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I'm with SFWoman, there's many flavors of poor, and having been "poor" for much of my life, I'm in no position to look down on the poor, any of them. I haven't walked in their shoes, I don't know what motivates their decisions. However, I am interested in ending subsidies to the poor, especially the subsidies that encourage them to stay poor and ignorant.
As I understand it, the OZ baby bribe is partially motivated by racism. The center right government wants the whites to breed to resist the brown hordes from the north.
It is pretty incredible though, OZ has good schools, high living standards, and a good job situation. And the government still need to bribe its citizens to have kids.
I think a lot of the American middle class would be more open to having kids, if they had what your government gives Aussies.
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If there's one thing Patrick.net readers seem to agree on, is the current level of discontent. Threads seldom seem to stay on housing anymore while politics and religion become staple topics.
So what now? Have we reached a general level of irritability that we may not recover from? Or are we just bored?
If you think we can find our way back to housing, what topics have we missed?
Ideas anyone?