I'm Too Tired To Think

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2006 May 10, 2:11am   27,292 views  272 comments

by SQT15   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to suitably follow up on the last thread posted by Randy.

I do not have the economic chops to try, so I won't even attempt to fake it.

Besides, after reading this blog for more than a year, my head is swimming in all the stats, facts and predictions everyone has made. I can't decide what direction to go to next, and I'm too tired to try. Is that bad?

Besides, if we can post 401 comments on the "Duh" thread, we can talk about anything, can't we?

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210   astrid   2006 May 11, 7:18am  

Peter P,

It's not 100% human psychology. There are always supply and demand constraints. If diamond is as common as graphite, no one would pay so much for them, no matter how much it sparkles.

So you still need to analyze for production capacity, current availability, usage, etc. Going all meta on mass psychology is insufficient. You need to go meta-meta to figure out what figures into mass psychology, and reality is a surprising important component.

211   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 7:19am  

Seriously, studies have shown that timing is very important even for long-term stock investing. So this putting your 70% in the stock market is pure garbage, propagated by people who were lucky enough to live their useful period of life during 1980-2000.

212   Peter P   2006 May 11, 7:20am  

Living below your means is the key to long term prosperity.

With all due respect, the key to long term prosperity is being born at the right place at the right time. The next best thing is doing the right thing at the right time.

One cannot gain much wealth just by saving. It is making the right call at the right moment that counts.

Gold sits. Gold produces nothing. Make your money work for you. Invest it. Buying gold is speculating.

One can surely invest in his own speculation.


213   FRIFY   2006 May 11, 7:23am  

Indeed. Conor needs it if he follows your advice.

Haven't unloaded all of your Gold portfolio yet, GC? ;-) You can't get my goat, but you might give Linda my vote...

214   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 7:23am  


Absolutely. Common sense and street smarts are not taught at schools. As a matter of fact, colleges make a point not to teach these things. Well, for one thing, the profs don't know how to for they lack common sense ans street smarts. For another, if they do, meaning teaching something one naturally picks up in the streets or inherit from parents, how can colleges justify their existence and high tuitions?

215   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 7:24am  

One more body bag added to the altar of majority rule (woops, democracy).

216   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 7:26am  


I am watching. I am seriously contemplating dumping my Au & Ag shares. I will hold my Palladium shares, even though these garbage stocks have gone no where while Pd the metal is going through the roof. Speaking of garbage stocks, did I tell that I once bought a mining company for 8 cents a share? It proceeded to gradually drop to 0.1 cent a share.

217   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 7:28am  

Seriously, you have to learn to ferret out gold from my nasty jokes.

219   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 7:34am  

What's the point? 400% return over 15 years is nothing to write home about.

220   astrid   2006 May 11, 7:45am  


At least some of the Western water use issues can be solved by legislation and lifestyle changes. Nobody should have a lawn in the middle of a desert. Growing rice in a desert is also a bad idea. The old western water rights need to be altered and bought out to accommodate contemporary water usage.

221   FRIFY   2006 May 11, 7:45am  


What’s the point? 400% return over 15 years is nothing to write home about.

How about 300%? How about -300% if you bought in the 80s?

Seriously, you have to learn to ferret out gold from my nasty jokes.

Despite the fact that I'd take a crowbar to your head if you cracked some of your jokes next to my kids, I confess that I find the occasional remark amusing. Free speech all the way. I just hope our younger audience realizes that you're usually not serious.

Ok, kids, gotta go. Watch your back Connor.

222   Peter P   2006 May 11, 7:46am  

I can envision technology that can easily solve the water problem using distillation or electrolysis. All we need is energy.

Or we can start to recycle water.

223   DinOR   2006 May 11, 7:52am  

The one thing I can say is that you just can't try to serve too many masters. Earlier SP referred to me as an "expert" in debt paper. I'm flattered! The truth is I know a lot of experts in debt paper. These guys run trades that dwarf any thing I've EVER done and they do it every day! Why would I pull my hair out when all I have to do is call some guy in New Jersey. They're only too happy to help if I throw some business at them once in a while.

