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"Leslie, you got some 'splainin to do" - DL
"Waaaaahhhhh" - LAY
Is Gary Watts supposed to be Fred Mertz?
Is Gary Watts supposed to be Fred Mertz?
I haven't really written a script for it, but it was a Gary Watts infomercial Lucy was watching; Gary had convinced Lucy that the gains were "in the bag". She went on a spending spree buying up "too many houses" and couldn't sell them after the market tanked. Ricky (Desi) went on a advertising campaign convincing people that "the market is local" and that prices "here" will go back to normal appreciation, you know 8-10%. Alan Greenspam provided the easy to get funds that Lucy would have never been able to acquire in a normal market.
Better yet, have you seen/heard the classic Eddie Murphy "Delirious" standup routine? If you have, need I say more?
"Hey Gary, how would you like to...?" - DL
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Ok, all you Photoshop wizards out there finally have a creative outlet. Please post links to any of your REIC/Bubble-themed masterpieces here. If you don't know Photoshop, no problem: "found art" (proper credit given to the artist, of course) is just as good.
Because only threadmasters can post images, you'll have to just post them as normal links and I'll try to convert them to viewable images as time permits. I'll give you my own and Muggy's latest contributions to start things off: