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2006 Jun 25, 11:24am   24,467 views  335 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

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154   surfer-x   2006 Jun 26, 12:43pm  

could not distinguish between the words ‘cache’ and ‘cash’.

Aren't they the same thing?

155   Different Sean   2006 Jun 26, 12:43pm  

there is the jesus freak guy I used to know that thought he was a genius pharma investor.

doubtless trying to make as much money as possible in order to give it all to the poor, share his tunic, etc...

156   surfer-x   2006 Jun 26, 12:44pm  

I've just shaved my tunic.

157   Different Sean   2006 Jun 26, 12:47pm  

each bubble rips at the seams of the economy a bit more.

158   Different Sean   2006 Jun 26, 12:49pm  

each bubble rips at the seams of the economy a bit more.

ask surfer about the best way to rip at the seams...

159   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Jun 26, 12:55pm  

Trade with the rest of the world will be cut off, when the US defaults on the national debt next year. All necessary parts and machinery will need to be produced by the working class here. Wages for the manufacturing work force will rise quickly, due to the shortage of skilled production workers like machinists. Workers in the US will not have to compete with $1 an hour Chinese labor any more.

The middle class is flexing it's muscles on the illegal immigration issue, forcing the Congress and the President to do their job, and enforce the laws, or be voted out. Yes, the poor pissed off middle class still has plenty of power, if not money, to battle unfair wage competition forced upon them, by the wealthy elitists. The value of necessary labor in the US will no longer be marginalized.

This will happen either by the coming economic melt down, or by the coming bird flu pandemic, or both. Yes, it will happen. ONLY THEN, WILL THE TRUE WORKING MIDDLE CLASS BE ABLE TO REALIZE THE AMERICAN REAM ONCE AGAIN. Don't screw with us. We are your future world bread and butter. We will get our fair share once again, in the not to distant future.

160   Different Sean   2006 Jun 26, 12:59pm  


ooh-er, heh... go on, surfer...

Mike/Sage, are you also Oracle?

161   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Jun 26, 1:25pm  

It is not a dream, but a necessity of life, like food. Extortion of the middle class is what has been going on for too long. Piss off the middle class in the US and your asking for trouble.

162   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Jun 26, 1:27pm  

Look at what is happening in the primaries this time. We're making the incumbents heads spin.

163   HARM   2006 Jun 26, 1:49pm  


Very strategic typo --I applaud you, sir (or your fast fingers)! That's certainly what it has felt like for working class for the last 15 years or so. Can't say I see the U.S. defaulting on the National Debt though, considering that amazing new invention known as a printing press. Ditto for labor/wage arbitrage. Sadly (for most of us), the genie's out of the bottle on that one.

164   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Jun 26, 2:26pm  

What is worse? Hyper-inflation, where the fed prints up money to pay the national debt, and ignores inflation, and lets foeigners buy up all our assets, or letting the government defalt on it's debts, making bonds worthless?

Remember, the federal government has no power over the federal reserve.

165   FormerAptBroker   2006 Jun 26, 2:34pm  

Someone wrote:

> If you make 300k- you’re loaded.
> Plain and simple. No buts, or IFs
> about it. Trust me.

If you only make $300K you are not loaded in SF:

A guy making $300K will be lucky to take home much more than $200K after taxes…
A shitbox in a good neighborhood that needs work costs at least $2mm If you put down 20% ($400K cash) your mortgage payments will be $120K a year + 23K property taxes so you are left with 57K just about the cost of sending two kids to good private schools in SF. You are then forced with either sending your wife to work full time (that often results in no real cash flow after the cost of the nanny and all the designer outfits, shoes and handbags she buys to impress the other women at work) or begging your parents for money (who can’t believe that their kids who went to good schools can’t make it without help like they did)…

P.S. To put the real estate bubble in to perspective a home near me that sold for $575K in 1993 is currently on the market for $12mm (yes it has been renovated)…

166   Randy H   2006 Jun 26, 2:42pm  

Labor/wage arbitrage:

There is no free lunch; not in physics, not in economics. The absolute advantage (in wage cost structure) enjoyed by China and India is accompanied by massive inflationary pressures which are largely being artificially suppressed by China and a little less so India.

This inflation is not just from obvious sources (people suddenly having more disposable income, corp investment, etc.), but a huge portion comes from the way these countries must peg their currencies to avoid losing the advantage that makes their arbitrage effective.

In fact, this is not arbitrage at all. Arbitrage means riskless return. The labor offshoring game contains lots of risk for all involved. Not the least of which for the host countries.

