"Real Financial Heroes" needed in CA!

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2007 May 10, 9:30am   25,886 views  246 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Housing woes to continue, expert says
Economist says downturn could weaken state's financial future
Contra Costa Times 05/10/2007

“The malaise in California home building will hound the state for a while longer, a top state government economist told an East Bay gathering Wednesday. Even worse, California is particularly vulnerable to ripple effects because the state depends on housing and home building for a greater share of its economic activity than other regions, said Howard Roth, chief economist with the state’s Department of Finance.”

“‘I see no signs that the housing downturn will abate any time soon,’ he said during an interview after his speech.”

“...Roth warned that the weakness could be even more severe based on the first-quarter home building activity. ‘To keep us out of recession, we need for consumers to continue to spend through the rest of 2007,’ Roth said.”

Have YOU been doing your part for Clownifornia's economy? How many bidding wars have you "won" lately? How many plasmas, boats, RVs or spousal "enhancements" have you bought with the house ATM this year? None?!? Why do you hate Amerika...?

Do we really need to make renting and saving a criminal offense? Enough already --stop your whining and get out and start spending, dammit!!

Uncle HARM


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86   dunnross   2007 May 12, 6:58am  

The price for the same house sold last year is lower this year. This is what the Case-Shiller index is saying. What the median price going up is saying is that the low-end market is drying up because of the credit crunch. Palo Alto, Los Altos & Mountain View went from 9% of total SCC sales in February to 25% in March, although the actual sales volumes went down during March in those towns. All this sais that the crash has begun and it is imploding from the base of the pyramid, which is the low end. In fact, the crash is already progressing at about 2x the rate of the 1989 crash. This is very consistent with the fact that we are sitting on top of a double-bubble, the bubble in 2001 + the reinflated Greenspan bubble, so price decline this time, will completely erase all the gains since 2001 + half of the gains of the 1996-2001 bubble (50% fibonaci retrace), which should take the prices back to the 1998-1999 levels.

87   B.A.C.A.H.   2007 May 12, 7:01am  


You're saying with statistics what I'm seeing and saying with anecdotes.

88   dunnross   2007 May 12, 7:07am  

Exactly, and my estimates may be on the conservative side too, because it doesn't take into account the implosion of the tech boom, and the return back to the dirty 30's. Once, the apples and the googles go away, this town is going to look like Detroit in a 3rd world country.

89   DinOR   2007 May 12, 7:13am  


Exactly. It wears me down endlessly wether it's in person or from the MSM to hear that the housing bubble is strictly a "post 9/11 event". Especially when it comes from realt-whores. By confining the debate to 2001/2/3 (depending on how much they have at stake) takes the unthinkable (pre-2000 prices) completely off the table.

(I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you)*

*Sam Kinnison in "Back to School" w/ Rodney Dangerfield

90   DinOR   2007 May 12, 7:16am  

Then factor in all the "freebies" builders are throwing in and now you have a hopelessly skewed picture. We're throwing in a POOL! AND CASH BACK! 50k in "upgrades"!

91   DinOR   2007 May 12, 7:21am  

Was that scene hysterical or what!

Rodney is shoe horned into this desk and Sam asks the class what happened in Viet Nam. One girl gives a perfect textbook answer and is obviously content with her own explanation. Then Sam builds slowly into that patented RAGE howling about being knee deep in a rice paddy and ripping desks apart!

Freaking classic!

92   astrid   2007 May 12, 12:25pm  


Your last post once more proves that you don't know much about Chinese culture and wasn't qualified to comment about it as an expert - and you were holding out your several months' visit there as evidence of your expertise. When that happens, don't be surprised when your expertise gets called out when you made an inaccurate statement.

FYI - the Han Chinese have maybe 200 surnames - that's it. Of those, maybe 10 or so are very common and another 40 are fairly common. That's why there are a lot of Wangs and Chens out there.

93   Peter P   2007 May 12, 1:15pm  

I just come back from SF. Looks like they have new construction condos every direction eyes can see.

94   Malcolm   2007 May 12, 1:28pm  

Hi Peter, just got your email. Left a message for you as I can't send email from the hotel server. Oceanside is the looking the same way as well, new condos everywhere.

95   Brent   2007 May 12, 1:30pm  

Peter P-

We'll try Sawa; I'm in Sunnyvale. Not sure how to send an email(?), but feel free to e-mail me if you have moderator privledges and I'll keep a closer look at my spam filter for a few days.


