Alien Bailout

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2007 May 1, 1:37am   19,500 views  266 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Hi there,

I LIVE in southern CA, I’ve been reading these blogs and reports now for a few months.. AND I have to say that I have seen first hand the subprime types of loans and What type of people they are lending it to. What I mean by “first hand” is that I have friends, yes ,very good friends, that ARE illegal Aliens and they have gotten loans that I would NEVER have even considered… AND I made Alot more money than they do.. The sad thing is that before they got the loans, they informed me of their plan and I thought in my mind that ‘they will NEVER be qualified for one, because I know their alien status and I knew how little they made”… Guess what? I was wrong. On top of that, after they got the loan, I was the one that ‘read; it over for them to make sure that they understood what the monthly payments were gonna be and what type of loan they were getting in to. I advised them against it, BUT they ALL took the loans anyway.

So #1, I am caught in a very tough position. Yes, these are Very close friends of mine. I love them very much and I don’t judge them by their legal status, BUT I am so INFURIATED by our system that they would allow illegal aliens to get a loan to buy a home in the US whereas the real citizens (the legal, law abiding ones) get nailed for abiding by the lending guidlines and not taking on loans like these. #3, DON”T buy into this “its the low-income, hispanics, that Don’t understand english that are being taken advantage of… NO NO NO NO NO.. It is the other way around. THEY are taking advantage of our system and basically laughing all the way to the bank. And with the current ‘Bailout plan’ .. They seem like they will keep on laughing to the bank, because many o them will be ‘bailed out’..

What type of loans did they get?.. ALL of them 100% NO money down, stated income..and yes.. adjustable blah blah blah.

NOW how did they get these loans? Well on the loan documents their is one page that asks you if you are a permanent resident or a US citizen… And you know what?.. The bank or the loan officer just tell them to ‘MARK;’ the box that says that they are US citizen because then they will not ask to see proof. If you mark the box that says ‘permanent resident”, they will ask to see a copy of your green card, etc.. proof..
AND how did these illegal aliens get a VALID social security number so that you can check their credit history?… THEY BUY ONE. (How do I know?.. They tell me.. Remember we are very close friends.. I even know how much they pay for a good social security number..again.. they tell me ) Yes it IS ALL illegal.. ALL OF IT. SO all of you out there, I recommend you CHECK your credit reports Often.
You see its a WIN WIN situation for the illegals, because they got into the homes with NO MONEY down, they did it with a fake (bought) social security number… SO what’s the worse that can happen to them? Yes, they lose a home that they should not have been allowed to own AND their credit gets ruined.. OOPS.. NO not their credit.. Some other poor person’s credit gets ruined… ALL they have to do is BUY another Social Security NUMBER.. Do you GET the PICTURE yet???? AND the BEST that could happen to them if they took this NO RISK gamble… ?? Is that they WALK away with Hundreds of thousands of Dollars in Funny Real Estate Money.. So Can you BLAME These people for taking this OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime?

How do I know?.. Like I said I have VERY dear friends that are illegal aliens. AGain I love them very much. I don’t blame them for wanting to be in this country and doing whatever it takes to make it here.. ITS just a SHAME that our US govt. are NOT able to control nor protect its citizens. In fact , we are making being a citizen very unattractive when you see how much BENEFITS being and illegal has.

So PLEASE dont buy into the poor victim stories… They are NOT victims.. And please don’t blame the appraisers for it… A house will not be SOLD by they appraised value alone. You have to have a willing BUYER to pay the Price. We are being taken advantage and used and WE don’t even know it. Its just another strategy.. by whom.. I don’t know. But if I were them, I would be smiling too.. and telling ALL of my family members to HURRY and JET accross that border.. NO MATTER what it costs, CUZ life is REALLY good here in the US.

Huh, I could go on and on and on.. but I will stop here.. because we are talking specifically about real estate here.. AND frankly I’m tired.. tired of all this upside down mess. Do you know What the word ‘illegal’ means? Let me give you an example: It is illegal to murder someone.. What happens if you do?.. You go to jail for a long long time.. Another example. It is illegal drive past the speed limit.. If you are caught you PAY by getting a ticket…. get the picture?…

OK.. here WE are PAYING someone who has broken the law AND proposing other laws to bail them out.. in otherwords.. SUPPORT their illegal actions… Lord help us… What an UPSIDE down mess.



