Strawberry Picker Buys $720,000 House on $15,000/year Income

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2007 Apr 13, 7:12am   26,458 views  336 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

This is not a joke.

Strawberry Picker Buys $720,000 House on $15,000/year Income


P.S. Sorry about the lazy post. I didn't have time to come up with something witty, but I'm sure you'll be able to help me out in that department.

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90   azrob   2007 Apr 13, 12:00pm  


I kinda agree with what you say. While I believe that housing prices in AZ will decline drastically, I am not selling my last 2 homes. ( 3 years ago I had 5) One, I need a place to live, and i know yadda yadda i could sell it and invest the money even at 5% and rent the same house, BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME. I don't want to move, as an owner I can do whatever i please to the home, I have 2 big dogs which makes renting a bit problematic anyways, and since I own the place I put a hottub behind it where I can get drunk on red wine whenever I want... the other property is paid off too, centrally located and the rents seem to be increasing nicely now that gasoline is too expensive for people to drive in from the burbs...

Looking at the development of phoenix, I think that a drastic change in the oil outlook could seriously disrupt our current rent/price structure. Both of my remaining homes are centrally located, near ASU, and within one mile of the long over due light rail stations. So, even if PHX takes a 50% inflation adjusted hit, it may not be evenly distributed, and long term, these 2 may do much better than most. Hell if it really drops alot, I will buy more.
Peace all

91   astrid   2007 Apr 13, 12:00pm  

Mmmmm, Statricks...sounds like a delicious faux math filled sugary cereal.

92   Jimbo   2007 Apr 13, 12:01pm  

(again; we’ve linked all this before in the past 2 years).

Sorry if I am asking something that has been covered before. I have read the blog here on and off for a long time, but not religously and probably missed it. I will try to Google for it, but have not had much luck with finding stuff on Patrick's in the past.

Yes, I am aware that recent events are an outlier, which is why I am asking for data through 2000 specifically to exclude the most recent runup.

93   OO   2007 Apr 13, 12:02pm  

Real estate benefits from two factors: discovery factor (which is the biggest driver of real estate appreciation), and inflation.

CA benefits the most from the discovery factor in the last 30 years. Now we are fully discovered and world's #1 in many aspects, there's not much appreciation potential left in that bracket. CA housing will only appreciate in line with inflation for the next 30 years.

94   Brand165   2007 Apr 13, 12:03pm  

SP: Human beings like to convince themselves of clear evidence. Interestingly, this blog is often divided among two circles. The first is the true statisticians who are studying the overall trend from a historical perspective. The second is people trying to divine an opportune moment from an individual perspective.

Like a Venn diagram, these two circles heavily overlap on patrick.net. But I am always interested in the possibility that there is significant personal gain to be had, even though the major trends are against me. Perhaps we should have more threads on how to spot an opportunity, the proverbial needle in a haystack. We've beaten regression to mean into the ground.


95   Jimbo   2007 Apr 13, 12:13pm  

Avoiding exposure to an overpriced asset class is not a conservative strategy, but a survival strategy. Especially so when the liquidity that inflated the asset’s price is being withdrawn.

Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating buying real estate right now, I think it is headed for a tumble too, though a slower and slighter one than most posters. I *do* advocate taking appropriate risks overall, in the stock market, bonds, etc.

96   Different Sean   2007 Apr 13, 12:36pm  

completely OT, but I went to a speech night by 2 social democrats and a marxist last night, all truly brilliant individuals. this is a page of transcripts and other speeches by one of them, winton higgins, and others, as listed.

reading anything by winton is quite inspirational, and should give any unreflexive 'received wisdom' market fundamentalist food for thought.

Transcripts of Talks

97   astrid   2007 Apr 13, 12:40pm  

Even more OT, I really liked this Norman Mailer interview and Mailer's interpretation of bureaucratic hell (literally)


98   gavinln   2007 Apr 13, 1:07pm  

If you go to the OFHEO web site you can get the rise in prices for California and for other big cities in California. However most of this data starts around 1976.

We could use logic to guess the price growth in the 1950s and 1960s. During those decades many people from the Midwest moved to California. The prices in California could not have been much higher than in the mid-west otherwise people would not have migrated west. In addition this was before the environmental movement and there were few restrictions on building. Also homes were built at a very high rate so the supply is likely to have kept up with demand keeping prices reasonable.

