September 12, 2037

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2007 Apr 3, 5:37am   24,296 views  333 comments

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Unleashing their pent-up demands and taking advantage of fairly easy mortgage money, millions of people are shopping for houses. In Santa Rosa, Calif., a 90-minute commute north of San Francisco, buyers in June began camping out in sleeping bags on a Thursday night to be first in line Saturday morning when 27 houses in a new subdevelopment went on sale. In the Kendall neighborhood of southwestern Dade County, the last open area reasonably close to Miami, prospective buyers on weekends parade caravan-like in cars and campers through flag-festooned developments.

Sound familiar? Yet another story from 2005? Nope... the publication date of this article was September 12, 1977 - nearly 30 years ago.

Let's look at some other snippets from this time capsule:

Rachelle Resnick, 27, a San Francisco school-bus driver, counts herself fortunate to have bought—with much help from her father—a two-bedroom house that she candidly describes as "a little nothing." It cost $48,500, and she will have to spend $5,000 or so to repair termite damage. But had she waited, it almost surely would have gone higher. The house sold in June 1976 for $28,000, and has since been resold four times by four separate speculators, none of whom lived in it.

Such speculation is common in California and is beginning to appear in other states. Indeed, California is a housing Oz unto itself; its population is still growing faster than that of any other large state except Texas; the recession bit especially deep in California, creating a huge backlog of demand, and strict environmental requirements severely limit the land available for housing. Prices are starting to level off, but the level is in the stratosphere. In platinum-plated Beverly Hills, one cynical real estate broker exclaims: "Oh, I have such a dog on the market right now! Come to my Sunday open house and see what I'm offering for $185,000. I can tell you, for $185,000 you get a piece of nothing." Tom Lorch, a high school principal who is looking for a house in San Francisco, adds, "When we talk about houses, it's money, money, money—not how we're going to live, which seems wrong. And these absurd numbers, $100,000. It's some kind of fantasy world."

Does anyone know what happened to the housing market in California after 1977? Or was the impact of Prop 13 too influential in the resulting statistics?

And finally, the social impact:

Like all inflations, housing inflation has serious social effects. Some wives feel forced to go to work, not because they want to have careers or earn their own spending money, but because buying that dream house nowadays usually requires two incomes. Six out often first-time buyers are families in which both husband and wife hold jobs. Couples who want to have children sometimes face the brutal choice of a house or a child—and, more often than in past years, select the house. In the early postwar period, sociologists and merchants suggested that Americans spent too little on shelter, too much on less basic needs. If so, the market has more than corrected that tendency. In order to buy a house, couples are scrimping drastically on other spending—for cars, food and even furniture; not a few fancy new houses are almost bare inside. Young people have always asked parents for help in scraping up the down payment on a home; mortgage bankers call the payoff from papa a "gift letter." Now the pool of cash required to spend the first night in a new house—frequently $20,000 to $30,000—has made this sacrifice of independence a matter of necessity rather than choice.

So... this was in 9/1977. Now, it's hard enough predicting what 9/2007 will be like - but what do you think September 12, 2037 will be like?

Already, both parents are working, realtors are spinning the Bay Area as a place so great that you don't need to take vacations - what's next? Will child labor make a come back? ("Monta Vista High School and Fireworks Factory #88"?) How much more special can it get here?

(Bonus points for including Peak Oil in your prediction...)


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278   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 2:37pm  

ha ha ha

279   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 2:37pm  

I always make friends where I work, and when people talk about golf I know right then we won’t be hanging out.

I never really made friends at work. I like to be as detached as possible.

280   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 2:38pm  

I thought about our conversation earlier when the waitress said they were out of chocolate cream pie, but they did have a slice of French Silk.

281   FormerAptBroker   2007 Apr 4, 2:39pm  

Peter P Says:

> And getting into a top college means nothing either.

Some of the smartest (and most successful) guys I know are Kauffman Fellows:
It must be some kind of fluke that since “getting in to a top college means nothing” that so many Kauffman Fellows went to top schools…

If I am at a party at the home of anyone that works in VC or PE there is a 50% chance that anyone I talk to will have a degree from Harvard, Stanford, or Wharton…

282   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 2:42pm  

Some of the smartest (and most successful) guys I know have opposable thumbs... ;)

283   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 2:44pm  

Just another way to look down at someone else. I used to hate some engineers at an old job because all they could do is complain out of jealousy that the HR manager (who made more than them) had received a BBA degree from National University.