96   Peter P   2007 May 12, 1:34pm  

We’ll try Sawa; I’m in Sunnyvale.

If you love lots of good fish, it is a good restaurant. You need to call ahead to make arrangements or the restaurant may not open.

Honestly, I go there less than once per year.

97   DinOR   2007 May 12, 1:40pm  


After having spent 39 consecutive months and countless ports of call along with vacations in "The I" (Peoples Republic of the Philippines) I know... just about... zilch? 7 of the 9 years I was "in The Nav" were in the Orient. Just like here in the states the game changes with regularity. I know enough to be social and can get by without having to point but the minute you make the assumption you know what's up and push things is when you wind up a statistic.

And this is the Philippines! (The world's 3rd. largest english speaking country? At least that's what Mayor Gordon claimed. Stanford grad. Nice guy. He really took over after Pinatubo blew and made sure all the volunteers that stayed and didn't just chuck it in were rewarded, no matter how long the line was. :)

98   Peter P   2007 May 12, 1:50pm  

Brent, I have just sent you an email.

99   SP   2007 May 12, 4:09pm  

goldboy Says:
What the median price going up is saying is that the low-end market is drying up because of the credit crunch. Palo Alto, Los Altos & Mountain View went from 9% of total SCC sales in February to 25% in March, although the actual sales volumes went down during March in those towns. ... The crash has begun and it is imploding from the base of the pyramid, which is the low end.

Curiously enough, I posted a couple of weeks ago that my friend 'predicted' something like this. He said the lower end would be hit hard by the credit crunch and could see huge drops - I was a bit surprised by his statement at the time because I expected the crash (yeah, I said it) to be more severe at the mid-upper (1.8-2.2M) level because I had already seen examples of 300K drops in that range.


100   ozajh   2007 May 12, 4:58pm  


Yep, the Sydney Australia example is very instructive. High end areas have already started back up again, mainly due to the financial effect of the mining boom.

The far-out low end suburbs are still suffering 2 years after the bubble burst (and we had a VERY soft landing, to the point where pollyannas in the US/UK point to us as an exemplar).

101   e   2007 May 12, 6:21pm  

I have colleagues here in the East Bay who have not been to the beach for 6 years.

That's probably a good thing - skin cancer, blah blah blah.

102   e   2007 May 12, 6:23pm  

Licensed real estate agent complaining about the high prices

Allah, fWIW, I posted some San Jose house prices and pictures on the LIFamilies board.

Someone replied that it must've been a joke, and since then my account has been disabled.


103   surfer-x   2007 May 12, 8:21pm  

That’s why there are a lot of Wangs and Chens out there.

Not to mention all the have funs out there.


oh my, I think all this housing talk is making me giddy.

104   ozajh   2007 May 12, 10:18pm  

I'd pay the downpayment, he'd pay the mortgage.

Assuming 20% down, since when can a guy "who just graduated college this month" afford a 680K mortgage?

105   astrid   2007 May 13, 12:22am  

:) Sheesh, somebody's mind is not far out of grade school. I've heard of a case of Mr. She marrying a Ms. He.

I suppose it's all karmic. The Chinese really garble up foreign names and make a most assinine assumptions based on translation.

106   skibum   2007 May 13, 1:01am  

I would put 35% down ozajh. His payments would be around $2,500/month, which is a lot, but considering his base is $65,000, and bonus will be $30-70,000 next year, he can manage. I’m making him get a roommate too.

Wow, aside from the disconnect from reality with respect to housing prices, you sure have your son on a short leash... You've got yourself quite a momma's boy! I'd hate to be the woman he eventually wants to bring home to meet the momma...

Happy mother's day, btw!

107   Peter P   2007 May 13, 1:41am  

I would put 35% down ozajh. His payments would be around $2,500/month, which is a lot, but considering his base is $65,000, and bonus will be $30-70,000 next year, he can manage. I’m making him get a roommate too.

May I ask how you are going structure the downpayment tax-wise? I know someone who is in a similar situation but he wants to be careful about it being a tax event, in particular, gift tax.

108   Peter P   2007 May 13, 1:42am  

?? or will the 50%-of-base-bonus happen each and every year for the life of the loan??

For many people, the bonus is a good portion of their total compensation. 50% to 100+% of base is not uncommon.

