Don't Panic!

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2007 Feb 7, 10:35am   23,357 views  277 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Inspired by Rainman18 (from Ben Jones' blog):

Expect real estate prices to decline in the coming year
posted 02/06/2007

Attention everyone:
"When put into perspective of a 10-year pattern, the downturn should have been expected based on the huge run up since 2002."

"...No reason to panic if you purchased your home for the quiet peaceful enjoyment of it" (vs. appreciation)

"Only the speculators and flippers ...are in any trouble at all."

"...and the last ones that purchased in 2005-2006..."

"The rest of us just need to continue to enjoy our homes, unless we were using it as an automatic teller machine."

Crickets: (Chirp chirp, Chirp chirp...)


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260   astrid   2007 Feb 8, 9:04am  

PS - please don't hold this too much against me, but I am more of a Hobbesian Benthamnite than a Kantian...

261   astrid   2007 Feb 8, 9:06am  

Peter P,

I am quite unlikely to ever attack anyone, except annoymously while blogging, and then not too much.

262   astrid   2007 Feb 8, 9:08am  


I never wished death on ANS and I wasn't trying to say good riddance in my original statement. Mostly, I was clumsily looking for a silver lining to the end of her trainwreck of a life.

263   Peter P   2007 Feb 8, 9:09am  

I am quite unlikely to ever attack anyone, except annoymously while blogging, and then not too much.

Perhaps I am just paranoid. I only attack unnamed groups and archetypes. :)

264   HARM   2007 Feb 8, 9:13am  

New thread topic in progress -bear with me.

265   astrid   2007 Feb 8, 9:13am  

Careful, you never know what vegetarians and open space advocates are capable of.

266   HARM   2007 Feb 8, 9:17am  



267   EBGuy   2007 Feb 8, 9:32am  

SFWoman said:
I am fiscally conservative, but am still going to call an estate tax an estate tax. It simply doesn’t tax death, so calling it a ‘death tax’ seems rather Rovian.
Wikipedia has a nice explanation:
The term was popularized in a famous memorandum written by Republican pollster Frank Luntz. He recommended that the party use the term "death tax" when referring to the estate tax, writing that the term "death tax" "kindled voter resentment in a way that 'inheritance tax' and 'estate tax' do not"

MtViewRenter said:
So you and your husband can gift each of your children $24k a year tax free.
Don't forget to do this with appreciated stock. Then the little ones can sell in 2008-10 and get the gains tax free. (see Anthony's post above).

268   HARM   2007 Feb 8, 9:34am  

new thread: Please help the REIC!

269   StuckInBA   2007 Feb 8, 9:34am  

Don’t forget to do this with appreciated stock. Then the little ones can sell in 2008-10 and get the gains tax free. (see Anthony’s post above).

Interesting. What is they already own the stock ?

270   FormerAptBroker   2007 Feb 8, 9:43am  

MtViewRenter Says:

> We’re getting into estate planning here and I’m not an
> expert in this area. So what I’m about to say might
> not be entirely accurate.
> I think the main reason so few actually end up paying
> the “death tax” is a combination of good estate planning
> and favorable asset transfer laws.

Most Americans don’t pay the “death tax” because their net worth never comes even close to the exemption.

The majority of Americans that actually pay the tax have estates that are just above the exemption and can often get below the cap with some gifting or other simple tax strategies.

A very small number of Americans with huge estates (who pay tax attorneys more than the typical American family takes home every year) are able to avoid the tax using more complex tax strategies.

P.S. I like to call it the death tax since it really is a tax after death where the government takes half of every penny (over the exemption) that you were able to save with the government already taking over half of every penny that most people make in taxes and fess including, but not limited to: federal income taxes, state income taxes, social security taxes, gas taxes, phone taxes, road taxes, hotel taxes, sales taxes, liquor taxes, tobacco taxes, motor vehicle taxes, drivers license fee, fishing license fee, hunting license fee, brokers license fee, park fees, road fees, tire disposal fees, bridge tolls…

271   astrid   2007 Feb 8, 9:50am  


Once you get over the hurdle of income tax and SSI/Medicare contributions, the take is significantly smaller. For the extremely wealthy, who don't pay much income taxes, quite a bit will be in long term capital gains, taxed at a much lower rate than 50%.

272   SFWoman   2007 Feb 8, 9:57am  


The $12K gift allowance is something that you do not have to be wealthy to take advantage of. My husband and I started to do this for a fund when our first was born. My brother started it when his kids were first born as well. It just seems like a smart way to start building up money for a child.

273   Allah   2007 Feb 8, 10:33am  

New thread : life and times of Anna Nicole Smith :lol:

274   astrid   2007 Feb 8, 10:49am  

Springtime for Saddam?

275   MtViewRenter   2007 Feb 9, 1:44am  


No, you don't have to be wealthy. Was just illustrating the point that it's another tool used for estate planning.

We've been putting some money away for our son since he was born, but it's not going to be anywhere close to the max of $24k a year. On the other hand, if one's finances is capable of doing the max, that person has to be pretty darn well off.

276   FormerAptBroker   2007 Feb 10, 1:46pm  

Peter P Says:

> Yes, you definitely want at least 1 gig of RAM.
> What kind of memory stick do you have?

I’ve got 4gig SD cards in my Treo and Digital camera (that I got for under $100 and you can now get on eBay for under $50) since the first version of Windows came out the rule has been buy as much RAM as you can afford that will fit in the computer for best performance (I think I paid $600 less than 12 years ago to upgrade a Toshiba laptop from 4 mb to 8 mb, that is mb not gb)…

277   FormerAptBroker   2007 Feb 10, 2:06pm  

> New thread : life and times of Anna Nicole Smith

Then SP Says:

> Please, in the name of allah, No.

With Anna Nichole dead and a new guy every day claiming to be the father of her child the media has totally forgot about the Gavin Newsom.

I never did understand the fascination with Ana Nichole, but then again I’ve always been attracted to girls like the one on the link below (I was at the party, but I’m not in any of the photos and I was just reminded how hot this brunette was when I bought up the link late last week and was clicking through it to show someone a photo of the NY Old Money WASP that a friend of ours from undergrad married a couple years ago):


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