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58   Allah   2007 May 1, 6:37am  

Now real winners in that situation. Somehow having to share a house w/ 3 other families isn’t my idea of “affordability”?

It is if your previous home was living in a tent.

59   Allah   2007 May 1, 6:38am  

By the way, is that [the picture] one of Betty's friends?

60   Randy H   2007 May 1, 6:38am  


it’s directly caused by this nanny state the libs created. without all of the tax payer funded goodies that are enjoyed by anyone that staggers over the border, the invasion would have never happened.

The blame goes to both sides, yours is not at all without sin. Sorry. Who, exactly, do you think has been enticing them to come here in the first place? It wasn't that the states created social assistance programs *before* they came; that was a reaction to them already being here and growing in numbers.

No, someone was paying them. Didn't god-fearing Wal-mart get in a bit of a row over something like that a while ago?

But thanks for highlighting for everyone the reason this problem will *never* get solved until every single last partisan culture-wars extremist on the left *and* right loses their sway in this country. Until then, enjoy the Randi Rhodes and Anne Coulter show and authentic tacos.

61   LowlySmartRenter   2007 May 1, 6:39am  

"a SFH sold in their neighborhood is a SINGLE FAMILY HOME!" Yep, it's a race to the bottom. The argument that illegal aliens should have the right to live the American Dream is bogus. Many of them want the right to live as 3rd world as they did back home, chickens and all. And what is stopping them?

62   DinOR   2007 May 1, 6:39am  

Ben Franklin,

(Wish I saw more of you)

Yeah, the terror/mort. fraud link was VERY interesting. Again, why run the risk of blowing the doors off a bank vault when it's so much easier to "rob your own home"? When we've made it just that easy to get a mortgage should this type of abusive behavior surprise any of us?

63   EBGuy   2007 May 1, 6:42am  

SFWoman said:
Ah well, Sonoma is in deep doo, and the Press Democrat had the skyrocketing foreclosures and decreasing prices as its lead story on Sunday. I expect the city to follow.

Let us know if any property near by comes up for sale cheap. Maybe we can start a patrick.net commune. Or just park one of these on your lot and tend your chickens as "ag workers". On second thought, I'm not sure I'd want to sign the paperwork your husband would draw up...
I'm going to side with Randy and think that Betty's story may be a bit too neat, although it is clear (from reports by people like SQT and FAB) that stuff like this does happen.

CHAIRMAN: You're not just tellin' us what we wannahear?
HI: No Sir, no way.
SECOND MAN: 'Cause we just wanna hear the truth.
HI: Well then I guess I am tellin' you what you wanna hear.
CHAIRMAN: Boy, didn't we just tell you not to do that?
HI: Yessir.
CHAIRMAN: Okay then.
(H.I. before the parole board in Raising Arizona)

64   DinOR   2007 May 1, 6:44am  


Like Randy I suspect I'll be in a position to have my mother live with us shortly. Then again, I've known her all my life. I don't think anyone would have any objections there.

It's when people that are totally unrelated all dog pile into a SFH more based on where they work and simply for economics and convenience that bugs me.

65   Peter P   2007 May 1, 6:48am  

It’s when people that are totally unrelated all dog pile into a SFH more based on where they work and simply for economics and convenience that bugs me.

So long as they do not affect their neighbors I do not care how many families live there.

66   LowlySmartRenter   2007 May 1, 6:49am  

Indeed DinOR. Some of those 'families' are quite large. "Flop This House" is the reality show of the future.

67   LowlySmartRenter   2007 May 1, 6:50am  

On second thought, maybe flop houses are the way to finally bust this bubble? :)

68   Patrick   2007 May 1, 6:52am  

Malcolm Says:

Thank God someone else is noticing it is not just Mexicans that are illegal. Those filthy Irish have been causing problems here for 200 years.

Why, that'd be just askin for a wee kiss from my shillelagh!


69   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 7:02am  

I had to move out of Mira Mesa because of that nonsense. One small 2 or 3 bedroom house would have like 6 crappy cars, and of course no garage to put any of them in because it was either illegally converted, or it was crammed full of crap.

70   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 7:04am  

Actually I quite like the Irish, I'm just sick of the racism associated with illegal immigration. No one seems to complain about the Irish illegals (and there are many) but it's easy to pick on the brown people.

71   Randy H   2007 May 1, 7:11am  


Me too.