However since 1976 prices have increased at a faster rate than most other states. At the city level, the fastest growing prices have been in the ay Area with the number one city being San Jose. In fact, San Jose beat both San Francisco and New York City. This is because San Jose was transformed from orange groves to the technology capital of the world.

If you want to buy in the number one growing city over the next thirty years find the wheat field, cattle farm or orchard that will become the nano-tech or bio-tech capital of the world. It is also likely to be near a top university. It is unlikely to be San Jose or New York City as both are priced for perfection. It will be next to impossible for them to maintain their leadership position over thirty years and even if they do prices will not rise as much as the currently small city that will be a leading city.

99   Peter P   2007 Apr 13, 1:08pm  

- Il Fornaio: overrated, bland food
- Bucca de Beppo: chain store quality
- Rose Pistola: overrated, flavorless
- Kuleto’s: bland, feels like a “Cheesecake Factory” inside

La Strada is usually okay. Quattro (East Palo Alto) has good warm seafood salad. Lavanda usually has pretty good pasta.

100   Different Sean   2007 Apr 13, 1:09pm  

s/night/last night/

(haven't used vi for > 10 years, is that correct?)

101   Peter P   2007 Apr 13, 1:14pm  

Anyone tried Lupa in NY? It was pretty good.

Actually, I just had La Strada tonight. The spaghetti with prawns was pretty good. The heads of the prawns were quite tasty.

Again, many restaurants in the Bay Area are not as consistent as I would like.

102   Peter P   2007 Apr 13, 1:23pm  

Here are a few pretty good restaurants in the boring South Bay:

Alexander's Steakhouse (Valco Mall, Cupertino)
Sawa Sushi (some strip mall, Sunnyvale)
Nami Nami (Kyoto style food. Castro St, Mountain View)

103   Jimbo   2007 Apr 13, 1:54pm  

I don't go to high end restaurants much, so I can't really comment on the Italian food, but La Chicchia, just around the corner from my house, is very good Sardinian food. Incanto is good, but kind of pricey to me.

104   Peter P   2007 Apr 13, 3:22pm  

I like Sardinian food. :)

105   Malcolm   2007 Apr 13, 4:26pm  

Bap33 Says:
April 13th, 2007 at 7:47 pm
"Malcom, just to make sure, didn’t we mexifornians pass prop 187 in the same fasion?? "

Yes, both were initiatives put on the ballot by the petition process of the current state constitution. As a refresher, prop 187 somehow was in court and ruled unconstitutional almost the next day. How that happened I'll never know, since normally a judge needs an actual case to rule on something; not the ACLU convincing a pocket judge beforehand.

106   Malcolm   2007 Apr 13, 4:28pm  

I wonder if FEMA will buy more trailers for the homeless FBs.

107   Different Sean   2007 Apr 13, 4:33pm  

Perhaps we should have more threads on how to spot an opportunity, the proverbial needle in a haystack. We’ve beaten regression to mean into the ground.

go for foreclosures. spend $5,000 on a 'how to buy foreclosures' course/seminar/bootcamp from a guru who is 'trading every day', hah. or buy a book or two from john t. reed for $24.95 at www.johntreed.com (not a plug, just trying to save you $4,975...). he actually has a series of books in fact...

go hard!!!

108   Malcolm   2007 Apr 13, 4:37pm  

A lawyer jumped off the Emprie State Building. I wonder if he was one of those wannabe high rollers who just opened his statement on his ARM loan. These kinds of incidents and rising crime are my biggest fears in all of this.

109   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 13, 4:50pm  

A lawyer jumped off the Emprie State Building.

I hope he bounced a few times on the way down.

110   cb   2007 Apr 13, 6:36pm  

Don't know how respectable this journal is, but the facts are pretty much correct.


From the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, Hong Kong experienced a breathtaking economic "upper," or as Alan Greenspan would say, "an era of irrational exuberance," where properties increased 600 percent in value and the stock market soared over 400 percent.

In 1997, however, as Britain handed control of Hong Kong over to China, Hong Kong plunged into a severe, unexpected recession, accompanied by psychological repercussions. Between 1998 and 2000, more and more Hong Kong residents killed themselves, and many used a novel tool to achieve it—carbon-monoxide poisoning created by burning a charcoal grill in a small, sealed room.

111   Peter P   2007 Apr 13, 7:04pm  

Between 1998 and 2000, more and more Hong Kong residents killed themselves, and many used a novel tool to achieve it—carbon-monoxide poisoning created by burning a charcoal grill in a small, sealed room.