The whole cycle I keep beating on about US debt and its foreign owners is the engine of this risk. China needs to export to us (Mfg labor arbitrage) and India needs to sell to us (Service labor arbitrage, which is just a different harder to account for type of export) in order to fuel their economic expansion. But the more they do it, the less our dollar is worth, which should make their schemes less effective with each passing day. But they buy our dollars to keep the music playing. The risk to them is that they can't engineer a soft landing, and someday their currency peg breaks. This will result in massive inflation, a reversal of capital flows and abrupt recession. They'll probably nationalize their industries in defense of their economy, and the US corps invested in offshore operational holdings will lose.

Or they'll succeed, meaning this game has to go on for decades and slowly unwind.

And we haven't even talked about the effect of "capital sterilization policies" which they must implement to keep their own currency from being arbitraged by the likes of Soros. These policies involve making purposeful bad loans intended to default within their own developing economy. That's a hell of a way to develop a functional market economy: teach companies they don't need to be profitable because the gov't will always give you free money.

167   Peter P   2006 Jun 26, 2:53pm  

There is no free lunch; not in physics, not in economics.

Are you sure Zero Point Energy will not work? :(

168   KurtS   2006 Jun 26, 2:54pm  

To put the real estate bubble in to perspective a home near me that sold for $575K in 1993 is currently on the market for $12mm (yes it has been renovated)

Yeah, that's a little out of whack, even with a fantastic remodel. There's a 2000 sqft home near here that Zillow puts at $1.7M, that's now listing for $5.9M--and no renovations. Not that I'd pay either price.

169   HARM   2006 Jun 26, 2:57pm  

@Randy H,

So... basically you're saying "risky labor offshoring" (technically distinct from labor wage arbitrage, though for practical purposes indistinguishable for us common folk) will either: (a) keep going on and on for decades, while the economies (and wages) of the U.S. and India/China slowly converge to equilibrium, or (b) the whole artificial currency peg game currently propped up by China's central bank buying vast amounts of USD denominated debt (mainly Treasuries & MBSs) may unwind, causing likely economic destruction for BOTH economies.

170   FormerAptBroker   2006 Jun 26, 3:00pm  

Sir Rick of Bulldust Says:

> actually i usually find older women more attractive.
> and im still in my 20s. when older women want it,
> they just go straight for it. they’re not buying the
> romance crap (usually at least ).

Older women are not “more attractive” but they sure are a lot more fun and easier to sleep with (as Sir Rick says “they just go straight for it”)...

One of my big regrets in life is that I never went out with any older women. For some reason when I was in my 20’s it seemed strange to sleep with an older women…

I can’t even count the times I got hit on by older good looking divorced ladies when I was racing out of the SFYC on Friday nights as an undergrad.

Rather that head home with a great looking 38 year old I would head back across the bridge to school and try and get some super hot looking 19 year old from Atherton to go home with me.

Now that I’m older I know that the hot 19 year old sorority girls were leaving the fraternity parties early so they could sleep with good looking 38 year old guys that lived in the Oakland Hills…

I felt like a proud father when one of my 26 year old analysts told me that he not only went home with a 36 year old he met at the Balboa but her got her to open a bottle of Turly Zin when they got back to her place (you won’t ever find a wine rack of good Zin in the apartment of a 26 year old)…

Enjoy the 30 something women while you can since the same 38 year old hot women that will send a 24 year old guy on his way the next morning without asking his name will drive you absolutely insane trying to “take the relationship to the next level” if you ever become a relatively successful guy in your 40’s…

171   Peter P   2006 Jun 26, 3:02pm  

thier proof: psychic evidence. Is it just me or are things getting wackier?

You do not believe in that stuff huh?

172   OO   2006 Jun 26, 3:06pm  


great comment especially the last paragraph.

30 something woman who is looking for a relatively successful man in his 40s because her biological clock is ticking, sounds like a nightmare to me :-) I know very well what you are talking about, saw plenty of those, it is sooooo difficult to find a confident, relaxed and attractive single woman in her late 30s. After meeting a bunch of those, you start to understand why they are still single at that age.

173   Randy H   2006 Jun 26, 3:45pm  


(b) Would not result in devastation to the US economy. It would cause a recession, but probably not the worst we've ever seen. Remember, we already generate 80%ish of our GDP domestically; China generates almost all of their GDP through exports/import activity (they import tons of stuff too, like agriculture).

It would hurt them so bad (b) is very unlikely until they (a1) get far enough along that they can command real world economic power like the G7/G8 do, or (a2) they have a big enough strategic military that they can do what they want within their sphere without risk of direct military retaliation.

