, 1:24am  

Let's look at the chronology of events for a couple moving to their new "long term" residence.

T-Day (signing at the title company) bought bigger place 1 block over.

T+1 week: Title company screwed up and we still haven't closed.

T+3 weeks: We are now able to get the garage door closed at night.

T+ 2 months: Made out huge "to do" list for improvemnts.

T+3 months: We have been able to find "most" of our work clothes.

T+6 months: The holidays have come and gone, bought all new decorations and lights b/c we were unable to find box marked "Christmas Decorations".

T+ 1 year: One car is now parked in the garage.

T+ 15 months: Found huge "to do" list.

T+17 months: Got home improvement loan after 17 months of "appreciation".

T+ 18 months: Spent every Saturday (and most Sundays) at Home Despot and watching home improvement shows.

T+ 20 months: Re-fi'd first and second to IO.

T+21 months: Got new hot water heater installed (that's an improvement right?)

T+22 months: Listed w/realtor (made sure she mentioned the new water heater)

T+23 months: It's been listed for a month, why no bites yet?

T+24 months: Sold for about 20K less than we asked but will cover realtor's fee's, new Suburban and a two week vacation that we really needed b/c of all the stress we've been under. Rinse, lather, repeat.

336   DinOR   2006 May 8, 1:35am  


Thanks! However there is no "converting" necessary! I'd like to think of it as converting to common sense. And you're right, each 10 or 20% "correction" WILL invite a fresh round of specuvestors. The damn thing doesn't have to go down to "pre-bubble" pricing levels! It only has to down far enough for them to be able to have the reasonable expectation that they can go in and within 2 years pocket some decent tax free money. Oh, sure enough we won't see people getting all of their feeding at one trough, but 100/250K tax free in a 2 or 3 year period is enough to sustain "the life" that altogether too many of us have come to expect.

This is almost like the Plunge Protction Team's "secret weapon".

337   astrid   2006 May 8, 1:41am  

GC (thank you for acronym consistency),

Fair enough. Meritocracy tends to overemphasize orthodoxy and test taking ability. However, America's elite school hasn't yet calicified into the Mandarin exam system. Not even the Mandarin exam system calcified into the Mandarin exam system until at least mid Ming.

338   astrid   2006 May 8, 1:46am  

DinOR and Garth,

I don't think we can ignore mass psychology and lending standard away from housing prices. There may be fools (if they can get a mortgage) rushing in when prices drop, but they'll be burned. Rinse and repeat a couple times, and then see if sheeple still think RE is a sure bet. The favorable tax treatment is only good if you can realize gain upon sale.

I like the sound of a 3 week vacation. Will a kind home equity bandit buy me a trekking trip in Bhutan?

339   DinOR   2006 May 8, 1:49am  

Just curious?

Can we work up a formula that exhibits the "penalty" of NOT selling in months 25, 26 and so on? If you've already "maxed out" your 500K and foolishly decide to stay on "long term" what will that cost you in the long run? Most people "access" this tax free capital by "re-purchasing" their home through a re-fi so we may have to calculate that in as well.

Yeah buddy! Uh huh! That's right folks, we now have a tax code that penalizes you for staying over two years! And we wonder why we have a bubble problem?

So that means idyllically we want our home to "Zillow Out" at a rate of $20,833 appreciation per month. Anything below that and you're just wasting my time!

340   astrid   2006 May 8, 1:51am  


Yes, God bless the Internal Revenue Code!

341   DinOR   2006 May 8, 1:59am  


Agreed. Many of these people will get crushed all the same but again as long as there is the perception that they will be able to get in and get out and walk away w/tax free money we'll continue to see these "mini-corrections".

Perhaps now that Warren Buffet has come out and publicly said that this is going to be a major butt kicking it will go a long way towards retracing back to "pre-bubble" prices. But you have to be thinking about it! You have to. This is how our system is set up now. Your home isn't just something you retire in, it's your retirement! The way the tax code is now written why would anyone contribute to their 401K when those dollars should be going into an IO payment on a place you really can't afford to get appreciation you don't merit? This tax FREE money in 23 months and 29 days, not tax DEFERRED growth that will be taxed as ordinary income "some day". You have to think about it, and you have to do it.

342   astrid   2006 May 8, 2:01am  


Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule (the weather is nice now, no?) to read that long and rambling article.

I agree. There isn't a consistently better filter than meritocracy, just like there isn't a consistently better government than democracy. Also, unlike GC's comments, I don't think America's meritocracy is selecting purely on worthless things. People armed with all kinds of intelligence can still rise to the top in this society, even if they come from Ohio.

I knew you were being sarcastic about Elitist. I don't think tsusiat was being hostile to you or others here, just the absurdity of $120K being barely enough to get by, if you sacrifice enough for your kids.

Yes, NYT sucks, however, my current hometown paper the Washington Post sucks even more. Plus, I always count on NYT to throw $50K price tags like its no big deal. Their life style section doesn't even acknowledge the poor Benjamen pinching millionaires, it's writing to the billionaires. I go get a lot out of that level of elitism.

343   DinOR   2006 May 8, 2:04am  

2007 Conversation between buyer and seller:

So tell me Mr. Seller, where exactly does your home "Zillow Out" at?

Seller: It "Zillows Out" at a rate of $20,832 per month.

Buyer: Don't waste my time!

344   DinOR   2006 May 8, 2:06am  

Seller: But, but, bu

Buyer: Don't waste my mutha f@ckin' time*

*Al Pacino in "Heat"

345   astrid   2006 May 8, 2:12am  


Yup. However, any sane tax advisor (outside of California and Florida) would advise a home owner to get out when their appreciation minus selling cost/improvements hits $500K. I would consider any other advice to be professional malpractice.

346   DinOR   2006 May 8, 2:15am  

Tires screeching down street.

Seller: But, but, bu...... (calling back on buyer's cell phone)

Buyer: Now, not only are you wasting my mutha f@ckin' time but you're also wasting my cell minutes! Don't waste my mutha fuckin' time!*

*Al never said that to my knowledge.

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