284   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 2:47pm  

That's the thing with engineers, they just don't get it. It wasn't the school (for those out of CA National is a bit of a joke) they should be knocking, it's the fact that she F'd the right guy who took her along with him throughout his career.

285   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 2:48pm  

Just another way to look down at someone else. I used to hate some engineers at an old job because all they could do is complain out of jealousy that the HR manager (who made more than them) had received a BBA degree from National University.

Very true.

Another way to look at it: the manager made more than they did with just a BBA degree. I think they need to wake up. One cannot find truth in a degree. One must go make some truth.

286   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 2:49pm  

Hey Malcolm, whatever works. :)

287   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 2:53pm  

The reason I posed this question is, would you therefore have no moral qualms about investing in a ponzi scheme? A ponzi is purely speculative, based on greater fool thinking.

Nothing wrong if it is legal.

288   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 2:56pm  

That's what I said. :)

But really, engineers are like that. They are so worried about what someone else has going on that their morale goes to crap and they end up getting canned. Engineers remind me of migrant workers in the fact that they continuously make themselves disposable. They are absolutely appalling when it comes to money, I know some that are hating the housing market. You know, the trend pointed up so that is where prices are heading.

289   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:01pm  

Engineers also try to be logical and rational. However, they are frequently emotionally immature. As a result, they keep wondering why they are not making the right decisions.

290   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:04pm  

First ripping someone off (lying or not delivering value) is wrong in my book. Anytime you are defrauding someone it is unethical/immoral To be clear a ponzi is merely a hopeless mess requiring increasing infusion to keep it afloat. Legitimate models can find themselves in this situation.

I think you mean pyramid schemes, and they are not becoming anymore popular than they have always been. No I would not participate in one, and I don't see a similarity between a pyramid scheme and putting an asset out on the open market for sale.

291   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:04pm  

BTW, I am an engineer.

Is it ethical to profit from the demise of others?

I would say yes. Doing so will release resources from the less-competent, which is a good thing.

What to short next?

292   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:06pm  

First ripping someone off (lying or not delivering value) is wrong in my book. Anytime you are defrauding someone it is unethical/immoral To be clear a ponzi is merely a hopeless mess requiring increasing infusion to keep it afloat. Legitimate models can find themselves in this situation.

Fraud is wrong and illegal. But profiting from the delusional is perfectly fine.

293   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:07pm  

Peter, it was like watching an infant. They haven't got a clue how the world works. They try to approach everything with logic and then get frustrated because they can't cope with the fact that their logic is a little different than how the masses think. They are always Johnny come latelys and have no concept of first mover advantages, or establishing a competitive advantage. Duh, the trend is this, or they sold it for....I should be able to....

294   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:09pm  

When I filled out one of my disclosure forms for a home sale, I joked with my agent (he's an engineer...I have a funny story about that too) that I should probably disclose that the buyer is committing financial suicide.

295   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:10pm  

They try to approach everything with logic and then get frustrated because they can’t cope with the fact that their logic is a little different than how the masses think.

Very true.

or establishing a competitive advantage

Then they complain that no one is leveling the playing field for them. The whole point in life is about finding slopped playing fields. :)

296   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:11pm  

it just struck me how similar investing in a highly speculative market....

Speculative markets are not always wrong, history looks back and decides if they were speculative or precursory.

297   Lost Cause   2007 Apr 4, 3:12pm  

I BELIEVE in the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Everybody say RAMEN!

298   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:12pm  

Not all speculators end up being paraded in front of Congress as victims.

299   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:14pm  

Speculative markets are not always wrong, history looks back and decides if they were speculative or precursory.

It is always speculative going forward and precursory after the fact.

300   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:18pm  

The whole point in life is about finding slopped playing fields.

Absolutely, I think you figured them out. My engineer realtor happens to be my best friend, I sort of mentored him and that is when he became a realtor and I let him do some deals for me, but it was very interesting to see the a ha effect when he saw me doing things like during negotiation that were counter intuitive. Perfect example, the funny thing I hinted at earlier, the buyer came up $5,000 and I came down $500. He's like, "Malcolm don't you think you should come down the same amount they came up?" Or on another deal, I was asking $320K, their initial offer was $310. I countered back at $325 and he was stunned when they took it. They just have no concept of human interactions.

301   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:19pm  

Mind games are always interesting. ;)

302   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:21pm  

I think that is what I was saying. The point being if I'm speculating I'm paying a premium for something which may or may not be inline with the current way of pricing, but sometimes you get rich going against the grain. When I bought my first house I was considered a speculator, even my family thought it was a crazy move. You know, the trend had been downward in 1995.

