The "I really miss 'America's Overvalued Real Estate'" thread

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2006 Jul 5, 6:36am   32,161 views  377 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

As many of you know, we recently had a casualty in our extended bubble-battling blog family. Sadly, it looks as though the founder of one of my personal favorites, "'America's Overvalued Real Estate", has sold out to the highest bidder --a commercial RE company :-(. (Note: previous rumors to the effect that the site had been hijacked/sabotaged by the NAR have proven to be unfounded.) As Different Sean might say, "there's the perfect free market at work again." ;-)

This site --an instant classic-- hosted hundreds of examples of absurdly overpriced wrecks sent in from all over the U.S. and Canada, along with the satiric and often hilarious commentary from the blogmaster. It was wonderfully cathartic and priceless for its comic relief and real-life illustrations of how unhinged sellers have become, thanks to our Fed & GSE-blown liquidity bubble. I spent many a Friday afternoon perusing the latest submissions, often reading them aloud to Mrs. HARM. Truly fun for the whole family.

In honor of this fallen giant, I dedicate this thread as a tribute to A.O.R.E. Please post local examples --with photos and/or MLS links if you have then-- of the most outrageously overpriced $hitboxes in your local neighborhoods. International submissions are also welcome. I shall kick things off by re-posting one of the most egregrious and well publicized examples from last year -- the infamous $1.2 million shack from "Naked City", Las Vegas:

naked greed

Post & enjoy...


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7   HARM   2006 Jul 5, 7:45am  

$4/gal will be the new $1/gal.

Awesome quote --very similar to the one coined by txchick57 from Ben's blog:

"Broke is the New Black"

8   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 7:48am  

Sorry, this is now an international real estate blog.

It is an universal blog. Remember home'roid?

9   StuckInBA   2006 Jul 5, 9:19am  


You have to see it to believe it. NOTHING comes as close to insanity as this listing. On ZipRealty the price is shown to be reduced by 100K.


I miss the AORE site as well. It was my daily dose of humor.

10   StuckInBA   2006 Jul 5, 9:22am  

Nice article on current state of affairs in BA market. I know people are still looking to buy, and some might stumble on this blog before they take the "plunge". I highly recommend this little piece for them.


11   OO   2006 Jul 5, 9:27am  


not to defend that ridiculous listing and the one that To BA quoted, but they both are in an area where you can hardly find any homes listed for below 1M. Supposedly falling into the best school districts within Cupertino, not the best location in Cupertino, but close.

I am not saying this is not insane, just to provide some perspective on why parents are paying this kind of money. I have a friend who was just trying to buy into this area at the beginning of the year, she was bidding on a 1500 sft home on a 1/4 acre with 1.17M (listed for 1.08) and was outbid. It sold for above 1.2M. Of course she is trading up, so she is less concerned with the issue of buying at top compared to the urgent needs of sending kids to the right school.

12   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 9:32am  

You have to see it to believe it. NOTHING comes as close to insanity as this listing. On ZipRealty the price is shown to be reduced by 100K.

What is it? Is it a halfway-done "dream" home project? Or is it a halfway-demolished crapbox?

13   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 9:36am  

I still do not understand good school districts. If they really care so much about the future of their kids, perhaps they should perform cesarean deliveries when planets align instead. :)

14   tsusiat   2006 Jul 5, 9:45am  

To BA Or Not To BA:

it looks like they're doing a crap job of lifting it, with of course the idea of dividing it into strata and selling the garden suite (ie basement suite) for $299,999.

I love the yard!


15   GallopingCheetah   2006 Jul 5, 10:33am  

For your mental health, I suggest that people take the BA housing market less seriously than they do now. It'll do you much good if you just walk away and come back to check the site a year from now. However, the board is entertaining when we are not seriously discussing housing. So I wouldn't recommend abandoning the board completely.

I sense too much anguish on this board. Do something interesting in your life and you'll be happier and serve as a better role model to your kids.