109   Brand165   2007 May 13, 2:30am  

WealthyWoman: What does your son do? That's quite a hefty bonus to get every year.

110   Boston Transplant   2007 May 13, 2:34am  


Do you intend to take out an ARM or I/O mortgage?

$850k X 65% = $552,500 (remaining mortgage after 35% down)

At about $600 per $100k of mortgage (for a 30 year fixed), this is $3300/month ($2500/month as you state).

After Federal, state and FICA withholding, your son making $65k will be bringing home just enough to make the monthly payment.

The roommate who will live with him will probably just cover the property taxes.

Throughout the year your son will be forced to borrow from you for all living expenses. At the end of the year I'm sure he will be happy to hand his bonus back over to you.

111   astrid   2007 May 13, 3:21am  

While someone might conceivably make $65K + bonus in IB or similar, it boggles my mind why they would do so. If they were frugal, they have student loans to pay off and Roth IRA/401K to dump their money. If they were extravagant, they're in a good position to live it up and enjoy it. In either case, an IB associate is likely to go to business school or law school in a few years, so why tie himself or herself to a McAlbatross?

112   Randy H   2007 May 13, 4:22am  

Exactly, and my estimates may be on the conservative side too, because it doesn’t take into account the implosion of the tech boom, and the return back to the dirty 30’s. Once, the apples and the googles go away, this town is going to look like Detroit in a 3rd world country.

I love the imagery. Care to back this up with any real macroeconomics aside from correlative chartism? We really have no way to compare or predict what would happen in another secular deflationary depression period, because historical precedents probably rest upon outdated assumptions. For example, this area and most of inhabited CA fared quite a bit better in the 30s than did the Midwest or NorthEast.

Anyway, there is not going to be a deflationary depression in my lifetime, and probably not for at least another 100 years, if ever. More likely is a long period of sustained stagflation and high unemployment. "Great Depressions" are like "World Wars". They can happen again, but the stakes have risen so high that previously unthinkable alternatives have become preferable.

113   Brand165   2007 May 13, 5:16am  

astrid: Maybe WealthyWoman's son is a recent MBA grad, who will soon marry another recent MBA grad. There are a lot of those couples in the Bay Area.

(Brand calls it right now: MPFRCROPBBWW)

114   Randy H   2007 May 13, 6:21am  

Those salaries and bonuses are not in line with Ivy / Ivy Plus according to any data I've heard of or seen.


Full time MBA grads certainly make good money, but no where near that much even averaging 3 years post graduation from the top-5 global schools. It takes a couple years to work up to anything near a $50K bonus, even in investment banking/strategy consulting.

I just interviewed a couple MBAs last week (Haas & Stanford). Both Beta Gamma Sigma honors. Neither is making that kind of money and both were applying to work for me for equity-only pre funding.

115   sfbubblebuyer   2007 May 13, 6:44am  

What is the deal with people buying apartments? Condos have never made any sense to me at all. Buy an apartment so I can have people living ontop/below/beside me all the time?

What's next? Buying hotel rooms and just eating out forever?

116   Brand165   2007 May 13, 7:30am  

What’s next? Buying hotel rooms and just eating out forever?

You can do that in Hawaii. You purchase the hotel room, and then they rent it out like a hotel when you're not there. I stayed in a studio for a week that had no kitchen.

Hey, it's better than those kids in Tokyo just renting out little cubicles in the cyber cafes!

117   Brand165   2007 May 13, 7:58am  

That got me thinking, probably some units available in the place I stayed at last year. Sure enough, the Aqua Aloha Surf down by Waikiki Beach has some units...


118   Randy H   2007 May 13, 8:01am  

I was wondering that too, Hermann. Things must have sure changed a lot from when I was a kid, lower middle class (and occasionally poorer), growing up in rural Ohio -- yet unable to get anywhere near enough scholarship money to even think about attending the prestigious East coast school which had accepted my application. All for the better. Big state school for undergrad then elite Ivy for grad gives one a real sixth sense for bs.

119   Randy H   2007 May 13, 8:08am  

And for anyone wondering, the weighted 3-year post degree top-MBA school salary data, as of 2007:

1. Wharton: $160K
2. Columbia: $149K
3. Harvard: $157K
4. Standford: $167K
5. London Business School: $136K
6. Univ Chicago: $139K
7. Insead: $140K
8. NYU Stern: $131K
9. Dartmouth Tuck: $145K
10. Yale: $135K

***Note: the top end salaries in this list are skewed by the large number of graduates who work in Manhattan. The median salaries are about 15% lower, across the board.