303   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:23pm  

I educated him very quickly about the balance of power in a sellers market and now the buyers market. I wasn't even playing mind games, I knew the buyers wanted desperately to buy, and out of all the sales they did the best because they bought early 2004 and they have some equity if they didn't do something really dumb.

304   Malcolm   2007 Apr 4, 3:31pm  

And it's logical that's why I don't get engineers.

Probability of asking to get an outrageous price on something or a deal on something else admittedly is less than 100%.

Pobability of getting the same result by not asking?....0%

305   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:31pm  

I think it is fine to speculate.

306   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:38pm  

Pobability of getting the same result by not asking?….0%


307   surfer-x   2007 Apr 4, 3:48pm  

dear wishful, welcome back maggot fucking confusedrenter, ahhhh whats the matter bunky not getting sufficient traction on craigslist?

308   surfer-x   2007 Apr 4, 3:57pm  

Sweet del.icio.us Amerikan capitialism. mmmmm now that's some tasty profits.


309   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 3:59pm  

I think IT is coming. IT being the recession.

310   surfer-x   2007 Apr 4, 4:07pm  

I thought IT was another order of Uni?

311   Peter P   2007 Apr 4, 4:11pm  

I thought IT was another order of Uni?

That is coming too. :)

I still think uni is better cooked.

312   DinOR   2007 Apr 4, 11:50pm  


All, please forgive my "poetic license" but also notice that the late 70's and in fact the entire decade that followed would *not be characterized as an "era of low interest rates"

1978 9.64
1979 11.20
1980 13.74
1982 16.04

I could go on but please to notice that the 30 yr. did not revisit "single digits" until 1991 at 9.25%. Let's keep in mind, these were FRM rates! I can't even talk about c/c and auto loans! So 1977 marked the LAST year of near normal rates and our descent into interest rate HELL! To say that making a major purchase in this environment would have been a "no brainer" is beyond me.

313   FormerAptBroker   2007 Apr 4, 11:57pm  

Boomtown Says:

> Anybody find any parallels between Elite College
> admissions/tuition rates and Tier 1 properties in
> coastal cities?

I have said before that the tuition at top schools and the price of homes in top areas should increase more than the tuition at crappy schools and the price of crappy homes but that does not mean that we don’t have a bubble.

In 1976 tuition at the Junior University in Palo Alto was ~$4K
In 1976 Charles Schwab bought a home just north of the University for ~$230K (188 Fair Oaks in Atherton if you want to look it up).

Today the tuition at the Junior University is ~$33K (Up 824%)
Today big homes like Chucks around Fair Oaks are selling for about $12mm (Up 5,217%)

314   DinOR   2007 Apr 5, 12:05am  


That would be correct. The data I posted above is actually annual averages. (And people today complain about a "loan lock"?)

For our ever bullish friend, 1977 was a VERY fortunate entry point. I was in high school at the time but I DO recall parents counselling young couples to *not buy at the time as it would be suicidal! Long term leases were really popular and people worked w/ their LL to make improvements and do decorating. Why? Because we're going to be here for a long, long time! Many renters at the time had verbal/written agreements to actually purchase the home when rates returned to a more normal level.

If they couldn't work with the LL they'd find someone else that would work w/them.

315   DinOR   2007 Apr 5, 12:09am  


I believe that was the year they de-regulated securities commissions (prior to that they were "fixed") ushering in the era of the discounters. I hear he also has a place in MT, ID, CO...

316   Allah   2007 Apr 5, 12:28am  

I love reading posts by a JBS'("Jealous bitter seller")

I am soooo frustrated at this point! Why can't I just find a buyer? I am so sick of picking up constantly, for what? Crappy offers and flakey buyers.

Yes, yes I know it's a buyers market these days, and buyers are dictating the market (obviosuly), and it does indeed suck for sellers, but why can't I find just one normal person willing to commit? Can you tell I am getting very bitter about this process?

Replace the words normal person with the word sheep.

317   Sylvie   2007 Apr 5, 12:36am  

History always tends to repeat itself doesn't it. Do you think it's because humans are creatures of habit and we have a short memory? Alot of us still remember the early nineties housing crash in So Cal. Nonetheless it happened again didn't it.

I'm finishing the last of my packing and despite the current market in LA I'm looking forward to establishing and hopefully not miss the bottom. I found this local HB blog in my area.https://www2.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=4846814498283585105&postID=9203155008180311072

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