In the end, you're going to die and few people will ever remember you. Your kids may even hate you for being obsessed with a materialistic life.

Most of you make enough money to afford some level of respectable happiness.

16   OO   2006 Jul 5, 10:52am  

It is just another sickness of our society. Because the public school system is so screwed, all middle class / middle upper class who have 2 or more kids are scrambling to get into good school districts.

If you go the private school route, that will be 20-25K post-tax per kid, 50K a year. Even ignoring inflation, that will be 50Kx12 = 600K for 12 years of schooling, before they reach college. The good school districts are usually in geographically better neighborhoods, so there is a premium even without the schools. Now, if they also offer good schools, then they can easily charge 500K premium, which can be paid as mortgage over 30 years that is even eligible for tax deduction. In the end, you can pass down that 500K premium adjusted for future inflation to the next buyer when you are done with your kids.

If our public school system is half decent, such premium will largely disappear. But that is an entirely different topic.

17   OO   2006 Jul 5, 10:56am  

should be 500K premium in terms of interest + principal

18   FRIFY   2006 Jul 5, 11:04am  

Rentals. Anyone have a family "in transition"?


Despite this, the spring peak in patrick's renting stats appears to be subsiding .

19   GallopingCheetah   2006 Jul 5, 11:07am  

25K/kid/yr is manageable for a household earning $150K and above, even with 2 kids.

But the true problem with average earners sending their kids to private schools is that their kids will be surrounded and possibly looked down by far richer peers. Well, kids of the more successful in a rat race looking down on kids of the less successful.

Elite schools these days are no longer blue-blood. They're filled with top achievers from families like yours. You know, in some circles, people are suspicious of those who earn straight A's and are presidents of this club and that club.

20   OO   2006 Jul 5, 11:38am  

50K a year post-tax tuition fee is actually not manageable for a 150K household income if they got into a home in the last few years.

Even after mortgage deduction, tax alone will take away 1/3 of the income in BA, mortgage plus home maintenance will easily take another 50K, leaving 50K for the family of 4. 150K household income is unlikely to qualify for any private school tuition concession.

That's why for a 150-200K household income family, their best bet is to pay a premium to get into a good school district and "lock in" the education cost for their kids.

21   Different Sean   2006 Jul 5, 12:00pm  

i wonder if it's possible to get the blog archives of 'overvalued' or whether the owner signed a lengthy 'non-use' contract so that it never sees the light of day again. i think we should just start another blog exactly like it in google blogger to replace it, and start sourcing those wonderful places again... call it www.$hitbox.blogspot.com or something...

it will mean cruising the online ads for R/E a lot, which could become a bit depressing, on the other hand...

22   astrid   2006 Jul 5, 12:06pm  


Is renting not an option in those areas. I remember that you mentioned some families live in crappy apartments for the sake of their kids, wouldn't that be better than spreading themselves too thin financially. There are other alternatives: deferring having kids or moving out of the state. A financially stressed young couple with more than two kids is asking to be in a world of hurt.

23   OO   2006 Jul 5, 12:14pm  


renting is always an option, but remember, these are the self-proclaimed middle upper class with 200K household income who think renting is beneath them due to social stigma.

Those who are most financially stretched may not be the true poor. People who don't know how to swim seldom drown themselves because they stay away from water. The half-assed swimmers are most likely to get drowned due to a false sense of confidence with water. Same thing applies for the "middle class" and "middle upper class" who consider many things in life god-given entitlements, including a house in the "right" neighborhood, good schools for kids, nice cars, vacation in exotic locations...

Middle class Americans will be screwed the most in the upcoming recession of the century. The true poor have nothing to lose, the rich won't lose anything substantial enough to impact their material life, the middle class has everything to lose.

24   Joe Schmoe   2006 Jul 5, 12:17pm  

Red Whine,

That's true. Also, the best private schools often aren't really that much better than the best public schools. Here in LA, for example, the top private schools, like Harvard Westlake, are quite good, but they really aren't that much better than, say, San Marino High School, the top public school.