I see where FRIFY is coming from and by and large he's right. Conor is young enough to overcome any kind of prolonged downturn (yes even RE) but he's doing it his way. I say step aside. "Any man brave enough to open up a Datek account on August 1, 2000 can drink from my canteen any day!"

*Robert Duvall in Apocalypse Now!

224   DinOR   2006 May 11, 7:56am  

Uh, I don't need to LIVE in Las Vegas, actually a license and a P.O box would suffice and while I'm there I promise not to drink any water.

225   DinOR   2006 May 11, 7:58am  


Where do I get mine? Just send me the stickers, I'll figure out where to stick them.

226   astrid   2006 May 11, 8:04am  


I've got another idea. Make stickers that say "HELOCed second home", you can stick them on big SUVs. And make sure you get the nasty cheap sort of sticker paper, so they won't come off easily.

Disclaimer: This post is solely for recreational purposes. I am not responsible for any property damage or emotional traumas that come out of this post.

227   Peter P   2006 May 11, 8:07am  

I want to see what Lou Dobbs has to say about the NSA. Maybe they are keeping track of my phone calls…

I feel safer that the NSA is listening to phone calls.

228   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 8:09am  

Seriously, NSA should have no problems recruiting their wire-tapping staff. I am sure there are millions of people worldwide who would PAY to listen to other people's phone conversations.

229   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 8:11am  

But how does one get into iron and steel? Any tradeable papers?

230   astrid   2006 May 11, 8:15am  

So will someone tell me what palladium is?

231   Peter P   2006 May 11, 8:15am  

But the border is open!

We need a Great Wall of America or just a very long and tall fence. Border enforcement is important.

232   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 8:15am  

N.F., I see. Thanks. A wrong joke at the wrong time.

The following is serious:
As a matter of fact, this tracking stuff they are doing is a very interesting problem and requires very clever algorithms. Clever math. In particular, graph theory. Perhaps the Google guys can help. Or the Cornell prof, who published the algorithm before the Google guys went to start their company, can help.

233   astrid   2006 May 11, 8:18am  

Peter P,

No. We need jail sentences for employers of illegal. Cutting off demand is the best way to attack the supply problem.

Or we could built a really big moat.

234   GallopingCheetah   2006 May 11, 8:22am  

The price for Iron ore jumped 75% earlier this year. What makes you think it's going to jump again next year?

235   Peter P   2006 May 11, 8:22am  

No. We need jail sentences for employers of illegal. Cutting off demand is the best way to attack the supply problem.

That too. The purpose of the fence is to keep away potential terrorists.

That said, we need a sensible way to let people come in legally.

I like the moat idea. Perhaps that is the next big design feature of McMansions.

236   LILLL   2006 May 11, 8:23am  

There's a book my son read about the border to Mexico in the future.It's called 'House of the Scorpion'. Essentially the land at the border is renamed Aztlan and becomes a farmland to grow opium poppies. Anybody trying to get through is turned into an ejit(a robotized worker) Of course, by that time, most are trying to escape INTO Mexico! :)

237   astrid   2006 May 11, 8:25am  


Invest in copper cookware.

238   Peter P   2006 May 11, 8:31am  

That is why I like Copper. It’s war material.

WW3 "strategic" materials tend to be heavier than lead.

239   Peter P   2006 May 11, 8:32am  

And I like war.


240   astrid   2006 May 11, 8:34am  

"The world will be flooded with oil within a year."

Yes, we'll be like those poor Valdez seabirds and otters.

241   requiem   2006 May 11, 8:38am  

Astrid: palladium, in the oldest form, comes from the ancient greek, as in a statue of someone named Pallas.

Amnesty with a wall?
I know people scream about it, but like it or not you don't make drastic changes to the workforce without having to paying for it. Legalize the lot, work out a distribution schedule, and put up a wall. Actually, make it cheaper/faster/safer to come legally and the coyotes will go out of business.

