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2007 Jan 31, 10:52pm   26,082 views  251 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


From a Malcolm S in San Diego:

Hey Patrick, I just had an idea which is so morbid, ridiculous and ill conceived, I thought I would run it by you. You asked how to have fun during the bubble, well how about a party? This catastrophe is the biggest joke of the decade and I think it calls for a nationwide rally maybe in SF, or whatever city you designate as the birthplace of the housing bubble.

It could be called BUBBLESTOCK or BUBBLEPALOOZA! Some of your advertisers, and I guarantee a bunch of other businesses and media would love to sponsor, support, attend, and cover such an event.

Picture it! Swarms of like-minded bubbleheads converging on Golden Gate Park for an overnight festival of music, big screen bubble clips, movies, roasts.

Some ideas:

Lereah's powerpoint presentation on now is the time to buy
Fun with Dick and Jane
All the YouTube clips like Mortgage Gangstas
Gotta have at least a few country western songs about losing the house and the tractor

Think of the impact something like that could have. It could literally be a jab of historic proportions.

I guarantee that even with this theme you will have lenders, and realtors paying booth fees.


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8   Peter P   2007 Feb 1, 6:50am  

Smart ones (with a healthy doze of self love/liking) shy away from the competitive landscape.

This is true for all types of competitions. Truly smart people win without ever competing seriously.

This is also partly why I like Bill Gates so much.

9   astrid   2007 Feb 1, 7:15am  

I'm all for a theoretical Bubblepalooza, but I'm too whimpy to attend one, especially now that serious implosion has set in. I don't want to be attacked by deranged mortgage brokers and pitchfork wielding realtors.

10   DinOR   2007 Feb 1, 7:19am  

Oh that's great. The mayor is messin' with your wife so YOU lose YOUR job? Why shouldn't it be the mayor saying "I resign"?

Btw we're probably the only BA blog even taking Alex's side on this. Poor guy. Can you imagine his embarrassment?

11   astrid   2007 Feb 1, 7:20am  

re: *Ruby*

First of all, isn't Ruby a Southern trailer park sort of name? Funny how that goes, the more valuable the gem, the lower class the name. While I can see Peridot or Garnet or even Amethyst as upper class names, I there are many Junior Leaguers named Diamond or Ruby or Platinum.

Anyhow, actual irrelevant comment about *Ruby's" looks. Wow, that looks like an expensive coloring job.

12   surfer-x   2007 Feb 1, 7:21am  

I saw a photo of this Ruby woman:

I can't tell from the photo but Ruby might have a keg in her pants, which would explain the Mayor tappin' that ass.

Or maybe not.

13   astrid   2007 Feb 1, 7:21am  

I there = I DON'T THINK there -- take away: I don't think

14   astrid   2007 Feb 1, 7:22am  

She might be a tranny but there's no way she's underaged...

15   DinOR   2007 Feb 1, 7:27am  

Like SFWoman said, Gavin does have odd taste in women. When Joe Schmoe pointed out the "sheen" on Kimberly Guilfoyle's complexion..... all this time I thought it was my TV?

Mannequin love?

16   Doug H   2007 Feb 1, 7:28am  


In the news coverage of Mayor Newsom's screw job, some Alioto (sp) dame was giving glowing (blowing) praise of His Honor. She ran against him in the last race.....talk about politics and strange bedfellows. God...too many puns in one sentence. What I can't figure out is why his campaign mgr didn't beat the crap out of the mayor and THEN resign. He wimped out by offering his support publicly and quit.

What I want to say is she said Newsom has solved, yes solved, the homeless problem in SF. So....the rest of world now knows there are NO homeless in SF.

That's a relief! The last time I was in SF we were walking up the hill to Coit Tower and, outside some high priced homes, was a bum sleeping in a pool of urine. Down south they would have solved the problem a long time ago.....simply tie the dude to their Beemer's bumper and drag his ass off....problem solved.

17   Paul189   2007 Feb 1, 7:32am  

Your mayor is making news in our paper!


18   Peter P   2007 Feb 1, 7:33am  

I’m all for a theoretical Bubblepalooza, but I’m too whimpy to attend one, especially now that serious implosion has set in. I don’t want to be attacked by deranged mortgage brokers and pitchfork wielding realtors.

You can pretend to be a pitchfork wielding realtor and subvert them from within. :)

19   Paul189   2007 Feb 1, 7:34am  

Thanks SP

20   Peter P   2007 Feb 1, 7:36am  

Does it ever bother people that the world is very much run by sick people?


Sick as in coughing? I am coughing, I should rule the world.

21   DinOR   2007 Feb 1, 7:36am  

Doug H,

I just get so tired of the "lapse in judgement" defense. It remeinds me of some dumb Bruce Willis movie. He accuses his wife of having an affair and she says "It was an accident". Bruce says, Accident? You mean like on the freeway? Like I lost my footing on the sidewalk and accidentally stuck my ___ in your wife?