In LA, there doesn't appear to be any real counterpart to the top east coast private schools, like Exeter, Andover, and St. Paul's. There is plenty of money here, and there are plenty of educated people, so you'd think that there would be some really first rate private schools, but there aren't, not really. The private schools here are good, don't get me wrong, but they're not as good as they could be

I don't know what the situation is like in San Francisco, but I suspect that it has more in common with the East Coast.

Interestingly, in some areas of the country, there are no private schools at all. For example, the kids in the wealthy suburbs of Chicago ALL go to public school. There is no tradition of sending the kids to private school, none whatsoever. The local public schools are excellent, and there is really no need for private schools.

At least here in LA, I tend to think that both the public and private schools are fairly mediocre. There is no good private school (Exeter) or truly first rate public magnet school (Boston Latin) here. There are plenty of places where kids can get a good education, but you'd think that there would be one or two really, really good schools, and the fact that there isn't strikes me as somewhat odd.

25   Joe Schmoe   2006 Jul 5, 12:36pm  


Well, at least here in LA, the rental situation is sort of hard to tie down. The absolute best public school district in LA County is the San Marino USD. San Marino is a super-wealthy LA suburb where a generic 1800 square foot SFH will run you $1.5mm. There are no apartment buildings in San Marino; nor are there any condominiums. If you want to rent there, you have to rent an SFH, and that'll run you around $4,000-$5,000 per month, if you are lucky enough to find a house for rent. So renting in San Marino isn't really an option; if you can afford to pay $5,000 per month in rent you can pretty much afford to buy. At least you can buy one of the low-end houses in San Marino.

Now, there are other public school districts that are almost as good as San Marino's where it is possible to rent an apartment. South Pasadena has a good public school district, and there are apartments there. The schools in Beverly Hills are quite good, and there are plenty of apartments there. Then there are school systems, like Santa Monica, which appear to be mediocre but are really excellent. Santa Monica has a a student body that is about 2/3 children of affulent professionals and 1/3 children of welfare ghetto parents. The ghetto kids drag the averages way down, but the professional kids do quite well.

The problem I have with the public schools in LA is that they really aren't as good as I personally think they should be. I mean, South Pasadena has a good school system. But it's not excellent, really and truly excellent. I could rent an apartment in South Pasadena, but I would rather just pay for private school. Of course, the private schools out here are no great shakes either, but at least they seem slightly less mediocre.

So it is possible to rent a place and send your kids to good public schools, at least if you are an upper middle class proefssional -- if you are a blue collar person it's much, much harder, because the rent in those neighborhoods, even though far less than the cost of ownership, may still be prohibitively expensive to you -- but it varies from area to area.

26   Joe Schmoe   2006 Jul 5, 12:42pm  

To give you an idea of numbers, I have seen crummy 2BR apartments in Beverly Hills for as little as $1,700/month. A 2BR in South Pasadena starts at around $1,300-$1,400/month.

27   astrid   2006 Jul 5, 12:43pm  

Joe Schmoe,

In addition to Texas, you might want to consider DC. The pay there for lawyers is fairly good, and you're able to do fairly high level work. My parents rent a nice townhouse in one of the best school districts in Montgomery County, MD for $1550 a month. Non-whites are very mainstream, so your kids won't be alienated. Low crime rate and excellent schools, with a lot of magnet schools. There's lots of good ethnic food and the overall cost of living is still pretty low compared to NYC and West Coast.

28   OO   2006 Jul 5, 12:44pm  

Joe Schmoe,

I would like to get to understand how private schools are stacked against each other too. It seems to me that the common evaluation is by looking at their college placement data.

West coast private schools here tend to send more to Stanford and UCB than East Coast counterparts. I was looking at some data published by Harker, a decent private school here, and it seems that they send a respectable portion of graduates to good private schools, although at a slightly lower percentage than Andover, Exetor etc. but not material enough to justify the extra boarding fee. One may argue that you make far more powerful friends at Andover, but as someone mentioned before, if my kids end up being the poorest among their classmates from zillionaire families, that won't do any good to my kids' development either.

