The Galindo Mystery

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2007 Mar 8, 9:14am   21,865 views  221 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Most of the posts here tend to pretty much revolve around posting housing/economic news stats, debunking REIC propaganda, ranting about the NAR/Fed, sharing stories, parodying ignorant FBs, etc. This time, I have a genuine mystery for you to help solve.

A recent San Francisco Chronicle article, "ECONOMIC DEEP FREEZE
January cold spell inflicts hardship on the state's citrus workers"
contained the following excerpt:

Ruben Galindo, 44, Castanon's neighbor and a LoBue worker for 15 years, said, "Whatever little savings that we have, we are just not spending any. We are saving our pennies and nickels just to get us through the year.''

Galindo, with a wife and three kids, also has a mortgage and thinks he can handle two months of unemployment, but no more than that. He bought his house in Lindsay in 1995 and has thought about moving to El Paso, Texas, where housing costs are lower.

"But when prices of homes here go down, I won't be able to sell,'' Galindo said. "And they're already starting to come down.''

Ok, now here are the facts:

  • Galindo bought his house in 1995, so that's 12 years of (presumably continuous) mortgage payments, at a much, much lower cost-basis than today
  • Galindo was a LoBue worker for (again, presumably continuous) 15 years
  • Yet...

  • Galindo has very little savings, in fact no more than two month's worth
  • Galindo cannot afford to sell if/when house prices here come down
  • I really need your help here, because I just can't seem to reconcile the first two statements with the last two. From 1995 to 2007, house prices throughout virtually every part of California have at least tripled. So, even assuming Mr. Galindo took out an interest-only loan back in 1995 (not likely, as they were very rare back then), he must have at least 66.67% equity in his home by now, right? And if he has been more-or-less continuously employed since 1992 (with a very, very low housing cost basis), then how could he have almost zero savings? Even with the wife + 3 kids and assuming his job is of the low-skill/low-pay fruit-picking variety, and that his wife never works, this all seems somewhat hard to understand.

    Has Mr. Galindo cash-out refinanced his house each year since 1995 and used the money to take his family on annual round-the-world luxury cruises? Has his family dined exclusively on Chateaubriand, Maine lobster, pâté de foie gras, Italian black truffles, Kobe beef and Dom Perignon for the last 12 years? Is he single-handedly putting "Kitty", "Amber" and "Bambi" at the local gentleman's club through college?

    Unfortunately, this mystery is beyond my limited amateur-sleuth abilities to solve. Please help me out here.


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    72   DinOR   2007 Mar 8, 11:17pm  


    LOVE the "top 10" list!

    I realize you intended it primarily in jest but #9 isn't an entirely bad idea. I met our local District 18 Rep (really by accident) and afterwards left a msg. with his asst. If we're not talking about, who will?

    Don't get me wrong I'm a free market guy but why is it that we continue to have bubbles that won't quit until AFTER they've hit the wall?

    I have client appts. all day so please do keep up the good fight! :)

    73   DinOR   2007 Mar 8, 11:18pm  


    All the love! Don't forget to write!


    74   SFWoman   2007 Mar 8, 11:27pm  


    Why isn't Robert Novak in prison? Must be that famous liberal media protecting him.

    Instead of reporting on sob cases like Mr. Galindo (there must be tens of thousands of these in California alone) I would like to see some actual investigative reporting going on. I'd like to see some solid investigative stories about Doug Feith, about Avigdor Lieberman, about CEO pay/board relations, about the actual facts around the housing bubble, about Hillary Clintons voting record up to and after the war in Iraq (she just seems like a pro-choice neocon, IMO), about Halliburton's sales of nuclear technology (from their office in Tehran)in Iran into 2002.

    But no, the 'liberal' media has given us such great, investigative reporting on the death of Anna Nicole Smith and Brittany Spears haircuts. The NYT reports on the Libby trial, but ignores real investigative reporting and has stories by Judith Miller that are basically just propoganda pieces for the VP's office.

    Democracy can't survive without a functioning free press.

    75   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 12:41am  

    I got my latest issue of SFO magazine (Stocks, Futures, and Options). Guess who is "SFO's 2007 American Hero" ?

    76   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 12:49am  

    Eat ramen with caviar


    Cold udon with salmon "caviar" is pretty good though.

