Patrick.net Photoshop Extravaganza!

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2006 Nov 14, 10:29am   10,113 views  127 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Ok, all you Photoshop wizards out there finally have a creative outlet. Please post links to any of your REIC/Bubble-themed masterpieces here. If you don't know Photoshop, no problem: "found art" (proper credit given to the artist, of course) is just as good.

Because only threadmasters can post images, you'll have to just post them as normal links and I'll try to convert them to viewable images as time permits. I'll give you my own and Muggy's latest contributions to start things off:


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113   Brand165   2006 Nov 16, 4:06pm  

You could start quoting CR. Ya know, pretend to be a convert to the whole "infinitely up and to the right" mindset. Be sure to talk glowingly about the Brazillian cherry floors you saw at an open house last week. Mention that it sold for over asking.

"Guess those flippers really made their money on that one! You know any brokers who could get me one of those Interest Only loans? I need about two million... but you should see the VIEWS!"

114   surfer-x   2006 Nov 16, 6:13pm  

It is actually a very simple equation, if you "bought" a house (whoops, home) in the past three years and you could not afford a traditional amortizing mortgage, you are fucked.

The only real question is how many fucks have stupid fucking mortgages.

115   surfer-x   2006 Nov 16, 6:16pm  

@I like Scotch, I think you should whore out your slut of a girlfriend and should sell your bastard children to the white baby black market slave traders and "buy" that fucking house. Or you could just go fuck yourselves back on craigslist.

117   Allah   2006 Nov 16, 11:26pm  

The October Housing Starts numbers are out and they are UGLY.

Down 14% MOM, 28% YOY.

They sound beautiful to me.

119   DinOR   2006 Nov 17, 12:30am  


That was awesome! Nice work. Btw I'd heard it was actually 14.6% down MoM! Don't cheat me out my .6%, not even on a Friday!

120   DinOR   2006 Nov 17, 12:32am  


Well there's a reason we use "screen names".

121   Allah   2006 Nov 17, 12:53am  

I’m confident that house prices will either stay flat or decline slightly over the next few months. However, my fiance and I are 36 and 32 yo, and have been living in a 1 br apt for the past 1 1/2 years so we could save $ for a house, and we are anxious to move into a bigger place, so we’re going to put in an offer of 5%-7% below asking.


You are going to make a flipper very, very happy......you may even keep him from commiting suicide. If you do buy, I think in a year or two, your going to be drinking alot of scotch......but then again, maybe you won't be able to afford it.

122   skibum   2006 Nov 17, 1:00am  

I Like Scotch,

Welcome to the Board. As you can see, you need a tough skin to pass the "gauntlet" of surfer-x and co. Don't take it personally.

123   HARM   2006 Nov 17, 3:54am  


Just LOVED the clapping Saddam & Osama --nice work!

125   skibum   2006 Nov 17, 5:38am  


"Leslie, you got some 'splainin to do" - DL
"Waaaaahhhhh" - LAY

Is Gary Watts supposed to be Fred Mertz?

126   Allah   2006 Nov 17, 5:52am  

Is Gary Watts supposed to be Fred Mertz?

I haven't really written a script for it, but it was a Gary Watts infomercial Lucy was watching; Gary had convinced Lucy that the gains were "in the bag". She went on a spending spree buying up "too many houses" and couldn't sell them after the market tanked. Ricky (Desi) went on a advertising campaign convincing people that "the market is local" and that prices "here" will go back to normal appreciation, you know 8-10%. Alan Greenspam provided the easy to get funds that Lucy would have never been able to acquire in a normal market.

127   skibum   2006 Nov 17, 5:59am  


Better yet, have you seen/heard the classic Eddie Murphy "Delirious" standup routine? If you have, need I say more?

"Hey Gary, how would you like to...?" - DL

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