I am not too much into touchy-feely claims of "all-rounder" developments with more "music talents", "literature programs", I need some objective yardstick to measure these schools against each other. I find the private school system in this country equally disappointing, because the evaluation system is not very transparent. In Hong Kong where I came from, schools, private or public, are stacked against each other in all kinds of statistics possible, test scores in public exams (distribution of scores as well), music awards, sports awards, debate team championships, literature awards, etc. Parents are much better informed.

29   astrid   2006 Jul 5, 12:48pm  


I would argue that the Asian system place way too much emphasis on getting into "the" school and often not enough emphasis on developing the kids as decent human beings. Maybe Hong Kong does a good job, but my cousins went through the PRC system and there is an incredible amount of cheating at top schools.

30   anonymous   2006 Jul 5, 12:49pm  


Haven't got a handy photo of a Toronto $hitbox going for big bucks just yet but here's an article on the national newspaper admitting that things aren't so hot in the eastern half of Canada....


"After a string of record years characterized by heated bidding wars and double-digit gains in prices, major markets such as Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal are taking a breather. Price increases are moving closer to the rate of inflation, multiple offers are less frequent and the number of homes for sale is increasing, industry sources say.

“Sure, the heat has come off,” said Don Lawby, president of Century 21 Canada. “It's a good market. It's not a spectacular market like it was.”

...yeah, 'cause now you buggers have to wait 30 or 60 days for a signed contract from day-of-listing rather than the 2 or 3 days it would normally take for an offer to show up (usually in a bidding war).

Of course, if those Hummer-driving soccer moms keep filling those gas tanks of theirs, there is one real estate market in the world that will continue to levitate....Calgary (and Edmonton) where lots of oil money has been sloshing around lately.

"West of Ontario it is a different story, with price increases in the hot Calgary market hitting levels never before seen in close to three decades of record keeping by the Canada Real Estate Association.

“What's been happening in Calgary in the last few months is mind-boggling,” said Gregory Klump, CREA's chief economist.

The average price of a two-storey home in Calgary is up more than 54 per cent in the first half of this year compared with a year earlier, figures released Wednesday by Royal LePage show."

.....sure glad I'm not shopping for a house in Calgary! Or even trying to rent a place, it's like the dot-com boom all over again!


31   anonymous   2006 Jul 5, 1:02pm  


Ah, found my Toronto $hitbox. Well! Tsusiat DID say this became an International housing bubble thread!!


Yeah yeah, I know it looks cheap by Kalifornica standards, but $379,000 is still a lot of money for a deep downstore core semi-detached on a busy aterial street. I haven't checked how far south on Parliament Street this place is, but south of College it gets very ratty very fast. $380's is the median price for a home in Toronto but I"d hardly consider this a median house! (never figured out the $380K median did, or did not include numerous Toronto high rise condos which would tend to drag down the median or average. 'Course, we have plenty of $400K two bedroom condos too).

And there used to be a fish and chip store in this house! The grease! The smell! Damn right they're selling "as-is"! The only benefit is that being in this place is that it is deep in the city core and you'd never notice gas prices since you'd never want to drive in downtown Toronto. (At least our public transit doesn't suck).

Love reading the threads but still catching up from the last week's worth. I didn't get to "Whack the Author". Would have liked to!


32   Different Sean   2006 Jul 5, 1:49pm  

joe schmoe,

i heard of a 28 year old lawyer in DC who makes $500K a year doing corporate defence work or similar...

i don't know if he has to sell his soul, tho...

33   GallopingCheetah   2006 Jul 5, 2:30pm  

I will start a private school and give them true education. But please think twice before sending your daughters here if they are pretty. Boys are safe with me although I may corrupt them (oops, set them straight) with a refreshing and authentic look at this world.

Meritocracy in education necessitates cheating. Elite schools in the old days were finishing schools for the upper-class children.

