"Real Financial Heroes" needed in CA!

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2007 May 10, 9:30am   25,882 views  246 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Housing woes to continue, expert says
Economist says downturn could weaken state's financial future
Contra Costa Times 05/10/2007

“The malaise in California home building will hound the state for a while longer, a top state government economist told an East Bay gathering Wednesday. Even worse, California is particularly vulnerable to ripple effects because the state depends on housing and home building for a greater share of its economic activity than other regions, said Howard Roth, chief economist with the state’s Department of Finance.”

“‘I see no signs that the housing downturn will abate any time soon,’ he said during an interview after his speech.”

“...Roth warned that the weakness could be even more severe based on the first-quarter home building activity. ‘To keep us out of recession, we need for consumers to continue to spend through the rest of 2007,’ Roth said.”

Have YOU been doing your part for Clownifornia's economy? How many bidding wars have you "won" lately? How many plasmas, boats, RVs or spousal "enhancements" have you bought with the house ATM this year? None?!? Why do you hate Amerika...?

Do we really need to make renting and saving a criminal offense? Enough already --stop your whining and get out and start spending, dammit!!

Uncle HARM


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219   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:11am  

Well, the business guys have fallacious thinking in recruiting. I've seen guys boast of a 'track record' which everyone eats up but for some reason they can never replicate it. The whole "I helped take a company public." Real translation....I worked at a company that went public.

"My team got the product to market on time."
Translation....I was lucky to have competent engineers.

My favorite from Accredited Home Lenders. "We are pursuing other avenues for holding our own loans in house."
Translation....We are up to our eyeballs in loans being returned to us so we are desperate for cash.

220   Peter P   2007 May 14, 6:12am  

“Tech guys” tend to assess a situation based on verifiable datapoints, so there is a tendency to overweight performance numbers based on historical or statistical data.

I think I am one of the very few "intuitive" tech guys.

221   surfer-x   2007 May 14, 6:16am  

I found in my “corportae job” that the boomers there resented every little bit of progress I made. My boss saw real talent in me but the maxed out boomers just had no interest in any personal advancement. They just operate in a defensive mode day in and day out because they sense any change in a company is a threat to their livelihood. They really do look at a corporation as their replacement parent. There are some who really stayed true to their ideology but most of them IMO have reverted to being children always worrying about what will happen to them. You guys have no idea how refreshing it is to meet people who seem to have made similar observations.

Malcolm, we seem to work for the same company, stop by Bldg 6 and chat

222   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:16am  

SP, with all due respect, (your self correction) that used to drive me nuts with tech guys. Everything has to be precise. We went to Hawaii with a couple (both engineers) and I had gone down to the beach before our friend arrived with his girlfriend. I said, when you walk out the reef is sharp so be careful. The guy says, about how far out? I said, oh 20 feet or so, where you see the waves breaking.
The girl says, I don't think that is exactly 20 feet.....
I'm like, oh boy, this girl isn't going to be very much fun.

223   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:18am  

SP, it isn't related to the straight or gay which I know goes through everyone's head when the term is used.

A lifestyle company is normally a small business that an entrepreneur founds around an interest or hobby or some familiar type of industry to him. Someone might open a hobby store or become a plumber. They are just small self funded businesses that tend to grow organically. (meaning no large outside infusions.)

224   Peter P   2007 May 14, 6:20am  

Well, otoh, the expense of altering all your pants to make them one size larger every year isn’t included in the package.

Speaking of which, I need to shop for some suspenders.

225   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:22am  


226   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:22am  

So you pulled out the laser tape measure to prove it.

227   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:23am  

No baby, I meant, from the base of my balls.

228   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:23am  

You gotta count the WHOLE thing.

229   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:24am  

OMG that is so funny.

Or like a Patrick.net.

230   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:26am  


231   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 6:44am  

I guess I shouldn't judge to harshly. If I were 55 and owed more on my house that it originally cost, and had squandered everything given to me, I might be a grumpy coworker. I probably wouldn't be enthused about up and coming people around me. I'd probably hide in my cubicle and hope no one noticed that I wasn't really needed. Maybe keep it a little messier than it shoud be, you know to make it look like I am arms deep in projects. I would crave those meeting requests in outlook where I could kill half a day with my other boomer colleagues. We could sit around and plan plan plan, and talk about LEAN concepts which never really get pursued.

Uh, memories.

232   Randy H   2007 May 14, 8:35am  

RE: Nigel Swaby

I've been so heads down that I haven't even seen that shit going on. Seriously, I am very dumbfounded. I've disagreed with Cote quite often, but he's intelligent and reasonable, and a nice guy -- unlike the real-estate get rich quick hucksters.