174   Randy H   2006 Jun 26, 3:56pm  

@Sir Rick of Bulldust Says:

can you explain something? how does a country ‘peg’ its currency

Oh man. Ask me something easy next time.

The short answer is that their Central Bank buys and sells the foreign currency with which they peg in order to keep the exchange rate within a defined band.

The longer answer is that the above is not sufficient because of hedge funds that will try to exploit this and arbitrage the hell out of the CB doing the buying & selling. Hedge funds can make 10s of billions if they can "break" a peg--that is force a foreign central bank to revalue their currency, even by a small amount.

So the foreign CB has to do lots of stuff with reserve requirements, capital controls and interest rates to try to stem the tide of "hot capital" flowing in and out daily. China does this very effectively, but only at the cost of not having a functional free capital market. Others like Japan do it better by not really pegging, but instead "gently influencing" the Yen to be within acceptable range of the USD and EUR, carefully tuned to maximize their export exposure. The BOJ does this by buying & selling USD and EUR, but also by encouraging various patterns of investing and lending within Japan.

Currency pegs are usually good for emerging markets straddled with foreign debt and dependent upon lots of imports and bilateral exports, like many poor African countries. Pegs generally are bad for developing countries which are trying to compete globally, like many of South American country learned the hard way. Currency pegging in China is a unique experiment on a scale not really tested in the global capital markets. You'll find as many "experts" who claim it will all implode as you'll find who claim it is pure genius for either us or them. In reality, it's kind of anyone's guess. I tend to think it will unwind very slowly because China has a good history of strategic discipline over long periods of time.

175   tsusiat   2006 Jun 26, 4:31pm  

Randy H,

"You’ll find as many “experts” who claim it will all implode as you’ll find who claim it is pure genius for either us or them. In reality, it’s kind of anyone’s guess. I tend to think it will unwind very slowly because China has a good history of strategic discipline over long periods of time."

Randy, don't know what you're drinking, but just 'cause some Shaolin monk appears to be disciplined in a Bruce Lee movie, that does not equal a history of strategic discipline over long periods of time.

Check out the bottom of the link, good summary of events of just the past 100 tumultuous years at the bottom of the page.



176   Different Sean   2006 Jun 26, 4:55pm  

Randy H said:
The whole cycle I keep beating on about US debt and its foreign owners is the engine of this risk. China needs to export to us (Mfg labor arbitrage) and India needs to sell to us (Service labor arbitrage, which is just a different harder to account for type of export) in order to fuel their economic expansion. But the more they do it, the less our dollar is worth, which should make their schemes less effective with each passing day. But they buy our dollars to keep the music playing. The risk to them is that they can’t engineer a soft landing, and someday their currency peg breaks. This will result in massive inflation, a reversal of capital flows and abrupt recession. They’ll probably nationalize their industries in defense of their economy, and the US corps invested in offshore operational holdings will lose.

Or they’ll succeed, meaning this game has to go on for decades and slowly unwind.

I see this whole picture quite differently to you, randy, which came up as a quiet and amicable discussion in an earlier thread. I see the Chinese and Indian economies as almost an open-ended and effectively independent system with effectively infinite quantities of cheap labour on tap. The labour arbitrage can go for decades before it's exhausted. One thing they are doing with international ramifications is bringing in foreign currency, and then having the dilemma of deciding where to invest it -- and they may choose to invest in US treasury bonds, etc. It's much like the Saudis have a trillion dollars invested in the US stock exchange because there's nowhere else to put the money except in their mattresses.

There is no nationalist conspiracy in this, it's just short-term decision-making by multinationals who are choosing to offshore to save a buck and maximise profits and return. simple micro-economic decisions with a short-term payoff. i don't see any macro intervention involved at all, apart from govt efforts to bring as much business to china or india as possible. I don't see that the chinese and indian govts have to 'artificially force down inflation' when there is a massive, effectively endless, pool of subsistence-based peasants to draw from. literally billions of people.