Real education is outside schooling. Whoever places undue emphasis on schooling is a drone, a machine, a slave to the syste.

Do not let the society corrupt you.

I second Astrid's view that the true aim of education should be to teach the children proper values.

34   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 2:41pm  

No, PARENTS teach kids values. Not schools. And it’s not what the parents SAY…it’s what they DO and DON’T DO.

Very true. The school is not important at all, so long as it is relatively free of bad elements. The simple and cheap way to fix schools is to expell the wrong students.

35   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 2:42pm  

But please think twice before sending your daughters here if they are pretty. Boys are safe with me although I may corrupt them (oops, set them straight) with a refreshing and authentic look at this world.


36   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 2:46pm  

I second Astrid’s view that the true aim of education should be to teach the children proper values.

Value is a very difficult concept. What is the right moral system? Is there even one?

Let me ask you guys. What makes action A in context C moral or immoral?

37   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 2:48pm  

How many top-notch hospitals are there in CA? Only three - UCLA, UCSF, and maybe Stanford.

What makes you think that top-notch hospitals are necessarily teaching hospitals? Do you really want to be treated by a student?

38   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 2:50pm  

To me, culture is 98% food. I hate to say this but CA is winning by a margin. :) (True, Boston has better chowdah.)

39   OO   2006 Jul 5, 2:53pm  

Stanford is by no means a world class hospital, not even close. It is a teaching hospital, more often than not, you get an intern operating on you.

40   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 3:10pm  

You don’t really get treated by students there. Clearly, you need to be treated by the right doctors even in the top places.

Make sure you get that point across. People DO get treated by interns.

Say you had a serious medical problem (cancer, heart, etc.). Where would you go in CA? Kaiser??? There are maybe a couple of places where I would go in this state, and no more than a dozen in the whole country. You may do ok in other places, but it’s riskier.

Just make sure you get operated at the right time in the right place.

41   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 3:14pm  

There’s some good food in SF, but where else in CA? I’d take Manhattan any time for food…

The San Gabriel Valley has really good Chinese food. Much better than most restaurants in SF.

Manhattan does not have good Chinese food. Sushi is way overpriced. However, Italian food is excellent.

42   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 3:16pm  

The Las Vegas Strip has the highest concentration of good food.

43   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Jul 5, 3:17pm  

Wouldn't it be smarter to buy in a bad school district, save themselves a half million, and send their kids to the best private school in the country with their savings?

44   Peter P   2006 Jul 5, 3:18pm  

Wouldn’t it be smarter to buy in a bad school district, save themselves a half million, and send their kids to the best private school in the country with their savings?

Also, good school districts can be redistricted away. Houses in bad school districts do not have this potential downside.

45   Mike/a.k.a.Sage   2006 Jul 5, 3:34pm  

When I was going to school in the 70's and 80's, public school was meant for the lower class people. I grew up middle class, so I went to private school. Are wealthy people today not affluent enough to send their kids to private school, or did they just lower their standard of living?

46   StuckInBA   2006 Jul 5, 4:09pm  


The difference in price of comparable homes between Cupertino (considered to be a great school district) and say Santa Clara is not enough to sponsor private education for 2 kids for 12 years. Cupertino is insanely expensive, but if you add the costs of at least 20K per kid per year to houses in other areas, then Cupertino makes sense.

I rent in Cupertino. I throw away my money on rent in a nice apartment, to get the same education for my kids as those living in 1M+ crappy houses, with no liability, no loan, no angst. I am not even insy winsy tiny bit jealous of Cupertino home debtors. I thank them for paying horrendous amount of property tax to give my kids a good school district.

The irony is, which I had already mentioned, these same people - who are willing to be mortgage slaves for their kids primary education - may find it hard to pay for their kids' college tuition - UNLESS their homes keep appreciating.

I am willing to rent forever if the equations remain as is. And when my kids are ready to go to college, I will be out of Cupertino and peacefully move to a cheaper area.

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