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2006 Jun 22, 1:43pm   27,822 views  228 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Dystopia (or Distopia) is a future society that is the antithesis of utopia. This is an opportunity for your own brand of doom, gloom, dread, worry, or warning. We'll go light on the economic, data, or fact-driven reasoning. Instead, what troubles you most about the way "it's all headed"?

--Randy H

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38   Randy H   2006 Jun 23, 2:46am  


I think plague/pandemic is an ever present threat. But I also think we are living in the midst of what will be viewed historically as a "biogenetic revolution". It is also possible that technology to control or prevent such pandemics increases faster than population density growth. In my vision of a dystopian future the problems aren't technological or logistical in nature. I think we'll engineer food sources, biological health, and alternative energy. The problems instead will be things "humanistic". I'm pretty sure we can adapt our technologies and sciences to support many times today's population even with far less energy and usable land. I'm not so sure that *we* can adapt to living in such a world.

39   DinOR   2006 Jun 23, 2:59am  


I've made no secret that I am very much in the "hard landing camp" so what I'm about to say certainly won't suprise you.

Whatever else a person needs in life they need their dignity. And that's all I'm asking. Since I've yet to sell at the exact top after having bought at the exact bottom I'm not delusional enough to think that will happen this time either. My ideal crash would be RE at "pre-bubble" prices before the close of business today. Whaaat?

O.K since that's not going to happen I'm looking for "pre 9/11" prices with normal appreciation added back in. Inflation + 2% or whatever. I know this sounds extreme but living in Oregon isn't that different than FL. Since job/bus. prospects are few and far between so should your mistakes be. Buying outside of those rudimentary guidelines (for OR's anyway) could add 5-10 years to retirement date. I'm just not willing to do that (even though I'll probably work until I'm dead) it's the thought that counts.

40   Randy H   2006 Jun 23, 3:09am  

Somone earlier pointed out that it's not just seller-psychology sticking things up, but buyer-psych too.

People think in nominal terms, not in real terms.

People think in numbers, not percentages or ratios.

People think in terms of cost, in this case monthly cost, not in terms of value.

This means that a buyer prepared to spend $4,000/mo on mortgage (buyers don't even think in PITI, though they should), is still prepared to spend $4,000/mo no matter how much homes drop in price all else being equal.

Unless the buyer loses a job or takes a pay cut, they'll just buy a higher-valued home which drops into their target price range. They won't go buy the home they wanted in 2004 for 30% less. In fact, they may have even saved up more $ thinking that they'd need more to buy into a rising market. The fact the market is dipping only means they get an extra bedroom, a hot tub, or a nice yard.

This explains a lot of the "anomalies" people intuitively feel about the current statistics.

41   DinOR   2006 Jun 23, 3:09am  



42   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:13am  

Randy, why did you put up a picture of the Utopia for this thread?

43   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:18am  

This means that a buyer prepared to spend $4,000/mo on mortgage (buyers don’t even think in PITI, though they should), is still prepared to spend $4,000/mo no matter how much homes drop in price all else being equal.

I thought pre-tax PI approximates after-tax PITI, right?

Unless the buyer loses a job or takes a pay cut, they’ll just buy a higher-valued home which drops into their target price range.

This explains median price stickiness.

44   Randy H   2006 Jun 23, 3:18am  


Cotean's visions of henry david thoreau notwithstanding, hyperdensity would save enough in energy transmission costs alone to account for most of that difference. Add to that the decreased loss of radiant energy (less heat and light required) and you could easily support enormous populations in acrology megacities. This is probably the first step towards preparing a "strain" of humans for multigenerational travel enabling interplanetary colonization.

Peter P,


45   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:20am  

See that very tall glassy building in the thread graphics? I want a condo in that building. :) I bet there are trees inside the building.

46   Randy H   2006 Jun 23, 3:21am  

I thought pre-tax PI approximates after-tax PITI, right?

Only for the first payments. The affect of T is iterative, because of the interest-shield.

47   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:22am  

Only for the first payments. The affect of T is iterative, because of the interest-shield.

I thought everyone uses interest-only loans nowaday. Why throw money away in amortization when it always goes up? ;)

48   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:26am  

Wait, does that still mean road trips to the Colorado Plateau?

Colorado Plateau is a permanently high plateau.