WRT tracking, the Pen Register Act does provide some restrictions on the ability of law enforcement to gain access to such records. However, since the information does not seem to be constitutionally protected, it seems to be OK if the telecom companies are willing to provide it. This may create liability issues for those companies, of course.

Aside from any interesting technical aspects, I think this is a clear case of the divide between morality and law. Hopefully it will end once the NSA takes out the linch-pin of the terrorist communications by killing Kevin Bacon.

242   astrid   2006 May 11, 8:45am  


They'll also have to kill Lois Weisberg and many other actors. Sadly, Kevin Bacon is #668 in connectiveness, according to IMDB stats.


243   Randy H   2006 May 11, 8:48am  


You appear to be sophisticated enough to employ more modern "post-diversification" diversification models to your holdings. You seem to wish to express sentiment, so I suggest you look at the Black-Litterman model. Here is a starter resource. I have others if you're serious about it. It's tough to find any tools that do it (at least free ones), but you can do it yourself in Excel if you can handle linear programming.

At the minimum, BL will give you an idea about just how much exposure you are taking as a result of your sentiment.

244   Garth Farkley   2006 May 11, 8:50am  

Peter P asked GC to explain his statement: "I like war."

GC replied:

Explain? The sentence speaks for itself.

Well, yes, GC. The sentence does speak for itself. One gathers that you like war.

But the sentence doesn't explain itself. What would possess you to say such a thing? Is it a joke?

I don't get it.

245   Garth Farkley   2006 May 11, 9:01am  


I once read that Marine DI's tell their recruits to "pray for war." If you saw the movie Jarhead you may understand. Many young soldiers, having trained so very hard to become truly professional warriors, have a strong drive to practice their professions. That was my experience in the Army.

As I recall General Lee once said "It is a good thing that War is so terrible, else we should love it too much." Of course, Lee was no stranger to butchery, no more so than Grant and Sherman. Lee's finest hour IMHO was at Appomatox. He decided to surrender against the urgings of many young Rebel officers to fall back into a state of perpetual guerrilla warfare.

246   Garth Farkley   2006 May 11, 9:04am  

GC said:

Besides, when American soldiers go out to kill people and rape girls at their military bases, nobody in this country can claim innocence. Every single one is a cog in this giant machine.

Have you lost your mind?

247   Randy H   2006 May 11, 9:05am  


You have crossed the line in my opinion as a bona fide Troll. You are, at this point, merely inciting debate for the thrill of it without merit. It's not the most recent statement in isolation, but the pattern of similar incidents over the past couple of days which lead me to this conclusion.

I seldom call anyone a Troll, nor do I cast that label lightly. You are only the second Troll I have fingered. I do not consider Scott C (who's long since disappeared) a Troll, nor do I consider Bap33 or DS Trolls. They make political or controversial statements because they believe in them or the ideals they stand for, and they are willing to debate and defend their perspectives.

Your statements are meritless and purposefully inflammatory.

From Wiki on Internet Trolls:

# Politically contentious messages: "Everyone knows that all Republicans/Democrats are evil."
# Posting politically sensitive images in inappropriate places.
# Feigning innocence, after a flamewar ensues.

Your "images" have been narrative in nature, but nonetheless you are simply stirring up shit for the sake of stirring up shit.

This isn't my thread, but I'll most probably zap you from any I author subsequently. I encourage other authors to at least think about doing this as well.


GS said:

I like war.

Others asked

[explain yourself please]

GS said:

No amount of explanation will do justice to me. Of course I like war if (1) I can profit from it and (2) I won’t get harmed. But, of course, it can also be interpreted as a joke with tears — no, not the croc kind — because I know the world is sliding towards a major armed conflict and I will be killed one way or another.

Next GS Will:

Feign innocence.

248   Randy H   2006 May 11, 9:08am  


quid erat demonstratum

roughly translated: time to hit the delete button, IMHO.

249   requiem   2006 May 11, 9:17am  

SQT, if you wouldn't mind removing my prior posting, it would be appreciated. I don't think it's well suited to the current thread without additional addenda.

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