    77   SFWoman   2007 Mar 9, 1:11am  


    The Realtor(TM) I used to buy my condo basically did your #7. We would go through a place and she'd comment 'Ugh, what a dump. You'd expect my client to pay for your clients' bad taste and remodel? Ugh' Or she'd say to the seller's agent 'Pacific Heights? You've advertised and priced like Pacific Heights but we're practically in the projects (Pine Street, in 1994).' Or my favorite 'I wouldn't let you buy this dump. Leased parking- hmph. I'll call your mother and talk to her if you try to buy this place. Your parking lease could expire and you'd be stuck parking and walking the streets at night. I won't let you buy this dump.' Right in front of the selling agent.

    She probably wasn't too popular with other agents, but her clients loved her.

    Unfortunately she died of breast cancer. She was a hoot.

    78   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 9, 1:15am  


    She sounds hilarious! I bet the other agents tried to hide their open houses from her. :D

    79   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 1:26am  

    Unfortunately she died of breast cancer. She was a hoot.

    Sad. We need more funding in breast cancer research.

    80   Allah   2007 Mar 9, 1:50am  

    Anyone hear about a show called hidden potential? So this is the kind of crap that people are watching on TV? They take a POS house and turn it into something liveable. Such BS propaganda!!! Is this show funded by the NAR?

    81   SFWoman   2007 Mar 9, 1:56am  

    Did anyone else get this sent to them? Guiliani is toast, there's no way the Christian right will back this man.


    82   skibum   2007 Mar 9, 2:04am  

    I'm sure many of you have heard this already, but the #2 Subprime lender stopped issuing loans as of last night. They are expected to likely file for bankruptcy soon:


    83   tsusiat   2007 Mar 9, 2:12am  


    Personally, I like item # 4 from your list

    Pay your bills (since most of you actually can).

    If jbrs are going to do well in a downturn, of course we can't be in debt on VISA and Mastercards when the time to buy comes!

    OT can I mention I am starting my own cheaprealty website? It is nothing in the league of Patrick.net, but I can try.

    No this is not spam, I have been posting here for several years, but if the moderators don't want me to say I have a web-site, delete my post!

    84   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 2:14am  

    No this is not spam, I have been posting here for several years, but if the moderators don’t want me to say I have a web-site, delete my post!

    Huh? :) Congrats.

    85   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 2:19am  

    tsusiat, I love the Victoria area.

    I believe that any RE correction up there is not going to happen for a while though. BC is now a highly international market.

    86   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 9, 2:26am  

    Did you see that NEW announced last night it's not originating any more loans as nobody will give them extend them a thin dime. They're the institutional equivilant of a FB now. The subprimes going bad are much like an ARM reset to them. And they can't get any more credit much like the FBs can't refi their no-longer appreciating homes.

    87   EBGuy   2007 Mar 9, 2:37am  

    From the CNN story on New Century. The have arranged to refinance $710 million of loans. I am assuming this is to get the FBs more favorable terms so they don't default... oh, and to get them out of purchase money, non-recourse loans. (Here Mr. FB, let me handcuff you to your front door.)

    88   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 2:46am  

    So I guess October 2007 may be the start date of the bubble burst.

    89   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 9, 2:48am  

    They're pretty much guarenteed to go bankrupt at this point. Good job to the shorters who caught the wave! :D

    90   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 2:54am  

    The question is how far will the subprime storm go.

    I read that wall street firms are buying up subprime loans. I guess they are making friendly announcements before doing anything now. :)

    91   tsusiat   2007 Mar 9, 2:55am  

    Peter P

    I hope you are wrong, but there are several factors pointing both ways -
    in favour of a deflation or slow bursting

    increasing inventory, I will post a chart about that later today.

    unaffordability relative to local incomes

    log run up in prices

    strengthened Canadian versus US dollar

    not in favour

    baby boomer retirees selling up and moving to Victoria from Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto etc

    Conservative lending practices that have not seen a proliferation of ARMS etc

    Relatively strong local economy etc.

    I still think HELOCs and other economic motors for the local economy may start grinding to a halt, but we will see what that means for local prices.

    The last significant local price bust happened in around 1995-1996, a few years after it started in California.

    We will see if the same pattern repeats itself this time.

    92   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 3:04am  

    tsusist, I do hope that sanity will return soon.

    However, I laugh whenever someone says everybody wants to live in the Bay Area, but I am less rude when someone says everybody loves British Columbia.

    93   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 3:10am  

    It is also possible that the BC bubble may stay somewhat inflated (with some corrections) until the 2010 (winter olympics). Anticipation can be powerful at times.

    Somehow locals there seem to be very bullish about the area. Well, they do have one of the prettiest city in the world.

    94   tsusiat   2007 Mar 9, 3:18am  

    They were bullish up until the Hong Kong handover to China, with an influx of moneyed Hong Kong chinese. The crash started about a year before the handover, though.