Are you sure they were not trying to make yakitori? If my mortgage was upside down I would surely want some grilled chicken.

112   azrob   2007 Apr 13, 7:21pm  

interestingly enough, Hong Kong's real estate bubble had not played itself out at that time. Real estate had just turned negative, but did not hit bottom to 2003. If you thinkg the usa has the worst housing bubble, I invite you to compare price to rent in Hong kong, Shanghai, Beijing, or even Bangkok.

113   ozajh   2007 Apr 13, 7:31pm  

Maybe the strawberry picker could get financing for this fixer-upper (on 5.87 hectares which is about 15 acres).


(And I'll admit I do expect that site to fetch beaucoup, beucoup bucks.)

114   ozajh   2007 Apr 13, 7:35pm  

I thought 'La Raza' was Wolfowitz's girlfriend that he organised the big pay rise for. She would just about be able to afford $725K.

115   Peter P   2007 Apr 13, 7:37pm  

If you thinkg the usa has the worst housing bubble, I invite you to compare price to rent in Hong kong, Shanghai, Beijing, or even Bangkok.

AFAIK rent in Hong Kong is not cheap. My friend told me a decent apartment costs $5000+ / month.

116   astrid   2007 Apr 13, 11:03pm  

Huh? My uncle in Shanghai rented out a flat for 2000 RMB that he sold in 2006 for 700K RMB. It's really hard to find decent places in Shanghai though, you either go ultra high end or really low end.

117   astrid   2007 Apr 13, 11:04pm  


She was paid nearly $200K after taxes or equivalent of $400K pretax.

118   mr beezer   2007 Apr 13, 11:57pm  

@ randy

please think this over and tell me if it's plausible

all of us for free log onto 2nd life and get reborned
then you tell us where we should all meet as a group
since cbanker won't sell to you, perhaps 1 of us could buy a cheap home in their development
then all of us could teleport there and move in
we could assemble and hang out and drink kool aide
then you could direct our group activities and we could assemble like the upcoming immigrant march in may
or just hang out where newbies come into the linden village and just be pests perhaps like krishna's panhandeling?
we would be like a cult with you our leader
you speak german which would be helpful
also would be like LOST which alot of people hear claim to watch
kind of like the hippie days in the 60's but utulizing the lindens platform for a revolution of sorts

thought i would throw this out and am interested in the brilliant collaborators here to pick it up to perhaps having a great deal of fun with it as it seems to be a better use of time then reading about some strayberry picker or eating where they treat you as a dsyfuntional family

can you picture your avatar leading a group of 50 avatars into coldwell banker's virtual office ??

119   FormerAptBroker   2007 Apr 14, 12:23am  

OO Says:

> A $160K household on this blog will consider themselves
> losers and wonder how they get by for the rest of their lives.

When I used to caddy as a kid I used to look at the home in the video below and think if I worked real hard I could buy it some day. Over the years I’ve mentioned wanting to buy that specific home and after all these years there is still no home in the Bay Area that I would rather own. A friend (who bought a tiny $1mm+ Burlingame home from Anne Riley) sent me the video.

At the current $18.8mm list price $160K will cover about ¾ of the annual property tax bill. If I bought a more modest home near my parents for 1/3 the cost I would not have enough cash to pay the property tax and maintain the home with my after tax take home pay if I made $160K. A Gross salary of about $300K will just about cover the tax bill every year…


120   astrid   2007 Apr 14, 12:49am  

I second FAB's idea.

Maybe we should make it a criminal cult. Racketeering, extortion, rape, pillage, all that. Would that be plausible?

121   FormerAptBroker   2007 Apr 14, 12:53am  

Jimbo Says:

> I agree that people who post here are too conservative
> investors. I am pretty sure that I am the most aggressive
> investor of them all, or at least amongst those who talk
> about the financial risks they take. You should take more
> risk when you are young, when you have more time to
> catch up to recover from your mistakes. I lost half my net
> worth in the dot com crash, but I recovered it all in a couple
> of years.

Not many people would describe me as a conservative investor especially since when after losing my life savings buying apartments I bought a couple more (pile of crap) apartments less than 10 years later.

The one thing I learned the first time is that (unlike what the gurus tell you) is that buying investment real estate without a lot of cash is a bad idea (even a worse idea if you don’t have a lot of cash and you have a 100% commission sales job tied to real estate).