There are probably nearly as many illegal former au pair 24 year old girls running around SF and Marin as there are illegal Mexicans. But who's gonna get upset about nubile French and Swedish white girls?

(In fact, there's a whole underground network of "expired J visa" au pairs around here, many of whom you'll see targeted in CL ads for "nannies" which only fit foreign au pairs, of course none of which can be here longer than 24 months on a sponsored visa, so they'd never answer such ads, right?)

72   Peter P   2007 May 1, 7:16am  

Randy, technically, being illegal present is not the same as having entered without inspection, although those with expired visas may face serious immigration consequences.

Again, I am not a lawyer.

73   Peter P   2007 May 1, 7:17am  

Randy, technically, being illegally present is not the same as having entered without inspection, although those with expired visas may face serious immigration consequences.

Again, I am not a lawyer.

74   Peter P   2007 May 1, 7:22am  

Sweden is a much nicer place for the Swedes.

California is special.

75   Allah   2007 May 1, 7:34am  

Betty is right about them buying SS#'s. I have spoken to some illegals and they told me all about it. They don't have to though, they don't need a SS#, they could just get a TIN (tax id number) from the IRS that doesn't even require a background check. Read this article from 2003.

The illegal aliens buying houses is nothing new, it has been going on for many years. They just were lending more to illegals every time the market started slowing down. The illegals are actually more credit worthy than the legals with the low fico scores because the illegals are willing to rent out all the rooms (even create more) and live like what we call pigs. This is why banks love to lend to illegals and the gov seems to like them too; there are stories all over the net about this.

76   Randy H   2007 May 1, 7:45am  

The worst credit risks in the US are concentrated in Appalachia, which last I checked had a fairly low concentration of illegal immigrants.

If you include defaults on farm and agriculture related real property loan defaults, then the Midwest and Plains are worse credit risks than the border states.

But white midwestern farmers don't fit the reactionary world view of societal free loaders. Witness what is set to soon become the largest government subsidy program (of funds directly distributed to individuals) in modern world history: corn-based-ethanol.

77   Steveoh   2007 May 1, 7:51am  

Allah says:
"The illegals are actually more credit worthy than the legals with the low fico scores because the illegals are willing to rent out all the rooms (even create more) and live like what we call pigs. This is why banks love to lend to illegals and the gov seems to like them too; there are stories all over the net about this."

So, banks are abandoning the FICO Score system, and basing their decision to lend money to illegal immigrants, on their own appraisals of character, and previous illegal, or at least questionable activity? Please point to one of these stories.

78   DinOR   2007 May 1, 8:00am  

I can see having people "shoe-horned" into a SFH for short periods of time and this was done in "the old neighborhood" as well. The difference was we didn't actively seek a warm body with a paycheck to fill a bed/couch/spot on the floor during the off shift.

79   StuckInBA   2007 May 1, 8:04am  

The Enrons and Worldcoms did not cause the internet bubble. They tried to illegally exploit the pre-existing bubble. Same here. The illegals are trying to game the system that was already broken.

But it still pisses me, and this is not the first time I am hearing such stories. I had a hard time getting my permanent residency like many others - in spite of (or maybe because of) following the law to the letter and to the spirit. I take pride in my being a good citizen and raising my kids to be so. As an immigrant I feel I have a lot of responsibility to prove myself.

Then I hear such stories and I feel like a dumb, dogmatic, impractical person stuck in some old value sets. I am too old to change, but maybe I shouldn't preach these values too much to my kids.

80   Steveoh   2007 May 1, 8:05am  

Malcolm says:
"...I’m just sick of the racism associated with illegal immigration. No one seems to complain about the Irish illegals (and there are many) but it’s easy to pick on the brown people. "

Agreed. But it may be in part, a product of where the focus is. Our southern border has been portrayed as an open back door, and even a battle zone, in recent MSM reports. And all the pictures we are shown, usually depict dark skinned, poor, Hispanic people, being arrested, detained or running through the desert.
The association is a strong one.
But I would point out that being Mexican is more a nationality than an ethnicity.

81   dp337   2007 May 1, 8:23am  

Now real winners in that situation. Somehow having to share a house w/ 3 other families isn’t my idea of “affordability”?

I don;t think they know any better. It's the norm to them...

The neighbors? Sheesh, guess that means your folks won’t be stopping by the old neighborhood this Memorial Day!

They stop by every so often to see old friends. It't definitely not the same neighborhood.

