Ridiculous Realtor Quotes

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2007 Apr 23, 2:57am   45,836 views  392 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

As Suggested by Muggy:

Post your most ridiculous realtor quotes. Even better if they're from the web and you can post a link. (It's a good chance to practice using TinyUrl while you're at it).

FAB (FormerAptBroker) gets us started with:

We had a great realtor quote in [the last] thread from Big Brother:

“Any banker, consultant, lawyer, doctor with 10-15 years experience (i.e 30s to late 30’s) can purchase a 2-3 million dollar home. Think about how many of those guys there are…. and these are just the simple workers, not the Venture Capitalists, Internet millionaires etc… but the normal man.”

McKinsey and Bain must be paying a lot more than they did when many of my friends from Business school worked there and I be SF Woman’s husband’s firm is the only one in SF not paying guys with 10 years experience enough to buy a $2.5mm home and my friends must be the only MDs getting screwed by HMOs…

He also said that all "normal professional people" in their 30s are easily earning from $300K to $1.5M. Really, I'm laughing on the inside.

That sets a high bar. But if you can top "Big Brother's" ridiculous quote, have at it...

Randy H


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328   Malcolm   2007 Apr 24, 10:28am  

CB, when owners we say we can't afford our own house it is not a put down. It affirms the bubblehead view that prices have become disjoined from the fundamentals.

329   Malcolm   2007 Apr 24, 10:28am  

CB, when owners say we can't afford our own house it is not a put down. It affirms the bubblehead view that prices have become disjoined from the fundamentals.

330   LowlySmartRenter   2007 Apr 24, 10:34am  

My sister went down to Mexico to get laser eye surgery about 10 years ago. It included a stay at the resort next door, where she was surrounded by many other Americans. I suppose laser surgery is routine enough to be 'safe' even in Mexico.

I agree. Let's cut through the poop. Like the poop about how America's medical/surgical procedures are the best and safest in the world?

331   StuckInBA   2007 Apr 24, 10:35am  

Wow. I had no idea that I would ruffle so many feathers.

The hospital in India was "Apollo Hospital" in Chennai. I think is also a big chain with hospitals in many cities in India. The coworker and his relative are both US citizens. Anglo-saxon. White. I have no idea where the relative works. But the operation was considered "non-essential" by the medical insurance. I have no clue if the Dr was "American trained".

Trust it or leave it. I will not give more details. I cannot post such details about someone else in a public forum.

332   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 24, 10:40am  

Well... let's see... the family friend I'm talking about is named Buck, lives in Green Valley, AZ with his two toy poodles. (Both Chocolate.) My dad flew with him to Bangkok because he wasn't medically allowed to travel alone. My dad stayed with Buck at the hotel pre and post hospital stay, and went over to the hospital with him for most of the treatment, stayed there about a month with him, and travelled back to AZ with him after he was released for travel.

Everything, including hotel and airfair, cost less that it would have to get it done in the U.S. assuming he had to out-of-pocket it, which he did. And apparently the procedure worked fairly well as his U.S. doctor (who told him where to go in Thailand to get it done) is happy with the results.

333   StuckInBA   2007 Apr 24, 10:41am  

Now I am seriously surprised that people here are surprised to hear about Americans traveling abroad to undergo medical procedure due to cost savings.


A cursory search about "Medical Tourism" on Google yielded 26M results. There is an entry in Wikipedia as well. I know that just because it is on internet doesn't mean it is true, but common now.

So, please tell me. WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOUBTING IT ?

334   Malcolm   2007 Apr 24, 10:44am  

I wonder if health care could get so expensive here, that insurance companies end up only having Chinese doctors in their networks. Even with the airfare factored in, if you could ensure quality of service, I think we have the beginings of a business model. We outsource everything else to China why not healthcare as well?

335   EBGuy   2007 Apr 24, 10:47am  

Speaking of citations, I was surprised to learn a while back that Silent Spring had been proposed by Robert Cote for LAST year's spring selling season. I had forgotten about Silent Spring; maybe I should try it out on a Realtor(TM) at an open house. Then again, Alameda County saw a rising median... if this continues I may be forced to sell and hid out in a rent-controlled unit for the next decade. Try explaining that one to the wife...