There is no doubt that wages etc are creeping up in places at the nexus of the offshoring arrangements, and if the pool of low income people is exhausted, then the arbitrage advantage is gone, so the work would dry up. but the supply of low income labour is effectively infinite. we only see arbitrage diminishing in places like s. korea with smaller populations who quickly escalate their quality of life with industrialisation which first came to the country through labour cost arbitrage. once costs went up, multinationals quickly moved on to cheaper labour countries, leaving the s. koreans to immediately have to get smarter and take advantage of technology transfer and sponsored development, to try to become a new Japan. koreans are determined and fanatical workaholics also, something else that might give them a comparative advantage.

further, the reason that india is service-based and china is manufacturing-based when india has had the advantage of speaking english for centuries is simply about culture -- levels of corruption, the work ethic, the desire (or lack of desire) to get rich, social organisation and social/govt control, the structure of the typical working day, etc etc. the indians have had the potential for decades to industrialise and become a 'factory for the west' to a much greater extent than they actually have -- but the well off and educated indian upper middle class just leave the place asap to get a better lifestyle in the west -- no loyalty lost at all...

177   GallopingCheetah   2006 Jun 26, 5:33pm  

FAB said:

Now that I’m older I know that the hot 19 year old sorority girls were leaving the fraternity parties early so they could sleep with good looking 38 year old guys that lived in the Oakland Hills…

FAB, I am unfamiliar with BA. What's Oakland Hills like? Isn't Oakland a dump (compared with Atherton and Menlo Park)?

178   GallopingCheetah   2006 Jun 26, 5:38pm  

OO said:

30 something woman who is looking for a relatively successful man in his 40s because her biological clock is ticking, sounds like a nightmare to me I know very well what you are talking about, saw plenty of those, it is sooooo difficult to find a confident, relaxed and attractive single woman in her late 30s. After meeting a bunch of those, you start to understand why they are still single at that age.

I once met a 35-yr old swedish woman at a bar. She's a high-power exec and owns an island outside Stockholm. But, I wasn't interested. There was a 20-yr old cute blonde who just came up next to me. Too bad. In retrospect, perhaps I should give it try. Fuck it. I don't have to work now.

179   GallopingCheetah   2006 Jun 26, 5:45pm  

Remember the old system? When you are in the military, as an officer, those middle-class folks (bourgeoises) are dying to marry their daughters to you. You do your own thing -- i.e., ride around, hang out with your buddies, duels, go out to wars and skirmishes, dabble in politics in a later life -- she takes care of house-hold financing and child rearing. It's the reverse right now. Those losers are trying very HARD to make money in order to MARRY UP. FUCK 'EM.

180   Different Sean   2006 Jun 26, 9:41pm  

i find our new ‘upper class’ are a bunch of fucking heathens.

heavens, no, they are good church-going republicans with the strictest morals. they are doing what god wants, and just happen to be getting rich in the process -- and that must be because they are blessed...

181   Randy H   2006 Jun 26, 11:52pm  


Then you may substituted "China is relatively more strategically disciplined than many other countries engaged in currency pegging activity.

This discussion was about currency pegging and how it works.

182   Randy H   2006 Jun 27, 12:09am  


Don't confuse the total population with the supply of available skilled labor. In India, for example, much of the population are not candidates for the labor pool.

183   DinOR   2006 Jun 27, 12:12am  

Danielle DiMartino for the Dallas Morning News did a great job describing the economic fall-out from the bubble and names names when it comes down to winners and losers. She details the "cottage" industries that will flourish as defaults from the trillion dollar + reset becomes reality over the next 18 months.

Yes, there is a "silver lining" but most perma bulls won't be relieved to find that it will come in the form investing in "loan servicing" companies and loss mitigation as more and more lenders are forced to do "loan work-outs" w/FBs. Can you imagine the workload? It's got to be staggering!

184   DinOR   2006 Jun 27, 12:19am  

Michael Anderson,

Beavers WIN!

I can't believe it myself! Underdogs all the way and facing elimination every game the guys did a great job! Some will go on to the "bigs" but for most it will be a team photograph on their office wall that NEVER comes down! On your death bed you will still have been part of the 2006 Championship Team! I hope they all go on to do great things.

185   Different Sean   2006 Jun 27, 12:52am  

Randy H Says:
Don’t confuse the total population with the supply of available skilled labor.

of course not, i wouldn't dare. out of the 2.3 billion people in those countries (not counting indonesia at over 200 million and other east asian cheap labour candidate countries totalling hundreds of millions), perhaps only half of the population would be suitable, when you consider that a lot of routine clerical and manufacturing jobs don't require much intelligence or training -- they're the jobs that have left the west and leave a lot of people unemployed that hitherto would have had factory jobs. i'd say you're just looking at between one and one and a half billion relatively poor people... not including africa...

here's a comment by Stiglitz at the last Forbes conference (blegh) about a rough ride:


In India, for example, much of the population are not candidates for the labor pool.

well, if it's just call centre staff, you're looking at university graduates as often as not. and they're none too pleased by the experience after a short while... i got a call from a call centre in the philippines the other day, which was very entertaining. and a really funny one from india telling me a mobile phone was coming to me in the mail.

an australian firm is setting things up so people can work for a call centre from home, and hope that the aussie accent is more palatable overseas, so it is still a comparative advantage even in a relatively high labour cost country -- and the proprietor points out that many of his staff working from home have all sorts of disabilities...