Unless your folks moved to ‘Washington’s Mexico’ (Oregon) it’s doubtful they’re very happy either.

Actually, we told them to sell it. The neighborhood got so bad that we felt they were safer someplace else. Got the highest amount possible for the place because it was at the peak of the bubble. They are retired and living in a nice place in Hawaii. They had a second home there. Of course, they are not close to their kids and grandkids but we see them often.

82   Peter P   2007 May 1, 8:26am  

What’s important in your life is you yourself. How other people fare shouldn’t matter, as long as they don’t directly harm you. In theory, of course.


83   HARM   2007 May 1, 8:47am  

The worst credit risks in the US are concentrated in Appalachia, which last I checked had a fairly low concentration of illegal immigrants.

If you include defaults on farm and agriculture related real property loan defaults, then the Midwest and Plains are worse credit risks than the border states.

But white midwestern farmers don’t fit the reactionary world view of societal free loaders. Witness what is set to soon become the largest government subsidy program (of funds directly distributed to individuals) in modern world history: corn-based-ethanol.

I am no fan of corn-based ethanol (which arguably consumes more energy than it "produces", so is actually more of an energy sink, not a viable energy source).

But... to address Randy's main point here: the fact that lots of bad loans are being made to poor, white Midwesterns, or that white midwestern farmers are receiving more government subsidies than they should does *not* excuse lenders for knowingly providing mortgages to illegals here. And --more importantly-- it does not excuse our so-called "leaders" from not enforcing the law and doing something about it.

As HelloKitty pointed out, if we're just going to selectively and arbitrarily enforce laws, based on whatever the banksters/CEOs decide they want the law to be *today*, then why should anybody care what the law says? When a large % of the population can regularly break the law and suffer no ill consequences (or even be rewarded for breaking it) what happens to our hallowed "rule of law"?

The most foolish thing you can do in a society where the law means nothing is to follow the law.

84   Allah   2007 May 1, 8:53am  

So, banks are abandoning the FICO Score system, and basing their decision to lend money to illegal immigrants, on their own appraisals of character, and previous illegal, or at least questionable activity? Please point to one of these stories.

How about this one?

85   HARM   2007 May 1, 8:59am  

What’s important in your life is you yourself. How other people fare shouldn’t matter, as long as they don’t directly harm you. In theory, of course.


Not quite. There are externalities to consider, the consequences of which can be just as important or even more important than how something "affects me directly". We are not isolated individuals living autonomously in our own personal fiefdoms, with our actions having zero impact on other people. As the Depeche Mode song goes, "everything counts in large amounts", and harmful actions repeated on a large enough scale can have consequences that impacts everyone.

How many regular readers of this blog have been priced out of the housing market in the past several years --and probably will be for years to come, simply because the Fed, Congress and the GSEs decided to engineer a housing bubble? How many "individual" flippers or $0-down NINJAs loans does it take to triple house prices in your neighborhood?

I don't have to directly participate in or be victimized by fraud and identity theft for it to affect me personally.

86   Peter P   2007 May 1, 9:00am  

A (perhaps handsome, perhaps not, just like Larry Page) google multi-multi-millionaire comes along and wants to take her away. She shows some interest. Would you let her go? You know if you truly love her you would release her from the chain and let her have a better life. Think about it.

Other than magick, you do not have many legal options to keep her from leaving you anyway.

87   Peter P   2007 May 1, 9:09am  

C’mon. Be manly. Some men would fight to keep her, i.e., by going into startups themselves or by digging up dirt on that lucky guy.

Fight? How? It is a battle that cannot be won. Digging up dirt (short of pretexting) sounds good on paper but he can do the same to you.

88   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 9:09am  

Randy, I'm surprised. I didn't know about the au pairs but I do know that Russian girls especially will even fake a marriage. Again, who cares as long as they are hot.

89   Peter P   2007 May 1, 9:11am  

I do know that Russian girls especially will even fake a marriage.

Many people fake marriages. IIRC marriage fraud is a felony.

I am not a lawyer.

90   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 9:13am  

Steveoh, BTW I dig the handle, I have to say that being Mexican is almost an ethnicity because other Latins look down on them as well. The most offensive thing you can say to a Puerto Rican or a Venezuelan is to mistake them for being Mexican. Another fun stat is that there are more Puerto Ricans in NY than Puerto Rico, and they milk the system too but it's a territory so no one minds.