336   Peter P   2007 Apr 24, 10:48am  

We outsource everything else to China why not healthcare as well?

That is a distinct possibility. What but liability issues though?

337   Peter P   2007 Apr 24, 10:50am  

So, please tell me. WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOUBTING IT ?

I trust you...

338   Peter P   2007 Apr 24, 10:54am  


The Summer of All Fear

339   Malcolm   2007 Apr 24, 10:56am  

Actually Peter, if the price gets high enough your free market answer will always step in. If some chemo treatment here costs $100K and you don't have insurance, but you can go to China and get it for $10K desperation may overcome the typical litigious American way. As our healthcare system becomes more and more bloated you can count on entrepreneurial governments making policy to invite rich American patients. Think of the potential market of sick wealthy Americans, it is more attractive than tourism. With the Internet you can bet that you will one day be able to buy some sort of Swiss International health insurance.

340   e   2007 Apr 24, 10:56am  

So, please tell me. WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOUBTING IT ?

I'm not. Medical Tourism is new to the US, but it's not new to Europeans.

I've heard a few stories of UKers going to Thailand/etc for heavy dental work (surprise surprise). Boob jobs are apparently a fantastic deal there as well.

341   Malcolm   2007 Apr 24, 10:57am  

If this sounds far fetched one of the countries already doing this is Cuba.

342   Peter P   2007 Apr 24, 11:00am  

If some chemo treatment here costs $100K and you don’t have insurance, but you can go to China and get it for $10K desperation may overcome the typical litigious American way.

Yes. But insurance companies will probably not send people over to China. They will simply deny coverage to high risk individuals, who will have no choice but to seek alternatives elsewhere.

343   mr beezer   2007 Apr 24, 11:02am  

wow that challenging the story line creates some hubrub
I challenge space age claiming on a previous thread that he buys and consumes 10 for $10 banquet meals and washes them down with tap water or crystal lite
also a challenge on astrid's claim of sustaining her life form for under a hundo a month
I challenge that cursory google "medical tourism" remark as when I googled it I recieved 14.6mil without the parenthesis but 640k with them no where near 24 million . What do you mean by cursory ? uberchallenge on that
I buy the whole story about the dad going along ok ?
I also like the Boregon comment
Finally I would like to go to tommy toys with peterp if the invite doesn't get challenged

344   Peter P   2007 Apr 24, 11:02am  

Basically no country’s system is perfect. It’s choose your poison, so to speak…

Exactly. All because some girl ate the apple. :)

345   Malcolm   2007 Apr 24, 11:03am  

Skibum, 3-5 months is approaching Kaiser standards. Rather than shocking us, you are making Canada look attractive.

346   skibum   2007 Apr 24, 11:05am  

Skibum, 3-5 months is approaching Kaiser standards. Rather than shocking us, you are making Canada look attractive. '

I never claimed Kaiser was part of mainstream US healthcare!
Might as well be treated in Canada in that case.

347   StuckInBA   2007 Apr 24, 11:05am  

Do you have any information or opinion on investing in their ADR?

No, but it seems like an interesting investment idea. Worth investigating. I don't really know much about it, except that it is a very well known brand in India, and probably respected. And also that they have made significant investments in purchasing the latest and greatest equipment.

The ADRs are not listed yet. Their latest financial statement says they earned a net profit of US$ 70M in 2006.

Given that they also treat patients from developed countries other than US, the US$ devaluation may not hurt them a lot.

If I find any more information I will post it here.

348   Peter P   2007 Apr 24, 11:05am  

Finally I would like to go to tommy toys with peterp if the invite doesn’t get challenged

Other than the bisque, is the food any good? What should I expect?

349   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 24, 11:11am  

New Topic Suggestion : Spring Thud (I mean bounce!)