There are good deals in any market (if you have a plan) and I actually thought we were closer to the top when I bought in Sacramento a few years ago. In the first year when I was evicting a lot of people I carried pepper spray in one pocket and my Derringer in the other every time I was at the property.

P.S. If the NASDAQ peaked at ~4500 and was down to ~1500 two years after the peak how did you recover so fast (my net worth peaked in ~1992 it took me over 10 years to “recover” and start moving higher)?

122   Michael Holliday   2007 Apr 14, 1:19am  

azrob Says:

...I believe that housing prices in AZ will decline drastically, I am not selling my last 2 homes...So, even if PHX takes a 50% inflation adjusted hit, it may not be evenly distributed...I will buy more...

Peace all

Peace out, bro!

Umm, I'm in Phoenix. The NW valley.

Phoenix is expanding like Pam Anderson's bosoms under an arc light: People are pouring in here like strawberries on a shortcake (what, 100K people per year?); however, that 50% adjusted-for-inflation number doesn't seem that wacky, since houses exploded upwards in price in the summer of 2004.

You know, thousands of jobs are being created here each year, but 93% of them (I heard this on the news) are service industry related and pay in the $8-$13 an hour range.

Woe unto the inhabitants of this hot, hot desert!

123   Brand165   2007 Apr 14, 2:39am  

I wonder if FEMA will buy more trailers for the homeless FBs.

Katrina cottages! Same cost, but a real little home. The humility would do them good! :)

124   Randy H   2007 Apr 14, 3:18am  

If I recall, FAB utilizes one or more hedge funds. That is hardly conservative investing. Actually, I think a large portion of us here are far more aggressive in our investing than average retail investors. Just look how many here deploy options strategies.

125   Randy H   2007 Apr 14, 3:24am  


I actually like your idea, though I'm not sure about the whole cult-leader part. But if there were ever a group of folks who could run the table it would be us here at Patrick.net. All it would take is about 50-75 of us willing to be active maybe once or twice a week, and we could move in and cause havoc with the whole cartoon "land" market. For example, one of the more nefarious ways to buy land is to intentionally devalue valuable land, then buy it and repackage it for sale to other clueless fools. To do this you either need unlimited money you're willing to risk, or a good sized group of collaborators.

Of course we could also just be a pain-in-the-ass group that would grab a fair amount of media attention from time to time. I'm not sure what that would accomplish besides a bit of dark side schadenfreude. But in that case I would propose something completely satirical and provoking like creating a Cult of the JBR, where we go around begging and trying to get L$ so we can afford to someday buy real homes in the real world. But then as satire we would make sure we own a lavish Second Life island and castle estate fully appointed with virtual servants and virtual concubines.

126   skibum   2007 Apr 14, 3:59am  

I think gentrification is a very risky, longterm bet.

I was the one who brought up this topic originally. Maybe it would be a good thread topic sometime?

Anyway, my observations are based on a few areas around the country that I've seen firsthand change significantly in the past 20 years. Around the Bay Area, Jon's right about Emeryville - a perfect example of local government "forced" gentrification that hasn't worked out quite as planned.

In SF, I'd bring up as examples of gentrified or gentrification-in-progress areas as Noe Valley and Protrero Hill, respectively. In NYC, the examples are too numerous to count. In Manhattan, there's Soho (going back to the 70's), more recently Tribeca, parts of the East Village, Meatpacking district. In Brooklyn, there's (older time) Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope, and more recently DUMBO. In Boston, the South End, Jamaica Plain, Charlestown come to mind. There are many areas in these cities in the "midst" of gentrifying, where housing is overpriced beyond the level of gentrification IMO, that will suffer greatly during the downturn.

127   Peter P   2007 Apr 14, 5:35am  

Just look how many here deploy options strategies.

Some options strategies are not more aggressive than buy-and-hope.

Not investment advice

128   Malcolm   2007 Apr 14, 6:33am  

Muggy that photo is very telling. I'd like to propose a thread to discuss the bubble spillover into other sectors. Certainly granite slab sellers are not liking life right now.

I take it you are in FL.

129   DaBoss   2007 Apr 14, 7:32am  

I’m curious if anyone here puts money in foreign/oversees banks,

Jon, simple ...go to an currency exchange center and trade 100 USD for euros or yen hold and go back and exhange it. You will find many in SF.

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