22   surfer-x   2007 Feb 1, 7:43am  

Like I lost my footing on the sidewalk and accidentally stuck my ___ in your wife?

Actually I think he was running down the hallway naked with a hard on, slipped and fell. One in a million I tell ya.

23   DinOR   2007 Feb 1, 7:50am  

Surfer X,

Yeah I hear ya'. Could happen to anybody.

24   Paul189   2007 Feb 1, 7:52am  

Back on topic - I love the Bubble fest or whatever you call it. Count me in and I'm happy to help out however I can from a remote location.

25   Different Sean   2007 Feb 1, 7:58am  

Interesting how they all have double-barrelled names in the article -- makes it easier to sever ties later -- too much rampant individualism ;)

Under the circumstances, I guess the aide had little choice but to resign for his own feelings, and left voluntarily. The mayor himself thinks his future political career is a little shaky. At least it's not like the Flashman novel where Flashman puts the husband of one of his potential conquests to ride out on the front line so that he'll hopefully be killed...

26   Paul189   2007 Feb 1, 7:59am  

Hopefully the fest lasts like a week or something crazy like that.

It should end with a mortgage burning party if we can find more than 1 or 2 people in this country that can actually burn their mortgage these days.

Each day could have a theme like: Why and how much I love my rental, why and how to become debt free, etc...

27   Different Sean   2007 Feb 1, 8:01am  

hmm, too many shiny, happy sheeple in that thread pic for me... I think they want mortgages... The MBs and REs would be setting up stands at the festival ;) Or run their own Mortgagepalooza...

28   Paul189   2007 Feb 1, 8:02am  

Anyone notice the falling rents on the old homepage? It looks particularly severe for 3 bedrooms.

29   Doug H   2007 Feb 1, 8:13am  

DinOR said:
"Like I lost my footing on the sidewalk and accidentally stuck my ___ in your wife?"

I'll see if my wife will buy the "It was an accident, baby....you believe me, don't you?" and let everyone know whether it works. That is, if I have any fingers left to type with.

30   FormerAptBroker   2007 Feb 1, 8:50am  

DinOR Says:

> Like SFWoman said, Gavin does have odd taste in women.

Gavin has made some strange choices in women over the years, but most of them have been good looking.

When he was dating Kelley Phleger (who is now married to actor Don Johnson and who’s Dad or Step Dad was a Wells Fargo Director) 10 years ago Kelley she was IMHO the hottest girl in San Francisco.

Over the last few months (after dumping the 20 year old Republican) Gavin has been dating Jennifer Siebel (who’s Dad co-founded Montgomery Securities) and even though she is not as hot as her married sister Brooke (who is almost 6’ tall and has unbelievable long legs) she is not bad to look at (I like the ballet dancer photo on her web page below):

P.S. I bet Jennifer is the only “actress” in America that is also a GSB grad…

31   Paul189   2007 Feb 1, 8:51am  


I would add - Burning down the house by the Talking Heads!

Also, not relevant to anything on this site, but my neighbor when I bought my house in 2000 was Liz Phair. A couple months later she moved to LA.

32   Different Sean   2007 Feb 1, 9:15am  

Rat in a Cage - Smashing Pumpkins

33   Different Sean   2007 Feb 1, 9:18am  

oops, make that 'bullet with butterfly wings' - maybe 'zero' would be better

34   SFWoman   2007 Feb 1, 9:33am  

I received this as an email:

February 1, 2007

Mayor Gavin Newsom this morning released the following statement:

“Yesterday, I apologized privately to the Tourk family for my profound lapse of judgment. I am deeply sorry for hurting these long-time friends.

“Today, I want to apologize in public to the people of San Francisco. I made a personal mistake that I deeply regret. I let down my family, my friends, the people of San Francisco and every person who shares the agenda we have advanced these past three years.

“I humbly ask all of those I have hurt for their forgiveness.

“I will not let my personal failures impact my public duties. I believe the best way I can atone for what I have done is to focus every day on helping to make this a better city. That is what I intend to do. I hope the people of San Francisco will accept my most sincere apology and allow me the opportunity to renew their trust.”

Paid for by Gavin Newsom for Mayor. FPPC ID# 1290430

35   SFWoman   2007 Feb 1, 9:38am  

There is this song (from the 60s I believe) by Melody. I was told it was written about the houses in the southern part of San Francisco:

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky,
Little boxes, little boxes,
Little boxes, all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.

36   SFWoman   2007 Feb 1, 9:40am  

And The House Song by Peter Paul and Mary:

This house goes on sale ev'ry Wednesday morning
And taken off the market in the afternoon.
You can buy a piece of it if you want to
It's been good to me if it's been good for you.