350   StuckInBA   2007 Apr 24, 11:21am  

skibum :

I would echo your thoughts based on personal experience. I have always had insurance, so I am aware of only better side of the story.

I have had my share of problem while getting an appointment for a flu or waiting in the ER for a whole night. But unfortunately there was a real emergency. And fortunately it was in the US. The doctor who helped at that time is now like God to me. The entire staff had been tremendous. This was in the Camino Medical Group.

351   StuckInBA   2007 Apr 24, 11:23am  

I challenge that cursory google “medical tourism” remark as when I googled it I recieved 14.6mil without the parenthesis but 640k with them no where near 24 million . What do you mean by cursory ? uberchallenge on that

OK. You win. I accept that "error" in my statement. :-)

352   OO   2007 Apr 24, 11:27am  

StuckinBA and SFBB

I apologize if I came off sounding very unconvinced of your story. The reason I asked is because I had a talk with my friend who invested in a "annual body check" facility in Bangkok and is thinking of how to attract more US patients. I basically told him to forget about it, because as I understand, almost everyone who has an insurance coverage in this country won't be interested due to the lack of monetary incentive. If you need the best medical care and advanced treatment, after you max out $5K - $10K per family per year, insurance picks up everything, so why bother? If you have trouble paying the medical insurance bill, how can you possibly have enough money to pay for medical bill anywhere else? Also, most doctors at these Thai facilities are NOT US-trained, instead, they are mostly trained in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong or Malaysia, because it costs MUCH MUCH LESS to become a doctor in these places compared to the US. In the UK system, you can select a medical major in college and go through 6 years of training and go straight to residency, shaving off a good two years of medical school. Most of these doctors in Thailand have NEVER practiced in a developed country (the director of a certain practice may have), they graduate from medical school overseas and head straight back.

I agree with what skibum says about medicare in other countries and his explanation.

Incidentally, a long-term family friend of mine opened an "organ transfer" facility in southern China, she is an Australia-trained doctor practicing in Hong Kong for many years. I would say what she does may sound a bit morally off the wall, but that is a niche which definitely has a very valid market segment. Kidney transplant in this country is not about medical coverage or technique, it is about the supply of volunteer organs, and if you are over 50, you will be so far down the waiting list, and overseas "medical care" will be the only choice if you want to hang on to dear life.

I lived through the Hong Kong medical system, which is a replicate of the UK system. Medicare is practically free and the coverage is universal from age 0 to age infinity, but the quality is near to crap and getting worse every day, plus the wait is forever. However, if you want any attention to your health, good service, and don't want to die over a 3-year wait to get an operation or cancer treatment, Thailand or India is your best choice.

353   LowlySmartRenter   2007 Apr 24, 11:30am  

"What shall we call Spring 2007? “The Blair Witch Project”?"

The Economist made another nice suggestion: "JUNE is National Homeownership Month in America. National Foreclosure Month would be more apt."

354   skibum   2007 Apr 24, 11:31am  

I got it!! The Summer of 2007 will be:

“I Know You Listed This POS Last Summer”

SP, Hilarious!

355   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 24, 11:35am  


Doubting faceless posts on the internet? HOW DARE YOU! :)

There isn't a HUGE market for tourist medical expenses, as most of what you would need is available in the U.S., but like I said, Buck's treatment is still in clinical trials, and if you're not in on the trial, you're out of luck in the U.S. And even AFTER CTs, it can be awhile before insurance gets around to approving procedures.

356   skibum   2007 Apr 24, 11:39am  


This all points to how medical care is responding to global free-market forces. Wealthy individuals (even if only relative to 3rd world countries) can choose to bypass their home country's limited access to healthcare by going to places like Thailand and Mexico. The US insurance system means most US wealthy don't need to do this, unless it comes to limited supply items like organs or non-approved (by the FDA) therapies.

357   skibum   2007 Apr 24, 11:42am  

And even AFTER CTs, it can be awhile before insurance gets around to approving procedures.