49   Randy H   2006 Jun 23, 3:26am  


That's "anchoring" at work. It is very hard to break/displace anchors once they become established. Usually it takes time. Another reason RE prices are not market efficient. As opposed to stocks or other "non-real" markets, RE doesn't have any effective arbitrage mechanism causing observed prices to closely chase theoretical prices, or quickly revert to such after a speculative runnup.

50   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:29am  

People already forget gas used to cost $1 or $2/gal

We saw gas at $2.97 in SJ and my wife said, "look, gas is suddenly very cheap."

51   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:34am  

And in California, more than anywhere else, are you buying the house? Or are you buying where the land/ lot is–ie. close to shopping, good commute, beaches, quiet, schools?

To me... house, commute, quiet.

Certain things are very important, e.g. whether the current owners have a great marriage, lead positive lives, etc

Certain things are less important, e.g. schools

52   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:35am  

how much can consumers tolerate as Exxon makes all those trips to the bank?

I estimate that consumers should be able to tolerate $7 gas.

53   skibum   2006 Jun 23, 3:36am  

newsfreak Says:

And then we will need interplanetary realtwhores?

Even then, RE will STILL go up. They're not making anymore planets, are they?

54   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 3:39am  

If you can afford the rent, then you can afford the mortgage.


If you can afford the rent of a 1.1M house, then you can afford the interest-only mortgage of a 25 years old walk-up 1 bedroom condo.


55   skibum   2006 Jun 23, 3:41am  

Robert Cote,
Here's a novice's question re: the density question and the relative merits of exurbia vs. urban dwelling. What metric do you use to account for the loss of community when everyone lives on a cul-de-sac in exurbia, so that you have to drive 5 miles to the mall/box store, you hardly get to know neighbors, kids can't walk to school, etc. etc.? I see an erosion of sense of community in large part resulting from the way exurban communities are planned in this way.

56   DinOR   2006 Jun 23, 3:44am  

Returning to BA,

I feel your rage man! Really I do, but for one added reason. This guy lives in a cloud! Probably has most if not all of his adulthood. Probably hasn't had to "sell" anything (other than to the troops) for a long, long time! This is the typical disconnect you get from people that have been insulated from reality for so long they wouldn't recognize it if it bit them on the a$$. They are still working off of a 1970's playbook for financial planning. Hello?

57   DinOR   2006 Jun 23, 3:50am  


I have to say that for much of my youth the impression I had of the "American West" came from watching "spaghetti westerns" filmed largely I'm told in Spain. So Italian producers, a few American lead players, gypsy extras and plenty of violence. Ah, I miss "the old west".

58   tsusiat   2006 Jun 23, 3:56am  

The greatest hero of the coolest dystopia, has to be:


Yeah, Magnus rules.

59   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 4:01am  

Are CEO’s actually fantastic at their jobs, or are they normal human beings like the rest of us who were born lucky?

Yes, they are mostly just born lucky. But they probably deserve the luck.

60   skibum   2006 Jun 23, 4:01am  


I'll accept that answer, although it's a bit wishy washy. I do agree that it's a bit of "to each his own" in terms of lifestyle/community preferences between exurbia and cities.

But it does raise the point that the ideal situation is to have both options available in a free choice society.

T Lynch,

I believe RC uses "agnostic" as an extrapolation. The strict definition (aside from the historical group reference) is someone who believes that it is impossible to know whether or not God exists. This is often extrapolated to mean someone who cannot find enough justification to take one side or another of a particular issue/argument.

61   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 4:02am  

Or are they everyday slobs who were born to priviledge?

It is born to be priviledged, even though some of them were born poor. It is fate, which is the number one contributing factor of success, failure, and death.

62   skibum   2006 Jun 23, 4:05am  

Peter, TBAorNTBA,

The big problem with executive compensation is lack of oversight and checks and balances. Compensation is usually set by the Board of Directors, who, guess what, are often nominated by the CEO or vice versa. At the very least, they're all chummy. The stockholder gets left out of the loop.

63   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 4:08am  

The stockholder gets left out of the loop.

This is why Randy said it is better to be a 50% owner of a small company then a 0.0001% owner of a large company.