    The Olympics will be nice advertising, but whether it can sustain a long term population influx of that much incluence remains to be seen.

    How much effect did the winter olympics have on real estate prices in Salt Lake? I have no idea....

    I know it didn't make that much difference to Calgary back in the 80s.

    Personally, I think it is just another popular sentiment for realtors to hype.

    Real estate is already so expensive in Whistler, more exposure can't do a lot to the market there.

    95   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 3:22am  

    The Olympics will be nice advertising, but whether it can sustain a long term population influx of that much incluence remains to be seen.

    Whatever possible optimistism about the upcoming Olympics has already been priced-in. Reality will decide if such optimistism has been overly optimistic.

    How much effect did the winter olympics have on real estate prices in Salt Lake? I have no idea….

    You cannot compare SLC to Vancouver. Everybody wants to... ;)

    And Calgary? It is soooooo cold. Lower tax though.

    96   EBGuy   2007 Mar 9, 3:26am  

    Some more perspective from the archives (courtesy of S&P Case Shiller Index). So how bad was it in LA during the early nineties?
    Peak: 100.24 (June 1990)
    Low: 73.07 (March 1996)
    Percentage drop: 27.1%
    Depending on whose inflation numbers you use, this comes to about a 50% haircut in real terms.

    97   tsusiat   2007 Mar 9, 3:59am  

    EB Guy,

    I will settle for a 25% haircut here in real terms, as long as it doesn't take until 2012!

    98   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 4:05am  

    I will settle for a 25% haircut here in real terms, as long as it doesn’t take until 2012!

    What if the poles reverse in 2012?

    99   SFWoman   2007 Mar 9, 4:24am  

    Maxed Out on credit card debt: the movie:


    100   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 4:29am  

    Will there be a housing bubble movie?

    101   Allah   2007 Mar 9, 5:18am  

    Will there be a housing bubble movie?

    If there was, it would be rather long! :lol:

    102   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 6:15am  

    There is more going on in Seattle. But I think Vancouver is cute, nicer and gentler.

    I like having fewer things going on... :)

    This is why I prefer Victoria to Vancouver. My wife will strongly disagree though.

    103   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 6:16am  

    I prefer museums in London.

    104   EBGuy   2007 Mar 9, 6:43am  

    PAR said:
    EBguy, the Shiller index is already adjusted for inflation.

    You are thinking of the Shiller graph on Randy's website www.capitalism2.org, which takes into account inflation. The S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices are NOT adjusted for inflation.

    105   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 6:53am  

    If I offended you yesterday, I apologize.

    You have overestimated your ability in offending me. :)

    BTW, when might you have offended me?

    106   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 6:55am  

    The British Meseum is a place that I’ve always wanted to visit.

    I have never been there.

    I always prefer a science, technology, or natural history museum. I am not too patience with art, although I do love Vincent van Gogh.

    107   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 6:56am  

    I have never been to Victoria, mainly due to the difficulty of getting there.

    Just drive up and take a ferry near the border. The buffet on the boat was not very good though.

    108   e   2007 Mar 9, 7:36am  


    It's virtually impossible to find a reputable expert who believes a basic home purchased in the Bay Area today will be worth less 10 years from now. History, and continued restrictions on new residential construction, indicate prices will rise over the long term. But the value certainly can drop or stagnate during any 10-year span.

    Mark Martel and his wife, Anita, are renters in Mountain View who began looking to buy a townhouse in the middle of last year. They say the conditions for buyers were kinder last summer than they have been early this year, because there are fewer homes on the market now, and more competition. They made their first purchase offer, on a Mountain View townhouse, last month and lost out in a field of seven. They offered 6 percent more than list price, Martel said, but the winning bid was 12 percent over.

    "There are a few people I've talked to who are listening to the nationwide hype, who think the market is declining," Morgan said. "In the Bay Area, we're in a unique bubble ... we're not really seeing prices go down per se."

    That's that. Fortress Mountain View.

    109   astrid   2007 Mar 9, 7:53am  

    "I don’t think the housing will crash this year. No way. I am uncertain that I made the right choice to sell my condo now, as opposed to selling it in 6 months."

    You know better than to hold out for the last marginal dollar...

    110   Peter P   2007 Mar 9, 7:55am  

    Some people are always drawn to listings that are under-priced. It seems more reasonable to find something a little bit overpriced and have my agent break theirs. :)

    111   astrid   2007 Mar 9, 7:55am  

    Anyone here ever taken the ferry up Alaska's Inside Passage? I'm thinking about doing that for my big trip this summer (before all the Glacier melts)

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