91   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 9:13am  

Steveoh, BTW I dig the handle, I have to say that being Mexican is almost an ethnicity because other Latins look down on them as well. The most offensive thing you can say to a Puerto Rican or a Venezuelan is to mistake them for being Mexican. Another fun stat is that there are more Puerto Ricans in NY than Puerto Rico, and they milk the system too but it's a territory so no one minds.

92   StuckInBA   2007 May 1, 9:15am  

Different class segments. No need to complain. Greencards aren’t all that precious. I hope that’s not something that you prize.

And I hope you understood that I was not talking about "prizing the green cards".

Are you angry that con artists made tons of money from the dot com bubble and RE bubble?

Yes. I am a very different person than you.

93   Randy H   2007 May 1, 9:17am  


We agree that there should be a net *reduction* in the number of laws. We are approaching a level where
a) it is impossible to comply with all laws simultaneously as a practical matter
b) it is unwise to even try to do (a)

Laws have always been unevenly directed, however. That's why we have judges and juries. The law was never intended to be an automated, binary "black and white" thing, despite what people often scream in these types of arguments. There have always been degrees of guilt. In some areas there are even still degrees of guilt in capital crimes. And I'm a rare type who doesn't think that's always a bad thing, though it is a bad thing when it becomes a technical loophole mechanism. But "zero-tolerance" bullshit is just as bad. Zero-tolerance equates to a bad Stallone movie where his first name was "Judge".

Let's ignore the broader issues related to immigration, legal and illegal for the moment. Let's just deal with the part associated with bad loans, defaults, home prices, and real property:

In this case, which entities are most guilty of doing the worst societal damage. Who is causing people like you and I the worst pain? Whether a law happens to exist or not -- which itself is largely arbitrary in our system -- who put the biggest footprint on the back of the responsible American saver? In my assessment, illegals from the south are but a minor weight in this societal crime. Midwestern farmers using politics to steal from the public tax till and subsidize their ownership of millions of acres of land at our expense is a bit larger. And dwarfing both of those are the institutions that lend out this money knowing someone else, namely you and I, will foot the bill for the fallout while they keep the profits.

I know, there's no law against that. But I'm far less concerned in debates like this about what happens to be legal or illegal at this moment, and I'm more concerned about how things *should* be. We're talking ideals and abstractions, not specifics. Constraining these types of arguments to legal/illegal now would have also meant one couldn't have championed other changes we now see as right and just (at least most here do) like emancipation and suffrage.

My whole reason for getting irritated has nothing to do with whether loans are being made to illegals, and this is bad. Of course, and of course. That's a straw man. But as others have said, this is just part of the decay that has caused this whole bubble. This just gets people uppity because it touches nerves, not the least of which are racial. But the original author did this on purpose, in my not so humble opinion. I think this because I don't buy her whole accounting. She was just stirring shit up, which takes away important focus from fingering and punishing the true enabling offenders in this case.

It will be fighting about stuff like this that gives cover to our esteemed puny leaders as they bail out the corporations & banks, cover the elite, and sneak in some tax increases, all while claiming they're defending normal working folk.

94   StuckInBA   2007 May 1, 9:17am  

Not quite. There are externalities to consider, the consequences of which can be just as important or even more important than how something “affects me directly”. We are not isolated individuals living autonomously in our own personal fiefdoms, with our actions having zero impact on other people.

I can say "Exactly" to that :-)

95   e   2007 May 1, 9:37am  

Oh man, this site is a hoot:


Oliver Stone needs to make a movie about this.

96   HARM   2007 May 1, 9:38am  

It will be fighting about stuff like this that gives cover to our esteemed puny leaders as they bail out the corporations & banks, cover the elite, and sneak in some tax increases, all while claiming they’re defending normal working folk.

Ok, now I kind of see your point here. Yes, I agree that the "big picture" is --and always has been-- what the government itself has done to create and perpetuate the bubble. The "illegals buying houses with fraudulent documents" issue a mighty small subset of a much bigger issue, and mainly a consequence, not a cause. If some are trying to use this as a red herring/diversion away from what should be the proper focus of public anger (those f*cking a$$holes in our own government), then I totally agree with you.

97   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 9:43am  

I do have to say that when I had rentals I never had a section 8 inquiry from someone who did not sound Spanish. I hope you guys appreciate the fact that I never did, nor will I ever rent to a section 8.

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