37   SFWoman   2007 Feb 1, 9:43am  

And Weird Al Yankowitz:

Gonna buy me a condo
Gonna buy me a Cuisinart
Get a wall-to-wall carpeting
Get a wallet full 'o credit cards
I gonna buy me a condo, never have to mow de lawn
I gonna get me da T-shirt wit' de alligator on

38   StuckInBA   2007 Feb 1, 9:47am  

SP :

My Sunnyvale Cupertino search of housed below 1M now has 60 out of 100 properties added in Jan. The total is not up by the same amount. So some are relistings and some others might have just expired.

Unfortunately it is still not that difficult to sell a house in certain parts of Cupertino. With inventory of 66, the BA population virtually guarantees enough GF / cash rich people to keep Cupertino market strong. Unless we see meaningful changes in rates and/or lending standards, I doubt Cupertino will be affected much in the 0.8-1.2M range. I still hear about bidding wars. It amazes me, even when I knew it would amaze me.

But Sunnyvale ? I don't know what's up with it. The inventory is like getting flooded there. Many are condo/TH. So other parts of "Core" area are showing cracks. Let's see.

39   Peter P   2007 Feb 1, 9:49am  

I doubt Cupertino will be affected much in the 0.8-1.2M range.

But what you get for 0.8 - 1.2M in Cupertino will be affected. If you can get more house for the same price, it is good enough.

40   StuckInBA   2007 Feb 1, 10:22am  

But what you get for 0.8 - 1.2M in Cupertino will be affected. If you can get more house for the same price, it is good enough.

True. But I also meant that. The same sh1tboxes that were selling for obscene amounts are still selling for same obscene amounts. The obscene amounts have not changed (due to almost no effective change in lending yet). And I really cannot differentiate between sh1tboxes. They all are unlivable. Maybe they are getting bigger sh1tboxes in the same price ? Let's see what the sqft rate is when the data comes out.

41   frank649   2007 Feb 1, 11:24am  

Here's a fun article...

Relationship Management 101


42   Joe Schmoe   2007 Feb 1, 12:20pm  

Wow, Jennifer Siebel is one beautiful woman. She's not one of history's great beauties, but she is very beautiful.

Normally I don't much care for the "rich heiress" look -- a tall, skinny blond woman with classic, somewhat cold and distant features who looks good an evening gown and silly in jeans -- but I find her beautiful.

Her elegance is natural, it's not just the result of good bone structure and a photographer getting her to strike a particular pose. She'd still be an elegant, beautiful woman if you met her in the frozen vegetables aisle.

IMO she's the real thing.

43   SFWoman   2007 Feb 1, 12:32pm  

OK, the gossip I am getting at the moment on our mayor is that he is going to be hit with two sexual harassment suits. The office is in a bit of an uproar, and the harassment suits are what is making his advisors leave in droves.

I get along with the guy and he has been quite helpful with several of my projects. We could potentially get a real lunatic in the mayors office should Gavin not serve again. This isn't good for the city.

(For those of you not in the Bay Area, Gavin Newsom, who started marrying gay couples at city hall in 2003, is considered right wing by many in the city).

44   FormerAptBroker   2007 Feb 1, 12:52pm  

A couple guys on the way to Bubblepalooza:


45   e   2007 Feb 1, 1:06pm  

(For those of you not in the Bay Area, Gavin Newsom, who started marrying gay couples at city hall in 2003, is considered right wing by many in the city).

1. Some argue that that move helped Bush get re-elected in 2004.

2. The Democrats actually had to spend money here to make sure Gavin got elected - and not the Green party candidate.

Only in SF.

46   surfer-x   2007 Feb 1, 1:51pm  

With inventory of 66, the BA population virtually guarantees enough GF / cash rich people to keep Cupertino market strong. Unless we see meaningful changes in rates and/or lending standards, I doubt Cupertino will be affected much in the 0.8-1.2M range.

Seriously dude, go fuck yourself, really. Type in "cupertino" in maps google com and then read your tired fucking diatribe out loud. I think you will hate yourself even more than I do. 800 to 1.2 million for a fucking fuck $hit box in crapafuckingtino? GO FUCK YOURSELF. What we need is meaningful changes in the laws protecting fucking assholes from breeding. Again for the fucking record what kind of income does it take to afford a 1 million dollar house? Oh, shit, sorry thats right, it's not the house but the school district. That's right isn't it? Hmmmm, how about a 200K house and hiring a teacher for 50K/year for 16 fucking years. Really dude, get the fuck off the enamor of crap a fucking tino.

47   surfer-x   2007 Feb 1, 1:56pm  

I imagine Ms. Siebel, as pictured here, tinyurl.com/2rpojf covered in martini puke stumbling back to her crapatino palace.

I would put her with stuckintheba but I think her command of English be better. I mean all strong indicators suggest cupertino not go down because school district very good and make many smart people who make money king sized in future. Isn't this how sometimes it is in areas where many people go to afford school that aren't bad?

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