186   Different Sean   2006 Jun 27, 12:55am  

Aussie bid to reverse call centre jobs drain
May 28, 2006

THE Aussie accent is being marketed to British, American and New Zealand companies whose customers don't warm to Indian call centre operators.

Local entrepreneur Daniel Turner is exploiting a backlash against Asian operators after companies began outsourcing operations to India and the Philippines.

"There's a perception, right or wrong, that the quality of [their] service isn't as good as it could be," Mr Turner, 30, said.

"We are looking at reversing the trend of jobs going overseas."


187   Different Sean   2006 Jun 27, 1:15am  

well, australia is now out of the FIFA World Cup after losing a very close match against Italy 1-0 from a penalty goal shot in the 94th minute in injury time. the spanish referee's decision was a highly controversial one.

the previous australian match against croatia (2-2) which kept australia in the competition was also marked by at least 3 controversial referee failures acting against australia (including an obvious handball and a 2 metre dragging tackle by croatia of australia's key goal scorer), and there are accusations of referees steering the outcome of the Cup and biasing decisions towards europe.

188   MichaelAnderson   2006 Jun 27, 1:15am  

>>Michael Anderson,
>>Beavers WIN!

Yeah, I've heard a lot about it. They are a scrappy team.

But I've only been in Oregon 15 years, and I still follow the Ohio teams of my youth. Browns, Indians, Cavs, Ohio State, various high school football teams. I find it hard to get excited by these left coast teams. :-)

189   Different Sean   2006 Jun 27, 1:44am  

There’s also the community of nations bit. You cannot be building a coal plant a week and expect another free pass like Kyoto. You cannot sit with N Korea imploding on your border and take a lead role to rescue them while simultaneously planning on unrescuing Tiawan. A seat at the big table comes with an obligation to behave.


190   DinOR   2006 Jun 27, 1:55am  

Michael Anderson,

I was really just as excited for my kids b/c so many of their friends go there and even knew players on the team so it has a hometown appeal for us. For me it's more about supporting the kids b/c I SURE didn't have any money on it. If you get a chance please read Danielle DiMartino's article linked here (I believe the second one down). Dark stuff. Totally plausible, very likely. "Children and dogs living together" type stuff. Enjoy!

191   tsusiat   2006 Jun 27, 2:11am  

Randy H -

you were only talking about Chinese strategic discipline on the currency peg????

That's not what you said, but even if you did, how can a twenty-thirty year peg = a good history of strategic discipline over long periods of time?

Actually, you were using a faulty logical argument:


China has a good history of strategic discipline over long periods of time (in what is unclear)


The currency peg will, in your opinion, unwind over a long period of time rather than imploding.

Randy, you make some sense some of the time, but when you overgeneralize, do yourself a favour and admit it, denial doesn't confirm your point of view....

There is no logical connection between the first statement and your conclusion.

I might as well say China has a long history of corrupt financial genius, without citation or support, in arguing in favour of a slow unwinding of the currency peg....

192   Red Whine   2006 Jun 27, 2:14am  

Sir Rick,

You ain't kidding -- late 30s is as young as it's safe to go. I don't know WHAT these younger ladies were taught or not taught but dating them is like having an 11 year old child. They're little princesses who can't cook or clean, they're financially illiterate (and hence can't pull their weight with household bills), not conversant in any topic except maybe what Prada handbag they want at the mall, have no taste in food/wine/art/music, and then on top of that they're bossy, smug, entitled, and play "senior management" in the relationship. You can't take them anywhere because after a lifetime of coddling, they're totally unrefined and what comes out of their mouth is too often childish and embarassing. Useless! The MILFs are where it's at for sure.

I was at a meeting last week where we were making arrangements for a new executive to come on-board, and all the respective departments where there. The Facilities Manager instructs his twentysomething assistant to start prepping the new exec's office for his arrival and she says "Vacuum? Oh no -- I don't vacuum."

193   Peter P   2006 Jun 27, 3:15am  

China has a good history of strategic discipline over long periods of time (in what is unclear)


The currency peg will, in your opinion, unwind over a long period of time rather than imploding.

The currency peg will unwind over long period of time. My instinct.


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