But that level of a personal attack with published phone numbers, attacks on his minor children, etc.? Not only is that easily (and I do mean quite easily) litigation worthy, it is probably also worthy of criminal charges. Robert should legal action.

That said, were it me -- and I've had my share of cretins come after me, though the worst so far being phone calls to my cell -- I'd probably first opt for a surfer-x style ass kicking. People like this shitard Nigel Swaby are the sort you could kick the living piss out of, twice, and get a jury to let you off on the "he had it coming" defense.

233   astrid   2007 May 14, 9:02am  

I'm surprised that Robert Cote hasn't gotten blogger to shut Swaby down. I didn't like where Robert's own website was going, but anytime you expose minor children, that's crossing a very bright line. I hope Robert takes Swaby for everything that the slimy little bastard is worth.

234   Randy H   2007 May 14, 9:06am  

Like I said astrid, I'd file a good civil suit against the asshole, and then file any complaints the police would receive.

After that I'd hope I didn't see the pathetic nematode in person because my throttling him into permanent blue-placard parking privileges would probably invalidate my legal standing.

235   Peter P   2007 May 14, 9:11am  

It is better to file a complaint to blogger first.

I wonder why Nigel is harboring so much hatred towards Robert. Is there something we don't know?

236   HARM   2007 May 14, 9:41am  

I wrote Robert a couple weeks back and suggested he consider legal action, but he never replied. Insulting and slandering RC personally is bad enough, but involving his wife & kids doesn't just cross the line, it tramples it.

237   HARM   2007 May 14, 9:49am  

Wait... this just in: Robert Cote has posted a new thread about Nigel's latest attack on his daughter. He filed a complaint with Blogger, and they...

... simply made Nigel remove the home phone numbers. That's it. Apparently the blurred photo of RC's daughter along with the spurious "testimonial" about her f**king Mexicans is A-ok with them.

239   Peter P   2007 May 14, 11:33am  

I’m being threatened with libel and slander

How? Did you get SLAPP-ed?

240   HARM   2007 May 14, 11:58am  

Sorry, that was in really poor taste...

241   HARM   2007 May 14, 12:09pm  

On a strangely related note: States seek sex offender data from MySpace

242   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 12:54pm  

Randy, if you are telling the truth, they are probably full of crap. Is it the founder or is it a user that objects?

243   Malcolm   2007 May 14, 12:55pm  

How does Myspace know who is or is not a sex offender on their site?

244   Randy H   2007 May 14, 2:46pm  

I'm not certain. If it's just a user fanboi, then there is obviously nothing to worry about. Lots of times the fanbois go around trying to scare critics by bullying/baiting lawsuits and such. Pathetic.

But there's a chance this particular person was actually an employee of the company. Linden's new employees often spend a good deal of time trawling the blogs and evangelizing the cult. They are also often very defensive to actually find out there are a goodly number of people out there who think it's all a bunch of shit.

Even in this case it's probably nothing to worry. I'm sure if it's an employee (s)he sent an email to their in-house and cried about some meanie on the internet writing bad things.

I still have two little things on my side:

1. The First Amendment
2. The Truth

I'm being accused of lying about my claims. It just so happens that not only am I not lying, but I have a whole folder full of screen shots (of in-game search-engine ads along with clearly provocative imagery) which I had intended to write a blog article on a while back (but someone beat me to it so I never did).

Ironically, I probably have a better libel against them for calling me a liar. lol.

245   Peter P   2007 May 14, 3:07pm  

2. The Truth

You will have to prove the truth though. First Amendment is probably your best friend. I actually think any social-networking site would be with you on this. They probably have more to lose.

Randy, does it worth your time?

Not legal advice. I am not a lawyer.

246   Randy H   2007 May 14, 3:59pm  

Peter P

I doubt anything will come of it, to be honest. Just pointing out how libel works.

I don't have to prove I'm telling the truth so much as they have to prove I'm lying. That's why libel is very hard and seldom pursued. The truth is absolute defense against libel. Reasonable interpretations of the what one honestly believes to be the truth are usually pretty tight also.

They'd have to convince 12 jurors that I was intentionally lying with the goal of causing harm to their organization. All I'd have to do is show my screen-shots and those 12 jurors would exonerate me and call for the company's management to be sent to the gallows.

People have zero tolerance for child exploitation -- that is unless they are sicko f-ck fanbois in love with their own hand-mouse-keyboard autoerotic addiction.

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