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I'm not worried about irrelevance. When this blog is irrelevant, I'll be
pretty happy.
But a food blog or book club would be great too.
Interesting trip down memory lane. I wonder if when Patrick wrote this, he had any inclining that 6 years later his "housing blog" would in become a haven for 9/11 conspiracy theories, permabears who still think a massive price drops are just around the corner, and people fabricating and then furiously deleting posts in a never-ending troll war.
It's not the site that's irrelevant, it's all of us that comment. lol
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Patrick.net's housing bubble blog today faced perhaps the greatest threat in its 2+ year existence when a newcomer named "Busted" posted the following:
Threadmaster and regular contributor, HARM, responded quickly, posting this thread in a last-ditch effort to stave off impending "irrelevance." At a hastily convened press conference, HARM declared:
"The last thing any of us here wants is to become the blog equivalent of Jimmy Carter, Yassir Arafat, or --God forbid-- the U.N. I have decided to take immediate and unilateral action, and I hope others will support me in the Coalition to Defeat Irrelevance. Thank you and God Bless!"