Ths thing is, why aren't we the one getting "unfair" executive compensation (yet)? ;)

64   FRIFY   2006 Jun 23, 4:09am  

Medicare isn’t what you think it is, my grandmother must pay a $750.00 a month co-pay.

...which is an amazing deal for a Grandmother. Go try to buy insurance in the private sector and see what that costs you.

Health Insurance is a prime example of where private markets fail to maximize the public good for the injected money. Medicare may be flawed, but by insuring everyone they avoid the problem of private markets where insurers cherry pick the healthy money makers and drop at first chance the expensive clients.

When you grandmother needs a new Hip, $750 will look cheap.

65   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 4:10am  

I use a board definition of religion. To me, region is an organized belief system. Science is a religion. Agnosticism is a also religion.

66   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 4:11am  

Health Insurance is a prime example of where private markets fail to maximize the public good for the injected money.

Perhaps the market does not perceive longevity (past productive age) as being a public good.

67   FRIFY   2006 Jun 23, 4:15am  

Perhaps the market does not perceive longevity (past productive age) as being a public good.

Run Logan! Run! That would solve the housing problem in a hurry. Sell your house Grandma for another two years of life.

I'm biased towards public spending on the young, but not quite that selfish.

68   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 4:17am  

I’m biased towards public spending on the young, but not quite that selfish.

The market tend to spend money on the productive group. Voters may choose otherwise though.

69   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 4:18am  

If you equate belief system= religion, then absolutely.

Science is definitely a religion.

70   skibum   2006 Jun 23, 4:21am  

newsfreak said: And then we will need interplanetary realtwhores?

skibum said: Even then, RE will STILL go up. They’re not making anymore planets, are they?

Actually they are, but the newer ones have no atmosphere.

Ouch - where's the rim shot when you need one?

Besides, I thought there were some that believe, assuming the Big Bang Theory to be true, we may be headed towards or already in the collapsing phase of the cycle??

71   skibum   2006 Jun 23, 4:24am  

Normally I’d be right there with you on to each his own but all things are not equal. Los Angeles spends 78%-87% of all its transportation funding on the 2% that is public transit.

Some of this is based on the belief system, er, religion, of the superiority of mass transit/urban dwelling, but a whole lot of this inequity is probably just pork barrel politics.

72   skibum   2006 Jun 23, 4:25am  

Run Logan! Run! That would solve the housing problem in a hurry. Sell your house Grandma for another two years of life.

Again, it's the Logan's Run references! If Michael York were lurking, he'd be smiling right now.

On that note, has the red light on anyone's palm gone off yet??? Time's up!

73   DinOR   2006 Jun 23, 4:34am  

Returning to BA,

Sorry but this is not at all untypical. You might even want to call us the "Sun Pikers". We (I) complain bitterly about the drizzle but the minute it get's into the 80's everyone over 35 stays inside! Sad really. Since our daughters are now college age we can explore new living arrangements including sitting out some of the drizzle. Be warned, it sucks. I recall one time in the late 90's Seattle had a 3 week summer! I am not kidding, wish I was.

74   Peter P   2006 Jun 23, 4:34am  

The commonly used meaning of religion is largely dependent on things like ‘faith’, i.e. a willingness to believe a hypothesis without requiring the existence of a rigorous, logical and independently verifiable proof.

The "faith" in empirical methods should qualify. Science and logic can never completely converge. There is always a small element of faith.

I am not saying that Science is not useful. It is. Very much so too. But it is nonetheless a belief system.

75   DinOR   2006 Jun 23, 4:38am  

Returning to the BA,

I will say though that while in the service I was stationed at the now defunct Treasure Island? The sailors called it T.I, during Feb, Mar and Apr and it seems like parts of our spring share similarities. I understand that you guys had a "wet one" yourselves this spring complete w/flooding in some areas. All that aside if the bubble doesn't burst to you liking we would love to have you!

76   DinOR   2006 Jun 23, 4:40am  


Don't sell me short, I can be very childish!

77   DinOR   2006 Jun 23, 4:44am  

Returning to BA,

Well all kidding aside I'm not trying to "sell" anyone. We do have wonderful summers and mild winters but things are changing. We've discussed the potential for a PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation). A cycle of 10 to 20 years of cooler and wetter weather. The reality is this may affect the BA as well. They seem to have mounds of evidence.

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