120   Serpentor   2007 May 13, 8:54am  

why do people think its really that important to buy a house right away after college? Having that huge mortgage payment really kills any kind of financial freedom and limits your choice in life. I would understand if he's married and has kids, but he's fresh out of college. Its a time to be independent and enjoy the single working life in the city, not live paycheck to paycheck just to have a house.

if you give your son $262k (35% $750k) of to invest conservativly in the stock market, the gains will be higher then the $12k a year in rental income.

121   Brand165   2007 May 13, 9:06am  

serpentor: Have you factored in the cost of renting? It would be Stock Gains - Rent vs. Mortgage Tax Refund + (Roommate Income - Tax on Profit) + Appreciation - Mortgage Payment.

Just making sure we're apples to apples.

It's silly to own a house right out of college, unless you know exactly where you want to live, who you will marry and what you will be doing for the next 5-10 years. And if you are a rookie college grad who is that sure, you have a 50% chance of being wrong just thanks to your inexperience.

If I understand the Bay Area rental market, the former side of the equation wins. Even if it was slightly negative, one cannot underestimate flexibility. If you suddenly decide to go back to school or take off a year and backpack across Europe, now your options are hugely limited. Young people should be willing to pay a premium for financial flexibility until they have major commitments.

122   Serpentor   2007 May 13, 9:06am  

Why not have him rent a a place for year and see if he really likes living in SF. Let him discover the city life of a young successful professional, pay off debt (if any), go on dates or go out with friends, enjoy restaurants, enjoy life! If the mother is so wealthy and so optimistic about the RE market, why don't the mother buy the house and have him rent it from you for a year. If he likes living in SF, then he can buy it for you for a good price later on.

123   skibum   2007 May 13, 9:52am  

He mentioned to me last year’s 1st year employees received $50-70,000 bonuses, and this year, the economy is doing better, so we shall see.

Sounds like everyone's picking on you, and sorry for piling on, but I do have a couple of other issues with your posts.

First, the economy is decidedly NOT doing better than last year. We are clearly in a slowdown. Even our usually obtusely upbeat former Fed chairman Greenspan has predicted a sizable risk of recession this year.

Second, coming onto a blog and using a posting name of "Wealthy Woman" is asking to get virtually pummeled. It comes off as crass. Truly wealthy most often do not wish to advertise their wealth. Of the truly wealthy I know, they are all about understatement, and often it would be difficult to pick them out in a crowd. It's usually the nouveau riche who like to make sure everyone around them realizes how rich they are. Your screen name is the blog equivalent of desperate bling-wearing: couture clothing with all the labels on the outside, Chanel bags with the double-C logo hugely displayed, gauche jewelry on every limb, etc.

124   Brent   2007 May 13, 9:54am  

Why buy a house straight out of college? Investment. It worked for me in '96, and past performance is as good an indicator of future results as any. I vividly remember my parents’ speeches about needing to get on the RE ladder ASAP. True words of wisdom.

Only thing is now I have a son, and at what point does he need to get on the ladder? Or do I just need to cough up 1/3 of his place in 20 years? What about his offspring? And theirs? All this priced out bullshit fear mongering mentality really makes me want to get medieval on people.

125   Randy H   2007 May 13, 10:00am  

Silly me. In the ancient past (1990) no one bought a house right out of college. Not even right out of grad school. Seldom even if they had daddy and mommy warbux. Kids without money had to actually earn some before they could qualify for a mortgage. Kids with money usually went to top schools and were working jobs where they traveled 100% of the time. Lots of my colleagues in Management Consulting, all of us right out of school, didn't even rent. They "lived at home" technically, but we all actually lived out of a suitcase in hotels.

I just ran $65K through the deflator and it's only about 15% more than what I made out of undergrad in 1990 without an MBA. Factor in the above-normal inflation in housing, and $65K buys less. Compared to 1996 when we bought in CA, had about 4x that adjusted salary (dual income), and purchased half the cost adjusted house, we had difficulty qualifying with perfect credit and 20% down. Of course, back then they wanted you to have under 25% AGI to PITI. What a crazy notion. Glad they dropped that "afford it" part of the equation.

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