SFBB, I realize many sick patients are desperate for a cure or at least palliation, but they also need to keep in mind that clinical trials and a rigorous approval process are there for a reason. Many touted new therapies have subsequently been shown to be duds, or worse yet, harmful over the years. Caveat emptor if travelling overseas for non-approved by the US care...

358   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 24, 11:54am  


I didn't blame him for going. His doctor suggested it. This one had the dreaded 'stem cell' name in it, and had been worked on in europe for the past 8 years. Only now is Stanford (I believe) getting the U.S. CTs going.

Basically, he has a weakening heart. They used some treatments to try and induce adult stem cells from his own blood cells, and reinjected the stem cells into his heart at about 20 different locations. This is supposed to cause new muscle growth in the heart, strengthening it.

According to the doctor, it has definately helped his heart. Now if only he could fix his lungs....

Sadly, he's at the point where medical treatments are 'easing' him, not really 'helping' him, IMHO. This has definately kicked up his quality of life.

I did research for my Master's Biophysics, so I'm at least tangentally aware of what is required, skibum. :) Not a doctor like you, but I do know the trials and tribulations faced by stem cell treatments getting anything done in the U.S.

359   skibum   2007 Apr 24, 12:04pm  

Sounds like at least anecdotally, he's doing well. That's good to hear. As a random aside, I read the recently deceased Don Ho had the same treatment, also in Thailand...

360   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 24, 12:17pm  


I should also add that I'd almost never go abroad for anything that wasn't approved in the U.S., and only then if I couldn't afford it myself or through insurance. The U.S. still has the good stuff, even if it's painfully expensive.

361   astrid   2007 Apr 24, 12:24pm  

(I would deny a million dollar procedure to myself if it is only likely to give me a few more years of life. I'm not worth it. Did I mention that I think old people should die earlier until they invent a real anti-aging pill?

Yep, that's astrid, she's against little kids, old people, motherhood, and probably apple pie.)

362   DinOR   2007 Apr 24, 12:45pm  

"I Know You Listed this POS Last Summer"

It's absolutely perfect. It has all the ear markings of a sequel when the "original" wasn't all that freaking great to begin with! As with many cheesy/sleazy sequels the original cast will be replaced by even lesser known/lesser talent actors. And... since we're all familiar with the premise of the plot we can fast forward to the gore much quicker!

363   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 24, 12:51pm  

Astrid, would you deny yourself a 50k procedure if it'd make your last few years more comfortable?

364   OO   2007 Apr 24, 12:56pm  

Well, I think our medical system should allow people to die. My brother's father-in-law is a typical case which is "put on life support" by the advanced medical treatment with sky as the limit, almost. He is constantly checking in and out of hospital, attending emergency room every other month, having heart palpitations all the time along with a dozen diseases like diabetes, CVD, earlier-stage cancers (yes it is plural), and he is 85. My brother and his wife have been frequently woken up in the middle of the night catering to his needs in the last couple of years, and we honestly all hope such a situation won't last long. The only reason why he is still living is because our medicine is too powerful, so powerful that people who should have been dead are kept alive in a very superficial way, dragging down the quality of life of the entire family along with his, until the relative care-givers starts to get sick and tired of the patient.

365   astrid   2007 Apr 24, 12:58pm  

It depends. I would seriously consider assisted suicide if I'm in great pain and unlikely to get better.

366   OO   2007 Apr 24, 1:01pm  

A $50K procedure that gives you QOL is well worth it.

If someone can live with dignity, and cause least disruptions to other people's lives, then I am all for it, after all, life is precious. But if life gets so low that all one can do is simply "living" without all the sensual pleasures, and the living person's only obsession is worrying about when the next heart attack will strike, then I think such a life is just not worth living any more. We as a society should also not fund someone to live on at such an animal level, especially for very old patients.

367   Allah   2007 Apr 24, 1:52pm  

I'm going to guess that this is someone from patrick.net posing as "revengeofaone". This is too funny, crashing in on their phoney world and dropping the bomb on that self righteous realtor. Scroll down to the end of this post and check it out; this will probably be deleted by tomorrow.

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